The ACHVA Brotherhood and ‘Knesset Yisrael’

I am willing to bet, you have no idea what the ‘Knesset Yisrael’ in the title is actually referring to.

Even dyed-in-the-wool history buffs have probably never heard of the KNESSET YISRAEL organisation that was defacto ‘running’ the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael on behalf of the British during the Mandate period, before the State was declared in 1947/8.

I only started taking a closer look at it because of this guy: ZALMAN HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK.

You’ll recall he’s president of the WORLD ACHVA secret society and grandchild of the ‘Jews-for-Jesus’ Soloveichik we covered in detail in THIS post, examining how Kol HaTor was probably a masonic-xtian-inspired ‘trojan horse’, right from the start.


It turns out, ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK held a number of key jobs in what was turning into the proto-State of Israel.

One of them was leader of the KNESSET YISRAEL organisation.

HERE is the Hebrew Wiki page, and here are some relevant snippets:

In 1903, an attempt was made by Menachem Ussishkin to establish a comprehensive autonomous organizational framework in the Land of Israel called the Church of Palestine….

The Knesset of Israel was founded after the beginning of the British Mandate, on April 19 1920. Then the elections were held for the first elected assembly, which declared itself”the supreme institution for the arrangement of the public and national affairs of the Hebrew people in the Land of Israel and its sole power both internally and externally.”

The Assembly elected members of the National Committee, which was the executive branch, and recognized the World Zionist Organization as”responsible for the questions related to the establishment of the National House.”

The organization, which included most of the Jewish community in the Land of Israel, except for the ultra-Orthodox, was recognized by the Mandate authorities only on December 29 1927.


The Haredi circles opposed this organization, mainly because of the right of women to choose and be elected, and demanded the establishment of another organization to represent the Haredi public.

The organization was headed by the Assembly of Representatives and the National Committee.

The Knesset was governed by the Chief Rabbinate, headed by the two chief rabbis, the Ashkenazi and the Sephardic….

The Knesset of Israel was abolished upon the establishment of the State and most of its powers were included in the responsibility of the state.


This is a lot to digest – and it’s crucial to understanding just how much real, raw power the ACHVA Brotherhood and its members actually held, here in the Holy Land.

So, we are going to spend the rest of this post unpacking the few pars above, and in the process, BH, we’ll learn a great deal about who is really controlling things, here in our failed State.


The first clue is MENACHEM USSISHKIN, and the organisation he tried to establish in 1903, called Ha KNISSIA ISRAELITISCH.

‘Knissia’ is the Hebrew word for ‘church’, but it can also mean ‘Temple’.

Either way, you are hopefully getting the twang of the underlying ethos – xtian, and / or ‘reform’.


HERE is USSISHKIN’s Hebrew Wiki page.

USSISHKIN (1863-1941) is called one of the ‘founders of Zionism’.

He’s also from a very prominent CHABAD family (just like the banker DAVID LIBONTIN-COHEN).

Here’s a snippet about his family and history:

Avraham Menachem-Mendel Ussishkin was born in 1863 in the small town of Dubrovna, White Russia (in the Jewish Pale of Settlement  of the Russian Empire).

The family was originally from Vitebsk, Belarus. His was a Chabad family that was close to the rabbis Shneur Zalman of Liadi, as well as to the NETZIV. As a child, his family moved to Moscow.


Even as a young man, he was interested in the question of Jewish national identity, and when he was exposed to the literature of the national Revival, he even founded an association of Aliyah to the Land of Israel that was united with the Bilo movement.,

[Ussishkin] was ready to leave immediately and immigrate to Israel.


We’ll learn more about BILU when we come back to DAVID LIBONTIN’s ‘business partner’, YECHIEL MICHEL PINES.

In the meantime, USSISHKIN studies at the Reali School[1], then moves on to the Higher Technical School in Moscow, where he establishes a Jewish student association and starts giving ‘lectures’ to the other students about the Maccabees ‘ revolt.

