Standing up to bullies
It seems to me, there is a new ‘vibe’ starting to make it’s way through the world.
It’s the ‘vibe’ of standing up to bullies.
I know in my dalet amot, I have been standing up to more bullies the last two weeks than in the last few years put together.
Bad landlords, bad accountants, bad neighbors, bad bloggers….
All those people who evince an air of ‘we are perfect and can do no wrong’ – all while treating the people around them in some really horrible, manipulative and yucky ways, that just leave a lingering taste of ‘YUCK’ behind them.
I don’t have a lot of time to write at the moment, as BH we are trying to move house.
I will tell you more of what has led up to all this once we’re out of here, and settled in somewhere else.
But ‘fast change’ seems to be on the cards at the moment, after years of what felt like the slow crawl, or even, going in reverse.
BH, I will update you more soon.
But in the meantime – the bullies are on their last legs.
And that’s when they get the most desperate – and the most crazy.
PS: The ‘Alien Invasion’ seems to be gearing up. Really. (Aliens = shedim. It’s going to be interesting.)
See this, Elon Musk talking about airpods:
Then remind yourself that the Simpsons predicted the first Trump Presidency back in 2002.
The guy is an actor…. one of the best.
But an actor, working for the Evils, who arranged for him to become POTUS again now, to move forward the next part of the plan that’s been in the works for decades.
Trump is an actor, Musk is an actor – all the politicians are puppets, actors – and also, all these ‘big billionaires’. No way someone as off his head as Musk, or as obviously dumb as Zuckerberg, could just go and make a few squillions on their own merit.
It’s all hidden in plain view.
But as the Rav said yesterday, there is no point talking to apikorsim, because they just can’t hear what you’re saying.
So I’m not arguing with anyone about this stuff these days.
Just keeping my head down, trying to fix things more in my own dalet amot – and working on finding a safe space to watch the next part of the ‘great show’ unfold.
Bezrat Hashem.
I sent the Musk video to my air pod-using SIL, who came back with the theory it’s an AI video, so not real.
Ah, poor boy, that he has me to deal with…
Following on from that, of course I had to go and stand the story up more, so here is the patent on Google patents:
It’s for a:
Biosignal Sensing Device Using Dynamic Selection of Electrodes
Take a look at the 15 images attached to this patent, and then let me know how these images differ from ‘air pods’.
Always hidden in plain view.
Rivka we wish you & your families easy smooth moving to your new home!!! Thank you for posting updates! We appreciate it! Harzlachot rabbot! 🤍 💙
I’m a little confused; why isn’t that patent dafka for the airpods? Apple is the initiator; its all APPLE! They’ve created so much that is bi-useful (both good and not good)! What am I missing?
You do know that Elon has Aspergers?