The ‘Abraham-Avimelech Accords’ – more comments from the Rav
Shavua Tov!
The Rav has been saying some very interesting things the last couple of weeks.
This is a translation from Shivivei Or 384, published this week.
Shiur that was given Melavah Malka, motzash, Vayeira, 16th Cheshvan,5785 (November 16, 2024)
So we’re reading Chayei Moharan, Chapter 73.
The Rebbe says that we need to bash our heads against the wall. This is not simple, ‘that the Tzaddik forgives all of the sins.’
This is only if a person makes real teshuva!
The Tzaddik helps a person to make teshuva and to truly regret, and to not return to his foolishness – “like a dog that returns to its vomit a fool returns to his evil ways”. (Mishlei 26:11)
He eats his own vomit! He throws up, and then he eats his own vomit.
A person who comes to the Tzaddik, so the Rebbe says it’s already a sin that you are doing a sin. [I.e. that a person carries on doing an aveira.]
It’s impossible to do another aveira, because of the great light [of Rebbe Nachman].
It’s like it says in the first line of Mesillat Yesharim, that a person was created to enjoy Hashem.
So now we’re learning in our parsha, we’re learning about the agreement between Avraham and Avimelech.
This is a very important agreement. Just like there is the ‘Abraham Accords’ with the Emirates, so too, there is the ‘Avraham-Avimelech Agreement’….
What did Avraham give? What bribe? How much did he give?
Seven sheep!
(It’s not written in every chumash, I know that.)
Seven sheep!
The Midrash Rabba[1] says three things:
Seven sheep [that Avraham gave to Avimelech] – this was seven souls.
The souls of Shimshon HaGibbor, and Shaul, and his three sons. How many is this altogether? Five. Hophni and Pinchas[2] is another two, which makes seven.
These are the most holy souls, the sons of Eli, the mishkan.
After this, the mishkan was destroyed, and they took the Aron HaKodesh [the Plishtim], and all this happened because he gave seven sheep.
And Eli fell off the chair [and he died], at the age of 98. He broke his neck, and the mishkan in the wilderness was destroyed. And in Shiloh, and in Gilgal – this is three, and Nov and Givon, this is five.
And the two Temples – this makes seven in total.
Because he gave the sheep to Avimelech, the two Temples were destroyed.
And also the Aron [HaKodesh] was with the Plishtim for seven months. And Goliath took the luchot (two tablets).
All of this happened because Avraham gave the sheep to Avimelech.
Every movement….[every movement the Patriarchs made had deep and lasting implications for their descendents.]
A person is forbidden to make any agreement with reshaim(evildoers), with goyim (the nations, non-Jews).
Because the goyim just steal everything. Because the agreement between Avraham and Avimelech meant that Avimelech was able to steal Abraham’s wells.
And for Abraham, it was forbidden to steal the wells of Avimelech.
Because Avraham dug wells. Every day, he dug a new well.
It’s written in the Avot de Rabbi Natan, chapter six, that “he planted a tree at Beer Sheva[3]” at every crossroads, and at every turn in the world.
Even in Abu Dhabi, even in Doha, even in Qatar.
At every turn, at every corner of the world where Abraham arrived, he built an eshel there, and he dug wells there.
And once, there wasn’t water, there wasn’t pipes. There was one well for the whole desert.
Hagar went for three days in the wilderness, and she didn’t see a well.
And then Hashem opened her eyes. They went three days to find some well – this is called ‘a mirage’.
Because Korach said [regarding the miracles that Moshe did] all this is a mirage!
This all happened because just like some person imagines they see a well [in the desert]– so there wasn’t a sea at all![4]
The men believed him [i.e. Korach] but the women didn’t believe him.
Because the women are [as straight as] a ruler. A woman doesn’t get ‘persuaded’.
It’s written in the Midrash Rabba Chapter 18, that the men were ‘persuaded’, but not the women. The women….
The men believed Korach.
They believed the spies. They said ‘all of this was a mirage.’
They believed in the Calf, that the Calf was part of the merkavah (the Divine Chariot), as the Ramban says, [that they said that] this Calf is the Ox of the merkavah!
The women said, ‘we’re not interested at all!!!’
“You shall not make a graven image for yourself, and no image of anything that is in the heavens above, or on the earth below.”[5]
‘In the heavens above’ – this also includes the ma’aseh hamerkavah.
Therefore, no women died in the desert. No woman died, for a period of 40 years. 60 myriads of men died [600,000]. All the women became widows.
Every Tisha B’Av, the children came and dug a pit for their father, wailing and crying throughout the camp – 158,820 orphans. More than 150,000 orphans.
15,000 women were widowed,[6] because the women should have given their husbands a kick – so that he wouldn’t go to the dancing [around the Golden Calf].
He would say, it’s only dancing! I’m only going to see the dancing! It’s a dancing show.