Next, he is one of the founders of the ‘Bnei Zion Student Union’ in 1884, and then that same year, he pops up at that same Katowice Conference of the Hovevei Zion where DAVID LIBONTIN-COHEN, funder of the ACHVA brotherhood is in attendance.


In 1887, USSISHKIN becomes the “Presidential Secretary” of the Hovevei Zion at its annual convention in Druskanik.

And now, ‘political zionism’ is well and truly starting to bubble away on the masonic stove!


Of course, there is yet another ‘secret society’ to tell you about, before we move on.

That would be the BNEI MOSHE, or ‘Sons of Moshe’.

AHAD HA’AM – aka ASHER GINSBURG, who marries a cousin of the 5th CHABAD REBBE – founds the BNEI MOSHE in 1889, and USSISHKIN joins it.


Here are some other known members of the BNEI MOSHE secret society:

Dr. Yehuda Leib Matmon־Cohen

Yehoshua Barzilai – employed at Libontin’s ANGLO PALESTINE BANK

Yehuda Gur – employed at the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK, teacher in MIKVE ISRAEL

Meir Dizengoff – first mayor of Tel Aviv

Dr. Hillel Yaffe

Haim Margaliot-Kalvarisky [he], agronomist, land purchaser on behalf of the Jewish Colonization Association

Yehezkel Danin (Sukhovolsky), and, from 1896:

Dr Chaim Weizmann


All movers and shakers in the Freemason-sponsored ‘State of Israel’ project.

For example, YEHOSHUA BARZILAI organised yet another spin-off ‘Brotherhood’ with USSISHKIN called:

Hovavim of Jerusalem” Association for the Advancement of the Jewish community in Jerusalem.

It’s members included Rabbi R’ AVRAHAM KOOKR. BenjaminKaddish SilmanDavid YellinBoris SchatzYitzhak Ben-Zvi and Rachel Yanayat Ben-Zvi and more.


I can’t find any info, currently, about the HOVAVIM OF JERUSALEM secret society.

That’s usually the case when it was doing stuff they really don’t want you to know about.

The point is: the Freemasons seeded, funded and controlled a whole bunch of ‘spin-off’ secret societies to get their ‘plans’ into action.

And that’s why we keep tripping over more and more of them, as we start to unravel who really set up the State of Israel and ‘Political Zionism’.

And here’s MEIR DIZENGOFF, first mayor of Tel Aviv and a man who deserves his own post, pulling one of the classic ‘masonic’ poses:


According to the Hebrew Wiki page for BNEI MOSHE:

The organization operated through the bureaus of the “Hovevei Zion” movement in Odessa, Warsaw, Vilnius and Jaffa.


NOTICE: ‘BNEI MOSHE’ and ‘HOVEVEI ZION’ seem to be very enmeshed, with the secret society ‘operating through’ Hovevei Zion’s bureaus.


Hebrew Wiki explains that:

The members of the [BNEI MOSHE] organization sought a new path within the Hovavei Zion movement, led by Ahad Ha’am, they advocated spiritual Zionism.

Many members of the movement felt that the movement needed a radical change, a change that would divert the main effort from immigration to Palestine or diplomatic efforts within the framework of political Zionism, to the process of “training the hearts” and expand among the people the idea of Jewish nationalism.


So, here’s where I learnt something I really didn’t know before.

‘Zionism’ was not a homogenous thing, the way we all got taught, that ‘Zionism’ was all about just moving to Eretz Israel, and making a ‘Jewish State’ with political power.

That brand of ‘Zionism’ – that had making a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael as its goal -was actually called “POLITICAL ZIONISM”.


Remember, what we leading Satanic-Freemason Albert Pike wrote to the Italian mason Mazzini, about how the masons needed ‘political zionism’ to get WW3 started?

In case you forgot, here’s that snippet, from HERE:

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine…

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other.


