Russia’s First Modern Jews – Part 2 – Baruch Shick, the Freemason

We are back working through the book: RUSSIA’S FIRST MODERN JEWS.

Which is basically a deep-dive on some of the leading personalities in Shklov.

In a nutshell, these people were at the forefront of the maskilim who continued with some form of external religious observance, whilst doing their best to corrupt the Jewish community from within.

Who cares, right?

Except all these people are very close linked to the Vilna Gaon, also very closely linked to ‘Chabad’ – and also, very closely linked to what became (and still is today) the masonic leadership of ouf failed State.


So, that’s why I care enough to keep coming back to this, because I know something has to be repeated at least seven times, before it’s really ‘noticed’ by the listener.

Like the slow drip of water on the stone, eventually, all this information, all these facts, will eventually penetrate.

And then…..things can really start to change in Israel, and this corrupt, rotten, satanic-masonic crime family who have been in the driving seat for centuries can finally be identified, kicked out.

And replaced with something way, way better.


Another reason I am going to continue airing this out is because anti-semitism in the world is approaching stratospheric proportions.

And the real Jews – you and me – need to stop defending satanic-masons with Jewish names and big yichus briefs who are really the Erev Rav in our midst, who have caused us so much terrible suffering for so long.

How can we defend real Jews, what our real Torah teaches, what God really expects of humanity, when we continue to defend the indefensible, evil actions of the satanic-masons in our midst?

This is the real birur that each of us needs to participate in.

And I know it’s very hard and very painful. But it’s also very necessary, because it’s only when we start to adopt a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ for evil in our own lives, our own thinking, our own backyards, that we can break these people’s hold over us, and our communities, and our souls.



Let’s get back into this, with a closer look at BARUCH SHICK, the man who so much of this swirls around.

Let’s stack up some sources from ‘official history’, and then we’ll start to fill in the blanks that change the whole story.

This snippet is from page 23 of RUSSIA’S MODERN JEWS, which devotes a whole chapter to him:

“Barukh Shick was born in Shklov in 1744, into a distinguished family of Byelorussia’s rabbinic elite. His father, R Jacob, served as Shklov’s community rabbi for some twenty years…

R Barukh’s uncle, his mother’s brother, was the noted R Arye Leyb Ginzburg, the Sha’agat Arye, widely viewed as the most outstanding halakhist in 18th century Poland-Lithuania after the Vilna Gaon himself….

The Ginzburg family was also the predominant force in the Byelorussian rabbinate, with members of this clan holding the office of provincial rabbi ‘for the land of Russia’ throughout the 18th century, and others serving as communal rabbis in several local towns.”


Elsewhere in the book (page 3), Fishman says this about the Ginzburg / Gunzburg rabbinic mafia of Byelorussia:

“On several occasions, communities lodged complaints with Lithuanian magnates and tribunals concerning alleged abuses of power by the provincial rabbi, and, in 1746, Shklov and Kopys briefly seceded from the va’ad medinat rusiya in protest at the rabbi’s unfair tax-appointment practices.”

The footnote makes it clear that:

“During most of the 18th century, the provincial rabbinate was occupied by members of the Ginzburg family…and was passed on from father to son to grandson.”


These are the same ‘GUNZBURG / GINZBERGS” who devolved into the Barons GUNZBURG family of bankers with tight links to the Rothschilds and a bunch of other Frankist-masonic banking families.

A lot of effort has gone into scrubbing out how the GUNZBURGs are also very closely linked to a number of the ‘big rabbis’ we hear about so much….

BH, let’s see what connections we can re-establish in this post.


So, BARUCH SHICK’s mother is a GUNZBURG.

His father is the JACOB SHICK who is apparently so threatened and intimidated by the local chassids of Shklov that he ends up leaving town, and pops up in Slutzk, where he dies in 1774.

And his uncle is the SHA’AGAT ARYEH LEIB GUNZBURG – another person for whom the ‘official story’ just doesn’t stand up.


Let’s take a closer look at the SHA’AGAT ARYEH, before we continue.

