More masons funding ‘political zionism’: Judah Touro

You know, doing historical detective work is a bit like waiting for a bus.

You get nothing for three years, and then all of a sudden, a million different pieces of information start clicking together in a stupendous way.

Now I’m tracking down the freemason dimension to the State of Israel project, I am finding way more than I can keep up with.

But let’s keep plugging away, piece-by-piece, wearing away that sceptical mind of stone with each new verifiable, provable drip of new info.


Most, if not almost all, of the ‘Jews’ who played massive parts in the development of our modern (masonic….) world, and particularly, the Jewish resettlement of Eretz Yisrael, belong to the same, small, super-wealthy and super-connected family of ‘Spanish-Portuguese Conversos’.

Although let me state here, I am increasingly coming to the view that these people are not Jewish, and very possibly, never were Jewish even before the forced conversions of 1492.

More about that another time.


In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at two of them, JUDAH TOURO, and MOSES MICHAEL HAYS.

By the end of this post, you will hopefully see how the masons were all over what came to be known as the ‘political zionism’ project, long before Theodor Herzl was even a glint in this father’s eye.


Let’s start with the low-hanging fruit first.

JUDAH TOURO (1775-1854)


HERE is his basic Wiki page, where we learn that JUDAH TOURO:

  • Gave away a ton of his money to charidee, including buying churches for his xtian minister friends.
  • Also happened to bequeath the then massive sum of $50,000 to a Sephardi freemason from Livorno / London called MOSES MONTEFIORE, who then used that money to build the first settlement outside the Old City walls called MISHKENOT SHA’ANANIM.
  • From the age of 12, when his mother died, TOURO was raised in the home of his ‘big freemason’ uncle, MOSES MICHAEL HAYS.

Was JUDAH TOURO himself a mason?

Very probably. Let’s see if we can figure it out a bit more.







This snippet comes from HERE, a 33 page (!) document put together on JUDAH TOURO by the ‘Jewish-American-Society-for-History-Preservation’:

Moses Michael Hays looked after his two nephews and niece.

He taught them about business and the necessity of a good reputation with strong reliable relationships. They grew up learning the importance of charity and how it could enhance business and community standing.

No doubt he introduced them to the universalism of Scottish Rite Freemasonry as well.

Freemasonry’s basic tenets were:

Brotherly love: Love for each other and for all mankind

Relief: Charity for others and mutual aid for fellow Masons

Truth: Only a man’s individual faith and his relationship to God can provide the answer to universal questions of morality and the salvation of the soul.

None of the basic tenets of Freemasonry seemed at odds with Hays’ Judaism. The lessons were learned by the Touro children and were applied by them in life.


Judah Touro thus was reared in the very cradle of American liberty. His personal intimacy with eminent non-Jews broadened his horizon, and led him to respect the beliefs of others and to assist the cause of charity for all alike. He learned that one could be a devout Jew, and yet mingle freely and easily with his Christian brethren, teaching them to respect his faith, while at the same time respecting theirs.


JUDAH TOURO was not religiously observant, even though his father was the REV ISAAC TOURO, the last rabbi of Newport, in Rhode Island.

He fits the profile for an assimilation-pushing ‘enlightened’ Jewish mason to a tee.

Another snippet from the ‘Jewish-American-Society-for-History-Preservation’  reinforces the idea that TOURO was almost certainly a ‘hidden’ mason in the Jewish community:


Judah Touro’s closest friends were two brothers, James H. and Rezin Davis Shepherd. They had arrived shortly after Touro had to New Orleans. The Shepherds were from an old patrician Virginia stock. The men quickly became business associates.

The Shepherds were Freemasons and with Touro, quite possibly a Freemason himself, the connections and trust were automatic.


I’m sure they were.

A few decades later, ALBERT PIKE rose to the head of ‘Scottish Rite’ freemasonry in the USA, and wrote his famous letter about using ‘political zionism’ to seed WW2 and spark WW3 to GIUSEPPE MAZZINI in 1871.

As JUDAH TOURO made his bequest to MOSES MONTEFIORE in 1854, we can see the Freemasons’ ‘political zionism’ project had been going strong for at least 15 years, by the time Pike was writing to Mazzini in 1871.


As ‘luck’ would have it, JUDAH TOURO left Boston and made his way down to NEW ORLEANS in February 1802, when the city was still officially controlled by the Spanish, and was a muddy backwater of just 8,000 people.

He set himself up in business, and because of his family’s contacts in Boston, he had the right connections to start making some money as a factor.

But his real fortune started rolling in when LESS THAN SIX MONTHS LATER, another American mason by the name of PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON managed to buy the whole of Louisiana from Napoleon’s Masonic France, in 1803, for $15 million.

How did Jefferson manage to do that?