(I have a lot more hard evidence connecting Pike and his fellow Satanic freemasons to a whole bunch of Jewish masons who got the ‘political Zionism’ show on the road. Watch out for that soon, BH.)


Initially at least, AHAD HA’AM and his fellow ‘BNEI MOSHE’ guys were actually more interested in pushing idealogy and theology, than any idea of real, concrete ‘aliyah’.

And they branded their path as:

SPIRITUAL ZIONISM (even though they were actually all heretics, by this point…)

Here’s another snippet from the BNEI MOSHE Wiki:

[BNEI MOSHE] believed that in order to realize the national revival of the Jews in the Land of Israel, the leadership of individuals of virtue must be trained to lead the nation.

The young members of the association came out mainly against Baron Rothschild‘s guardianship in the colonies and his intervention in the conduct of the yishuv .


BARON EDUARD ROTHSCHILD (close family of known leading mason NATHAN ROTHSCHILD of London, BIL of another leading mason MOSES MONTEFIORE) had been given the ‘job’ of bankrolling the “POLITICAL ZIONISM” project, that was meant to lead to the founding of a Jewish State.

But at least in the late 1800s, not everyone was on board with the idea.


So AHAD HA’AM and people like MENACHEM USSISHKIN set as their goal the ‘reform of Jewish Education’, as opposed to ‘aliyah’ and state-building per se.

(Although, BNEI MOSHE also founded the city of REHOVOT, so we see they also weren’t ‘anti’ the idea of moving to Israel.)


Again, remember that our starting point in all this is that the WORLD ACHVA Bros published the KOL HATOR,  the ‘go-to’ brainwashing text for the so-called ‘dati leumi’ empire fronted by people like (secret society adherent….) Rav Kook.

And that MENACHEM USSISHKIN is really good friends with ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, who heads up the ‘KNESSET YISRAEL’ organisation during the British mandate that controls the Rabbinate, and everything to do with ‘Jewish education’ in the proto-State.



As usual, this post could go in a million different directions, but lets stick with MENACHEM USSISHKIN for now, and then conclude with what happened with ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, and his descendants.


By 1896, it seems that USSISHKIN had already moved far more in the direction of (masonic-sponsored) POLITICAL ZIONISM, than ‘spiritual Zionism’.

Here is the basic definition of POLITICAL ZIONISM[2]:

Political Zionism was a stream in the Zionist movement in the late 19th century, which advocated diplomatic and diplomatic action before large-scale settlement activities in Palestine.

Political Zionism was different and even contrasted with the Habiba Zion movement and the practical stream, which mainly advocated working in the Land of Israel without guaranteeing political rights in advance.


You see, how the holy idea of ‘settling the land’ got hijacked by the masonic puppets placed in our midst?

Anyway, so now USSISHKIN is hanging out with HERZL and the notorious MAX NORDAU, he’s a big fan of HERZL’s book ‘The State of the Jews’ – which it’s hard to believe wasn’t ‘seeded’ by the masons, given what happened before it was published, and what happened to Herzl a little later on.

Herzl ‘went off plan’ – at least, he went off the Freemasons’ plan to have a Jewish state specifically in the Middle East – and started advocating for a ‘Jewish State’ in Uganda, instead.


Snippet from HERE:

At a meeting held on April 23, 1903 by Theodore Herzl with the Colonial Secretary of Great Britain, Joseph Chamberlain stated that in his opinion, Uganda in East Africa seemed an ideal location for the resettlement of the Jews.

At first, Herzl ignored the suggestion, fearing that it would endanger his negotiations for the establishment of a Jewish protectorate in Sinai.

When this plan fell through, Herzl pursued Chamberlain’s offer….. At the Sixth Congress, Herzl presented a summary of his negotiations with the British. Herzl claimed that the Congress should not reject the plan, but should investigate it, as it was a legitimate offer from the British Empire, an offer which conferred upon Zionism an important stamp of approval and legitimacy.

The reaction of the Congress delegates was heated….

