Saint-Simonism, the American Revolution, and Candace Owens
A reader sent me a copy of Dennis Prager’s ‘open letter’ to Candace Owens.
You can see that for yourself HERE.
Prager is basically claiming that satanic ‘Frankists’, if they were ever a thing in the Jewish community, died out 200 years ago.
Oh, and they have absolutely nothing to do with zionism, or the founding of the State of Israel.
Here’s the problem:
A lot of people online are sowing anti-semitism with a bunch of half-truths about ‘satanic Frankists’ – who were actually really the front men and go-betweens for ‘satanic, non-Jewish xtians’.
Including many, if not all, the non-Jewish rulers of Europe.
As more and more people are waking up to the idea that there is something seriously wrong with the world, the Evils have to resort to their tried-and-tested method of establishing the scapegoat to take the fall for them.
So, we’ve been seeing a tsunami of ‘half truths’ that stack up to blaming everything on the joooooos.
Remember that ‘controlled opposition’ is on all sides of every argument and question, and is also working to further the Evils agenda and narrative – whether or not they always understand that they are being used in this way.
So, other people are now ‘defending the joooooooos’ – sadly, by regurgitating a bunch of half-truths carefully designed to totally bury ‘real history’ in a way that no-one can find it again in a million years.
Bottom line: if these people are not talking about non-Jewish, satanic ‘masons’, and all their spin-off secret societies – they aren’t really telling the truth.
Because, sure, Candace Owens is correct that ‘Frankists’ were satanic, and were obviously part of a lot of attempts to corrupt the world spiritually.
But, they were being martialed and directed to do that by a whole bunch of non-Jews, including ‘prominent xtians’.
When the focus is always put 100% on the joooooos….. that’s how the real truth gets buried.
Even ‘Frankism’ is actually just a catch-all label – like ‘the Rothschilds’.
It’s been designed to act as a lightning rod for any real questions about the Jewish role in the agenda of these satanic, non-Jewish ‘secret societies’ – and to deflect that inquiry down blind alleys called ‘Frankists’.
So, let’s continue the job of trying to get the real story out there, more, by telling you a bit about SAINT SIMONISM.
I tripped across SAINT SIMON, and the new religion he started up over 200 years ago, called ‘NEW CHRISTIANITY’, when I started researching the GRADIS family of French-pseudo-Jewish masons.
If you recall from this post, entitled THE KING OF BORDEAUX, ABRAHAM GRADIS was hanging out with the non-Jewish French masons who were organising and funding the American Revolution.
When I started tracking down more of ABRAHAM GRADIS’s family members, that’s where more of the real story started to come into view.
Remember JUDAH TOURO, the big philanthropist who gave freemason MOSES MONTEFIORE a wad of cash to get the ‘political zionism’ project on its feet in the Holy Land?
He is also part of the wider GRADIS family tree.
These satanic-xtian-crypto-Jews literally took over the Jewish community around 400 years ago (if not long before….)
And we have been under their sway ever since.
So now, let me tell you the basic story of SAINT SIMON, and the religion he developed two centuries ago, called NEW CHRISTIANITY.
You can find his French Wiki page HERE – and if this stuff interests you, it’s well worth taking the time to read it all.
Here’s the first snippet, to kick us off:
Saint-simonianism is an idealogy that was originally based originally on the socio-economic and political doctrine of Claude-Henri de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), from which it takes its name.
The French Revolution was actually a ‘religious revolution’ undertaken by the masonic-satanists to kick God and Torah-based morality totally out of the picture.
It’s way too big a topic to cover even briefly in this post, but look up the ‘Temples’ and ‘Cults’ that were established by the masonic-satanists under Napoleon, in Paris, at the time of the French Revolution.
So it seems, ‘Saint Simonism’ just picked up the baton, where the satanic-masons under Napoleon had dropped it.
Here’s another snippet from the French Wiki page on SAINT SIMONISM / NEW CHRISTIANITY:
Under the leadership of one of its main representatives, Barthélemy Prosper Childish, this doctrine, at the time of its first application (in 1830), takes the form of a ” Church. “
Here’s another snippet:
“Saint-Simon proposed to replace the abstract idea of God by the universal law of gravity, the law to which God submitted the universe.”
