The Jewish Problem Part 2: France’s state religion of atheism
Freemasons and Bordeaux Marranos – the beginnings of secular ‘emancipation’.
OK, welcome back to the second part of the series on THE JEWISH PROBLEM.
In the first part, we set out how the nations of the world have always seen their Jewish populations as a ‘problem’, or a ‘threat’, that needed resolving or neutralising.
And the three options open to do that were:
Up until the end of the 18th century, ‘assimilation’ basically was equivalent to ‘conversion’. Either to xtianity, or to Islam.
There were no secular people, tachlis, until the masons began their assault against the Torah and organised religion in earnest, beginning in the mid-to-late 1700s.
But all that really changed when the FRENCH REVOLUTION exploded, in 1789.
If you are like most people, you probably have no idea what the French Revolution really was, what it was trying to accomplish, who was running it – or it’s impact on Torah-based religion generally, and the Jews, specifically.
So in this post, we’re going to start filling in more of those gaps.
Let’s begin.
The first place to start, for an overview, is Wikipedia, HERE, the page entitled ‘Freemasonry in France’.
Here’s a few brief snippets, to give the flavor:
In the 18th century Paris and Lyon were the two major centers of the French Freemasonry. Each of them hosted more than 20 lodges.
Until the mid 20th century, the history of Freemasonry was excluded from classic-style history syllabi in universities.
What we learn from this is that FREEMASONRY was all over France in the lead up to the French revolution – but ‘official academia’ decided to totally scrub any info about masonry out of the history books.
Here’s another historical snippet:
According to a tradition dating to 1777, the first Masonic lodge in France was founded in 1688 by the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot Guards, (later known as the Regiment of Walsh of the famed Irish Brigade of France) which followed James II of England into exile, under the name “La Parfaite Égalité” of Saint-Germain-en-Laye….
The first lodge whose existence is historically certain was founded by some Englishmen in Paris “around the year 1725”.
There is a big link up between the catholic monarch of England and Scotland, James II, who was deposed and exiled to France, and the masons.
To cut a long story short, French masonry was initially run by expat English masons, still connected to the apron strings of the ‘Grand Lodge of London’. In 1738, the ‘Grand Lodge of London’ became the ‘Grand Lodge of England’ – and at that point, French masonry started to take on its own ‘national’ flavor.
(But still based on occult satanic-esoteric rites and beliefs….)
Beginning in 1737, the activity of the French masons started to attract public and royal attention.
Masons were arrested. Masons were investigated. Masons were even sentenced to prison.
The year 1738 also saw the condemnation of Freemasonry in the papal bull In eminenti apostolatus of Pope Clement XII…..French Freemasonry was mainly Catholic in composition, including several priests, and remained so until the French Revolution.
Now, we’re up to the latter half of the 18th century, approaching the French Revolution in 1789.
Where we learn this:
In 1771, Louis Philippe d’Orléans (1747-1793) succeeded the comte de Clermont as grandmaster.
Under his authority and with the support of the provincial lodges for action against the hegemony of the lodges in Paris, the Grande Loge de France was re-organised and in 1773 changed its name to the Grand Orient de France, which accounted for 600 lodges.
There’s a lot more relevant detail on that Wiki page, but this is the bottom line, for our purposes today:
Free Masonry was HUGE in pre-revolutionary France, and many, many writers trace a straight line between (satanic, anti-God) masonry, and the French Revolution.
Now, let’s bottom-out a few of these links, in real time.
All these people were leading masons, and leading revolutionaries:
Louis Phillipe Duc d’Orleans – Grand Master of French masonry, instigator of the French Revolution – and a close friend of the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London, Samuel Chaim FALK, who is said to give the Duc D’Orleans a magic ring.
Mirabeau – big friend of Benjamin Franklin, and also a leader of the French Revolution.
Choderlos de Laclos – author of ‘Dangerous Liasons’, French Brigadier-General and diplomat for the Duc D’Orleans
Rouget de l’Isle – who wrote the French national anthem, “La Marseillaise“.
Lafayette – Led the Siege of Yorktown under his fellow-mason George Washington. Plus, he helped to write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen with a bit of help from fellow-mason Thomas Jefferson.
Napoleon Bonaparte also makes his brother, JOSEPH BONAPARTE, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France in 1804.
Wiki wants to say that Napoleon Bonaparte himself wasn’t a mason, but this isn’t true.
Over on the Freemasonrywatch site, the authors tell us this:
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was initiated into Army Philadelphe Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon’s Grand Councel of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France.
Remember Philippe Duc D’Orleans, mentioned above, the masonic ‘Grand Master’ of France?