Today they said they are going to launch 1,000 drones.
So, we’re asking everyone to go up on their roof, and to grab a few drones, so that we’ll be able to travel tonight to Uman.
But on condition that everyone returns for vatikin [the dawn minyan].
Then, bezrat Hashem, at 12am, they are intending to send 1,000 drones here. Everyone should stand on their roof – there are a lot of roofs here. And everyone will try to grab one.
And after this, if Khomeni wants them back, I’ll sort that out for him.
We’ll go to the Hague with him, we’ll make some new agreement, the ‘Agreement of Avraham-Khomeni’, to return the drones.
The women didn’t transgress in any of the sins.
No woman died in the wilderness during the 40 years – only the men.
But the woman who didn’t stop their husbands from going to Korach still ended up as widows.
This is what Rabbenu says in Sefer HaMiddot about the subject of niuf (immorality), number 30, that the whole redemption will only be in the redemption of the women.
In the merit of the women who guard themselves, and keep tznius.
And every daughter [girl / woman] when she goes home, she should lengthen her dress immediately, within five minutes. In five minutes, you can lengthen a dress.
For two months, the Rav hasn’t spoken [about the importance of tznius].
He wasn’t here for a month, and another month, it was the chagim. The Rav didn’t want to speak about this during the chagim.
Every girl needs to go and lengthen [her clothes down] to the ankle, without exceptions.
And to do it as soon as she gets home tonight, immediately.
And bezrat Hashem, we’ll merit the complete redemption, speedily within our days, Amen.
[1] Midrash Rabba Bereishit, Parshat 54, Chapter 4.
[2] The sons of Eli the Kohen HaGadol who was the High Priest in the Mishkan in Shilo at the time of Hannah’s prayer.
[3] Bereishit 21, 33.
[4] In previous shiurim the Rav has spoken repeatedly of how Korach used to call Moshe Rabbenu a sorcerer, and claimed that miracles like the sea splitting didn’t really happen, and were all just a big illusion.
[5] Shemot 20:3.
[6] 15,000 multiplied by 40 is 600,000. The Rav is apparently assuming ten kids, roughly, for each man.
What did you take away from the Rav’s comments, from last motzash?
I took away that everything that is going on right now is just angling for control of the natural resources in the Middle East – including things like the Tamar gas fields on the coast, and the new petroleum finds in the Golan.
All this ‘war’ boils down to natural resources, being exploited by the West.
With the various masonic mafias just duking it out, to see who gets the biggest share of the natural resources ‘pie’.
The other thing I took away from this, is that the Iranians are the last people ‘sending drones’ into Israel.
While we’re on the subject of fake ordinance, have a look at this tweet from Dmitry Medvedev:
So, that’s what you wanted?
Well, you’ve damn well got it!A hypersonic ballistic missile attack
— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) November 21, 2024
Just one problem – nothing is exploding.
If this is meant to be Russia’s ‘big weapon’, well, whoopee-do, colour me massively underwhelmed by its destructive capacity….
Of course, that’s not what the masonic-controlled media is saying, as they try to whip everyone who still takes them seriously (like, two-and-a-half people) into a frenzy of terror and panic.
Like this, screenshot of the translated headline from Ynet tonight:
Ooooo, this just in from our special correspondent, who has apparently heard of an even bigger, even scarier weapon being released by Dr Evil in the West:
Watch out for Dr Evil, world!
And his badass moon lasers.
PS: A little while after I wrote this, it struck me that the ‘most real’ weapons in this post is actually the lasers, or to give them their proper name, Directed Energy Weapons.
That’s why you only see energy-weapon lasers in Hollywood movies.
And also, why you only see ballistic rockets and ‘nukes’ in the news….
Shavua tov, your comments on top about how you believe this is for control of resources in the Middle East, I agree. I believe it was a month ago when there was that massive Hurricane in Apalachia in a very rural part of North Carolina. Completely wiped out. As it turned out, the area contained the biggest lithium mines in the United States, totally suspicious.
Two comments. I read on Shabbat all about that “purchase” that Avraham Avinu made with Ephron the Hittite. It was a superb example of the M.E. (mesorah) of “bargaining”. Very stealthy maneuvers. However, Avraham was very clever and managed to acquire the Entire Field (& trees) called Machpelah is located, BEING THE FIRST OFFICIAL PURCHASE OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL as Hashem promised to Avraham and to his generations via Yitzchak Avinu. In a Map beneath the “Chamber” are where Adam and Chava, and our Avos & Imahos are buried. It is the entry way to Shamayim.
Second, the Rav mentioned widowed women and their orphans. We are living through another such episode of women w/o husbands and children w/o fathers, i.e. many many orphans.
I recommend the following for insightful reading: Places in the Parasha: Biblical Georgraphy and its Meaning, by Yoel Elitzur, Yeshiva Univ. Press, Magid Books. I bought it at Pomeranz Bookseller on (newly named) Rehov Be’eri in downtown Jerusalem. Its a fascinating deep dive into certain specifics and history of aspects within the Parshios.