{Saint Simon] says that ” in a minimally invasive manner, the philosophy of gravity can replace successively and without shaking… all the principles of useful morality that the theology teaches. ”
In his Letter from an inhabitant of Geneva to his contemporaries (1803), [Saint Simon] conceived the idea of opening a subscription to the tomb of Newton, laying the foundation for a kind of “religion ” of science.
We got that ‘religion of science’ stuck in our faces very shortly afterwards, as the satanic-masons began their project to replace God, and Torah-based morality with a man-made, satanic replacement that basically replaced people like Moshe Rabbenu with Isaac Newton….
And of course, ‘SAINT DARWIN’.
Who can make this up?
But look around – you can see this is exactly what happened. This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory’.
To put this into other words, SAINT SIMON develops an ‘idealogy’ that is basically proto-communism.
Or in their own words, they develop a ‘religion without God’.
Snippet from the Wiki on ‘New Christianity’:
Saint-simonianism, is a natural religion based on the belief that the law of gravity is the foundation of all things.
It is, therefore, a philosophy, based on a form of thinking rationally.
The adjective ” new ” refers to the need for renewal of religion that Saint-Simon had himself advocated.
(You see? 200 years on, and the useful idiots in our community are still promoting stuff like ‘rational Judaism’, without an inkling of where all this stuff is really coming from – or who is paying for it.)
Tov, so how do the masonic joooooos (who I increasingly am coming to believe were NEVER Jews in the first place, not even ‘crypto Jews’) – fit into this picture?
Let’s try to unpick that part next.
Here’s the portrait of CLAUDE-HENRI SAINT SIMON:
He descends from a family of French nobles who are closely connected to the ‘spies of the King’ secret society of Louis XV.
In the post about ABRAHAM GRADIS, we already set out some of the many links between those masonic, non-Jewish French nobles, and the GRADIS family of crypto-Jewish financiers who helped finance the American Revolution.
So now, we’re going to learn that those ties continued to develop across the next century – and beyond.
ABRAHAM GRADIS – (French funder of the American Revolution) – and JUDAH TOURO – (big funder of the ‘political zionism’ project in Eretz Yisrael 70 years later) are very close family.
While the ‘King of Bordeaux’ part of this masonic family were funding the American Revolution, the TOURO part of this masonic family were busy profiting from it tremendously, down in New Orleans.
Remember, JUDAH TOURO just happened to relocate there a couple of months before the freemasons Thomas Jefferson bought Louisians from the French Freemasons, as part of a ‘secret deal’.
And then, TOURO’s business boomed massively.
So, let’s see what other connections we can find between ‘Saint Simonism’ and the GRADIS family.
If you go to the French Wiki site for them HERE, you’ll find quite a bit of info on their family tree.[1]
Let’s pick just one guy, ‘BENJAMIN GRADIS III’.
HERE is his French Wiki page, where we learn that he took over ‘MAISON GRADIS’ – the banking house used to finance the American Revolution, plus I’m sure a bunch of other things that radically changed the course of history.
He has a bunch of slaves and plantations out in Martinique and Haiti. He’s super, super rich:
Heir of the slave plantations that belonged to his forefathers Abraham, David, Moses and Jacob Gradis in the colony of Saint-Domingue, Benjamin receives in 1827, the sum of 71 380 gold Francs.
This compensation that the Republic of Haiti was forced to pay was used to compensate for the loss of goods caused by the slave revolts.
Then, after the abolition of slavery in 1848, he received again the amount of 76 304 gold Francs, on the part of the French State, in compensation for the 175 slaves of the plantation that he had Martinique.
Just the payment in 1848 by itself is worth over $5 billion, in today’s money.
That sure sounds like a lot of compensation for just 175 slaves….
Here’s another snippet, and then lets tie this back to SAINT SIMONISM, that new man-made religion that was literally designed to replace God with science:
He was vice-chairman of the Committee consistorial relief and a member of the Consistory of Bordeaux. Involved in the organization of the Jewish Consistoires, he left several pamphlets promoting the reform of Judaism.
