More rockets, more lies – and a new prayer for the Rav to get to Uman

I have two more installments of the ‘ACHaVA’ / Kol HaTor saga for you soon.

Part one will show how the ACHaVA secret society morphed into ‘zionism’ – and also, how they directly connect to the Anglo Palestine Bank, that made that notorious Ha’avara agreement with the Third Reich, to squeeze the cash out of Germany’s Jews before Hitler’s henchmen started murdering them.

And Part two will focus-in more on ACHaVa’s spiritual corruption, including its tight links with missionaries and ‘christian z-ists’, that gave rise to the publication – and unrelenting PR campaign surrounding – KOL HATOR.

Watch out for that.


In the meantime…. I have a question for the ‘normies’ out there, assuming such people still exist.

How do you people explain how this current ‘war’ is being waged in by the State of Israel?

How do you explain, that our failed State releases hundreds of terrorists without getting a single hostage in return, hundreds of bodies of Gazans from October 7th – without getting a single hostage in return – gives tens of thousands of trucks’ worth of supplies to Hamas – without getting a single hostage in return ?

How do you people explain all these ‘rockets’ that fall on the North without setting off sirens?

All the Iron Dome explosions that are clearly not connecting with anything incoming, or intercepting anything coming in from anywhere else?

How do you explain that ‘terrorists’ and ‘Hezbolla’ apparently only target children’s playgrounds belonging to the Druze, and some poor guy’s house in Katzrin – while totally ignoring targets that would cause real issues and losses to Israel’s ruling elite, like the Haifa port, all the industrial areas up north, the skyscrapers, the places where the elite would actually feel some pain, if it got ‘rocketed’?

Don’t tell me ‘iron dome is protecting’ – because it isn’t.


And dear normie, please also tell me – when does this war end, in your ‘normal’ version of the world?

What is the goal of it?

What is the point?

What is the blueprint, the roadmap, the steps still left to accomplish, before ‘the war will end’?

What are the poor sods being killed and mutilated in Gaza actually there for?

(And how come the lions’ share of deaths is coming from yet more ‘friendly fire’ incidents?)


In the meantime, I got sent a new prayer for the Rav to get to Uman this Rosh Hashana, 5785.

Here’s the Hebrew, and I’ll stick up an English translation shortly – check back later on today:



6 replies
  1. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    בס”ד לש”מ

    תפלה שהרב יבוא לציון ולקבוץ ברבינו הקדוש
    נכתתב לקראת ראש השנה תשפ”ה

    רבונו של עולם כל יכול אשר לא יבצר ממך מזימה, זכה את הרב אליעזר בן עטיא להיות על הציון הקדוש והנורא של רבינו הקדוש בראש השנה תפש”ה, ולא יוכל שום מונע ומעכב לעכבו מלהשתטח על הציון הקדוש והנורא בערב ראש השנה, ולהתפלל בשני הימים ושבת קודש שלאחריהם בקבוץ הקדוש והנורא. כמו שאמר רבינו הקדוש והנורה בערב ראש השנה כולם יכואו להשתטח על ציונו הקדוש והנורא, ובראש השנה הוא הבטיח להתפלל עם אנ”ש. ואמר מוהרנ”ת אם רבינו נמצא בראש השנה עם כל אנ”ש, הרי כל שבעת הרועים אברהם יצחק יעקב משה אהרן יוסף ודוד כולם נמצאים עם רבינו הקדוש והנורא, ועם כל הקבוץ הקדוש והנורא שתפללו יומים, ועם שבת קודש שגם לה יש דין ראש השנה. ועל ידי זה יפעלו ישועות נוראות לעם ישראל להחזרת החטופים, ולסיום המלחמה, ולפתיחת כל המוחין, והחזרת כל עם ישראל בתשובה שלמה, ועל ידי זה יזכו לביאת משיח בן דויד.


