Rav Berland’s new prayer for the soldiers

Rav Berland’s Prayer for the Protection and Defense of Israeli Soldiers


English translation:

Ribonu shel Olam, Who can do anything, please have mercy, and please save our brothers, the Children of Israel, the people in the army.

Who are sacrificing themselves every moment and every second, in order to protect Am Yisrael, and who are casting their souls before them, and who are fighting until their very last drop of blood, with all their heart and soul –

With all of their nefesh, ruach, neshama, chaya and yehida[1].

With all of their 248 limbs and 365 sinews, for the success of Am Yisrael.

And so, rescue them from every trouble and precipice.

From every injury and disease.

And send [them] blessing and success in all their actions.

And forgive them for their sins and transgressions.


And in the merit of this – their self-sacrifice, at every moment and every second – save them from every enemy, adversary[2] and accuser, and nullify every [spiritual] accuser against them.

And in the merit of there self-sacrifice, there will be real, total teshuva from love.

And give them the merit of keeping Shabbat, and to don tzitzit and tefillin, and to perform all 613 mitzvot, from true love.

And to see Hashem face-to-face, at every moment and every second.

And they should know Hashem, Who is rescuing them every moment and second, from every trouble and precipice, and from every injury and illness, from every adversary and terrorist, and from every accuser.


And Hashem Yitbarach, out of His love for Am Yisrael, forgives and pardons, until every last one will return to Him in real, complete teshuva.

And they will merit to build a beit ne’eman (Jewish home), for all the generations.



My friend’s son is in the army.

He went to Rav Berland yesterday for a bracha, and got given this prayer, written by the Rav. My friend asked if I could publicise it – and I am very happy to do that.

The Hebrew may be a little less ‘clear’, because it’s a screenshot of the picture she sent me, whereas usually I have the hard copy of the prayer here, and I scan it in, to make it as ‘clear’ as possible.


One of the two Telegram channels (and by far the best one…) that I still look at is Kipaadu (Little Red Riding Hood, in Hebrew).

She just posted this up.



The basic idea is for people to tell anyone they have in the army to refuse to enter a house that hasn’t first at least been ‘scanned’ by a drone, to identify explosives.

She is saying that the soldiers who are insisting on this oh-so-basic measure are NOT being ‘exploded’ en masse, when they enter a booby-trapped building, either in Gaza or Lebanon.

And the soldiers who are not insisting on this oh-so-basic measure – are coming back crippled, or in coffins.

May God avenge their blood, and protect all the soldiers.

And especially, the soldiers who were raised in the dati leumi cult of the ‘holy State’, where it was made the biggest mitzvah to pass your child through the ‘firing range’ of Moloch.


In the meantime, one of my friends was telling me about a first-hand PTSD story of a soldier back from Gaza.

His job in the army is to operate a bulldozer.

Let’s assume every single person in Gaza is the most evil terrorist on the face of the planet, for the sake of argument. Let’s assume, purely for the sake of argument, that this really is a milchemet mitzvah, a holy war.

This poor guy was commanded to ‘bulldoze’ an area which contained human remains. I’m assuming they were already dead, but who knows, at this point.

Everything spurted out, my friend told me, apologetically.

Now the guy is so traumatised, he can’t touch meat. And he just keeps thinking about it.


This story is true.

It doesn’t fit the ‘heroic’ picture of milchemet mitzvah, does it?

It doesn’t sound like the sort of thing anyone would want their child to be doing, even for ‘holy’ reasons.

Does it?

What a terrible desecration of the human body, created in the image of Hashem.

Even if it really is just the worst terrorists in the world, getting this treatment.


So, we know the dati leumi brainwashing is a very hard nut to crack.

We can thank ACHVA Bro Rav Kook, for setting up a whole theology that turned ‘the State’ into an idol to worship, mamash, and for blowing new life into the idolatrous notion of ‘passing your child through fire’ for Moloch.

Ah, I meant ‘for the State’. Woopsie…

We can’t argue with people who see that 64 soldiers were killed in battle in October alone – and are still encouraging their family members to pull on their uniforms to go and fight in this milchemet mitzvah.

We still can’t broach the idea that GUNS was never the answer, the solution, to staying secure in Eretz Yisrael, and that we should have been putting all our eggs in the basket labelled ‘GOD’ – right from the start.

But we can, and absolutely must, still pray for the soldiers.


We can send this prayer around to everyone we know, and we can encourage people to turn to God to protect their children and fathers and brothers in the army.

And we can stop buying into the idea that ‘the army is what is protecting us here in Israel’.

Because it’s God Who is protecting us.

And the people who need the most protection of all, at this point, are our soldiers.


Last thing, I got an update on the Rav’s Torah Scroll.

The Rav said a year ago, that once that Torah scroll is completed, this horrendous, pointless, bloody ‘show’ war will stop.

They now have three scribes working on the project full time, and a deadline of completion of Tevet 23, 5785 (January 23, 2025).

Like you, I wish that date was today’s….

But at least the end is in sight now: JANUARY 23, 2025.


They have raised 82% of the money required, but there is still 18% to go.