While the Congress voted by a majority to impanel a commission to investigate the British offer, it was apparent that acceptance of the offer would undermine the Zionist movement.

Herzl died ten months later; at the next Congress, the commission reported back that Uganda was not suitable for Jewish settlement.


So, within a few months of coming off the masonic ‘plan’ to get political Zionism rooted in the heart of the Middle East in preparation for WW3, Herzl was dead.


But never mind!

Because his book and his charisma had already served it’s purpose, and the masonic-sponsored POLITICAL ZIONISM project was now gathering speed.

And USSISHKIN was standing ready to take over the reins of POLITICAL ZIONISM, and to develop the next part of the project, which Wiki calls: SYNTHETIC ZIONISM.


Before I tell you what that is, here’s a snippet which describes how the ‘takeover’ was achieved:

On the opening day of the [Sixth] Basel Congress[3], Ussishkin convened at Zichron Yaakov, the “first Knissia of the Jews of Eretz Israel,” which laid the foundation for the”General Organization for the Jews of Eretz Israel.”

Within the framework of the “Knissia” Ussishkin brought about a pioneering decision on the equal right of women to choose and be elected, for the first time in any Jewish body. His scathing statement to the Orthodox religious bodies that opposed the elections ” will either be attended by women, or there will be no at all.”

In addition, his plan to unite the teachers into one body was successful: the “Hebrew Teachers’ Union in the Land of Israel” was established, which later became the Teachers ‘ Union.


MENACHEM USSISHKIN was the main person who headed the charge against Herzl’s ‘Ugandan Plan’, which would undermine the real aim of ‘political Zionism’.

And USSISHKIN also knew that there is no more powerful ‘brainwashing’ tool than school, and the curriculum.

The masons worked out a long time ago, that when you get your ideas into a person’s head at a very young age, it is very, very difficult to dislodge them at a later stage.



So now, what is SYNTHETIC ZIONISM?

Wiki describes it like this:

[A] combination of practical activity and political activity in order to realize Zionism in the Land of Israel.

And of course, MENACHEM USSISHKIN played a key role in all this.


You can get more details on his WIKI page HERE, but here’s the top notes:

USSISHKIN is one of the main founders of the KEREN KAYEMET L’ISRAEL, aka the JNF, and became its President.

That subject also deserves it’s own post, but the KKL was founded at the 5th Zionist Congress in 1901 (two years before Herzl went ‘off plan’ in Basel).

Here’s a snippet about it from the Hebrew wiki – notice the emphasis on education and land ownership, the twin preoccupations of so-called ‘synthetic zionism’:

The Fifth Congress of the Zionist Organization was founded in 1901 as a means of collecting money from Jews to buy land in the Land of Israel and train them for Jewish settlement.

After the establishment of the State of Israel, the JNF was incorporated as an Israeli company.

In its 1954 memorandum of association, its goals were laid out, including buying and leasing land to settle Jews. 

In 1961, the “Charter” was signed between the State of Israel and the JNF, giving the JNF power of attorney to be the institution in charge of the development and forestry of the land and of the educational-Zionist advocacy.


To put this another way, the people who own the land here, most of it, are the masons.

Just, they have all this Jewish masons acting as their puppets, to fool the rest of us about what is really going on here.

Hopefully you are starting to understand a little more, about why our beloved Holy Land is in the mess it currently is, and why nothing ‘makes sense’, about how are government and army are acting.

Once you slot the masons, and their Jewish puppets, back into the picture, it starts to become crystal clear.


Here’s a couple of snippets about MENACHEM USSISHKIN that hammer the point home:

In February 1919, he represented the Zionist movement at the Versailles Conference in Paris, where he gave a speech in Hebrew that resonated widely, calling for the establishment of a Jewish state. That same year he moved to the Land of Israel.

In June 1920, at an official reception for High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, Ussishkin refused to shake the hand of the Mufti of JerusalemKamal al-Husseini, creating a diplomatic incident that was later mentioned several times by Amin al-Husseini.