Here’s the “official story”, courtesy of AI:

  1. Spanish Control (1763): After the Seven Years’ War, the Treaty of Paris (1763) ceded Louisiana to Spain as compensation for Spanish losses in the war.
  2. Secret Transfer (1800): In a secret treaty known as the Treaty of San Ildefonso, Spain agreed to return Louisiana to France.
  3. Napoleon’s Plans: France, under Napoleon Bonaparte, aimed to cultivate the territory for agricultural production, particularly sugar, and as a strategic foothold in North America.
  4. U.S. Purchase (1803): Napoleon decided to sell the territory. The United States, under President Thomas Jefferson, negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, finalizing the acquisition of approximately 828,000 square miles of territory for $15 million.


Long story short, from that point on, business with the rest of America began to boom in New Orleans, and JUDAH TOURO’s massive fortune accumulated steadily.

Just in time for him to donate a big chunk of it, via freemason MOSES MONTEFIORE, to get the masons’ ‘political zionism’ project cooking, in the Holy Land.


Here’s a snippet of JUDAH TOURO’s last will and testament[1]:

  1. I give and bequeath to the North American Relief Society for the Indigent Jews of Jerusalem, Palestine………

  2. It being my earnest wish to co-operate with the said Sir Moses Montefiore of London, Great Britain, in endeavoring to ameliorate the condition of our unfortunate Jewish Brethren, in the Holy Land, and to secure to them the inestimable privilege of worshipping the Almighty according to our religion without molestation. I therefore bequeath the sum of fifty thousand dollars.


When he wrote this, Touro had never once met MOSES MONTEFIORE.

Doesn’t this strike you as a little odd?

And who were the people Touro appointed to execute his will?

Rezin Davis Shepherd of Virginia, [FREEMASON]

Aaron Keppel Josephs of New Orleans

Gershom Kursheedt[2] of New Orleans [FREEMASON][3]

(As usual, I could get sidetracked a million different ways…. Let’s keep this focussed.)


Bro GERSOM KURSHEEDT is tasked with working with Bro MOSES MONTEFIORE on the ‘political zionism’ project, and initially the two get on like a house on fire.

Kursheedt even marries Montefiore’s niece, Grace. But then, Kursheedt starts to show quite an independent streak of thought on how to spend Touro’s bequest in Eretz Yisrael.

Maybe it’s just a CO-IN-CID-ENCE, but he dies young, and very unexpectedly, in 1863, leaving the whole ‘political zionism’ project firmly back in Bro Montefiore’s capable hands.


The last two things to tell you about JUDAH TOURO is that:

  1. His parents, REYNA HAYS and the REV ISAAC TOURO were married by a ‘visiting rabbi’ from the Sabbatean stronghold of HEBRON, Eretz Israel, in Newport in 1773, by the name of R’ RAPHAEL CHAIM ISAAC CARIGAL.

This guy:

CARIGAL was also a big friend of future President of Yale, EZRA STILES.

I am sure there is a whole other part of the story hiding out underneath him, but one thing at a time.


And secondly, TOURO carried on an affair with a ‘free woman of colour’ named Ellen Wilson, that resulted in a child called NARCISSA TOURO.


Here is a how he came into the world, from HERE:

In 1822, youthful Gustavus Myers, nephew to Catherine Hays, and first cousin (once removed) to Judah Touro, fathered a son with Nelly Forrester, a “Free Woman of Color” living and working in the Myers family household.

The boy was given his father’s name as a middle name and his mother’s last name, Richard Gustavus Forrester.


So much for JUDAH TOURO and the Hays family being a ‘bastion’ of orthodox Jewry in the USA – while they were busy fathering bastard children all over their place with their servants.

Strange how none of the glowing write-ups about the ‘pious philanthropist’ Judah Touro etc mention this stuff…


OK, so now let’s take a closer look at MOSES MICHAEL HAYS (1739-1805), Judah Touro’s maternal uncle.

HERE is his Wiki page, and here are the relevant bits for this post:

He lived in Boston.

He also descends from Spanish conversos (as all these influential ‘Jewish’ masons seem to do…)[4]

He founded the Massachusetts Bank in 1784, still doing business today as part of the Bank of America.

He helped establish the New England Masonic movement and was elected as Grand Master in 1792 with Paul Revere as his deputy.


On a site called ‘masonicgenealogy’, we learn a bunch more about the GRAND MASTER MOSES MICHAEL HAYS, of Massachusetts.


Of the five daughters of Brother Hays, Rebecca died, unmarried, in Boston; Catherine and Slowey both died unmarried, in Richmond, Va.; Judith and Sally both married gentlemen of the name of Myers, in Richmond, and both have issue still living there.

The son, all the grandsons and great-grandsons have been Masons.


