The PEREIRA / AGUILAR / FONSECA CONNECTION (Hebron Sabbateans, Part 4)

Hold onto your hats…. This is a great post for ‘real Jewish history’ aficionados.

The story begins when I was trying to track down a bit more about R ELIYAHU MANI, of Baghdad, then Hevron (with some places in between).

There is a lot of strangely conflicting information, about when he was meant to have been the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Hebron, and who came before him. And after him.


So, I was looking through more of his descendants, to try and get a ‘feel’ for where the truth may lie, when I noticed that his son, the ‘Chacham Bashi’ SULEIMAN MANI married a woman called REINA PEREIRA.

Reina’s father is R MOSHE FEREIRA (= PEREIRA) of HEVRON, who was meant to be the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Hevron before ELIYAHU MANI took over.

Or something like that.

Except, the guy’s been mostly scrubbed out of the history books, and what remains are just faint traces of something interesting.


You’ll recall from the first post in this series about Sabbateans in Hevron that AVRAHAM PEREIRA, the wealthy patron of MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL in Amsterdam:

a) built a yeshiva in Hevron called CHESSED L’AVRAHAM.

And b) was a massive Sabbatean himself, and had notorious Sabbateans like MEIR HIYYA ROFE running his yeshiva in Hevron.

You’ll also recall that AVRAHAM PEREIRA was a converso, had a ton of cash, and was rubbing shoulders with royalty and nobles all over the place.


After he died, his son YAAKOV PEREIRA took over funding the Sabbatean yeshiva in Hevron, and renamed it CHESSED L’AVRAHAM V’EMET L’YAAKOV.

It seemed like a no-brainer that this ‘MOSHE FERREIRA’, scrubbed Chief Rabbi of Hevron, was a descendant of this family of wealthy converso Sabbateans from Amsterdam.

So, I started checking around, to see if the facts fit the theory.


When I started tracing back REINA FERREIRA on Geni, I learnt some interesting things straight out the gate.

Like for example, her sister PERL married a very Ashkenazi man from Hungary named SHMUEL KORNFELD.

And their son, ABRAHAM KORNFELD, happened to marry MIREL, the sister of that same R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER who was trying his hardest to buy land in Eretz Yisrael, to start up agricultural colonies – a full 50 years before anyone had even heard of Herzl.


We will come back to R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER again, but as usual, I am just pointing out that when it comes to Eretz Yisrael, it’s always the same people.

And they are all tightly related to each other, however it may look from a distance.

(BTW, the Schlesingers are great-grandchildren of R AKIVA EGER – who has more Frankists in his family tree than most of us. At some point, we will deep-dive on him, too.)


Tov, back in Hevron, as I’m chasing REINA FERREIRA’s family tree back down the centuries, it looks ilke this:


Strange, that such a prominent family should have such big gaps in its family tree….


I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice to say I spent 4 hours today trying to fill those gaps in – and I hit ‘Sabbatean-Frankist-Freemason’ gold, in the process.

First, I went back to a different family tree for ABRAHAM ISRAEL PEREIRA, the Sabbatean funder of MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL in Amsterdam, and CHESSED L’AVRAHAM yeshiva in Hevron, and filled in more gaps.

Here’s some of what I learnt.


His son YAAKOV ISRAEL PEREIRA (who continued to fund the yeshiva in Hevron) was apparently married to one REBECCA DE PAIVA.

If you cast your mind back four years to when we were discussing the crypto-Jew from Wales, ELIHU YALE, for whom Yale University is named, the name of his converso mistress was HIERONIMA DE PAIVA, widow of the converso diamond dealer and Paradesi Jew, JACQUES DE PAIVA.

You can read more about Eliahu Yale, Golconda diamonds and the East Indies Company HERE – but REBECCA DE PAIVA is close family.


This is a snippet from HERE, about JAIME DE PAIVA’s last voyage, and last will and testament:

Jacques notes in his will that his cousin Moses (Pereira de Paiva) should marry Mariana Gonzales. According to E.R. Samuel (see above) the mother of Moses was Ribca de Paiva, this is possibly Ribca de Paiva (b. 1631 in Seville) who in 1651 married Jacob Pereira (b. 1629 in Madrid).