“Just one problem – nothing is exploding.”
I found a longer clip that shows two secondary explosions about a minute after impact. I included a link at the bottom. Military analysts are stating that the 36 munitions do not contain any explosive ordinance but consist of exotic metallic alloys that superheat on re-entry and impact at 3kms. They are kinetic energy weapons.
“Residents of Dnipro, Ukraine, have described the significant impact of Russian attacks on their city. According to messages from residents, the Yuzhmash manufacturing plant, a major industrial giant, was attacked, and the explosion was so strong that it cracked apartment buildings several kilometers away. The blast also caused extensive damage to underground workshops and pipelines, resulting in a lack of water and heating in the entire city.
Residents have also reported that the attack damaged a rehabilitation center, knocking out windows and destroying a boiler room. The impact of the attack has been compared to an earthquake, with residents describing the aftermath as a “pile of dust and rubble.”
The attacks have also caused disruptions to daily life, with emergency power cuts reported in several regions, including Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, and Donetsk.”
I think i would prefer not to find out if nuclear weapons exist.
Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out. Having seen how much BS is being churned out in our country about all the ‘rocket attacks’, I am taking a very cynical view of all this, until something is really proven.
Personally, I don’t think there will ever be a ‘nuclear attack’ – because the aliens will show up just in the nick of time to ‘save’ us all….
With their handy death ray / energy weapons, that only ‘aliens’ possess.
Of course.
UPDATE: I watched the clip now, thanks for posting it.
I see there are two secondary explosions, or ‘flashes’ in the sky, a minute afterwards – but I’m still not seeing anything on the ground explode, burst into flames, nothing?
Am I missing something?
What are other people seeing, when they watch this clip?
The link below is somewhat scientific description of this system. Military and weapons analysts worldwide will be busy for weeks with this one. Kyiv is trying to keep a lid on the details. The target, Yuzmash is a large, multi level missile production complex, with at least 3 underground levels. Area residents that reported on social media stated that it felt like an earthquake and that buildings several kilometers from the impact were damaged from the shockwave. They are saying that the remains of the complex are dust and rubble. They also did not see fires at the site, but noted that areas in the vicinity appear to be scorched. Vaporized??? Some sources suggest that the 2 delayed flashes were deep underground, possibly the result of stored munitions igniting due to heat generated by the strike. All this is merely speculation at this point, but they will be studying this one for a while, that’s for sure.
I will take a look, I appreciate the quality information, and the effort to figure out what might be really going on. (In whichever limited way we are really capable of doing that.)
Part of the reason I’m sceptical, even of accounts on social media, is because everything is being put out by intelligence agency cut outs.
EG go to this, talking about ‘Iran’s rockets’ from Rosh Hashana time here in Israel:
Where is that timelapse video showing the rockets ‘passing over Jordan’ on the way to Iran coming from?
A guy called John Ridge, via X. Here is his account:
If you click his name, it tells you this:
Physics | Weapons Systems | National Security | Foreign Policy | Arms Exports | Security Assistance | Contributor
He’s based out of Texas – and he is apparently associated with a cut out for the US MoD if I ever saw one, called ‘’.
Here’s a snippet from the ‘about’ on that site:
“We are a dedicated team of professionals united by a single goal – to help Ukrainians defend their freedom and survive a brutal war waged by Russia against Ukraine. We work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the war. Our strength lies in our extensive experience and network of volunteers in the U.S., Europe and Ukraine. We do not have any salaried personnel, ensuring that every penny of your donation goes directly towards helping those in need.”
So now, how are we to understand that this is the guy putting up the timelapse videos of ‘rockets from Iran’ on his X channel? And that is pretty much the only video that shows these ‘rockets overhead in Iran’, apart from a few videos shot by locals in the Westbank, once the rockets are already in Israel airspace, and who knows where they really came from?
All this is a long way of explaining why I don’t believe a word I’m being told by the military and the media.
I saw a number of flashes (6) of course this is quite far away from my eyes, but no explosion, as seen in other videos. Don’t quite know what is going on there. Any eye-witnesses? Any news reports/articles?
About the murdered Chabadnik (poor soul). Seems he was a zionist also? Seems he might have been an ‘agent of the State’? But I don’t understand, he was “allegedly murdered by three Uzbek nationals who fled the country”. What are the Uzbeks doing in the UAE? Were they mercenaries? Seems this election has awakened the international “S.M.” and he is going bezerk after Jews!
BeEzrat Hashem
Hashem should sweeten the dinim.
revenge is the most disgusting methodology of war.
lindsey graham is going on about trillions of dollars in rare earth minerals up for grabs in ukraine, a trillion here and there adds up to serious money! (awaiting the jewish problem part 2}