OKAY, let’s get to part II of the deep-dive on SAINT SIMONISM.
Before you begin, you should know this stuff is taking me weeks to ‘shake down’ into even a semblance of being easy to read and simple to follow.
Part of the problem is that they covered up all the main players in real Jewish history, so none of us have that store of ‘internalised knowledge’ about these people that makes it easier to place names and deeds in context.
So, if it’s a little hard-going, I sympathise.
But each time we take another swipe at this, it will get easier to digest it, and to finally make sense of what is going on.
At some point!
To recap what we learnt in Part I:
SAINT SIMON was a French nobleman whose family were mixed up with LOUIS XV’s ‘Secrets du Roi’ spy agency.
He developed a philosophy, post the French Revolution, of creating a new ‘religion without God’, God forbid.
The high-priests and prophets of this new religion, which he called NEW CHRISTIANITY, were meant to be scientists.
The proposals included turning ISAAC NEWTON’s tomb in to some sort of pilgrimage site, or ‘scientific tzaddik’ grave. (They later gave up on that, and replaced Newton with ‘Saint Darwin’, instead.)
Many of his ideas about creating a world which worshipped science, industry and logic, quite literally, were later picked up people like KARL MARX (more on that shortly).
He had a bunch of ‘crypto Jews’ leading up his new religion after his death, most notably including members of the extended GRADIS family of French crypto Jews, who helped finance the American Revolution.
In the last post, we focussed-in on OLINDE BENJAMIN RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES, and his brother EUGENE, who are great-grandsons of ‘the King of Bordeaux’, ABRAHAM GRADIS.
And then, we were starting to learn more about OLINDE’s maternal first cousins, EMILE and ISAAC PEREIRE, who were French bankers and industrialists who partnered with JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD and BARON ADOLPHE D’EICHTAL (grandson of ARON ELIAS SELIGMAN, Court Jew of Bavaria) on a lot of projects.
At that point, a ton of new info started appearing, so I realised I better start spliting it up into different posts.
So today, let’s return to the GRADIS / RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES family of crypo Jews, to see what other connections we can make between ‘NEW CHRISTIANITY’ and crypto-Jewish bankers who were adherents to this new ‘religion of industrialisation and science’, that booted God firmly out of the picture.
We’ll take a closer look at the PEREIRE brothers in a moment, but before we do that, there is another very prominent adherent of SAINT SIMONISM in this very small family tree.
I started to write a bit about the EICHTAL family HERE, in a post called JEWISH JESUITS AND BERLIN BANKERS.
To sum up the main points for this post, there is a family of Berlin bankers called the SELIGMANS.
One ELIAS (ELI) LEIMAN SELIGMANN (1710 – 1777) married one VERONICA FROMET LEMLE – and they had six kids, who intermarried with all the leading court Jews, bankers and Frankists all over Europe.
Now, I already know most people can’t hack the genealogy bit of all this research.
So, I’m going to put more of the details for the heritage nerds in the footnotes, while we focus in one of ELI and VERONICA’s sons, called:
ARON ELIAS SELIGMANN (1747 – 1824) – he’s a German court Jew and the main creditor for the Kingdom of Bavaria, that apparently owed him the astronomical amount of ‘110 million’.
ARON ELIAS changed his name to LEONHARD, got ennobled as BARON LEONHARD VON EICHTAL, then converted to Roman Catholicism in 1819.[1]
This family of SELIGMAN / D’EICHTALS court Jew bankers are very tightly tied to the Bohemian Frankists, including ‘Jacob Frank’ himself. (See the footnotes for more details).
One of d’EICHTAL’s sisters is called HELENE ELISABETH HEILE ROSE SELIGMANN (1752-1793).
She marries NAFTALI HERTZ SALOMON OPPENHEIM, from that same, infamous Oppenheim family who has given us so many of our corrupted court Jews and notorious converts to xtianity.
Again, go back to the original post HERE for more details – or see the footnotes.[2]
And that branch of the family degenerates, within a generation, into including a bunch of Jewish-Jesuit RATISBONNE converts to Roman Catholicism[3], who start buying up huge parcels of land in Eretz Yisrael, in the mid 1850s – and then building Jesuit-linked churches and monasteries all over the country.[4]
All with one eye on ‘converting the Jews’ – especially, in Eretz Yisrael.
OK, let’s get back to ‘SAINT SIMON’ and his new religion.
On the French Wiki HERE, we learn that one GUSTAV SELIGMANN D’EICHTAL (1804-1886) becomes one of the main ‘missionaries’ for this new religions of SAINT SIMON, that puts ‘science’ in the place of ‘God’, God forbid a million times.