Notice how even in 1920, the next part of the masonic plan to sow hatred between ‘political zionism’ and Islam was in full swing, with both the masonic puppets, USSISHKIN and KAMAL AL-HUSSEINI playing their parts to the hilt.


In the meantime, I just wanted to mention some notable descendants of that other ‘masonic’ puppet we began this post with, ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK – grandson of the ‘Jew-for-Jesus’, Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik.

This guy:



ZALMAN’s son CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK is a member of WORLD ACHVA (of course….) and also works for Libontin’s ANGLO PALESTINE Bank.

This is a snippet from Wiki:

ASSAF SHALEVi, the son of Haim, was one of the founders of Kibbutz Be’eri. 

His great-granddaughter Maayan Bar and her husband Yoram were murdered in the Kibbutz Be’eri massacre on October 7…

[ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK’A] son Yitzhak LEIB, was the father of Professor Ronald Salway.

His son is PETER SALOVEY, president of Yale University.



If you go here, you’ll find some quotes from PETER SALOVEY about the current Hamas-Israel war, as Yale University descended into the worse ‘anti-Israel’ violence seen there, ever:


Who can make this stuff up?



[1] ‘Reali schools’ were mentioned by Rav Berland a few months ago, when he said this:

[2] In Hebrew, POLITICAL ZIONISM is called: “Zionut Medinat.”

[3] This is the 6th ‘Zionist Congress’, where Herzl went ‘off plan’ and started advocating for a Jewish state in Uganda.

6 replies
  1. Becky
    Becky says:

    Just interesting to note that Slabodka and later on Chevron Yeshiva is called Knesset Yisrael.
    Not to mention ‘The Knesset’.

  2. Shimshon
    Shimshon says:

    All this material you have discovered and connected together is very deep.

    There was a genuine Divinely inspired movement to settle and develop the land diplomatically, even militarily, cooperating with regional and national government authorities, all firmly rooted in Torah that met with success after success with no pretensions of statehood, all while firmly asserting our claim to our heritage and our right to basically open immigration (as commented on extensively by Myrtle Rising).

    Then others, sociopaths capable of all sorts of mischief, nearly all outsiders, members of multiple secret clubs with very sketchy agendas and aims, parachuted in and co-opted and took control of everything, claiming to be the “the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian, sorry I mean Jewish, people”, and easily gaining international recognition as such (vastly preferred by them to the genuine Torah alternative).

    Obviously, the evildoers are still fulfilling Hashem’s plans, even though they polluted everything.

  3. Hava
    Hava says:

    I can’t wait for you to present your hard evidence against Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini! Hopefully everything on the ‘net that now says it’s possibly fake news will come down, be”H.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      If you want to send me the links saying it’s fake news, that’s helpful. Each time we dissect some of these manufactured ‘fact checks’ designed to hide the truth (remember Covid?) it takes the whole process of birur forward.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      The CeliaFarber link is excellent – thanks Hava.

      On the odd chance that anyone else is interested in how the masons took over the world, including our Jewish and Israeli bit of it, this PDF is a good starting place to understand the firm, historical links between people like Mazzini and Pike:

      To quote Celia Farber:

      “The entire, detailed, fully sourced history is in the Jüri Lina PDF linked above.”


      What I’m now trying to do is to find the ‘Jewish masons’ who link to the z-nism part of the project, who had tight connections to either Pike and / or Mazzini.

      And I’m finding them.

      And in turn, they link up with other Jewish masons you probably heard about, like MOSES MONTEFIORE and JUDAH TOURO, amongst many others.

      It’s actually not complicated, to show:

      a) there was a masonic plan to overturn and control the world
      b) part of that plan was the development of Masonic-funded and controlled ‘political zionism’
      c) the State was funded and founded by masonic puppets with Jewish names – right from the start.

      Now look around what is happening today, 9/9/2024 in this State of ours.

      Doesn’t it start to make more sense?


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