Another snippet:

Past Master Zachariah G. Whitman…. in an address delivered before Massachusetts Lodge, Dec. 26, 1822:

“It is reported that Moses Michael Hays, a Jew and merchant possessed of great wealth, came out from England with a third patent constituting him Grand Master of a Grand Lodge in America, with power to grant charters to subordinate Lodges.

It is also reported that the following method was taken to amalgamate his patent with that obtained by Gen. Warren….

Soon after, he was chosen Junior Grand Warden of Massachusetts Grand Lodge, and in 1788, Grand Master, and thus the two patents became united.” This story of ‘a third patent’ probably had its origin in the powers conferred upon Brother Hays under the Scottish Rite, as already related.

Such powers were new and strange to the Brethren of this country.

They had already supp’d full with horrors of Ancients and Moderns, deputations from the Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The foremost of them had already come to the conclusion that it was time to “cleanse the stuff’d bosom of that perilous stuff”; that “the patient must minister to himself.

“They were vigorously agitating the question of “independency” in Masonic matters, as a natural and necessary consequence of their success in the civil experiment.

It is, therefore, not strange that the advent among them of this formidable “Deputy Inspector General for North America” produced some fluttering, and that the Brethren used every means to enlist this, new dignitary on their side.


Whoever ‘MOSES MICHAEL HAYS’ actually was, it seems he had the backing of some very powerful people in the ‘Old Country’.

Long story short, his masonic deputy is PAUL REVERE, and REVERE connects us straight back to the French-masonic backed ‘American Revolution’.

Paul Revere is a freemason.

Meanwhile, MOSES MICHAEL HAYS is also the uncle and mentor of JUDAH TOURO, who gives freemason MOSES MONTEFIORE a whole bunch of cash to spend on the ‘political zionism’ project in Eretz Yisrael.

In a will that is overseen and executed by at least two, and probably three, freemasons, including GERSHOM KURSHEEDT.[5]


Touro’s money is used by Montefiore to build the Mishkanot Sha’ananim almshouses outside the Old City walls, beginning 1860.

That marks the beginning of the expansion of the Jewish community outside the confines of the Old City – a move that perhaps more than any other is responsible for kicking off ‘political zionism’, in real, concrete terms.[6]


I have so much information to share with you, dear reader, it’s hard to know where to start and where to stop.

So let’s end this particular post by taking a closer look at the historical connections between nascent masonry, and the Jewish community in NEWPORT, Rhode Island, which is where JUDAH TOURO was buried in 1854.


The following info comes from the site, in a post called:


To cut a very long story short, the first so-called ‘Jewish masons’ in the early 18th century were the same Spanish-Portuguese traders we have been tracing throughout the whole story of the corruption of the Jewish community from within.

In fact, the first known Jewish mason is one ‘Francis Francia’ – initiated in 1714, a year before the PREMIER GRAND LODGE of England was formally constituted.


Other masons listed include:

HIPOLITO DA COSTA – ‘friend of the Dukes of Sussex and Leinster’

ABRAHAM XIMENES – his great-grand-daughter is SARAH, the wife of CHAIM SAMUEL FALK, the sorcery-practising ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London, and Jacob Frank’s first father-in-law.

MOSES MONTEFIORE – born in the Jewish masonic stronghold of Livorno / Leghorn, also initiated in the ‘Moira Lodge’ in London in 1812, key ‘placeman’ for the ‘political zionism’ project.

R LEON TEMPLO (1603-1675) – Brought a model of the Jewish Temple to London in 1675 (!) that then became the basis of the coat of arms of the masonic GRAND LODGE of ANTIENTS, in the UK.


Let’s quote an eye-opening snippet, that shows these so called ‘Jewish masons’, who more and more resemble Jesuit-trained pseudo Jews from Spain and Portugal, many of whom literally descend from non-Jewish Spanish nobles, were a ‘thing’ even in the 17th century:

“An interesting historical question is the possible existence of a Masonic organisation in Amsterdam in which Jews were allowed to join before the creation of the Premier Grand Lodge of London.”


Next, there is a whole page devoted to – where else? – Jewish masonic activity in LIVORNO.

That’s where TEMPLO hailed from, where MONTEFIORE was born, where DAVID LEVI, the close associate of satanic mason GIUSEPPE MAZZINI was initiated into ‘the craft’.


“[W]e have here irrefutable evidence that in Livorno existed an active group of Jewish Masons, and we cannot dismiss out of hand the possibility that a proto-masonic organization open to Jews existed in Livorno, Amsterdam, and possibly other places, at the end of the 17th century.”


Next, the discussion turns to Rhode Island, home to Newport, and the TOURO synagogue of JUDAH TOURO.

This states the following:

“The first documentary evidence of the presence of Jews in Newport dates from 1658.