For an excellent precis of the ‘official history’ we’re told about him, read THIS:


And then, read THIS, from the onthemainlineblog that also brings an ‘authentic portrait’ of the Sha’agat Aryeh.

The first thing I want to ask you is: how come there was enough time to apparently commission someone to paint a portrait of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH GUNZBURG after he’d just died?!

Think about this for a moment.

Jewish law requires that dead people are buried as fast as possible.

Yet, ‘official history’ tells us that this famous portrait of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH was painted shortly after he’d passed away. It’s the small details like this, that build up into a much bigger picture of B.S.


Meanwhile, the SHA’AGAT ARYEH seems to have some other notable in-laws.

According to the genealogist EILAT GORDON LEVINSON, (who from what I tell kind of got ‘shut down’ by the gatekeepers on Geni, for putting up too much real information) his daughter marries none other than

CHAIM of VOLOZHIN, founder of the VOLOZHIN YESHIVA, and leading student of the GRA.


We’ll come back to CHAIM of VOLOZHIN another time, it’s enough to flag here that so many of the leading lights in the satanic-masonic-z-ist leadership of our failed State are his direct descendents, including the late SHIMON PERES (PERSKY).

And on the ‘religious’ side of the equation, his descendants include the SOLOVEITCHIK family, the BERLIN family who headed up the VOLOZHIN yeshiva for decades, and probably a bunch more interesting people who I didn’t trip over yet.


But that’s not all.

That same ‘Sarah, daughter of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH’ is shown in multiple places on Geni as marrying NATAN NETA (NOTKIN) KHAIMOVITCH – one of the main government contractors in SHKLOV, and a person who pops up in a lot of stories we cover here.

For example, NATAN NETA NOTKIN is said to be the shtadlan who arranges for the ALTER REBBE of Chabad to be freed from prison.

And his ‘business partner’ is said to be ABRAHAM PERETZ, the son-in-law of BARON YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN of SHKLOV – who ends up converting to xtianity in St Petersburg, and who is meant to have been one of the people who snitched on the ALTER REBBE in the first place….


NATAN NETA NOTKIN (the son of ‘CHAIM’) is said to die in 1804 – and the Tzar himself comes to see him on his deathbed.

He’s a big maskil, trying to get the religious Jewish peasants of the Pale of Settlement properly ‘educated’ and sent away to agricultural colonies where they can be ‘useful workers’.

There is not a single trace of his tomb, nor a contemporary description of his tombstone, which is kind of strange for such a ‘big deal’ in the Jewish community.


Meanwhile, CHAIM of VOLOZHIN starts up the VOLOZHIN YESHIVA which churns out a bunch of proto-z’ists who are really into setting up agricultural colonies in Eretz Yisrael; he sits on the Tzar’s committee to reform Jewish education – and is apparently in favor of introducing more secular studies, which also then happens in the Volozhin yeshiva itself.

His alumni include a bunch of people you’ve heard of (who all belong to yet more ‘secret societies) including Rav KOOK, Mordechai EPSTEIN (of Slabodka Yeshiva fame) – and a slew of leading z-ists including people like NACHMAN BIALIK.

And his family tree is such a hot mess, it’s at least possible that NATAN NETA NOTKIN (the son of CHAIM) and CHAIM of VOLOZHIN really are exactly the same person. Which would explain how they both marry ‘SARAH’, the daughter of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH.


OK, let’s return to BARUCH SHICK, nephew of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH, another ‘big disciple’ of the GRA and Byelorussian masonic-maskil, to see what other clues we can pick up.

SHICK famously translates the Euclid’s Elements into Hebrew ‘for the GRA’ – and then his introduction for that book is used by Russia’s maskilim as ‘proof’ that the GRA of Vilna also favours secular learning for Jews.

Here’s another snippet from p23:

[Shick wrote]: I heard from his holy tongue that for every deficiency of knowledge a man has in the sciences [hokhmah] he will have ten deficiencies of knowledge in the science of the Torah; for Torah and science are closely related.

“And he commanded me to translate everything possible of the sciences into our holy tongue…. In order to spread knowledge among our people Israel.”


