Some thoughts on the hostage deal
Apparently, there’s a deal on the table to free 33 hostages.
(Notice that number again, it’s not a CO-IN-CI-DE-NCE.)
Oh, and to also free 1,300 Palestinian murderers, who can by recycled by the masons controlling all sides of this charade to commit more atrocities in the future, to keep us stuck in a never-ending cycle of violence, hatred and war.
And on our side of the fence?
Every day at the moment, five more young men are being killed in operations in Gaza.
Oh, and ‘Yemen’ is still apparently firing long-range ballistic rockets across the whole of central Israel, even though we’ve proved here on the blog that it’s a scientific impossibility, for those rockets to be coming from either Yemen itself, or even some tanker ship parked off the coast of Saudi Arabia.
You’ll recall that Saudi Arabia and ‘the Houthis’ are also meant to be at war.
So, explain to me how a tanker ship from ‘Iran’ (also the enemy of Saudi Arabia) is meant to be parked off the Saudi coast happily firing missiles at Israel (at an angle which means they could never get anywhere close to Israel in a million years….) and the Saudis don’t care.
Because when you take the time to stop for a moment, and to really just ask very basic, simple questions, you see that the whole charade falls apart very fast.
The masons want ‘war in the Middle East’.
The masons want war everywhere else too, between what they term the ‘political zionists’ (which doesn’t just mean Jews, btw, it simply means anyone on the side of the State of Israel, in this phoney, choreographed war) and ‘Islam’.
And today, ‘Islam’ is also controlled by people who are masons themselves, or controlled directly by the masons.
That’s what is going on here.
The heart breaks for the many thousands of young men left permanently disabled, without arms and legs, from the last 16 months of phoney war, here in Israel.
The heart breaks for the 1,000 + dead soldiers, and the death toll is rising significantly every single day, still.
We’ve almost become blase to it, we’ve almost become numb to it.
How many stickers of dead soldiers can you actually fit on the back of your car, or on lampposts, or bus shelters, when all is said and done?
So, what was the point of all this?!
People want to know. What was the point, of so many thousands seriously crippled, so many dead, so many others with serious PTSD and other mental and emotional issues that are not going to disappear overnight? So many families struggling financially, so much suffering?!
What’s the point?
The point is:
That’s the point, and it was always ‘the point’ right from the beginning of this horrible war, where the Rav had his community saying a whole book of tehillim every single day for a month, to try and avoid ANY SOLDIERS BEING SENT INTO GAZA IN THE FIRST PLACE.
All the people who were cheering this war on, who thought the IDF was going to re-conquer Gaza and restore Gush Katif, that this war was going to be over in a week, that the answer was to be found in guns, tanks, bombs and yet more violence – it’s time to admit you made a mistake.
An understandable mistake, to be sure, because the world of lies around the IDF is so well-spun, and the brain-washing we’ve all received about how violence is the only way that Israel can ever solve its problems is so over-powering, that I wonder if even 15,000 maimed soldiers and 1000+ dead is enough to overcome it.
At least, for some people.
So, the point of all this was only and ever for Am Yisrael to make some real, sincere teshuva.
And to stop thinking that they could totally ignore God, while they were busy trying to ‘solve their problems’ with more guns and violence.
Violence is the craft of Esav, not Yaakov.
And Yaakov’s ‘weapon’ is his voice – his prayers.
BH, I see that in many ways, that teshuva is starting to sprout.
The masonic-controlled State is not done double-crossing us all, and carrying out more destructive orders from the outside, designed simply to hurt the Jews who live here, and cause more death and suffering.
And of course, there is still Trump to come, with the next stage of the grand master plan to build a ‘new world order’.
Watch out for the ‘aliens’, they will probably be formally recognised by Trump very soon, and even blamed for the fires in LA…. (Amongst many other things.)
Of course, no-one has to wait for things to get to that stage of ‘crazy’ before they enter the ark.
And the ark is prayer and teshuva.
The ark, in our days, is the path set out by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, 200 years ago, and being continued today by Rav Berland and Shuvu Banim.
The Rav said many, many months ago, when all this was kicking off, that anyone who is connected to him in even the smallest way, like just having a prayer of his in the house, for example, is ‘on the ark’.
Sadly, even that level of connection is too much for many people – especially the people who still believe everything the MSM tells them.
Or are still holding out for the Lubavitcher Rebbe to come back from the dead to save us all.
Or who still believe that the masons simply don’t exist, that ballistic missiles from Yemen can fly into space at a 45 degree angle and then land in Israel, that the IDF just made a ‘bad mistake’ on October 7th – that lasted for four days, until they realised what was really going on – and that men descend from apes, and William Cavendish weighed the whole earth in his shed off Clapham Common….
And they call me a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
Bottom line: real, sincere teshuva and prayer gets a person on the ark.
Believing in more guns and violence and ‘politics’ – and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, or Bibi, or Trump – to solve our problems just gets us more dead young Jews, God-forbid, and more young guys with their arms and legs blown off, God-forbid.
So, the choice is ours.
The choice always was ‘ours’, what happens next.
And BH, this time around, enough of us will choose ‘God’ over guns, and get on the Shuvu Banim ark.
I really hope so.
Have you thought of what might going on into those hell tunnels with the poor girls who are ra…, got prenants and have babies (even maybe some who were already pregnants before going in them) who will be raised as terrorists, and even as slaves (even sexual slaves) and maybe be hated by palestinians who will know who they are except them and will be more extremists in order to be accepted… sigh poor ones. Do you think it is a reality?
Honestly, no. I haven’t seen any ‘pregnant hostages’ being released, nor hostages with new babies.
The reality for the hostages is plenty bad enough, don’t get me wrong. But I think this particular aspect is being used as emotional manipulation, for reasons that are not clear to me.
Amen! Thanks for this. Yes.