In that year, the document [a historical pamphlet put out by Touro Synagogue] itself reads:

“We mett att ye House of Mordechai Campanall and after Synagog Wee gave Abm Moses the degrees of Masonrie.”

This not only points to the early settlement of Jews in Rhode Island, but it’s the basis of the theory… That the craft of Masonry was first introduced into America through the early Jewish settlers in Rhode Island, who seemed to have worked the degrees after religious services, which were held in private houses.”


Let’s sum things up.

We learnt a lot in this post, BH.

  1. Satanic Freemasonry has been going for at least four centuries.
  2. The ‘Jews’ associated with masonry in the 17th and start of the 18th century were all Sephardi conversos, who had a strong and intimate family trading network built between London, Amsterdam, and the so-called ‘New World’, especially the West and East Indies – and Rhode Island.
  3. These are the same Jews who supported Oliver Cromwell’s revolution; paid for William of Orange to ‘invade’ the UK a few decades’ later, helped to seed the American Revolution – and later, the American Civil War.
  4. This small group of ‘masonic Jews’ are all interconnected by ties of blood and marriage.
  5. They include people like ABRAHAM GRADIS (the ‘King of Bordeaux’ who financed the American Revolution on behalf of the French); JUDAH TOURO (who paid $50,000 in 1854 to get the ‘political zionism’ project begun in earnest); MOSES MONTEFIORE; MOSES MICHAEL MYERS, masonic boss of PAUL REVERE, SARAH, the wife of the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London, credited with reviving and empowering many satanic secret societies; the false messiah JACOB FRANK – and many more besides. We are still just scratching the surface, here.
  6. These ‘masonic Jews’ were concentrated in LIVORNO, RHODE ISLAND, AMSTERDAM and LONDON, at the end of the 17th century. And they are identical with the Spanish & Portuguese conversos who apparently began ‘returning to Judaism’ after two centuries living as good cathollcs.
  7. Many of these ‘conversos’ were apparently NEVER halachically Jewish, and actually descend from non-Jewish Spanish nobility.
  8. ‘Political Zionism’ – i.e. Building a pretend ‘Jewish’ State in the Middle East – really was a masonic idea right from the start, and preceded THEODOR HERZL by at least half a century, if not much more.


There is still much to share.

But that will do for today.






[3] “After Touro’s death, Kursheedt wrote to Isaac Leeser about his struggles with Touro to direct Touro’s money and secure money for Leeser’s interests in particular.  Though a Freemason his motives were not consistent with Freemasonry’s.  His motives were deeply personal.” From HERE.


[4] I just tripped over some more ‘game changing’ information when I looked into Hays’ family tree. It’s going to take me a while to figure it out.

[5] Kursheedt’s father is one ISRAEL BAER KURSHEEDT (1766-1852), pupil of R Nathan Adler in Frankfurt, and also a senior freemason. His personal correspondence with Thomas Jefferson, the President who bought Louisiana from Napoleon, can be found HERE, at the archives of The Center of Jewish History. Even Kursheedt’s English Wiki page admits he was a mason, like this:

“Economic conditions were not great in New York City during that time, and in 1812 he moved to Richmond, Virginia with his family. They went by stagecoach and his Hebrew library and Masonic paraphernalia went by ship, but the ship carrying his property was captured due to the ongoing War of 1812.

Everything was returned to him years later with the help of a fellow Freemason.

In Richmond, he helped reorganize and enlarge Kahal Kadosh Beth Shalome and officiated as Reader. During that time, he became acquainted with Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Leesser.”

[6] Snippet from here: Kark, Ruth; Oren-Nordheim, Michal (2001). Jerusalem and Its Environs: Quarters, Neighborhoods, Villages, 1800-1948

“From the mid-1850s to the early 1860s, several new buildings were constructed outside the walls, among them the mission house of the English consul, James Finn, in what came to be known as Abraham’s Vineyard (Kerem Avraham); the Protestant school built by Bishop Samuel Gobat on Mount Zion; the Russian Compound; the Mishkenot Sha’ananim houses: and the Schneller Orphanage complex. These complexes were all built by foreigners, with funds from abroad, as semi-autonomous compounds encompassed by walls and with gates that were closed at night.”

5 replies
    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      It’s an interesting point. It seems counter-intuitive, I agree. But if you take a look at the PIMENTEL family, to quote just one example, they descend from Spanish nobility – yet around 300 years ago, they started marrying influential, wealthy, masonic Jews and having Jewish-sounding names.

      I don’t know what’s the explanation. For sure there is one, but it’s not obvious.

  1. neshama
    neshama says:

    Isn’t Livorno (which sounds italian) in ITALY and not in Amsterdam (which is dutch)??
    There was a special train that went from Livorno TO Amsterdam!


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