According to David Fishman, auther of RUSSIA’S FIRST MODERN JEWS:

“These words played a pivotal role in immortalizing the Vilna Gaon as an advocate of the sciences, and a forerunner of the Haskalah.”


Before he gets to work on his translation of Euclid, BARUCH SHICK spends a year hanging out in Berlin with other Frankist-masonic-maskilim including:

The Chief Rabbi of Berlin R HIRSHL LEVIN LOEWENSTAAM, and his son, SHAUL LEVIN LOEWENSTAAM (author of the famous rabbinic forgery, the Besamim Rosh.)

HIRSHL LEVIN, and his wider family, deserves its own post. For now, it’s enough to know that he was another reforming-maskil in ‘orthodox rabbinic’ garb.

He introduces SHICK to people like MOSES MENDELSSOHN, MARCUS HERTZ, DAVID FRIEDLANDER, ISAAC SATANOV, SOLOMON DUBNO and NAFTALI HERTZ WESSELY – all leading masons who went to work to destroy the Jewish community from within via the trojan horse of secular education.


These are the people who pay for BARUCH SHICK to start work on his translations of scientific works into Hebrew.

They also help him publish his work called YESOD ‘OLAM, which set out ‘Ptolemaic astronomy’ in Hebrew…


SHAUL BERLIN is the first person to subscribe to buy the book, and his father HIRSHL LEVIN LOEWENSTAAM writes a ‘warm approbation’ for it.

And do you know who else is helping to pay for all these enlightening projects being cooked up by the Berlin circle of masonic-maskilim?

NATAN NETA NOTKIN, and his ‘business partner’ – the soon-to-convert s-i-l of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN – ABRAHAM PERETZ, of SHKLOV.


This snippet is from page 53:

“Given his frequent journeys to Germany, and his extraordinary wealth and business contacts, it was natural for Notkin to find his peer group among the wealthy Jewish merchants and Maskilim of Berlin.

He was a subscriber to their journal, Ha-me’asaf, in 1784-5, and purchased four advance copies of…an edition of the Psalms with Mendelssohn’s German translation and Bi’ur.

Notkin himself became a proponent of moderate acculturation, and reportedly educated his childrn in a European manner, arranging for them to be taught Russian, Polish and French.”


Remember, all these snippets are ‘official history’, by real, bona fide historians.

On pg 56, Fishman tells us that:

“In keeping with his high social standing…Notkin married off his son SHABTAI to the daughter of Byelorussia’s foremost rabbinic authority, R ARYE LEYB GINZBURG, the SHA’AGAT ARYE.”


So the masonic-maskil BARUCH SHICK and NATAN NETA NOTKIN are very close mishpocha.

Either, NATAN NETA himself marries SHICK’s first cousin, or his son does.

(Or maybe, father and son marry sisters…. These are probably Sabbateans we are dealing with here, after all, as you can see from the son’s name, SHABTAI.)


But the tight links between the Frankist-maskilim in Berlin and Shklov don’t stop there.

On the next page, we learn that YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN of Shklo (1742-1821):

“[S]ometime in late 1780s…married off his young daughter to the nephew of the Berlin chief rabbi [HIRSHL LEVIN] – a young Galician scholar named ABRAHAM PERETS (1771-1833), who lived at the time in the Prussian capital.

Following the marriage, Perets moved to Shklov, where he and his father-in-law continued to maintain ties with Berlin….

Perets personally underwrote publication of one of the Berlin Haskalah’s more contoversial works – the collection of forged responsa Besamam Rosh…issued by his first cousin [son of HIRSHL LEVIN] Shaul Berlin, (in 1793).


That’s the same ABRAHAM PERETS who ends up converting to xtianity in St Petersburg.

(And his sister PERL marries R LEVI YITZHAK of BERDICHEV).

I’d love to tell you how, exactly, PERETZ is the nephew of the Berlin Chief Rabbi HIRSHL LEVIN….but for reasons that are still not entirely obvious, that piece of information has been carefully scrubbed.


Here’s another interesting footnote, from page 159, about how ABRAHAM PERETS intersects with Chabad, and SHNEUR ZALMAN, the Alter Rebbe:

“Hasidic legend presents a thoroughly negative image of Perets.