Here he is:
“At the age of thirteen [GUSTAV D’EICHTAL] became a convert to Roman Catholicism from Judaism, and when he left the Lycée Henri IV in 1822, he became a disciple of Auguste Comte, who initiated him into the doctrines of Saint-Simon (and later Barthélemy Prosper Enfantin),[1] to the propagation of which he devoted a part of his fortune.”
It continues:
“ He had two sons, Eugène Séligmann d’Eichthal, born 3 November 1844 in Paris, died 28 February 1936 in Paris; and Georges Séligmann d’Eichthal, as well as a daughter whose married name was Mme. Paul Le Bret.
She had been a friend of Rosa Bonheur when they were both children, as their fathers had both lived briefly at the Saint-Simonian monastery at Ménilmontant.”
But of course, the Wiki bios about these people are always incredibly coy about connecting the dots about who else GUSTAV SELIGMAN D’EICHTAL is related to.
Because once those dots are connected, we’d start to understand very quickly how the whole world is really being controlled by a very small group of interconnected people.
HERE is the archived link to the ‘D’EICHTAL SELIGMANN’ family tree.
And here is a screenshot, that shows that GUSTAVE – the Roman Catholic ‘disciple’ of SAINT SIMONISM (red arrow) is actually the paternal grandson of ARON ELIAS SELIGMAN VON EICHTAL, court Jew in Bavaria (blue arrow).
Dear reader, this SELIGMAN family is at the heart of the so-called ‘Frankist network’ that got busy corrupting the Jewish community from within – and most people have never even heard of them.
GUSTAV D’EICHTAL’S father in law was EDUARD RODRIGUES – this guy:
Also, a convert to Catholicism, also a banker with big interests in developing French railway routes – and also, a leading ‘missionary’ of SAINT SIMONISM, that ‘new christianity’ religion-without-a-God.
HERE is his Wiki page, and this is a snippet:
Son of the banker Benjamin Rodrigues (1769-1838) and Nancy Robles, Édouard Rodrigues became a stockbroker in Paris, associated in his office with Ferdinand Moreau, who followed his brother Henry as syndic of the stockbrokers of the Paris market.
Édouard Rodrigues was an important financier and Saint-Simonian.[5]
Check out the footnotes, you’ll see he’s got quite the resume!
Snippet continues:
A convert to Catholicism, he made his first communion in the chapel of the archbishop’s palace at the age of seventy-five.
Married to Sophie Lopes Henriques de Saa (1802-1861), who was the daughter of Isaac Lopes Henriques de Saa, merchant in the St. Thomas Islands and member of the Grand Sanhedrin, and sister-in-law of Henry Vieyra Molina.
THE GRAND SANHEDRIN was one of the main ways Napoleon and his fellow satanic masons, including a lot of Portuguese-French ‘crypto Jews’, attempted to corrupt the Jewish community from within.
I started writing a bit about it HERE – but we didn’t even start scratching the surface, of what that GRAND SANHEDRIN was really about, and who was really involved in it – and how all this connects to both ‘Frankists’ and ‘Reform Judaism’.
Meanwhile, HENRY VIEYRA MOLINA is another formerly Portuguese half-Jewish-xtian-mason (or it could be the other way round…) who somehow comes to be heading up part of the French army in 1851, and causes another coup d’etat in France.
That brings another Napoleon to the throne.
Here’s a snippet from his Wiki page:
Colonel and chief of the general staff of the national Guard, [HENRY VIEYRA MOLINA] contributed significantly to the coup of 2 December 1851 , and prevented the National Guard from taking up their weapons during the event.
In other words – he was a corrupt army chief working for the French satanic masons, to re-install LOUIS NAPOLEON BONAPARTE as ruler of the country.
And a big part of how that happened, is that he refused to let the army he was controlling to use their weapons, to stop the coup from happening.
Does anything I just wrote here sound familiar?
As usual with this stuff, there is more information appearing than I know what to do with.
So, let’s bring it back around to JEAN ISAAC JACOB RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES (JIJRH, for short), and the PEREIRE brothers.
JIJRH (1771-1846) is this guy:
He is for sure very close family with all these other ‘RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES’, but I still can’t tell you exactly how, as they have covered their tracks very well.[6]
This guy is made ‘secretary’ of Napoleon’s GRAND SANHEDRIN in 1807.
Two of his children, OLINDE BENJAMIN and EUGENE RODRIGUES are leading supporters, and ‘missionaries’ of that same SAINT SIMON ‘new xtianity’ religion, which aims to replace God with science, God forbid, that we covered in Part I.