Here’s some more information about his role in the French Revolution:
Secret society researcher and author Nesta H. Webster was even more pointed, writing in 1924, “[The Masonic book A Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry] contains the following passage, ‘The Masons… originated the Revolution with the infamous Duke of Orleans at their head.'”….
[T]he Duke of Orleans, grand master of the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasons… reportedly bought all the grain in 1789 and either sold it abroad or hid it away, thus creating near starvation among commoners.
(If you got to Nesta Webster’s Wiki page HERE, you’ll find she was associated with British fascists and the Grand Lodge of England, and liked to blame everything on the jooooos – even while writing about the masons. It seems there was a ‘war’ going on between ‘Continental Freemasonry’ and ‘Grand Lodge of England’ masonry. So as always, we take everything with a pinch of salt, because it’s impossible for us to bottom out ‘the truth’ as much as we would like.)
Nevertheless, Webster suggests that the French peasants weren’t starving stam.
And that the ‘starvation’ – the economic collapse that preceded the French Revolution – was carefully planned by the Freemasons.
I tend to believe this, simply because:
They have pulled the same trick with organising ‘economic collapses’ many times since then – and we’re currently in the middle of their latest attempt to collapse the world’s social order entirely and take over, via what can only be called ‘economic warfare’.
Nesta Webster also stated that the infamous ‘Storming of the Bastille’ was staged and paid for by the masonic revolutionaries.
They imported some hired thugs from the South, and paid them to ‘storm the Bastille’.
Think what happened in the aftermath of George Floyd, and the ‘Black Lives Matter’ riots.
Think what we’ve seen with all the ‘climate anarchists’.
Think how we see this same modus operandi being played out again and again and again – including here in Israel.
And the point is – the masons, or to be more precise, the ‘Illuminised Masonry’, were acting from a place of religious principle.
That site quotes what one of the leading French revolutionaries, Honre-Gabriel Riquetti, the Comte de Mirabeau, wrote in his personal papers.
He calls for all order and laws to be overthrown, and to:
“leave the people in anarchy.”
He said the public must be promised “power to the people” and lower taxes but never given real power “for the people as legislators are very dangerous as they only establish laws which coincide with their passions.”
He said the clergy should be destroyed by “ridiculing religion.”
This is exactly what happened.
And it’s still happening today.
BTW, we will get to more of the Jewish side of things in the next part of this series, but check out this post, for some of the connections between Mirabeau and the ‘enlightened’ Freemason-Frankists of Mendelssohn’s Berlin:
Meanwhile, the masonic revolution quickly descended into the bloodbath that was called ‘the Reign of Terror’.
Hundreds of thousands of people were sent to the guillotine – including Queen Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVII.
‘Official history’ pretends that the chaos just kind of happened by itself. I tend to disagree.
The British fascist Nesta Webster writes:
“Behind the Conventions, behind the clubs, behind the Revolutionary Tribunal, there existed… that most secret convention which directed everything… an occult and terrible power of which the other Convention became the slave and which was composed of the prime initiates of Illuminanism.”
If you to go THIS page on the Freemasonry Watch site, you’ll find a detailed essay about how the French Revolution was planned and unfurled, written in 1939 by a catholic cleric, Rev. Reginald F. Walker
He says this:
The Revolution may be said to have begun with the establishment of the National or Constituent Assembly (17th June, 1789). This government was succeeded by the Legislative Assembly (October, 1791), which in turn gave place to the National Convention (1792-1795). After the National Convention came the Directory and Napoleon Bonaparte who brought the French Revolution to a close (1815).
.... Laws were passed [in every stage] which struck first at the Catholic priesthood and the religious life (the first victims of every satanic attack on the Church), private ownership and family life; the Christian calendar with its festivals, old and new, was abolished; churches and shrines were horribly profaned.
Lastly, a veritable campaign of extermination was entered upon against both clergy and faithful, thousansd of whom perished together in the September Massacres of 1792 and the Reign of Terror (1793), or passed from life entombed in dungeons of death.
In our superficial world, we speed-read everything, if at all, and so miss the crucial information that is hidden in plain view.
At the time of the French Revolution, satanic freemasonry became the official ‘religion’ of Napoleon’s France.
Let’s see what that actually meant, in practise, for the rest of this post. And then in the next post, we’ll see what that actually meant for the Jewish communities, that were part of Napoleon’s Empire.
This snippet comes from the Wiki page on the CULT OF REASON:
The Cult of Reason (French: Culte de la Raison) was France’s first established state-sponsored atheistic religion, intended as a replacement for Roman Catholicism during the French Revolution.