He was married to his cousin Sara-Laure Rodrigues-Henriques, sister of Eugénie Foa, Hippolyte Rodrigues and Leonie Halévy.
And he is the father of Henri Gradis.
Before we break this down further, here is who else is in SARA LAURE’s direct family tree – names that many of you will find familiar:
- The witchcraft-practising ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London’, SAMUEL CHAIM FALK
- Falk’s son-in-law and false messiah, the witchcraft-practising ‘JACOB FRANK’
- That same PIMENTEL family who were never Jews, but actually descend from Spanish nobles; and
Always the same little ‘satanic’ crypto-Jewish family.
All the time.
OK, let’s take a closer look at the SAINT SIMON tie up.
You will be shocked, SHOCKED!!! To know that SARA LAURE RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES and BENJAMIN GRADIS III have two nephews, OLINDE BENJAMIN RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES (1795-1851) AND EUGENE RODRIGUES (1807-1830) who are leading the SAINT SIMON ‘New Christianity’ religion in France.
HERE is the Wiki page for OLINDE RODRIGUES.
He’s a maths whizz, a stockbroker – and here’s the really important stuff:
Olinde Rodrigues is a follower of the ideas of comte de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), which he made known in 1823. He then became the principal disciple and heir. In June 1825, just after the death of Saint-Simon, as he had promised to do on his death-bed, [Olinde] founded a newspaper, The Producer. It publishes the works of Saint-Simon and continues to advocate this the socialist ideal socialist…
He takes an active part in the creation of the railroads in France with his cousins, the brothers Pereire (Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Saint-Germain, Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans).
He died in a ‘stupid’ domestic accident at 6, rue d Amsterdam, on December 17, 1851, in the presence of Isaac Pereire.
He is buried in the funerary tradition of the jews at the Père-Lachaise cemetery, his grave is next to Saint-Simon.
OLINDE’S brother, EUGENE is also a leading follower of ‘SAINT SIMON’.
And so are his maternal first cousins, the French banker PEREIRE brothers, EMILE and ISAAC.
EMILE PEREIRE actually also marries OLINDE’s sister, RACHEL RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES, making all this the usual incestuous little party we’re used to seeing with this family.
Oh, and ISAAC PEREIRE marries EMILE’s daughter, Fanny, (i.e. his niece) in a second marriage.
Point is, this snippet from EMILE PEREIRE’s Wiki page, HERE:
Through d’Olinde Rodrigues, his first cousin and brother-in-law, he embraces the doctrines of SAINT SIMON in 1829.
And so does his brother, ISAAC PEREIRE – although more covertly.
The PEREIRE BROTHERS Wiki page can be found HERE.
The motto of their banking and industrialisation empire is:
“Borrowed from Saint-Simon : “to each according To his capacity, to each capacity according to its works “.
They undertake a number of massive projects with JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD, and BARON D’EICHTAL.
In Part II of this post, we’re going to figure out a bit more how all these people were actually the REAL ‘Frankists’, with a finger in every international financial pie, and a religious fervour to do away with God and the Torah.
From their positions high-up, within the Jewish community itself.
And how they had everything to do with the masons of America, and the communists of Russia, too.
Until then.
[1] I got side-tracked by this bit of info, which is very interesting, and again shows that this one family of ‘crypto Jews’ has been running the show for centuries, but it’s not really part of the main story of this post. So I decided to stick it down here in the footnotes:
The paternal uncle of ABRAHAM GRADIS I (the King of Bordeaux) was called LÉON ISAAC PEIXOTTO, born sometime in the mid-1600s.
That’s an unusual surname.
Two hundred years later, in 1874, there is a US Consul-General of Romania trying to ‘relieve anti-semitism’ in that country caled BENJAMIN PEIXOTTO. In 1874, Benjamin Peixotto makes a pilgrimage to Palestine.
Here’s a snippet from his Wiki page:
He supported the Westernization and internal improvement of the Jewish community, helping establish the Zion Society (which later became B’nai B’rith in Romania) and the Society for the Culture of the Israelites in Roumania….
He left for good in June 1876, returning to America that July. His efforts to improve conditions for Romanian Jews laid the groundwork for the 1878 Treaty of Berlin.