    **In English:**

    # 147

    בס”ד לש”מ

    A prayer that Harav come to the Tzion and the Kibbutz at Rosh Hashanah

    Written in preparation for Rosh Hashanah 5785

    Master of the world, Almighty, for whom no scheme is too difficult, grant that HaRav Eliezer ben Etia may be present at the Tzion Haqadoch (holy) veHanorah (and awe-inspiring) of Rabbeinu Haqadoch in Rosh Hashanah 5785. Let no obstacle or hindrance prevent him from prostrating himself at the Tzion Haqadoch veHanorah on Erev (eve of) Rosh Hashanah, and from praying on the two days and Shabbat Qodesh (holy) that follows in the Kibbutz Haqadoch veHanorah (the sacred and awe-inspiring assembly). As Rabbeinu Haqadoch said, “On Erev Rosh Hashanah, everyone will come to prostrate themselves at the Tzion Haqadoch veHanorah , and on Rosh Hashanah, he promised to pray with the members of our community.” And Moharna’’t said, “If Rabbeinu is found on Rosh Hashanah with all the members of our community, then all the seven shepherds—Abraham, Yitzchak , Yaakov, Moshe, Aharon, Yosef, and David—are present with Rabbeinu Haqadosh veHanorah , along with all the Kibbutz Haqadoch veHanorah that prays for two days, and with Shabbat Qodesh, which also holds the judgment of Rosh Hashanah.” And through this, great and awe-inspiring salvations will be brought about for the people of Yisrael, including the return of those who have been kidnapped, the end of the war, the opening of all minds, the return of all Yisrael to Teshuvah sheleimah (complete repentance), and through this, they will merit the coming of the Moshiach ben David.

  2. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    **In English:**
    # 147
    בס”ד לש”מ
    A prayer that Harav come to the Tzion and the Kibbutz at Rosh Hashanah
    Written in preparation for Rosh Hashanah 5785
    Master of the world, Almighty, for whom no scheme is too difficult, grant that HaRav Eliezer ben Etia may be present at the Tzion Haqadoch (holy) veHanorah (and awe-inspiring) of Rabbeinu Haqadoch in Rosh Hashanah 5785. Let no obstacle or hindrance prevent him from prostrating himself at the Tzion Haqadoch veHanorah on Erev (eve of) Rosh Hashanah, and from praying on the two days and Shabbat Qodesh (holy) that follows in the Kibbutz Haqadoch veHanorah (the sacred and awe-inspiring assembly). As Rabbeinu Haqadoch said, “On Erev Rosh Hashanah, everyone will come to prostrate themselves at the Tzion Haqadoch veHanorah , and on Rosh Hashanah, he promised to pray with the members of our community.” And Moharna’’t said, “If Rabbeinu is found on Rosh Hashanah with all the members of our community, then all the seven shepherds—Abraham, Yitzchak , Yaakov, Moshe, Aharon, Yosef, and David—are present with Rabbeinu Haqadosh veHanorah , along with all the Kibbutz Haqadoch veHanorah that prays for two days, and with Shabbat Qodesh, which also holds the judgment of Rosh Hashanah.” And through this, great and awe-inspiring salvations will be brought about for the people of Yisrael, including the return of those who have been kidnapped, the end of the war, the opening of all minds, the return of all Yisrael to Teshuvah sheleimah (complete repentance), and through this, they will merit the coming of the Moshiach ben David.

  3. asd
    asd says:

    Sorry Rivka, ‘normies’ don’t engage in such conversations. We believe & disregard anything questioning or contradicting our comfortable mindsets. The need to “explain” & “understand” all kinds of ‘facts’ & ‘happenings’ belongs solely to the ‘conspiracy’ believers. All of these discussions are irrelevant. Thanks for your effort anyway & please don’t pose any such ‘facts’ & claims in front of our faces since it causes some discomfort temporarily until we manage to totally push it aside & strengthen our beliefs.

  4. Simon
    Simon says:

    (Unrelated again)
    Who exactly is Rivka a Tsadika, and why is she still giving messages on YouTube (the last one was from 20 hours ago)? Who are they for? Are they prophecy?


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