Isaac’s daughter Rachel also marries one EMILE PEREIRE – this guy:
Who also becomes a leading supporter and missionary for this new, man-made, SAINT SIMONISM Godless religion.
Another daughter marries the Italian philosopher CHARLES SARCHI – and whaddya know? He is another leading missionary for the ‘SAN SIMON’ God-less religion, and big ‘science pusher’.
Meanwhile, another daughter, Sophronie, marries one DAVID ANDRADE, the son of ABIGAIL D’AGUILAR[7] and R’ ABRAHAM ANDRADE, the chief rabbi of Bordeaux – and another senior member of Napoleon’s GRAND SANHEDRIN.
The point is: this whole family are converting to Roman Catholicism, and ALSO pushing ‘SAN SIMONISM’’s ‘new xtianity’ to replace God with Isaac Newton.
And they are also super-rich bankers, who have fingers in so many Victorian industrialisation projects, including the biggest banks – and building the railways.
AND – they are thick as thieves with Napoleon, and his wider network of satanic masons.
And one of the key ways they are trying to ‘reform’ (= destroy) Judaism, is via the GRAND SANHEDRIN.
I know all this is a lot to keep straight.
So, let’s end this post by taking a closer look at banker EMILE PEREIRE, and then we are going to stop with the French Frankist-masons, and pick it back up with the American Frankist-masons in the next installment.
HERE is EMILE PEREIRE’s French Wiki page.
The pertinent things to note are:
- His brother ISAAC PEREIRE is also a banker, and also marries into the family of SAINT SIMON missionaries / pretend Jews, aka the RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES, where he starts making ‘SAINT SIMON’ propaganda to sway the masses – (aka, starts a newspaper, or three.)
- He’s super-rich, hanging out with the French Rothschilds and Eichtal-Seligmanns – and also building railroads all over the place.
In 1835, together with his brother Isaac, he busy the chemin de fer de Saint-Germain, whose $ 5 million guarantee was made by James de Rothschild, Adolphe d Eichthal , and a few other financiers. After the success of this operation, he undertook the construction of the chemins de fer du Nord (1845), Auteuil, Argenteuil, Midi (1852), the Rhone-and-Loire (1853), by the Austrian State and the East of Switzerland (1855), in the North of Spain (1856), Russia, etc
He founds the CREDIT MOBILIER in 1852.
And also has a big role to play in other massive French financial institutions including CREDIT AGRICOLE, and the OTTOMAN BANK.
In 1868, he becomes the director of the French TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY.
Like so many of the other Frankist-masons, he spends a lot of time trying to break down the barriers between ‘Jew’ and ‘gentile’, and he’s also a big believer in political emancipation, even becoming a member of the French parliament.
Oh, and he’s a full-time missionary for his SAINT SIMON religion, which literally aims to replace God with science.
One of his main business partners (and close family members….) ADOLPHE d’EICHTAL.
Adolphe is Gustav’s son – and apparently also into replacing God with science.
He’s also a ‘big banker’. Oh, and in 1828, dear Adolphe becomes director of the SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN MORALITY.[8]
And also founds or directs a whole bunch of ‘science-pushing’ organisations in France, including the French Association for the Advancement of Science.
Of course.
It all goes together, for these Frankist-masons we keep uncovering here.
You can read more about some of the members of this Frankist-masonic SELIGMANN-EICHTAL family of bankers HERE.
We are still only scratching the surface in this post, and don’t forget, this is the same family that gave us the Jewish-Jesuit RATISBONNES, who built their monasteries and cathedrals all over the Holy Land in the 19th century.
And who were obsessed with trying to ‘convert’ Jews out of yiddishkeit.
These SELIGMANN-EICHTAL Frankist-masons were located in Bavaria, where they were court Jews.
In the next post, we’re hopping over the pond to take a closer look at the late Victorian SELIGMAN bankers of New York – also apparently from Bavaria…..
‘Official history’ likes to pretend that of course, these people aren’t connected.…
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
We’ll learn how the NY Seligmans somehow also managed to become multi-multi millionaires, build a ton of railways, set up a ton of banks, hang out with a ton of American politicians – and also advocated the radical reform of, and sometimes also the total abolition of, Judaism.
So, we’ll pick up another thread of this story with with ‘Our Crowd’, over on Fifth Avenue, 150 years ago.
Until then.
[1] ARON ELIAS SELIGMAN (VON EICHTAL) has a sister, KAROLINA JOSEFA SELIGMAN (1745 – 1811), who married another ‘ennobled’ banker, ADAM ALBERT JOSEF VON HENIKSTEIN.
