Rivka HaTzaddika – the full translation

Thanks to Nahman for the original idea – and also to ASD and especially, Yosef D, for completing it.

Yosef D. put together a more complete translation of this video I put up yesterday, of Rivka HaTzaddika.

You can watch that here:


I still don’t know what I really think about all this, to be honest.

I am kind of out of my own ‘comfort zone’ here. But I know R Elmaliach is kodesh kodeshim, and I’m just going with the flow, and having (trying to have….) simple emuna.

So, thanks to Nahman for the original impetus to get this translated. And thanks to ASD and Yosef D for more impetus to get it properly translated.

Taken as a whole, it makes way more sense.

This video is from six months ago, BTW.


Yosef D.’s translation of ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’s comments:

Not sure if this is appropriate, but here’s a translation based on Nahman’s translation, youtube subtitles, and the audio track of the video.
Hello, I’m Rivka. Today is Wednesday, the 86th birthday of Rabbi Berland Shlit”a and also soon it will be my 46th birthday this year. And when it was last year – I am now 45 years old; last year I was already 45 because I was born in a the month of Shvat, on the ninth of Shvat.


On Lag BaOmer, I saw Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and many other tzaddikim, including Moses our Rebbe. The vision was full of a huge line of tzaddikim, yes, I am talking about a spiritual vision that I see them, this is not the first time I have seen Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Lag Ba’Omer.

Also that in the year – there passed away there 45 tzaddikim – I also saw Rabbi Shimon and other tzaddikim literally sitting as if they were sleeping in some gathering and then they said oy vavoy! and immediately after that, what happened happened.

45 years old, last year, then they told me that returnees were asked of all the tzaddikim. So it was – Lag Ba’Omer. Again I saw a committee with Rabbi Shimon.

R’ Shimon – and he asked all the tzaddikim – and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was at the head of it and he was there as well – Rav Berland, spiritually, and other tzaddikim. It was a kind of committee in the Lag BaOmer that we had passed – we had passed and they said that they should ask every tzaddik [Rashi?] to pass the merits of their Torah study and all their many merits everything they wrote[transfered] to the Shekinah.

And I saw each one simply take the unknown and simply stop(?) their Torah words and give it to the Shekinah and I was there because I am connected to the Shekinah.


In essence, from the beginning years Rabbi Berland tells me spiritually that I am Bat Sheva. Actually, I am connected to the soul of Bat Sheva and Bat Sheva is the Shekinah, as we know.

And this also explains to me all the enormous and terrible yearning that I have for building the Temple. Not once and not twice, in my messages I am literally begging and begging and with the love of fire for Hashem to build the Beit HaMikdash.

Every morning, I look out of my living room window towards the hills of Jerusalem. Jerusalem – and many times I wake up in the morning looking out the window and go to see if we have a Beit HaMikdash. This is simply because the connection that is going to be in the Beit HaMikdash will heal the neshama for all of us.

This will connect us in connection with the Kadosh Baruch Hu. The connection, the love we have [for the third beit hamikdash] will heal our nefesh, neshama, and bodies, and all simply bringing us closer to God. My experiences with the Shekinah have been significant.


I grew up in Chabad, as you know.

I studied at Beit Chana, and my parents made Aliyah from the USA, from Michigan, from Detroit Michigan. My mother is Esther, my father is Zvi, and they made Aliyah when I was five years old from the United States and my father is a Chabad hassid.


And this is what I can tell you about myself: we had nothing to do with Shuvu Banim.

we live in the place of [Brachfeld – Kiryat Sefer]. I married someone from the Lithuanian community, and my children studied in Lithuanian institutions. Before connecting with Rabbi Berland, I really had no association with the Breslov community, and I didn’t know who Rabbi Eliezer Berland was, and as I said, I’ll tell you a little more that.


About six or seven years ago, on Yom Kippur night, I fell asleep and around 12 at night, when I sleep, I see a giant gathering, the floor up to the sky, in a dream, I see my soul is up in gan eden.

There is a giant gathering of avreichim – torah students, many, many, until the heights, avreichim, and Rav Tzaddik talks to them in a long drasha. This was HaRav Ovadia Yosef Ztz”l.

It was after he passed away and I didn’t know it was HaRav Ovadia Yosef because I know him from the pictures that he is older but in the dream he looked young with the black beard and the glasses and he gave them a long long drasha about lots and lots of subjects[dvarim] also about when the geulah will be and all kinds of things about the process of the geulah, a drasha to the multitudes, to the multitudes, many, many, many, many, many avreichim, many.

And then he turned to me, my soul was up there, I didn’t understand either, so what was my neshama doing up there next to him, who am I, after all, then, no, I wasn’t that famous.

The subjects I’ve been talking about for two years, seems like I didn’t understand what exactly I was doing next to Rabbi Ztz”l and then he turns to me and asks me when the geulah will come, when the Moshiach be revealed, and then suddenly I wake up and it’s chatzot laila Yom Kippur and then I look next to me in my room I see for the first time in my life as if before.


Yes, I had real dreams that came true, but seeing a tzaddik full of light standing in my room, that was [new to] me.