Click on that link for the 1878 Treaty of Berlin.
That’s where you’ll learn more about how the Balkans was carved up, setting the scene for the political tinder box that ignited into World War I, 35 years later.
Point is: over a time period of 300 years, it’s the exact same small family pulling the strings for the masons in the USA, and also in Europe – and also in ‘Palestine’, as part of the ‘political zionism’ project.
The ‘rational thinkers’ out there probably want to know how I can claim BENJAMIN PEIXOTTO is connected to the masons.
It’s a fair question – and I have an answer.
Here’s what it says on Daniel Peixotto’s Wiki page, HERE:
Peixotto, like his father before him, was active in Freemasonry and served Master of the Washington Lodge in 1833.[3]
In 1813, his father Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto had been one of the six founding members of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction.
ALBERT PIKE was one of the leaders of the Scottish Rite masons – you know, that guy who was writing letters about how ‘political zionism’ needed to be set up in order to spark of WW3 and usher in the ‘NWO’….
And of course, Benjamin Peixotto was also part of a ‘secret society’ you’ve probably heard of, snippet from HERE:
[H]e served as Grand Sar (president) of *B’nai B’rith during 1863–64 and was the prime mover for its Jewish Orphan Asylum (now Bellefaire) established in Cleveland in 1869.
We didn’t get to the Bnei Brith part of this story yet. But with God’s help, we will.
(Leo Frank, who Candace Owens and Dennis Prager are arguing over, was the leader of his local BNEI BRITH chapter in Chicago. That’s not a moot point.)
Point is, every stone we turn over in this story has a pseudo-Jewish freemason hiding underneath it.
And hardly any of them were known to be ‘Frankists’….
these so called crypto jews were to be sure of jewish background who assimilated out over 2000 years, there may be a half billion people with jewish background. ron unz,” brother nathaniel ” george tsuris and half the big anti semites today are jews(unz and athaniel dont hide their origins) many non jews will consider them jews no matter what we say/why these people of hundreds of years ago would pretend to be jewish is beyond me other than self hatred
The xtian missionaries are still pulling the same stunt today:
WA few weeks ago, a distinguished-looking professor of international law showed up at Chabad house of Geneva headed by Rabbi Mendel Pewzner asking to convert to Judaism.
He made an excellent impression, dressed in a suit and hat and displaying broad knowledge of Judaism. Most importantly, he appeared very sincere in his desire to accept upon himself the yoke of Torah and mitzvos.
As the man began making inroads into the kehillah, attending services and being invited into homes, Rabbi Pewzner got an urgent message from Yad L’Achim in Israel: The newcomer was a missionary. Yad L’Achim backed up its charge with evidence that the man was a Mormon and active in missionary activity around the world.
Moreover, Yad L’Achim presented eye-witness testimony that during the very time that the man was in shul, in his religious Jewish garb, he was trying to convince tourists visiting the place to convert out of Judaism.
The final evidence, which left no doubt as to the man’s intentions, was a statement attributed to him that he wanted to become a Jew because it would be easier for him to operate among Jews, since he could pass himself off as one of them.”
Whatever we see going on today was also going on 400 years ago, 600 years ago, 800 years ago….
It’s a spiritual war.
And the people who are ‘anti’ Judaism, and the Talmud, anti God – they understand very well that every Jew that maintains their simple emuna in God and His Torah is standing in their way of taking over, on planet earth.
UPDATE: Scroll down some of the stories on the Tomer Devorah blog, under this link:
You’ll find a whole bunch of missionaries in Eretz Yisrael, ‘pretending to be Jewish’.
Remember that ‘rabbi’ from Nachlaot, whose name I don’t remember, who was outed a couple of years ago? He was connected to a whole bunch of ‘Jewish influencers’, particularly in the so-called ‘modern orthodox’ world.
It’s been a massive problem for literally two millenia – if not more.
Likewise in the “Chatam Sofer’s” family tree, there are no actual Jews going back more than a few generations…
Then there’s Julius Wellhausen, of the “Documentary Hypothesis,” which he never actually proved but is taught in every public school in America. I wonder how that’s tied into this; I bet he was also a mason.