JFK, fake nukes and communist kibbutzim

This is the third part of some of the Rav’s recent comments.

You can read PART 1 and PART 2.

This was quite the shiur from the Rav…. The stuff about JFK all by itself was very eye-opening.

I went to check it out more – this is the best link I found, if you really want to know who dunnit (pay attention to all of the Rav’s hints about sec:


In the meantime…. enjoy!


Divrei Torah given over on Friday night, at the Bar Mitzvah of Rav Berland’s great-grandson, Mordechai Meir ben R’ Shmuel Eizik Tzuker. January 10, 2025.

[Another excerpt].

So he [Togo] said, so what, if they killed 300,000 of us?! We will kill 50 million people in America!

He said that he had a system that was better at killing, this was called ‘kamikaze’, which means that pilots commit suicide. They kill themselves when they explode [their planes] on the American ships.

Every suicide-bomber could kill 10,000 people.

Five thousand suicide-bombers, this is 50 million, because the whole Pacific Ocean was filled with American boats.


And they raised these suicide-bombers, they went along with emuna, from a young age, that the purpose [of being alive] was to be included within the sun, so they were prepared to commit suicide for the king [the Japanese Emperor].

So he said that he wasn’t scared from the nuke, and that there was no such thing as a nuke.

So they dropped another one on him after three days, and then he surrendered, because Togo said to the Japanese king, Hirohito, what, why are you scared of them?! We have suicide-bombers!

And after this, Hirohito surrendered.


Then, [when they dropped the nukes on Japan] 300,000 people were killed.

70,000 on the spot, in the first second, and another 140,000 in the three years afterwards. But 70,000 were vaporised on the spot, and also all the Hatzalah ambulances that came to help, in order to save people – all of them died.

And three years afterwards, people were still dying from the radiation that there was in the place, because every gram of uranium could destroy 90 million tons. In every atom, there are protons and neutrons, and electrons that go around the nucleus.

Every atom is built like this, but it goes around in a huge volume [of space]. Most of an atom is an empty space. This means that if you would take all the volume of the Eiffel Tower, just the matter without the empty space, then all that would be left would be the size of a staple.

From the whole of [the mass of] Eretz Yisrael, you’d just have a tennis ball, because most of it is just an empty space.


So, in a nuclear explosion, they cleave the atom, but you need special tools to explode an atom, to split it.

Einstein discovered the formula, and then the Russians didn’t know about it, until someone revealed it to them – this secret. And then they also started to try to invent nuclear bombs.


The Russians were much more terrible than the Nazis.

Stalin killed 80 million people. They were the Bolshevik Party. ‘Bolsheviks’ – which means ‘majority’, they were the majority of the Party. And they were the minority. And there was the other side, who were called ‘Mensheviks’, which means ‘minority’. And the Bolsheviks ruled over the party. The meaning of ‘Bolshevik’ is ‘majority’.

But they were the minority!

In the beginning, there was Trotsky, and he murdered a load of people. And he already had a plan to expel all of the Jews to Siberia. He’d already prepared the trains, to send everyone to Siberia.


Yehudit, the mother-in-law of Nachman Berland1, she saw the trains in Kremenchug.

She was a girl aged 17, and they were in the camp, that’s told about by R Yitzhak Zilber. [The book about him] is called ‘To Stay A Jew’. And this was at Purim, and they celebrated Purim there. Some zionist came, a kofer, (heretic), who said to them why are you celebrating the miracle that Hashem saved you? A little while longer, they are going to send all of you to Siberia!

And then he showed them the trains that they’d already got ready.

Rav Zilber said, trouble doesn’t strike twice.

And then, after a few hours, there was the announcement that Stalin was dead.

It’s not known whether someone poisoned him, his advisor, who was a Jew, or whether on the spot he got a heart attack.

But this was on Purim, 5703.

And then in all the kibbutzim in the Aretz, they went into mourning for him.

All of them mourned for him, because here, everyone was a communist. The communists learned the ‘system of communism’ from the kibbutzim here in the Aretz. The kibbutzim here were set up before communism.