I simply went into a bit of a shock because it was the first time. Today, I’m used to it because I communicate with many tzaddikim, and it’s already from the side of kedusha. Many also told me that it’s from the side of kedusha that [?].


And I see a great tzaddik rabbi, so I didn’t know it was Rav Eliezer Berland because I didn’t know him.

Because no, we had no connection with him, with a white beard all white and I see the Shekinah above. I see a great light full of love communicating with me I realized it was the Kadosh Barukh Hu, He is holding a shofar full of oil and a crown and He asks me telepathically whether to pour it on him or to enthrone him and I am like that. yes!

I answer him telepathically with such joy my whole soul has been filled with light I am like this wow!


Halavai there is a tzaddik here who would be recommend to be already a moshiach, and from that day my neshama is simply like a greater essence[?].

I felt myself existing above and below, half down, as if my neshama [….?] and since then I began to see tzaddikim and spirituality and Rav Berland, so I will continue to tell nothing how did I even find out that it was Rabbi Ovadia Yosef I saw in a dream?


On the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that same year in the month of cheshvan, I was in the library with my children, and my children, they went to read the children’s books, and I sat next to the adult books, and I took out a book by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef because it’s his Yahrtzeit.

And where I actually opened the book, I opened the book, where I opened the book the picture was exactly what I saw in the dream, which is what I saw in the dream, the young man with the glasses the short beard.

And then I realized, Wait a moment, essentially it was HaRav Ovadia Yosef that I saw in a dream on Yom Kippur and then a figure appeared to me because I realized that the Rav, in essence, came to tell me on his Yahrtzeit in cheshvan that it was a true dream.

And then I took things more seriously from that day.


And then since then Rav Berland accompanies me full of light talking to me with telepathy, and helps me in every step.

I went, thus, through so many corrections and thus, through so many big things. Language is not the paper(idiom?). Even if I talk about it for hours and hours, I wouldn’t tell the whole number of times that Rabbi Berland was with me all over the world, almost half the world, and all kinds of places to complete nitzotzot.

It’s not the place now to tell all the tikkunim of the Shekinah that I went through, but from that day on Yom Kippur my life changed from one end to the other.

I am telling you that I did not have one phone call with Rav Berland. Just in dalet amot, in spirituality. [….?]


He decides it from heaven.

There is above me a giant angel, a huge angel who directs me with Rav Berland and I hear an echo of a voice from the Kadosh Barukh Hu, all the time.

[….?] tikkunei of the Shekinah …. that’s it. I still haven’t met the rabbi face to face. I mean, I didn’t need to. Seven years I’m led by the Kadosh Barukh Hu and the Rav to make tikkunim for everything.

I mean yes, I went around the world.

I also had to talk about tzniut with all kinds of rabbis in the world and in the United States, and in Europe, and I conveyed many, many messages about tzniut, and encouragement to the women and girls of Israel.

And besides that, I had to finish many, many, many sparks to raise them to the Shekinah.


Now Rabbi Berland has talked with my neshama, they actually connected me to the neshama of the tzaddikim, and also to the neshama of the tzaddikim above, and to his soul, essentially, and so on.

Now what happens is that they collect nitzotzot of all kinds with me even when I speak on the line and the crowd hears me all over the world, so then they connect to my neshama, and I collect nitzotzot and return them to the Shekinah.

Now what happens is how do you actually return it to the essence of the Shekinah and then I connect to the connection[?] of the tzaddikim and they also pass it on to me now.

So, I will explain to you a little, I can’t talk about everything, but I can explain to you a little.


So that you will understand when I actually connect my soul to the Shekinah – to the Shekinah and I connect to the Kadosh Barukh Hu, because He lifts me up to a [atik?].

It is all spiritual. and I [?] more and more [….?] and I simply give everything. This happens to me spiritually, but physically I feel everything.

That really connects me to the Kadosh Barukh Hu, to the tzaddikim, and then I feel the love of Hashem so immense and I feel that all the nitzotzot rise to the Shekinah – and it simply purifies the people of Israel and it brings shefa – abundance.


And I can tell you there is no count the number of times that the Rav told me or I received a message that, chas vchalila, all kinds of things that should not happen, and if we make a Shekinah connection again, it will be – it will be sweetened – mitigated!


But I can tell you that when the daughters of Israel become stronger in modesty and people and the men become stronger by studying Torah, guarding their eyes and guarding the covenant, the tiqun of the Shekinah is much easier.

[This] reduces harsh decrees on the people of Israel – especially when the children of Beit Raban also study Torah.

I tell you that studying Torah and modesty, because what I experience and what I see, this is especially powerful in supporting the Jewish people – Am Yisroel.

Good. May we hear only good news.


Seeing it written out like this is very helpful – and also, kind of mind-blowing.

I’m still in the middle of the Hebron stuff, but as part of that, I actually went back to read more of what the original Chessed L’Avraham, R Avraham Azulai, wrote about the Land of Israel, and the Shechina.

I will BH post that up separately….

But the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM’s words on the Shechina, and the Land of Israel, connect up with a lot of what Rivka HaTzaddika is explaining here.


Ashreynu, that we have a rabbi like Rav Berland in our generation!

He’s truly One in a Generation.

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