The Dream
The last few months, I have barely been dreaming at all.
I’m pretty sure they upped the ‘zap’ they are delivering via their 5/6/7/ gee networks, and those cute, massive antennas that most of us stopped noticing, but that are probably now fully operational.
Every time they start talking about ‘pandemics’, this goes hand in hand with upping the zap, to cause the ‘symptoms’, via radiation poisoning, of whatever ‘pandemic’ they are trying to get going.
So long story short…. I’ve been sleeping really badly again for months.
But yesterday night, I had a dream.
In the dream, there were a bunch of US riot or military police arriving at some country estate, via the sea. Masses and masses of them arrived in boats – but no-one in the country estate noticed them, except me.
I was trying to get my family out of there, when suddenly all the hallways got stuffed full with peddle bikes, so no-one could move.
In the dream, I knew the Americans were trying to kill people.
That’s why they were there.
I woke up.
Other people’s dreams are boring, I know, but I every now and then, I’ve had some dreams that stand out to me as being more meaningful than otherwise.
Initially, I thought the dream was talking about something going down in EY, God forbid.
But now I’ve thought about it a little, it seems to me the whole was occurring in chul.
No-one was speaking Hebrew, everyone was talking English, and the ‘estate’ was in some woody, leafy-green place that looked like the UK or the US – but not Israel.
I wasn’t going to write about the dream, but then one of my fellow bloggers sent me an email, pointing to what the Tomer Devorah blog put up HERE.
For what it’s worth, I’ve heard nothing from the Rav about needing to stock up on anything.
Me personally, I have 4 x 6 packs of water, and that’s it. And that’s because I drink mineral, and not tap water. (I’m such a snob….)
If things get as bad as Tomer Devorah fears, than 500 cans of tuna isn’t going to save anyone, anyway.
But given my own dream yesterday, this bit jumped out at me:
There is a copious amount of chatter across social media, from rabbis as well as influencers and experts in certain fields, about an event (possibly false-flag) “greater than 9/11” which will serve to kick off WW3 with Iran.
This could take place in days or even hours.
BH, all this is just more of the ‘war predictions’ that have come and gone.
I would have automatically assumed that – except for the dream I had.
But IF there is a false flag…. it’s not going to be in Israel this time.
It’s going to be in chul.
And of course, it’s the American military behind it, as they are behind so much of the terrorism, murder and violence that they then blame on whatever ‘regime’ they are trying to change….
America is a satanic-masonic country from its inception, run by ‘bros’ who put their own people into leadership positions across the world – sadly, including our own failed State here.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go and look up Albert Pike.
(They have tried to scrub a lot of the info off the internet, but even the crumbs that remain are telling.)
May we just hear good news.
And let me finish by saying anyone who is connected to the Rav, Rav Berland, in any way – even just having a prayer of his in the house, that they don’t even know is his prayer – the Rav has said they will be in a much better situation to manage whatever is coming down the pipe.
You can hear the Be’er Miriam messages from Rivka HaTzaddika on this number:
The number where the ‘messages’ can be heard is: 033137748
I found it posted on the channel [in ‘community’]
I also found it on a note I once took down when Rav Shlomo announced it on one of the videos.
p.s. from the US it would be 011-972-3-313-7748
Thanks to ASD for finding and sharing the information.
I was tootling around, trying to find out more about ‘pedal bike races’ going on in July.
The Tour de France just ended (July 21).
That lead me on to the Summer Olympics are beginning tomorrow, hosted in Paris.
Paris is an island, surrounded by water (the Seine River).
What better ‘false flag’ to pin on Iran than the Summer Olympics?
(Remember Munich?)
Now that I remembered the Munich Massacre of 1972…. of course, I had to go check that out a little.
Here’s an interesting par from the Wiki page.
Remember, they rely on the fact that we all just keep believing the ridiculous, incredible lies, time and time again.
(And btw, one of the main ‘Palestinian’ terrorists, Luttif Afif, head of ‘Black September’ is clearly wearing black face make-up…. I kid you not. Check out his Wiki page.)
Snippet from Wiki:
“Five German policemen were deployed around the airport in sniper roles—three on the roof of the control tower, one hidden behind a service truck and one behind a small signal tower at ground level.
However, none of them had any special sniper training, nor any special weapon (being equipped with the H&K G3, the ordinary assault rifle of the German Armed Forces without optics or night vision devices).
The soldiers were selected because they shot competitively on weekends.
During a subsequent German investigation, an officer identified as “Sniper No. 2” stated: “I am of the opinion that I am not a sharpshooter.”
Compare and contrast with what we’re told happened at the Trump rally, and you start to understand just how ‘uncreative’ these people really are.
Always some spin-off of the same BS story that makes no sense, if you take two seconds to investigate and start thinking critically.
Yeah right, it makes perfect sense that German snipers at Munich had no sniper training, and no guns designed to ‘snipe with….
Just like it makes ‘perfect sense’ that our army and airforce were AWOL for 8 horrendous hours, as 5,000 palestinians streamed over the border from Gaza and started massacring Jews in the Gaza envelope.
It all makes perfect sense.
Doesn’t it?
Tov, as always, think for yourself.
Now more than ever.
And may all this be just a bad dream, and nothing more.
This just in:
Who can make this stuff up?
I think rule about bad dream- do not share it with others?
Apparently a lot depends on the dream interpretation. Can we spin it into something positive?😉
Be my guest. BH, all the evil will fall without any more innocent people, innocent Jews, being harmed in any way. And we’ll all make teshuva the sweet way, ASAP.
Very strange. Your post is dated 7/25 and TomerDevorah is 7/26 at 8:30am.
I checked DT earlier 7/26 and it wasn’t there. She just posted it!
Do you get her posts before they go on her blog? Or is your dating amiss?
No, I don’t get anyone’s blog posts…. I posted the update in the evening, to the existing post.