Kamala Harris is an antisemite – more comments from the Rav

Excerpt of a shiur from Motzae Shabbat, Parshat Ekev, August 24th, 2024

(Translated from Shivivei Or 374)

[The Rav begins speaking about lashon hara, and how difficult it is not to believe it as soon as you hear it. He then continues:]

The whole test of a person is lashon hara, and so there is the Tzaddik HaEmet (True Tzaddik). Only the Tzaddik HaEmet can shield us.


“Wars I have made”.

All the wars, it’s the Tzaddik whose doing them.

[The miracles that are occurring during the war, it’s for sure the Tzaddik that is doing them, but also] what happened on Simchat Torah – the Tzaddik also did this.

Because girls are walking around with tattoos, girls are walking around without clothes, so they came….


Now, they are in Gaza, all those who took their clothes off, and went bare, they found themselves in Gaza. And there they are abusing them, they, they are finishing them off.

Already, out of 250 (people kidnapped) there are only 75 left.

50 were released already half a year ago, but the rest –

Fifty percent have already died in terrible torment. 75 are still left alive, we hope that today they will be released, already.


Everything depends on the zchut (merit) of the prayers, and the zchut of the girls’ tznius (modesty).

So they liquidated Haniyeh and Shokir – the deputy of Hezbollah, in Lebanon. This was all in the merit of the prayers of the girls, because the Tanna de’vey Eliyahu says that the ikker (main thing) is the girls’ prayers.

Tanna de’vey Eliyahu, verse 9, says there is no difference between a boy and a girl. The boy needs to get up at 2am, now he’s had four hours of sleep, and afterwards, they can sleep another two hours a day, between 6.30am – 8.30am.

And then he’ll learn from 8.30am to 8.30pm – 12 hours.


During Bein HaZmanim, we learn twice as much.

The Chazon Ish said that in Bein HaZmanim, we learn twice as much, also the boys and also the girls. The boys start at 2am, so Bein HaZmanim starts at 2am, and at 6.08am it’s netz (dawn).

By 6.30am, everyone is already back in bed, also the boys and also the girls. It’s enough to sleep an hour and a half until 8am [and afterwards] to learn from 8am to 8.30pm – even maths.

And at 8.30pm, ma’ariv begins.


So this is exactly 600,000 letters [in a Torah scroll].

600,000 angels [because each letter of Torah you learn creates another angel.]

A person creates every hour that he learns 48,000 angels! 48,000!

We did the sums, 200 [words] times four [letters per word, on average] is 800 [letters a minute]. Times 60 [minutes per hour] – this is 48,000 [letters an hour].

Every hour!

10 hours [learning Torah] is 480,000 [angels].


120,000 is missing, until we get to 600,000.

Another two hours [of learning Torah] is another 96,000, each hour is 48,000, so two hours is 96,000.

So, we said 480,000, plus 96,000, equals 576,000.

We are missing 24,000.

Melaveh Malka includes everything. It includes every Jewish holiday.

600,000 angels are created every day.


But really, how do we complete the 576,000?

12 hours [of learning Torah] is 576,000 ([etters / angels]. How many per hour? 48,000. And how many in half an hour? 24,000! How much is 576,000 and another 24,000?


600,000 angels are created every 12.5 hours.

We did the sums.


[Skipping a discussion about the sin of Korach, and how a girl’s intellect is a million times greater than a boy’s.]

Everyone should go to Kaplan.

Another five minutes, everyone should go to Kaplan, to scream ‘Bibi is a murderer!’

The ‘murderer’ is them, they are in favor of the left. Even now, when they murdered everyone and raped everyone, they still say ‘Hamas was in the right’.


The professor from Harvard, she straight away said that Hamas was right, and that the Jews deserved it. The Jews are the most wicked people.

Now, also in Columbia, there were three [universities], Columbia, Harvard, and I don’t remember the third. Columbia already fired her a couple of weeks ago, they couldn’t withstand the pressure. Because she claimed that Hamas was in the right, she was in favor of Hamas.