Were were in Degania2, it’s written there what year it was founded. They started [Degania] Bet in 1910 – 5670– and the communists were only in 5680. So we see that the kibbutz was founded before the start of communism. So there was so much mourning for him [Stalin] – the ‘People’s Sun’.


So all the kibbutzim in Eretz Yisrael – Be’eri, and all the kibbutzim – they were built with the money of the Yeminite [Jews who ascended to Eretz Yisrael].

The Yemenites used to learn [Torah]. They had the most lucid minds. All of the Tanach, the Rambam, Shulchan Aruch – and after their studies, they used to make jewellery from gold, and polish diamonds.

So when the Yemenites came to the Aretz, they took all the gold – all the chests of gold – and with this, they built all the kibbutzim. Now on Simchat Torah, they burnt all the kibbutzim.


There are also fires in California.

Already for a whole week it’s burning there.

At the beginning of the war, the Americans said what’s the big deal, so they burned a few of your houses.

And now, Hashem is burning whole dunams for them, all the expensive neighborhoods – everything’s being burnt for them. Even the stones are collapsing, from the heat. They build with stone in California, and even the stones are disappearing, from the intensity of the heat.


[Skipping a paragraph where the Rav addresses the barmitzvah boy].


John Kennedy was killed on the 22nd November at 12.30pm in the afternoon.

He went out with the car, on the election trail, in Dallas – this is the capital city of Texas. He had a totally open car, without a roof, and without walls, a Mercedes, or Lincoln. A car without a roof.

This was the campaign trail, and he was standing up in the car, and the car turned off from the main road to the boulevard. So then he said I have a feeling that in that building there is someone with a gun who is going to shoot at me.

There was a building six storeys high there. So he said, in that six storey building, on the third floor, someone is standing over me there with a gun.

Because a person has a feeling that something is going to happen to him, that they are going to shoot at him.

This is called ‘intuition’. So he said I have the feeling that in that building there is someone waiting with a gun, a sniper, and that he wants to shoot at me.

So they said to him, so crouch down on the ground!

So he said, I am not going to crouch down, I’m a leader! Leaders are courageous! Leaders don’t surrender!

And so at 12.30pm, the first bullet was fired. So they said to him, lie down! You saw they are shooting at you! Lie down!

He continued to insist upon [standing up]. He said leaders are courageous! He continued to stand. If he would have lain down, he would have been saved, like the Queen Elizabeth. Eight times they shot at here, on all different types of journeys.

When she came out on the day of the Coronation, on the day of the crowning, they fired at her 8 times. Each time, she lay down, and she was saved.


Because it’s impossible to aim [accurately] with the first bullet.

Only the most expert sniper can do it. With the first bullet, he gets the right direction, he fixes the right direction. With the second bullet, he’s already approaching the target. And with the third bullet – he hits it.

There was also the murder of Abdallah, the King of Jordan. This was in 5711 in, July 1951. He went down the stairs of Har HaBayit and they shot him.

Also with Trump. They attempted to kill him, they shot at him, and he was saved.


So, by Kennedy, the shooter gave the first shot.

He didn’t have an automatic weapon. It was a gun that you needed each time to place the bullet in the barrel. Who put that bullet in for him, I don’t know. We hope that no-one from here.

So, he fired his first shot, and it didn’t hit [Kennedy].

Only an expert sniper can do it with the first shot. If it’s not [an expert sniper], then you need to orient [the gun] three times, and this will hurt someone next to [the target]. Perhaps it will injure the security guard seriously.

And then they said to him lie down! You see that they are firing at you!

He said, I am not lying down!

And so after eight seconds, they fired the second shot, and this injured the driver, maybe. And after eight seconds they fired the third shot, that hit him, and killed him.


So, this was on the 22nd of November 1963, in Kislev 5724.