I know we are all totally skint at the moment, post-chagim, but the sooner the Torah scroll is written, the faster the war ends.

So, take whatever money you can spare – and everyone is still obligated to give 10% of whatever income they DO have to charity, even if they are destitute – and consider donating it as a pidyon for yourself, your loved ones – and especially, the people you care about who are at risk of being blown to pieces in Gaza and Lebanon.

(I know, I should have said ‘killed in the fighting’, but actually, that’s really not what is happening. The soldiers being killed are mostly being blown up, because our own army is refusing to secure booby-trapped buildings with drones and dogs, before sending our precious men in. How do the ‘normies’ explain this? How can they explain this?)


Here are the details – they are suggested amounts, but feel free to give whatever you can.

Every cent helps.

Every cent creates another angel, another zchut, for the person, the people, who it’s being donated for.

And every cent brings us nearer to this awful war finally being concluded.


The Rav’s Sefer Torah dedication pages:



Anything smaller https://donate.stripe.com/3cs3eo6KMcwncRq4gg



[1] The five levels of soul.

[2] The Hebrew word is ‘mastin’ – I am translating this as ‘mocker’, but happy to stand corrected, if someone out there has a better idea of what it might mean.


PS: If you want to see how bad the brainwashing for the death cult of ‘the State / Moloch’ really is in the Dati Leumi world, take a look at the RationalistJudaism Substack, HERE.

As usual, it’s full of one-sided propaganda about ‘Rosh Yeshivas speaking out’ – in favor of more poor Jews being sent to their deaths, and totally devoid of any deeper analysis, or ‘balanced reasoning’ about what is really wrong with this war, and the IDF – and the whole failed State.

And hey, Slifkin, maybe did you miss the article by the R ELIYAHU ZINI, the head of the Haifa Hesder Yeshiva, explaining very clearly how the army is sending hundreds of our soldiers to their deaths, pointlessly?

Here it is again:



There’s one comment on the ‘RationalistJudaism’ site, that may be from a real ‘dati leumi’ woman called ChanaRachel, or that may just be more ‘influencers’ working to keep the brainwashing in place, that was particularly awesome, in just how ‘deranged’ it is.



Come again?!

Last I heard, this war is being directed by the Government and the Chief of Staff, not the chareidim.

It’s the State who is ‘destroying too many Jewish families’.

And this comment is coming perilously close to the blood libels of olde, where the Joooooos were being blamed for everything that was wrong in gentile society.

Except the Joooooos in our failed State are now labelled ‘chareidim’ – at least, in the brainwashed dati leumi world, where sending more chareidim to get pointlessly slaughtered is being touted as ‘the solution’ to what’s going on here.



BH, God should open our eyes to what is really going on here.

And we should stop all the ‘hate’, all the sinat chinam – and all the blame games, looking for ‘chareidi scapegoats’ to try and make ourselves feel better about the terrible situation that is going on here.






8 replies
  1. Hoshea
    Hoshea says:

    Truly, this is a beautiful tefillah from the Rav. But it’s not new. I’ve had a copy of it from the very beginning of this insane war. My copy is so worn out and torn that it’s hard to read, but still, every day after reading tikkun ha-klalis, this prayer gets precedence!

  2. YD
    YD says:

    Is it possible they send the dati Leumi including rabbis to the front line so they can blame their deaths on lack of haredi contribution (not the leaders or terrorists and soin further hate in Am Yisrael? With the still goal to eradicate the Torah and Jewish people from the land of Israel? So using the Zionist to actually be the tool that destroys what they say they care about?

  3. Nachum
    Nachum says:

    It’s odd that R’ Berland doesn’t seem to share your view of this war.

    And I sincerely hope that you don’t think that “milchemet mitzvah” means that no one dies or is traumatized. The very nature of war is hell, as a great general once said. That doesn’t mean that when necessary they can be avoided.

  4. Shimshon
    Shimshon says:

    I don’t think sycophants at Slifkin’s blog are trolls or bots. Most have been around for a long time, and some use their real names.

    After years of posing as a free speech purist, he purged the vast majority of his critics and detractors. I was one of the first. I have considered sock-puppeting on occasion, but have not, since it is pointless. He is emotionally incontinent and is incapable of logical argument. His sycophants are even worse. They’re a pretty sick bunch.

    Aristotle described his type a long time ago, and why emotionally charged language is the only proper response (liberally pepper comments with the word “retard” and they react as if you threw a hand grenade):

    “Rhetoric is useful because things that are true and things that are just have a natural tendency to prevail over their opposites, so that if the decisions of judges are not what they ought to be, the defeat must be due to the speakers themselves, and they must be blamed accordingly. Moreover, before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.”

    Some people are simply ineducable, for whatever reason. There is literally no point in respectable discussion, because there is nothing to discuss.

    I also don’t believe they are very representative of the wider dati world here.

    I used to follow the discussion for a time, but since all the purges, it’s a literal echo chamber. There are one or two token charedim or charedi-defenders, who seem somewhat ignorant and are too polite to treat them as they should be treated.


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