ADAM is the brother of ISRAEL HONIG VON HONIGSBURG, court Jew in Brunn, and holder of the Imperial Tobacco Monopoly.
This family are very close relatives of ‘SCHONDEL DOBRUSKA’ and the false messiah ‘JACOB FRANK’.
Another one of ARON ELIAS SELIGMANN VON EICHTAL’s daughters is called RACHEL SOPHIE.
She marries one LEOPOLD SIMON RITTER VON LAMEL (1790 – 1867).
His mother is BABETTE DUSCHENES – and if that name sounds familiar, it’s because I did a whole big research project on how the Frankist DUSCHENES family actually funded the ‘Old Yishuv’ in Eretz Yisrael, and had very close links with the Vilna Gaon’s band of Perushim.
More on that another time.
His son LOUIS AARON SELIGMAN (1780-1790) marries one FLEURETTE LEVY who descends from the SEGAL and GANS families I write about so much here.
(DAVID GANS was an astronomer in Prague who was hanging out with Bohemian royalty and people like Tycho Brahe. He was also the first Jew to have the so-called ‘star of David’ engraved on his tombstone…)
[2] If you go HERE, to the expanded family tree for NAFTALI HERTZ SALOMON OPPENHEIM, you will find it literally crawling with Rothschilds, Schnappers, ‘Bauers’, Schwabs (!) – and Freemason-Frankist court Jews of every stripe.
Who all descend from that same ‘Kohen Tzedek’ family I keep mentioning here, that ties us back to the SHACH (and more ‘xtian-cohen’ court Jews.)
[3] The following snippet comes from HERE – a catholic blog talking about some notable Jews who converted to xtianity:
“In 1842, a 28-year-old French Jew named Alphonse Ratisbonne was visiting Rome. He was the youngest son of an important banking family in Strasbourg, a close relation of the Rothschilds.
As often happens with European Jews, a family takes the name of a city. The French Ratisbonne comes from Ratisbona, the Latin name for Regensburg, a famous German city near Munich.
Alphonse was a Jew by race and religion, virulently anti-Catholic, and libertine in his customs.”
But then, Alphone Ratisbonne has a ‘vision’, and ends up converting. The piece continues:
“His conversion had enormous repercussions over all Christendom. The entire Catholic world became aware of it and was impressed by it. Afterward, Ratisbonne became a Jesuit priest.
Ten years later, he and his brother Theodore, who also had converted from Judaism, founded a religious congregation – the Congregation of Sion – turned to the conversion of the Jews.”
[4] When I start looking for more info on that ‘Congregation’ devoted to converting Jews, I get to a page on the WayBack Machine, HERE.
This is more of what I learn:
In 1850 he engaged in mission work among convicts in Brest.
Two years later, with authorization of the Jesuit Superior General, Jan Philipp Roothaan, and the blessing of Pope Pius IX he left the Society of Jesus to join his brother Théodore and the ‘Pères de Sion’ in Paris.
In 1855, he moved to Palestine where he spent the rest of his life.
In 1858, he established the Convent of Ecce Homo in the Old City of Jerusalem for the Sisters of Sion.
In 1860, he built the Convent of St. John on a hilltop in Ein Karem, then a village on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
In 1874, he founded the Ratisbonne Monastery, now a Salesian study center in Jerusalem’s Rehavia neighborhood.
Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne died in Ein Karem on May 6, 1884 and is buried in the cemetery of that convent.
[5] His Wiki page continues to list his financial positions, like this:
“ Limited partner of Pleyel, Wolff & Cie and the company Ernest Goüin et Cie, vice-president of the Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Saint-Germain, he is also a director of the Compagnie des chemins de fer de l’Ouest, the Société de construction des Batignolles, the Crédit mobilier, the Caisse d’épargne, the Sous-comptoir des chemins de fer (Comptoir national d’escompte), etc.”
[6] The HENRIQUES are also the ancestors of the false messiah, (fake named) JACOB FRANK, and the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London, the sorcerer and founder of ‘The Golden Dawn’ secret society, SAMUEL CHAIM FALK, JACOB FRANK’s first father in law.
[7] Abigail D’Aguilar is possibly the daughter of the first Baron D’Aguilar, the big friend of the anti-semitic Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. The Baron has a daughter Abigail who officially marries one JACOB FRANCO…. I would not be totally shocked, if ABRAHAM ANDRADE and ‘JACOB FRANCO’ end up being the same person.
[8] There is a lot more going on with this organisation than meets the eye. LaFayette – another leading French mason – is also one of its founders, and they appear to be in cahoots with unidentified ‘supporters’ back in Britain.
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