YAAKOV PEREIRA and REBECCA DE PAIVA’s kids are interesting.

One of them is called SALOMON PEREIRA – and he causes a massive scandal in Amsterdam high society when he carries on a public affair with a non-Jewish noblewoman called SOPHIA VAN NOORTWIJCK, (1675-1710).


Van Noortwijck (and also her mother….) are prosecuted by the State…. But not before she bears SALOMON PEREIRA a son out of wedlock.

Read more about that HERE (translate from the Dutch):


On 1 July 1700, Sophia van der Maa and her daughter were taken to the prison gate and each imprisoned in their own cell. Sophia van der Maa was accused of inciting her daughter to illicit behavior, but she refused to confess. 

Her daughter, on the other hand, immediately confessed everything that was charged to her, although she firmly denied that her mother had played any role in this. In the end, the court ruled that Sophia Van noortwijck’s actions were the result of her youthful age and the insistence of other persons. 

She was fined ten thousand guilders because of the legal costs incurred – which, incidentally, amounted to 5246 guilders for mother and daughter together – and was allowed to serve her detention at home. Sophia van der Maa was sentenced on 7 October to life imprisonment and a fine of 68,000 guilders for inciting her daughter to an affair with a married Jewish man.


And this snippet from HERE tells us more what happened to SALOMON PEREIRA:

Salomon Pereira showered Sofia Van Noortwijck and her mother with gifts.

However, he played too much fair weather with his father’s fortune, and in early 1700 he had to flee from his creditors.

Father Pereira [i.e. YAAKOV PEREIRA – funder of the Hevron yeshiva] asked and received permission from the Court of Holland to lock Salomon in a reformatory. He was eventually arrested and imprisoned in Delft.

Sofia visited him regularly and also kept sending him letters. Meanwhile, following father Pereira’s request, the court delved into the case and into what it called the’vexatious life ‘of Salomon Pereira, Sofia van noortwijck and the widow of Noortwijck.


So we learn from this that the person who had SALOMON PEREIRA locked away and investigated was….. his own father.



Meanwhile, SOLOMON’s brother is called MOSES ISRAEL PEREIRA (1651-1702).

He is the cousin of JACQUES DE PAIVA, mentioned above (as is the infamous adulterer, Solomon Pereira of Amsterdam).

Moses son marries MIRJAM MACHADO, and she links us straight up with a bunch of the most prominent Frankist-Reformer bankers in Berlin and Vienna.


Henriette Arnstein is the grand-daughter of DAVID ITZIG, the mint master of Berlin who lived in this palace:

To say her family tree is absolutely, totally, heaving with Frankist-Reform-Masons is still a massive understatement.


Both ITZIG and BERNHARD ESKELES – another one of ITZIG’s sons-in-law – are ardent Bros of the ASIATIC BRETHREN, amongst many other masonic endeavors.

If that was all that was hiding out in this family tree – dayenu!

But we’re still just getting started, and the best is yet to come.


Once I realised the PEREIRA family tree is literally converso-Sabbatean royalty, I spent a couple more hours seeing who else is hanging out there.


The tree has been messed-around with, so while it says he married his niece – and these people did stuff like that all the time – I think he probably married someone else they are trying to scrub out of history.

Either way, his son is JOSEPH HAIM ISRAEL PEREIRA, who marries DEBORAH FONSECA.

And his children marry into the TOURO family – who two generations later spawn the famous American (masonic….) philanthropist JUDAH TOURO.

JUDAH TOURO leaves a fortune behind him, and appoints (fellow mason and Rothschild B-I-L) MOSes MONTEFIORE, to go and spend the money buying up land and building stuff in Eretz Yisrael.


But NOT just for Jews….

Here’s another snippet about JUDAH TOURO, from Wiki:

He was a major contributor to many Christian charities in New Orleans, as well as to such varied causes as the American Revolutionary War monument at Bunker Hill, and the relief of victims of a large fire in Mobile, Alabama.

