It’s not always possible to fight – more comments from the Rav

Shiur to the Mithabrim (‘Associates’) 28th Kislev, 5785, 29th December 2024, Chanukah.

The Gemara recounts about ‘Diclot’ (Diocletian, Roman Emperor) – this is page 47a, in Trumot, the end of the eighth verse[1]. Diocletian was a shepherd of pigs. He used to shepherd [his pigs] exactly opposite where the cheder of Yehuda Nesiya[2] was [in Tiberius].

He saw the children coming out of cheder, 5pm – and they threw stones at him. They gashed his head, three times, they gashed his head, and he needed eight stitches. Eight stitches! I saw it.

So, he had eight stitches, and in the end he was made the Caesar of Rome.

Now, I’m going to take revenge against everyone! Now, I’m going to take my vengeance against all the rabbis, all the roshei yeshivot, the head teacher of the cheder, about how he taught his charges to throw stones at Diocletian, the pig shepherd!


OK, so while [R’ Yehuda Nesiya, the head of the cheder in Tiberius, and Rav Shmuel ben R’ Nachman] are having a shower in the mikvah, and they are all soapy, suddenly a messenger from the king shows up, with a telegram. It’s five minutes before shkia (halachic sunset), this was in Tiberius, I remember, this was in Tiberius.

And [the messanger from the king] told them, go and immerse in the Banias!

You need to go to the Banias to immerse all the kids there, they will for sure turn out to be tzaddikim.


The Jordan River begins at the Banias.

The Caesars used to build their palaces on the Banias, even [the Caesars] of Rome.

Because in Rome it’s minus ten, so it’s possible to freeze to death from the cold, it’s possible to die from the cold. So, they used to build a palace on the Banias, all the the Caesars. It was hot there [in the winter].

The coldest it gets in Eretz Yisrael is zero degrees.

You don’t need a sweater, it’s not necessary. They walked along in vests and sandals. Mithabrim don’t walk around in [just a] vest. But you don’t need a scarf, that you don’t. It just makes a person sick – the scarf – it strangles him, and he can’t breathe, the body can’t breathe.

The body needs to breathe via the pores, it also breathes via the skin.

It doesn’t need a thousand sweaters, and sweatshirts – it doesn’t need this. It just suffocates [the body], and he’ll get sick from this. He’ll get a fever from this, because the body isn’t breathing. The body breathes more via the skin than it does via the mouth and nose, because the skin envelops 100% of the body.


In short, [R’ Yehuda HaNasi and Rav Shmuel ben R’ Nachman] recieve a telegram that they have to report to Banias.

From Tiberius until Metulla is 90 [km], and until the Banias this is another 90, so 180, 200 km they have to traverse, and to appear there in two minutes.

Immediately after havdala, they have to report to the Banias next to my palace, and if not, I am going to burn the lot of you! I’m going to throw you into the fire!

Yehuda Nesiya didn’t know [what to do – how he could get to Banias immediately for motzae when it was already shkeia of Shabbat in Tiberius.]


Yehuda Nesiya was the grandson of Yehuda.[3]

His son [Hillel Nesiya] fixed the annual calender, until the time of the coming of Moshiach, because it was already impossible to sanctify the new moon.

The Romans already wouldn’t let this happen.

This is now the Daf Yomi[4], that a couple [of witnesses for the new moon] came: “me’reket amosi nachshon”. Reket is Tiberius, and they sanctified the month. Amosi nachshon is ‘governors’, governors is the Sanhedrin – this is exactly the Daf Yomi, page 12 [in Tractate Sanhedrin].

You need to learn the Daf Yomi, it’s stories, everything is just stories. It’s really not hard, to see how there were gezeirot (harsh decrees), and the mithabrim by-passed the Romans, and how they sanctified the month.


[The Romans] caught Yehuda ben Baba, and they pierced him with 300 spears.

Yehuda ben Baba sanctified the month, after that, he ordained five chachamim, so they pierced him with white-hot spears.[5]

Yehuda ben Baba was the re-incarnation of [king] Yoshiyahu. Yoshiyahu was also pierced. Yirmiyahu said to Yoshiyahu, let the Pharoah fight against the King of Bavel [i.e. Let the Egyptian ruler cross Eretz Yisrael to do battle with Babylon.]

Then, Pharoah came to fight with the King of Bavel. Pharoah was crippled [also a play on words, he was called ‘Necho’ in Chronicles II] he was lame in one foot. Yirmiyahu told him, give him passage! Yoshiyahu said, I won’t give him! [Only after he’d been pierced by arrows and was dying did Yoshiyahu say]

“Hashem is a Tzaddik, for I disobeyed His utterance.”[6]


Yirmiyahu told him not to fight.

