The one crazy, Trump – more comments from the Rav

Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)


“Gilgalai neshamot” (the wheel of the reincarnation of souls) – now, we are going to learn about the sons of Tzruyah.

Tzruyah – all of her children flew in the air. Here is the Midrash ‘Shochar Tov’ [on the] Tehillim1. So, Yoav used to fly in the air – all of them!

How did they conquer Bet El? How did they conquer Rabat Amon? Now in Damascus, Damascus needs to be conquered, Putin agrees. We will speak with Putin. You will persuade him, so that he’ll agree to conquer Damascus. It’s possible to persuade him, conquer Damascus and then there are no problems.

It’s here, [the border] 20 km from Damascus, so it’s possible to conquer Damascus.


The month of Tevet is a month of tovot (good things).

It’s written in the Sefer Karnaim2, that Tevet is the greatest of all the months.

“Ee-ti – Ee-ti mi’Levanon tavoy-ee, ee-ti mi’Levanon kallah.”3

Ee – ti (אתי) is Tevet (טבת) – (it’s the same gematria of) 411. ‘Tevet’ is 411. So [Tevet] is the secret of ‘ha-tova’ (the good). All the tovot. So, the tzur (rock) is called ‘Tevet’,

Ee-ti (with Me) – at the time that Hashem says ‘there is a place ee-ti’. [The meaning is] This is called ‘haTzur’ (the Rock, e.g. Hashem). There, the 13 Attributes of Mercy were revealed [to Moshe Rabbenu], which was all the rachamim (mercy) that was in the whole world! All the rachamim.


In the desert, there were no niddot (women in a state of ritual impurity) at all.

It’s written in the Midrash Tanchuma Shmot, that in the desert there were no niddot. And it’s also written in the Tanna d’vey Eliyahu, that the Tribe of Asher didn’t have any niddot.4


[The Rav then speaks of how the Brothers put Asher into cherem, because his daughter Serach bat Asher is the one who revealed to Yaakov Avinu that od Yosef chai – that his son Yosef HaTzaddik was still alive, and a king in Egypt. The Brothers had an agreement that no-one could tell Yaakov the truth of what had happened to Yosef, as they were afraid that in his anger Yaakov would curse the Brothers, even just for a split second, and then they would immediately die and the world would be destroyed, for the whole world was only created for the sake of Am Yisrael. The Brothers didn’t realise that Serach bat Asher knew Yosef was still alive via prophecy, and not because her father Asher had told her.]


Asher was in cherem (excommunicated).

It’s forbidden, we don’t reveal secrets, there is no such thing as this, to reveal secrets.

Because if they will be revealed, everyone will die at that exact moment. Here, here is the Pesikta. Yosef knew that if his father would know the real story, everyone would die, the world would be destroyed.

The world stands in the merit of Am Yisrael.


Here, now Biden is dancing over the three [who were just killed in a terror attack in the Shomron].

Three were killed, one was aged 70, one was 63, and another was seriously injured. So Biden he sent them [i.e. The terrorists] the weapons. Who sent the weapons? How come Hezbollah have weapons? That the terrorists have guns?!

All of this is from Biden.

He has another 10 days to officiate as the head of the government, and wants to at least destroy Am Yisrael in these 10 days. He’s already had enough, because 7 billion people say that we need to destroy Am Yisrael! – 7 billion people.


Because there is this one crazy, Trump.

He is from the eytanim (‘strong ones), I remember. 350 [electoral colleges] voted for him, and 175 voted for Harris. He got twice as many. But everyone was from the ‘strong ones’. Biden chided them, he published instructions.5

Whoever voted for Trump, Trump said that the Jews were correct.

What, that the Jews were ‘right’?! When have the Jews ever been ‘right’?! The Jews are never right! There are 7 billion people in the world, all of them say that the Jews aren’t correct.

One crazy person comes, Trump, who says No, the Jews are the Chosen People, it’s the Holy Nation, all of them are kodesh kodeshim (holy of holies).


His daughter suddenly became a Jewess.

She went totally mad. (She was also from the ‘strong ones’, I’m sure). What happened, that all of a sudden you converted?! [Her husband is] Kushner. He put Kushner in France. France is antisemitic. France is even more antisemitic than Russia.

The French are true na-is. So now, exactly, he sent them Kushner. It’s driving them crazy, there, after the French already didn’t let Israel join in any conference, or any council. In France, it’s illegal for the Israeli representatives to [participate] in any council. Not with the football, not with…

‘You are murderers, you are a nation of killers, you are doing a massacre, maybe you are also going to massacre us?!’