One tale relates that when R Shneur Zalman was released from his first arrest in 1798, he was taken from the St Petersburg prison to the nearest household, which happened to be Perets’s. The latter proceeded to abuse and insult the Hasidic master and held him under house arrest for several days. (Heilman, Bet rabi, 65-66).

Another late source claims that Perets was the main informer against Hasidim to the Russian authorities (Wilensky, Hasidim ve-mitnagdim, 2:354). This is in sharp contrast to the image of Nota Notkin, who, although no Hasid, was given credit for bringing about R Shneur Zalman’s release (Heilman, Bet rabi, 75.”


In the meantime, let’s remind ourselves who else are the sons-in-law of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN of Shklov:

  1. BINYAMIN RIVLIN, the Gabia HaKesef, who marries Zeitlin’s daughter DREIZA, lives on Zeitlin’s fancy estate, and has a bunch of kids that take over Eretz Yisrael, including:

  1. HILLEL RIVLIN –  who writes down KOL HATOR and leads the GRA’s students moving to Eretz Yisrael
  2. MINDEL RIVLIN – who marries ABD of SHKLOV, CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK. Their granddaughter ELKE marries MOSES DOBRUSHKA who creates the ASIAN BROTHERHOOD satanic-masonic lodges. And their son is PINCHAS ROSANES SHICK, the Chabad kingmaker in the dispute between the Mitteler Rebbe and R MORDECHAI of CHERNOBYL.

III: BATYA RIVLIN – marries MENACHEM NACHUM SHNEERSON, oldest son of the Mitteler Rebbe.

(This is according to Neil Rosenstein, who says BINYAMIN RIVLIN marries DREIZA, the daughter of ‘JOSHUA THE SAINT’).



Like you, I never heard of this guy before I read RUSSIA’S FIRST MODERN JEWS.

According to Fishman, NATHANSON only met BINYAMIN RIVLIN when he takes up residence on ZEITLIN’s Ustye estate as a ‘Talmudist and Scientist’.

Snippet from page 109:

“While heading his yeshiva [in Shklov], R Benjamin had been a merchant of pharmaceutical good, and became an expert on botany, minerology, pharmacology, and the natural sciences….

Nathanson remarked:

‘[BINYAMIN RIVLIN] was an observer of nature, and used to speak about the trees, the stones, all the animals and insects. In the summers he would take strolls for several hours each day, and collect grasses, roots and flowers, which he would dry out and make into medicines, according to the science of pharmacology.

He knew it well, from the books of Gentile scholars in their language, just as he knew all aspects of the natural sciences.”


In other words…. Binyamin Rivlin was an erudite maskil, dressed in the garb of an orthodox Rabbi.


You know who else was meant to be hanging out in ZEITLIN’s mansion at exactly this time?

If you said the freemason ‘BARUCH SHICK’, award yourself 50 million brownie points!!!


In the meantime, JOSHUA ZEITLIN is also one of the main funders of CHAIM of VOLOZHIN’s yeshiva.

Of course.

Snippet from page 59:

“[ZEITLIN] helped finance the establishment of the Volozhin yeshiva in 1803, and issued a circular letter calling upon fellow philanthropists to come to the aid of its founder, R HAYIM of VOLOZHIN.”


So, let’s just recap where we got to, before we end with how BARUCH SHICK the satanic-mason accompanies the VILNA GAON to Amsterdam, during the GRA’s abortive attempt to make aliya to Israel.