It’s not always possible to fight.

The Hashmonaim fought, Hezkiyahu fought. Hezkiyahu also didn’t fight. He just stuck a sword [in the ground of the entrance to the beit midrash] and said talmud Torah is everything!

[Sennacheriv’s messengers] said we’ll bring horses against you, come, let’s make war. We’ll bring tanks against you, we’ll bring MiGs…. He wanted to bring tanks against them.


Biden doesn’t want to bring tanks, so we’ll recieve tanks from Hamas.

We’ll get tanks from Hamas, they’ll bring tanks to us. The Jihad, Hezbollah, Nasrallah – they wanted to bring tanks. I don’t know why they killed him, he was a good man… The very best people…., what, did he do something not good?!


So, the king said, bring me a tanach, I am going to give you 2000 horses.

What, I’m going to give you tanks, horses, MiGs, come, let’s have a war. I came from the whole world!

It’s written in the Gemara, Sanhedrin, I brought soldiers from across the whole world, from across the whole planet, i brought soldiers. Two billion six hundred thousand – it’s written ‘260 thousand ribua’. A thousand ribua is 20 million, we calculate according to the zeros.

A thousand is three zeros. ‘Ribua’ is four zeros. Seven zeros is 10 million, so 260 thousand ribua is two billion six hundred million.

It’s written that no water remained in the Jordan [river]….


They said, it’s impossible [to conquer Jerusalem].

There’s a verse written in Eicha (Lamentations), we’re only going to recite it in another half [a year], Eicha, this is another seven months.[7] Today, it’s the 1st of Tevet, tomorrow it’s already the molad[8], this is the 1st of Tevet. So another six-and-a-half months, and then we’ll say: “The Kings of the earth did not believe.”[9]

They didn’t believe at all, it was known that it was impossible to conquer Jerusalem.


They launched rockets on Shabbats, they launched rockets here.

No rocket got to Jerusalem, it didn’t succeed. The Hezbollah said that they would fire [rockets], they didn’t succeed. Because they intercepted this before it even got to the Aretz [Eretz Yisrael]… 100 km, 100 km this is 20 seconds. Every five kilometres is a second for the fastest rocket. So 100 km, [the rocket should arrive] in 20 seconds.

But this exploded and was scattered across the whole of the Aretz.

Over Beer Yaakov, on Ramat Gan, on Yaffo – this is 30 metre rocket. This is not a small rocket, the size of this, this was 30 metres. This is like five buildings, full of explosive material that could blow up a whole city.

So when it arrived, this was exploded across the whole of Eretz Yisrael – upon Yaffo, on Ramat Gan, on Holon.

Now, 20 people were injured in Yaffo on Thursday morning [when they ran to the safety rooms in the middle of the night].

And now something fell in Beer Yaakov, on some roof, and on a school in Ramat Gan. And now it fell on a playground, 20 people were injured.


It’s written:

“Your mighty Yemenite ones will be broken, so that every man will be cut off from the Mountain of Esav by the slaughter.[10]

That from Yemen will come malchut (royalty, governance). So there is a verse your mighty Yemenite ones. ‘Cut off’ means to ‘bring down’, they will bring down from Yemen.

[The explanation is]: They will come from Yemen. It’s impossible to fight with the Yemenites. Yemenites are stubborn.


Excerpted and translated from Shivivei Or 391.



[1] This tractate can only be found in the Jerusalem Talmud.

[2] Apparently this is not ‘R Yehuda HaNasi’ – ‘Rebbe’  -, but his grandson. In the Jerusalem Talmud, he is called: R Yudan Nesiya.

[3] It’s not clear who the Rav is referring to, the transcriber of Shivivei Or suggests this is a reference to Yehuda HaNasi, Rebbe.

[4] See Tractate Sanhedrin, 12.

[5] See Tractate Sanhedrin 13b.

[6] Lamentations 1:18.

[7] Lamentations is recited on the fast of Tisha B’Av.

[8] Time of the new moon.

[9] Lamentations 4:12. The full verse reads: “The kings of the earth did not believe, not did any of the world’s inhabitants, that the adversary or enemy could enter the gates of Jerusalem.”

[10] See Ovadiah 1:9.


Now I’ve just re-read this, I am seeing a few allusions to what happened / is happening in LA, with the fires and the lack of water….

Everything is midda k’neged midda.