[But in] Harvard, it’s impossible [to fire the professor], because she was black.

If they would let her go, so then no black person would vote for Biden, and not for Kamala Harris, who was an anti-semite from the time she was drinking her mother’s milk.


She says that all the Jews need to be destroyed.

To liquidate them all one time, for good – and then, there will be peace in the world. Like Hitler said.

‘The Jews are the root of evil. The root of evil is the Jews.’

Like Khomeini said, the evil is only the Jews, they are the root of evil…. They sell drugs.


In Shuvu Banim, everyone is selling drugs. He knew this – Khomeini knew this, and so yesterday, he fired 100 drones at Shuvu Banim, but they never arrived….

A drone does 200km an hour, every [1000] kilometers is five hours. So, 1,800 kilometres comes out as 9 hours, until a drone gets here.

So, I was on the roof all night, I was exhausted. Just as I came down to go home, a drone hit the house, and made a hole in my living room.

Now, they are renovating it.


But a rocket does five…

Every girl needs to know the sums.

It comes out 500 metres every second… Uman is 1,800, so this divided by five is 360. Divided by 60, it’s six minutes. A minute to take off, and a minute to disembark – within eight minutes, we get to Uman.

Whoever goes to Uman now on a rocket, he’ll get there within five minutes. At 10.15pm, he’ll get to Uman, and he can be there for no more than two hours, until 12.15am. Say 7 Tikkun HaKlalis, and then immediately return, by 12.20am he’s already back here.

He can sleep for an hour and a half, until the night-time learning begins.

6 replies
    • Hava
      Hava says:

      It’s good that you’re not a fan of the Donald. Neither am I. But, unlike you, I don’t hold any hope for either him or “Camel-ah” (I’m thinking of our friend Myrtle Rising, who says that the K-word is the name of an Indian idol.). Therefore, I’m not voting this time around. There’s no one to vote for.

      For us in Israel, this should be great news. We can divest ourselves of America, since she is turning out to be our worst enemy. She hugs us with her cloak while stabbing us in the back.

      Better than that, though, is that once she falls — and she will — we will rise, the other side of the see-saw. Alternately, we may have to face Russia before we rise; may that never happen.

      To DJT fans, I suggest that you research his involvement with promoting the plandemic, and K. Schwab and his merry band of bandits in Davos.

      His personality plays well to the average conservative American, but he plays both sides.

  1. Malka
    Malka says:

    Girls should know sums.
    So rocket traveling 500m/sec must be converted to km/sec, 0.5km/sec
    If Uman is 1,800km, then 1,800:0.5 is3,600 seconds, which is 1 hour.
    My rocket math says 1 hour.☺️
    Kamala does not have her own thoughts. She is puppet. Biden2.0
    She is Indian and not even black.She just “identifies” as black, but her true nature is of whore- will be anything they want her to be.
    Rivka, I read fine chopped rosemary infused in wine or brandy is good for congestive heart. Maybe it will help Rav

  2. doowop rebbe
    doowop rebbe says:

    jewish suffring under hitler caused wordwide sympathy for us which has definally abated to put it mildly and led to the establishment of israel .britain aided the arab attemt to crush the infant state and the usa stood by .in a great histoic irony stalin sent us weaponry via the czech communists hoping for a leftist threshhold in the middle east alao hitler was crushed mostly by stalin who died in 1953 before he could effect his final solution on us so one was definately worse than the other!but you are basically correct of course

  3. AK
    AK says:

    the entire democratic party is anti-semitic, not just her. People either forget or don’t know that the Klu Klux Klan was started by Democrats. Unfortunately, many Jews including religious ones will still vote for her.

    Not sure I understand when it says above that Simchat Torah- The Tzaddik also did, and caused all wars? Why would the Tzaddik want to create war? Every previous post has been about him doing things for the war to stop. Sefer Torah, etc…. Don’t understand this.


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