After holding sway for barely a year, in 1794 it was officially replaced by the rival deistic Cult of the Supreme Being, promoted by Robespierre.
Wiki continues, about the CULT OF REASON, Revolutionary France’s official ‘state-sponsored atheistic religion’, like this:
The Cult encompassed various elements of anticlericalism, including subordination of priests to secular authority, wealth confiscation from the Church, and doctrinal heresies both petty and profound.
It was atheistic, but celebrated different core principles according to locale and leadership: most famous was Reason, but others were Liberty, Nature, and the victory of the Revolution.
One more snippet, on what this atheistic religious ‘cult’ was actually worshipping:
In the manner of conventional religion, it encouraged acts of congregational worship and devotional displays to the ideal of Reason.
A careful distinction was always drawn between the rational respect of Reason and the veneration of an idol:
“There is one thing that one must not tire telling people,” Momoro explained, “Liberty, reason, truth are only abstract beings. They are not gods, for properly speaking, they are part of ourselves.”
Or to put this another way, this was the worship of human ‘rationalism’, and of the human being itself.
It’s not hard to see the seamless segue into ‘SAINT SIMONISM’, which sets up ‘science’ as the deity to be worshipped, and ‘scientists’ as the saints and high priests.
Meanwhile, these hypocritical, bloodthirsty, satanic ‘atheists’ go around France killing anyone who opposes them, abolishing the seven day week, outlawing marriage – and turning churches into ‘Temples of the Cult of Reason’.
Here’s an illustration – the title tells you everything you need to know:
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg turned into a Temple of Reason, depicted in 1794.
(It looks like the middle figure is treading on the terribly mutilated body of someone up on the stage… sick.)
And here’s an account of what was going on in these Temples of idolatry, mamash, all in the name of ‘REASON’ (or as we’d probably term it today, ‘RATIONALISM’), where they even had a ‘feast day’ called the ‘CEREMONY of REASON’, held on November 10th.[3]
In ceremonies devised and organised by Chaumette, churches across France were transformed into modern Temples of Reason. The largest ceremony of all was at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.
The Christian altar was dismantled and an altar to Liberty was installed and the inscription “To Philosophy” was carved in stone over the cathedral’s doors.
Festive girls in white Roman dress and tricolor sashes milled around a costumed Goddess of Reason who “impersonated Liberty”. A flame burned on the altar which was symbolic of truth.
To avoid statuary and idolatry, the Goddess figures were portrayed by living women, and in Paris the role was played by Momoro’s wife, Sophie, who is said to have dressed “provocatively”…
In other words, they were licentious, lewd gatherings of satanic idol worship, mamash.
And this was the ‘official state religion’ of revolutionary France.
Here’s another contemporary image, of the ‘Festival of Reason’ being celebrated in the former church known as Notre Dame, in 1793:
Until 1794, when another satanic arch-hypocrite, Robespierre, announced he was setting up his own ‘deistic’ religion, called THE CULT OF THE SUPREME BEING.
Before we continue, let’s define what DEISM actually is, because you would be amazed how many of the leading figures in history over the last 250 years professed themselves ‘deists’.
HERE is a basic definition of DEISM:
Deism is the belief in the existence of God—often, but not necessarily, an impersonal and incomprehensible God who does not intervene in the universe after creating it, solely based on rational thought without any reliance on revealed religions or religious authority.
Deism emphasizes the concept of natural theology—that is, God’s existence is revealed through nature.
Again, it’s so easy to see how this morphs into SAINT SIMONISM and the religion of scientific atheism that is the polar opposite of the simple emuna taught by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
But that’s a post for another time.
Let’s get back to the French Revolution
OK, so when he’s not chopping the heads off of literally hundreds of thousands of people, Robespierre is getting all upset that the CULT of REASON has left any idea of God behind while celebrating their rational and reasonable orgies of debauchery.
So he makes up his own religion.
Snippet from Wiki HERE:
Devised almost entirely by Robespierre, the Cult of the Supreme Being was authorized by the National Convention on 7 May 1794 as the civic religion of France…..
Here’s what was said at that National Convention:
The French People recognize the existence of the Supreme Being and the Immortality of the Soul.
They declare that the best service of the Supreme Being is the practice of man’s duties.
They set among the most important of these duties the detestation of bad faith and tyranny, by punishing tyrants and traitors, by caring for the unfortunate, respecting the weak, defending the oppressed, doing unto others all the good one can, and not being unjust towards anyone.
[Robespierre] dedicated festivals to the Supreme Being, to Truth, Justice, Modesty, Friendship, Frugality, Fidelity, Immortality, Misfortune, etc.