  • NATAN NATA NOTKIN either marries SARAH, the daughter of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH GUNZBURG, and / or his son SHABTAI marries the daughter of the SHA’AGAT ARYEH.
  • NOTKIN is a very wealthy maskil with tight links to MOSES MENDELSSOHN and the Berlin circle of satanic-masonic-maskilim.
  • JOSHUA ZEITLIN also has tight links to MENDELSSOHN in Berlin.
  • ZEITLIN’s s-i-l is ABRAHAM PERETS, nephew of the (‘enlightened’) Berlin Chief Rabbi HIRSHL LEVIN, and a maskil in his own right, who a) snitches on the ALTER REBBE and b) converts to xtianity in St Petersburg.
  • BINYAMIN RIVLIN is apparently also ZEITLIN’s s-i-l – and another ‘orthodox maskil’. He marries DREIZA, and his kids include MINDEL SHICK –  married to BARUCH SHICK’s brother (or alter ego….) CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK. MINDEL SHICK’s granddaughter is ELKE JOSS, the wife of MOSES DOBRUSHKA, creator of the ASIAN BROTHERHOOD.
  • Both BINYAMIN RIVLIN and BARUCH SHICK – talmudic-maskilim with close links to the GRA of Vilna – end up on ZEITLIN’s estate in Ustye.
  • The descendants of both BINYAMIN RIVLIN and BARUCH SHICK take over Eretz Yisrael, mamash, and devolve into the satanic-masonic-z-ists we are still suffering from today.


OK, so how do we know BARUCH SHICK is a satanic mason?

That information has been scrubbed in English. You have to go to the Hebrew Wiki page for Baruch Shick, which tells you:

In 1785, he joined a Jewish Masonic lodge called the Asian Brothers. His name in the order was Peter ben el-Hai.


Remember, who helps to set up the ASIATIC BROTHERHOOD?

That would be the leading Frankist MOSES DOBRUSHKA / JUNIUS FREY of Brunn, whose wife ELKE is the grand-daughter of CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK, ABD of SHKLOV and MINDEL RIVLIN.

The Frankist MOSES DOBRUSHKA and BARUCH SHICK of SHKLOV are close mishpocha.

The Frankist MOSES DOBRUSHKA and BINYAMIN RIVLIN, whose descendents mamash took over most aspects of the State of Israel (and wrote KOL HATOR) are also close mishpocha.

The State was a masonic project right from the start.


If you want more details about the ASIATIC BROTHERHOOD, how it was organised, and how it brought together the xtian-satanists who also set up the Illuminati Lodges with MOSES DOBRUSHKA and his particular group of maskilic-masons, there’s a very long discussion of that on the website.

You can skip parts one and two, describing Shabtai Tzvi and how ‘Jacob Frank’ got started. We already filled out way more of that side of things.


Here’s a snippet:

“The syncretic tendencies of the ‘Asiatic Brethren’ who aimed to unite Jewry and Christianity by all means resembled the related tendencies amongst the Frankists, who leveraged writings from these circles, such as Hirschfelds ‘Biblical Organon’ (Offenbach 1796) for their propaganda. It is on this soil that Schönfeld and Hirschfeld met. What attracted the Frankist Schönfeld to the Freemason Hirscheld was what attracted the Freemason Hirschfeld to the Frankists with whom he maintained the closes relationships later on in Offenbach. ”— GERSHOM SCHOLEM, QUOTED AFTER KATZ, P.142



I wanted to tell you how all this connects up, mamash, to the Vilna Gaon himself, his brother, and the LOWENSTAAM FAMILY of Amsterdam – part of whom we already met, in the guise of HIRSHL LEVIN LOWENSTAAM, Chief Rabbi of Berlin.

But this post is plenty long enough already, so let’s start there in part 3.


PS: According to the Rebbe RAYATZ’s ‘memoirs’, ALEXANDER SENDER, the father of LEAH GOLDA of Shklov, who marries ‘MOSHE of SHKLOV’ and becomes the ancestor of the 4th Rebbe of Chabad, is also the son in law of JOSHUA ZEITLIN.

Sounds like there was quite the party going on in the old man’s mansion….




Go HERE for an out-of-print Artscroll kid’s version of the Sha’agat Aryeh’s life story online.

It makes v interesting reading.

Especially the bit where the Sha’agat Aryeh is meant to adopt a boy called ‘RAPHAEL’ (when he’s already nearly 80…) who then gets kidnapped by the church to the local monastery in Metz, and almost becomes a xtian.

Earlier in the book, we’re told that the main young student of the Sha’agat Aryeh is R RAPHAEL HACOHEN.

Call me crazy… I think we just tripped over another big chunk of the hidden story going on here.


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