In a New Orleans fund-raising drive for Christians suffering persecution in Jerusalem, he gave ten times more than any other donor.

It’s these small details that really underline who we are dealing with, here.


Meanwhile, DEBORAH FONSECA’s niece, DONA SIMHA de FONSECA, also marries a very interesting person, namely:


I am going to quote a fairly lengthy description of him from HERE, so you start to get a feel for:

a) how much money and influence these people had

b) how ‘xtian’ they actually still were, even though they were parachuted back into the Jewish community, where they effectively used their wealth and connections to take it over.



Baron Diego Lópes (Moses) Pereira d’Aguilar, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire (cr 1726), banker, financier and confidant of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria.

[Ed. Note: she is the mother of Marie Antoinette of France, and Emperor Josef II of Austria, who was a massive ‘mason’ and satanic-secret-society adept. You can read more about all this HERE.)


Snippet continues:


“Diego Lópes (Moses) Pereira d’Aguilar, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire, was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1699….

He was a Marrano financier, born in Porto, Portugal, where his father held the tobacco monopoly. He himself farmed the tobacco revenue in Portugal before establishing branches of his banking house in London and Amsterdam.


“After the War of the Spanish Succession, in 1722 Diego Lopes Pereira followed Charles VI to London, where he established a firm in the City called Pereira and Lima.

It was one of the Jewish firms which imported gold from Portugal (other Jewish merchants who did so included Francis Salvador and Moses Mendes da Costa).

The firm continued to prosper when in 1736 he went to Vienna, to make proposals to the then Empress to farm the tobacco and snuff duties, in which he was very successful, so much so that the Empress appointed him her cashier.


“Immediately on his arrival, he reverted to Judaism (ie probably he was circumcised; he probably practised Judaism privately already), adopting the name of Moses and championing other Jews whenever persecution threatened.

To this day they hold an annual service in his honour in the Sephardi synagogue in Vienna.”


Snippet continues:

Baron D’Aguilar (1726)

“In 1726 the Emperor created him Baron D’Aguilar.

Empress Maria Theresa

“Maria Theresa made him a Privy Councillor, and he was responsible for building the imperial palace at Schönbrunn.

“Ultimately, the Spanish government requested the extradition of ‘this wealthy renegade’ for trial by the Holy Office. In order to avoid being returned to Portugal to face the Inquisition, in 1757 he moved, with his fourteen children, together with his retinue of servants and slaves, to London, where he was active in the Sephardi community.


The notes give us more details, about who this MOSHE PEREIRA, BARON D’AGUILAR, really was, quoting a Jewish Families Claim Legacy dispute, from August 29, 1931, that happened in Vienna:

A story about a claim by a number of Jewish families in Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, and other countries, to a vast fortune estimated at about 42 million pounds, said to have been left by the Jewish banker, Baron Moses d’Aquilar, or d’Aguilar, who fled from Spain, where he had been a Bishop in the Catholic church, while secretly practising Judaism, and went to London, where he died in 1759, is the sensation of the day here.


The account continues:

The d’Aquelar family is stated to have owned enormous estates in Spain.

At the time of the Inquisition, they outwardly adopted Christianity, but continued secretly true to the Jewish faith. The Baron in question became a priest and after-wards a Bishop.

The Empress Maria Theresa, who had interests in Spain, entrusted her diplomatic missions to him, but when it was discovered in Spain that he was acting for Austrian interests, he had to fly. He went to Vienna, where he obtained admission to the Royal Court, and in Vienna he again became a Jew.

He lent the Empress 300,000 Taler, and applied the rest of the huge fortune he brought from Spain to speculation and it grew enormously. He then settled in London.

The brother had his wine distillery in Kosteletz, on the estate of Count Sternberg. His grave has been located in Wamberg, in Bohemia. The Spanish Synagogue in the Zirkus Strasse, in the Vienna Jewish quarter known as Leopoldstadt, has a memorial slab on the front of the building, with a gold inscription reading: Turkish-Israelite Community, founded in Vienna, in 1737-5497 by Moses Lopez Perera Diego d’Aquelar.