All while he’s merrily chopping the heads off of thousands of people and enforcing bloody tyranny across France….
Ah, these ‘humanist’, ‘rational’, ‘enlightened’ evil hypocrites.
Here’s a contemporary illustration of the ‘festival day’ Robespierre meticulously planned for his new cult, in 1794:

Pierre-Antoine Demachy (1723-1807). “La fête de l’Être Suprême au Champ-de-Mars (20 Prairial, an II, 8 juin 1794)”. Huile sur toile. Paris, musée Carnavalet.
Even at the time, people were whispering that the power-hungry Robespierre had set up his new religion because he was angling for the job of being its main deity….
On the ‘festival day’ itself, according to Wiki:
Robespierre delivered two speeches in which he emphasised his concept of a Supreme Being: there would be no Christ, no Mohammed.
All this was happening in 1794.
Ask yourself – where did all this leave the Jews, living in revolutionary France and the other parts of Napoleon’s empire?
Meanwhile, fast forward to April 8, 1802, when Napoleon is trying to consolidate his empire, and his place as French Emperor, by developing a more ‘moderate’ form of satanic atheism.
That’s when the Cult of Reason and the Cult of the Supreme Being are officially ‘banned’ in France.
And then, Napoleon spends the next three years trying to figure out how the satanic masons can achieve their goals to ‘ban God’ and Torah-based morality more gently and slowly, to avoid the huge amount of ‘pushback’ they got during the French Revolution.
We will pick the story back up there – returning to Napoleon’s ‘Sanhedrin’, and how it was always just meant to be a trojan horse to introduce new ‘halachot’ into the Jewish communities with the goal of destroying Judaism from within.
AKA: ‘rational Judaism’. AKA: ‘reform Judaism’.
Until then.
PS: This is list of churches the French Revolutionary masons turned into ‘Temples of Reason”:
- the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral (10 November 1793)
- the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres
- the Church of Saint-Sulpice
- the Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis
- the Basilica of Saint-Denis
- the church of Les Invalides
- the church of Thomas d’Aquino
- the Panthéon de Paris
- the Church Saint Pierre from Montmartre
- the Cathedral of Our Lady of Reims
- the Troyes Cathedral
- the Notre Dame de Versailles Church
- the Église Saint-Pierre de Caen
- the Église Saint-Martin d’Ivry-la-Bataille
- the Église Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur-et-Saint-Christophe d’Houdan
- the Church of St. James on Coudenberg
And what was the motto of this satanic, atheistic religion?
This “religion” was supposed to be universal and to spread the ideas of the revolution, summarized in its “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” motto, which was also inscribed on the Temples.
[1] Remember, R Kessin gave a whole, lengthy ‘shiur’ about how fantastic the American Declaration of Rights is. It’s a satanic, anti-Torah, Freemason creation. Perhaps, someone should tell him that.
[2]Another researcher of masons quoted on the site is an author named BRAMLEY, who wrote: Author Bramley wrote, ” The Jacobin Club, which was the radical nucleus of the French revolutionary movement, was founded by prominent Freemasons.”…
[3] The revolutionary French masons actually outlawed the so-called ‘xtian’ calendar, and introduced a new one with new months, new names and new calculations of weeks and months.
It was called THE FRENCH REPUBLICAN CALENDAR, and was in use for around 12 years.
The calendar consisted of twelve 30-day months, each divided into three 10-day cycles similar to weeks, plus five or six intercalary days at the end to fill out the balance of a solar year.
It was designed in part to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and it was part of a larger attempt at dechristianization and decimalisation in France (which also included decimal time of day, decimalisation of currency, and metrication).
It was used in government records in France and other areas under French rule, including Belgium, Luxembourg, and parts of the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Malta, and Italy.
10 day cycles meant there was no place for a ‘Sabbath’ – either Jewish, or xtian.
This was just one of the many religious ‘wars’ the enlightened, ‘rationalist’ masons were fighting against the Torah.
But of course, it wasn’t the only one.
Shkoyach, Rivka!
The references to “Liberty” caught my attention here, seeing as it was indeed the French who gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA.
As it turns out the abomination was “conceived, financed, built, and installed by Freemasons”. Surprise, surprise.
Clearly, this was more than a simple “gift” and for sure underpinned what was happening behind the scenes between those who were really running things. I wonder what that may be.
Can’t wait for Part 3.
BeEzrat Hashem
there is a video game called Deux Ex [ Machina ], where the game itself is a machine, where actions done early in the game have repercussions later on in the game.
the build version i remember is from march 19 2001.