When Esav goes down, Yaakov goes up.

The whole trick is to make sure you are identifying with, and attached to, the right side of this equation, as things finally start swinging back in the favor of ‘Yaakov’.


Trump is ‘Ba’al Tzafon’.

He’s the last idol left in the modern-day mitzrayim, that people are turning to, to ‘save them’ from whatever is about to come next.

God is leaving him standing precisely to fulfill that function.

He’s the ‘last great hope’ of the modern-day Egyptians, who want to keep enslaving the Jews and building their empire on the back of all the dispossessed and abused homeless serfs they are creating.

God is about to take modern-day mitzrayim out of action for good.

And just like the Jews at the sea, before it splits, things are probably going to be quite scary, in parts.

But remember this:

Everything God is doing, He’s doing it for us.

And Yaakov can only finally rise, when Esav falls.

Ba’al Tzafon notwithstanding.



After I put this up, I trawled through the stuff I usually trawl through, to get a feel for what the latest propaganda is.

As I’ve mentioned before, the Shirat Devorah blog is consistently the best place I find ‘propaganda’ designed to confuse sincere Jews into believing ‘black’ is really ‘white’.

Why she has the ‘merit’ of this, your guess is as good as mine.

But take a look at this latest post, and especially the comments below it, about Trump and Netanyahu.

And then, come to your own conclusions.



Here’s more video showing just how destructive this fire in LA was – 10,000 houses destroyed.


But apparently, not the trees standing right next to them….


In the video, the presenter emphasises there is NO WATER coming out of the taps in the area.

Apparently, a synagogue in the area is one of the few buildings left totally untouched.

That’s interesting, for a lot of different reasons.


Meanwhile, look at this:

It’s a 54 page document setting out how LA is meant to be turned into a ‘smart city’ by 2028 – just three short years away.

Now so much of it burned down, that’s sure going to make it easier to ‘build back better’, and ‘smarter’….


Here’s a screenshot from that PDF:


IoT is ‘Internet of Things’.

That’s where every single person, object, animal, thing, gets it’s own IP address, so it can be tracked and controlled.

How fun!

But don’t worry, Trump is really paying chess in 83 million dimensions, and the white hats have all this covered….




4 replies
  1. Yosef from the Galil
    Yosef from the Galil says:

    Trump is already demanding that the Medina strike any deal, give in to the terrorists and allow Hamas to survive.
    But B”H that Biden is gone. Really? Where is the difference with Trump exactly?
    The USA *needs* a weak and dependent Israel. This truth is unrelated to whoever sits in the White House.

  2. Hava
    Hava says:

    My husband and sister-in-law are incessantly talking about how bad Trump is. I personally don’t care either way: To answer Yosef from the Galil, I’ve been saying (at least at home) for months now that ISRAEL HAS TO RISE, and so America has to fall. I agree that Esau MUST have a weak Israel/Yaakov, no matter who is president. But Esau-as-America really has no decency left to have any merit whatsoever to survive, never mind remain as the leader of the world.

    Bibi, get the keys ready for Mashiach! But don’t be surprised at who the Mashiach will turn out to be…

  3. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    Seems that “Smart Meters” played into this Fire also. Saw a video where someone’s house did not catch fire, but the unnattached shed had a smart meter on it, and that is now gone. Most of those homes that burned down to the ground had smart meters. This was a calculated multi-sourced attack of fire.
    BTW, Israel has just created the “Fire-Dome”, an Iron Dome type creation to protect areas with a Fire Dome covering:
    “An ‘Iron Dome’ to stop wildfires: Israeli startup’s ‘FireDome’ is based on missile defense. System shoots capsules of eco-friendly fire retardant to create barrier; detects and extinguishes blazes; set for testing in Israel in May, and the US in 2026”
    Here we have an example of Edom/Eisav Down and Israel/Yaakov Up. The Jewish brain is amazing.

  4. Abbe
    Abbe says:

    The body needs to breathe via the pores, it also breathes via the skin.
    It doesn’t need a thousand sweaters, and sweatshirts – it doesn’t need this. It just suffocates [the body], and he’ll get sick from this. He’ll get a fever from this, because the body isn’t breathing. The body breathes more via the skin than it does via the mouth and nose, because the skin envelops 100% of the body.


    This woooow thank u so much for posting became obsessed with replacing plastic materials fabrics that I was wearing with cotton and breathable materials and now I understand whyyyy. For years I was wearing unknowingly fabrics that were from plastic not breathable and I felt very tired. Maybe u research more into that or if rabbi said anything more wow.


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