[Now I’m going back through this, I see I need to take a closer look at the ‘War of the Spanish Succession’, and Charles VI of Spain, who ends up in London….There is a lot there that could probably shed more light on what’s really going on in the world today.]


Who is MOSES PEREIRA’s anonymous brother, also said to have been ‘spectacularly wealthy’?

He’s called EPHRAIM in some accounts, he’s said to have changed his surname to WEINBERG in other accounts.

But one thing I’m sure of, is that this MOSES PEREIRA, spanish-catholic bishop, is directly related to ABRAHAM PEREIRA, enthusiastic Sabbatean and supporter of MANASSEH ben ISRAEL and Hevron.

The DOBRUSHKA family of Brunn – cousins of the false messiah ‘JACOB FRANK’ were also meant to have held the tobacco monopoly in Moravia under Maria Theresa at this time.

We are dealing with exactly the same family – just sometimes they have a sephardi name, sometimes they have a spanish-catholic name, and sometimes, they have an ‘ashkenazi’ name.

Let’s continue, we aren’t done yet.


In the first post, we already realised that ABRAHAM PEREIRA’s brother was also a ‘big deal’ in the spanish-catholic world – including being a Knight of the secret society of the ALCANTARAs.


That brother – SALVADOR VAEZ MARTINEZ – had a grandson called MOSES MARTINS (born in London in 1671) – who married into the NUNES HENRIQUES family.

One of his nephews was called ISAAC TEIXARA D’ANDRADE.

We’ll get to him in a minute.

Meanwhile, MOSES MARTINS’ niece by marriage was one RACHEL FRANCO…. Who married one YEHUDA LEIB ESKELES FUERTH….

And their son was the false messiah, ‘JACOB FRANK’.

It’s a small world.


OK, so now, who did this ISAAC TEIXARA D’ANDRADE (1705-1730) marry, and why should you care about it?

Read on.

Isaac marries a woman called RACHEL ISRAEL SUASSO, in the Hague.

When I go to look up her family, that’s when all the bells and whistles start tootling, because I am finally pinning this down in the real world.


First things first.

If you go HERE, you’ll open a PDF of the AGUILAR-PEREIRA family tree.

BARON D’AGUILAR, MOSHE PEREIRA (erstwhile catholic bishop and purveyor of fine tobacco) is the grandson of ‘CATARINA MARTINS / ALVERES’.

But there is somone important missing off this PEREIRA / AGUILAR family tree.

Another grandson of CATARINA MARTINS / ALVARES by the name of:


This guy:


To cut a very long short – this is the guy who gave William III of Orange 1.5 million guilders to go and ‘invade’ England, back in 1688.

Snippet from HERE:

“Like his father Antonio, Francesco Lopes Suasso was also a moneylender to the King of Spain.

He regularly supported King Charles II of Spain financially in his fight against the French king. He also lent money to Stadtholder William III, among other things to finance the Nine Years’ War (1688-1697) and gave financial assistance to William III when he wanted to claim the English crown from his father-in-law.

Francesco supported William III’s passage to England with an amount of one and a half million guilders (about 17 million euros today).”


William III was grateful to his Jewish donors. Constantijn Huygens enviously remarked in his journal that the Jewish financiers were very prominent in the first support boat when the stadtholder of the Republic crossed to England.

Stadtholder William III’s important financiers were Portuguese Jews who had good contacts with the court and the government bodies, such as Antonio Lopes Suasso and his son Francesco.

Salomon de Medina and Jacob Pereira from The Hague also gave a lot of money to the stadholder for his ‘Glorious Revolution’.


The link for JACOB PEREIRA is misdirected to a different page.

They tried very hard to scrub him out of this story.

But, this ‘JACOB PEREIRA’ seems to be one and the same as the YAAKOV PEREIRA above, who funded the Hevron (Sabbatean….) yeshiva, and arranged for his own son to be locked up for having an affair with SOFIA NOORTWIJCK.


One more strange snippet, and then I’ll tell you one more interesting detail about all this, before we close for today:

In 1685 Francesco [SUASSO] bought a house on the Juffrouw Idastraat. Seven years later, the family moved to Korte Voorhout 11.