Now, three Jews were murdered – so what?!

Are [the Jews] to blame for that?

They say ‘yes. [The Jews] are to blame, [for when Jews get murdered].’


So, what is written in the Pesikta?

That Yosef didn’t meet his father for 17 years.

[The Rav turns to his son] We see each other, Baruch Hashem, almost every day!

But Yosef, for 17 years they didn’t meet. Because his father would ask him what happened? His father [Yaakov Avinu] thought that Nasrallah kidnapped him.


They still didn’t do a funeral for Nasrallah.

Maybe Putin will come to his funeral. They are waiting 60 days, after the cease fire. Now, Amos Hochstein came, he came to extend the cease fire for another 60 days, because the Lebanese Army is still not controlling South Lebanon, and in the meantime, Hezbollah rules.

The whole of South Lebanon, it’s under the control of Hezbollah, they are firing at Metulla, they are firing at Rosh Pinna, they are firing at Shlomi, they are firing on Hanita – they are firing.

They are 5 km [away], they are even situated at a higher elevation [than the Jewish towns]. Lebanon is higher than our mountains. By us, the mountains get to 1000 meters elevation, there is gets to 2000 meters. So they can fire on us easily.


Now, [the Houthis] fired a rocket at Hadera.

They wanted to hit the electricity grid there, in the power station. They wanted to hit it.

The rocket was 100 km up, and it does 5 [km] a second, so this is 20 seconds [to reach a height of 100 km].

And then this [the shards of the rocket] were exploded across the whole country. Each rocket is 30 metres tall, it broke into four parts, so each part is 10 metres, this is a few ton.

If it would fall on a house [it would crush it, but] it didn’t fall on any house.

This is miraculous, it fell in the yards of houses, and like that, but not on the houses. If it would have fallen on a house, the whole house would have been destroyed – with the mamad (security room), with everything.

It’s impossible to describe the miracles [that are happening in Israel] every second.

Translated from Shivivei Or 393.



1Midrash Tehillim, Mizmor 18.

2Sefer Karnaim, ma’amar 6.

3I can’t seem to trace the Hebrew original of this verse – if someone else can, please let me know. In the meantime, what I did find was this book written about the First Lebanon War by Gen. Yoram Yair, in 1990, called ‘Ee-ti M’Lebanaon’:אתי_מלבנון

4Tanna d’vey Eliyahu, רבה verse 9.

5It’s not clear what the Rav is alluding to here.



This is the Wiki page for Yoram Yair – it makes very interesting reading:יורם_יאיר

What makes even more interesting reading is the page for the ‘HaNoar Ha’oved V’Lomed’ movement he belonged, or belongs to.

Here’s the Wiki page for that:הנוער_העובד_והלומד

Here’s it’s mission statement, from 2015 (machine translated):

The historical role of the Working Youth Organization is the establishment and development of a Jewish-democratic state, whose firm core is an Israeli community of communities made up by choice of Arabs, Jews, Druze, Circassians and other audiences regardless of religion, race or gender and sexual preference.

A community of communities that strives to realize the purpose of a society in the spirit of Chabuta, whose values are equal to human values, socialism, feminism, sharing, justice, Herzliyan Zionism, democracy, defense, labor and peace.

A community that seeks to establish an exemplary human society whose roots are rooted in the eternal values of the prophets ‘ heritage, and in the best values of the Book of Books. 


Because I’m a confirmed conspiracy theorist, this sounds very secret-society-masonic to me, and also very ‘one new man’ / universal religion-ist (and that religion is based on ‘humanism’, not God’s Torah).

But don’t worry, these are only the people running the army and the country and its institutions for decades already.

So, nothing to see here.

2 replies
  1. יוסף
    יוסף says:

    sorry about the other comments. sorry for my english.
    thank you for interpreting this.
    shir hashirim perek daled
    ח אִתִּי מִלְּבָנוֹן כַּלָּה, אִתִּי מִלְּבָנוֹן תָּבוֹאִי; תָּשׁוּרִי מֵרֹאשׁ אֲמָנָה, מֵרֹאשׁ שְׂנִיר וְחֶרְמוֹן, מִמְּעֹנוֹת אֲרָיוֹת, מֵהַרְרֵי נְמֵרִים.
    8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; look from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards.


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