This happened to him because exactly the month before, there was a machloket (argument) about who the water in the Jordan [River] belonged to, because the Syrians claimed that this belonged to them, because it came from Syria. And the month before, Kennedy said that this belonged to the Syrians, because it [the Jordan] came from there, so the water belonged to them.

And he went in favor of Syria, so he was murdered.


So, it took 8 seconds between the first bullet and the second, and between the second and the third.

Because each time, they had to place the bullet in the barrel. No-one knows, who put the bullet in for him.


In the end, I admitted that I shot him.

I had two cases, so in the investigation I told them that I am prepared to admit to the murder of John Kennedy.

They said to me, where are all the billions?!

They came here to the house, with sniffer dogs, they made a search, they opened the safe – and they found 10 shekels there. They were looking for where all your billions are.

In the end, they said that I’d hidden away a billion, and that I needed to pay 138 million. In the end, Rotem managed to get them down to a fine of 2 million, via payments over five years, each month, 50,000.

There are two years left. Chaim Zinger is the one who took it upon himself to [raise the money to] pay this. I don’t know how.


Translated from Shivivei Or 392.


1The Rav’s son.

2A notorious ‘secularising’ kibbutz located at the southern end of the Kinneret.

10 replies
  1. doo wop rebbe
    doo wop rebbe says:

    the kennady murder resembels the novel “murder on the orient express”,who didnt wanna kill him! lbj, j. edgar hoover ,allen dulles (cia),not least mossad(he wanted to stop us getting nukes, and of course the mafia.oreven an angry husband!

  2. Hoshea Allen
    Hoshea Allen says:

    A few amazing details about the JFK assassination that don’t seem to square with anything that is commonly known about the assassination:
    (1) JFK was standing, not sitting down (as all the videos show)
    (2) 3 bullets were shot from the same sniper (not multiple shooters)
    (3) shots came from the 3rd floor of a 6 story building (this is clearly, NOT the book depository building, which as 7 floors, were shots supposedly came from the 6th floor)
    (4) total length of time from first to last shot, 16 seconds
    (5) an assistant was by the sniper who loaded the rifle each time.
    (6) ultimate reason for the successful attempt on his life, he sided with the Syrians instead of the Israelis over water

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      If you click the link at the top of this post, there are a lot of details that ‘square’ with what the Rav is hinting at.

      For example, the driver could adjust the height of JFK’s back seat just before he was shot so he was riding much higher in the car than a usual ‘seated’ passenger would be.

      The person who shot JFK was his driver – there is video on that site where you clearly see his gun being aimed over his right shoulder, straight at JFK’s head, which then explodes as the president falls backwards (because the bullet was shot at close range and from the front.)

      That driver shot three bullets – one hit Bill Connolly.

      The rest is still up for discussion…. there were also ‘decoy’ shooters.

      It’s such a betrayal.

      • Hoshea Allen
        Hoshea Allen says:

        Not convinced by the video you refer to … this theory is not new. Much has been said about those few critical frames, and whether Greer, the driver, was a shooter or not. As for the ‘gun’ that people see in the film, others see the glean of the sun shining off the top of the head of the other agent, Roy Kellerman, seated beside him on the passenger side of the car, which makes sense because you can clearly see him raise his head in those few critical frames.


        Anyway, we will not resolve the issue here. Let’s just hope that with the signing of Trump’s executive order on the matter, all will be made clear. Not only for JFK’s assassination, but for MLK Jr and RFK. The 3 assassinations that changed the world.

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          Trump signed an executive order about JFK?!

          The ‘good cop’ in action, persuading us all he’s really just on our side and trying to help us….

          But still working for the same Evils behind the scene.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      My take on what the Rav might mean – each person can think for themselves – it that he’s saying it was impossible for a sniper to have shot Kennedy.

      Especially, a sniper that was not a professional sniper.

      And especially not a ‘lone’ sniper (that if you go to that page I linked to, was photographed unarmed standing on street level watching the Kennedy cavalcade go by at the time of the shooting.)

      So if he wasn’t killed by a ‘sniper’ – how was he killed?


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