Here the rich Francesco had bought the large house for ƒ27000, – where originally Maarten Tromp lived.


Hey look!

Maarten Harpertsz. Tromp (1597-1633) .*oil on canvas .*127 x 101.6 cm .*probably early 19th century

There’s another historical Tromp / TRUMP link up with the people who are pulling the strings here, behind the scenes.

Here’s his picture (left), and this is a snippet from his Wiki page, HERE:

“In 1610, after his father’s discharge because of a navy reorganization, the Tromps were on their way to Guinea on their merchantman when they were attacked by a squadron of seven ships under command of the English pirate Peter Easton.

During the fight, Tromp’s father was slain by a cannonball, where after the battle his body was thrown overboard by the boarding party.

According to legend, the 12-year-old boy rallied the crew of the ship with the cry “Won’t you avenge my father’s death?” The pirates seized him and sold him on the slave market of Salé where he ended up serving as a cabin boy. Two years later, Easton was moved by pity and ordered his redemption.

Set free, Tromp supported his mother and three sisters by working in a Rotterdam shipyard. He went to sea again at 19, briefly working for the navy, but he was captured again in 1621 after having rejoined the merchant fleet, this time by Barbary corsairs off Tunis.

He was kept as a slave until the age of 24 and by then had so impressed the Bey of Tunis and the corsair John Ward with his skills in gunnery and navigation that the latter offered him a position in his fleet. When Tromp refused, the Bey was even more impressed by this show of character and allowed him to leave as a free man in 1622.”


Strangely, this story is also dinging off the ‘BS’ bell loudly….

Perhaps more on ‘MAARTEN TROMP’ another time.


OK, we have one more item to address:


Her sister, SARAH SIMCHA marries the second BARON D’AGUILAR – son of MOSES PEREIRA D’AGUILAR, who runs away to London apparently to avoid being extradited and burnt at the state in an auto da fe.

And RACHEL and SARAH SIMCHA’s father is MOSES (ANTHONY) MENDES DE COSTA (1668-1747) – who sets up the Bank of England.


Snippet from HERE:

Moses was a very successful banker and owned substantial shares in the Bank of England, though he was never on the board.

In 1727 he took an action against the Muscovy Company, a trading company, that had refused to admit him as a member on the grounds of his Jewish background. Although the Attorney-General decided that he should be admitted, the Company petitioned parliament to change the law so that they could refuse membership to Jews.

Mozes was Governor of the Bank of England (in fact he wasn’t)


Let’s just recall that snippet we saw above, about ‘BARON D’AGUILAR’:

After the War of the Spanish Succession, in 1722 Diego Lopes Pereira followed Charles VI to London, where he established a firm in the City called Pereira and Lima.

It was one of the Jewish firms which imported gold from Portugal (other Jewish merchants who did so included Francis Salvador and Moses Mendes da Costa).


This ‘I own the Bank of England’ guy is this same MOSES MENDES DA COSTA who was importing gold to the UK from Portugal.

All the people that like to talk about ‘conspiracy theories’ hate the suggestion that catholic-former-Jews financed the take over of the UK, via their front men MANASSEH ben ISRAEL and OLIVER CROMWELL, and then via all the conversos in Amsterdam who paid for William of Orange to ‘invade’ – while their family members got to set up ‘the Bank of England’….

But that is just what we’ve discovered in this post, in real time.


In the past, I would stop here.

But, I am 100% sure at this point, that all these ‘catholic-Jews’ were actually just agents of the Jesuits.

ANTONIO SUASSO didn’t just get 1.5 million guildens to ‘give away’ to William of Orange to invade England all by himself.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to start researching the Jesuit angle more to see what shakes out.

But in the meantime, we learnt a lot in this post.

Didn’t we?

1 reply
  1. Simcha Gluck
    Simcha Gluck says:

    Yes we certainly did!!
    Thanks for taking us on the journey with you and sharing your intricate family tree knowledge with us. While I can’t maintain it all in my head – I learn a tremendous amount from this and find it all fascinating!

    I do love the mud flooded palace picture that belonged to David Itzig:)


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