Ignore the news

Shavua Tov!

Apparently, ‘we bombed Iran’ on Friday night.

Of course, everything in our failed State always has to happen on either Shabbat or a Jewish holiday – that’s one of the ways they constantly take our focus off God and the Torah’s commandments and mitzvot, to have people anxiously on their phones all Shabbat, all chag, ‘checking the news’.

That fake, manipulated masonic news, where we have no idea if anything we’re being told actually happened, or didn’t.

We don’t even know what is really happening here in the failed State – even if we live here, even if we have our two eyeballs open, and our brain still operating above ‘zombie’ capacity and asking awkward questions.

Even like that – we still don’t know what is really going on in our backyard.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I heard ‘on the news’ there was violence going on literally in my back yard – when I myself couldn’t find any trace of it.


So, you can believe ‘we bombed Iran’ if you want to.

Maybe ‘we’ did, maybe ‘we’ didn’t.

(Although, there seems to be zero footage of us ‘bombing Iran’ anywhere on social media….. Or anywhere else. And yes, Iranians have smartphones and social media, just like every one else in the world these days (except the hardcore frummers still trying to hang on to their neshamas.)


But the point is – it’s all just a big exercise in manipulation and control.

The war is 100% spiritual.

Each time we let them get us agitated, excited, upset, scared, angry etc about ‘the news’, they are actually using that soul energy – our soul energy – to ‘power’ their own agenda.

That’s the whole point.

The more of us ignore ‘the news’, the faster the world of lies crumbles.


Even if ‘we’ did bomb Iran – both sides are being controlled by the Evils from the back.

And don’t you think it’s strange that after 25+ years screaming about ‘the nuke’, our dear leaders studiously bombed anything EXCEPT Bushehr?

Even if you take ‘the news’ at face value?


We need to keep our focus 100% on Hashem, our day-to-day life, working on our own bad  middot, looking for ways to serve Hashem happily and joyfully, doing more kindnesses and more mitzvot, more real teshuva – and that’s it.

That’s what brings Moshiach, the simple folk who continue to say their tehillim in simplicity, who continue waking up for shacharit and netz, who continue keeping Shabbat, who continue trying to work on their relationship with God, who continue trying to improve their interactions with other people.

Those people bring Moshiach.

And the people who hang on every word of the lying, masonic-controlled ‘news’, and who waste so much of their own, and everyone else’s, time and energy, on non-stop prophecies and predictions, on pointless analyses of the lying news – those people go nuts, and they really don’t ‘bring Moshiach’.


I just reread Conversations II, over Shabbat.

Everything a person really needs to know about ‘Operation Swords of Iron’, and what’s going on right now, is in that book.

The Rav said last year already, that we’re in the war of Gog and Magog.

Things are clearly being continually and radically sweetened.

Even though, as the Rav also says in the book, every single day, five and ten more Jews will die, until Moshiach finally comes.

And each one we lose breaks the heart.

But nothing is stam!

Each soul has their own tikkun, their own rectification to do, down here on the planet.

And apparently for a few souls right now, their main rectification is to die al kiddush Hashem.


The Rav says clearly in Conversations II, that when a soul dies al kiddush Hashem, they achieve in one second what would otherwise take 1,000 years.

Spiritually, you can’t get a better deal.



Personally, I’m at the stage where I don’t believe that ‘nukes’ exist, even though I still believe nuclear fusion is possible, at least, in a nuclear reactor.

You could probably still make a portable ‘dirty bomb’ that would contain some radioactivity – but not a ‘nuke’ in the sense we’ve all been brainwashed into believing.

At this stage, I also don’t believe in ‘inter-continental ballistic missiles’.

We read on Shabbat, God created a firmament.

The Torah is the blueprint of the world, it doesn’t lie about anything.

If it says ‘there is a firmament’ then there is a firmament.

And from everything I’ve been reading, looking at, studying – I haven’t seen any evidence that any rocket is being sent from very far away.


Of course in Israel, but also everywhere else in the world.

‘Intercontinental bombing’ is ALWAYS carried out by planes.

As we saw on Friday night.

And that’s why ‘Ukraine’ is the big deal in NATO, because only missiles right on the Russian border (to give one example) could get anywhere near to Russian territory.


The people rocketing Israel are the people on our own soil, or very close to it, in the Sea, or very close to our border.

There are no ‘rockets from Yemen’.

There are no ‘missiles from Iran’.

And what missiles and rockets there ARE – are coming either from planes in our own air space, or naval destroyers off our coast.

If they aren’t being launched from within Israel itself, or right on the border.


That’s my opinion.

But, feel free to prove me wrong.

Send me the videos, the information, the solid facts, the evidence, and I’m VERY happy to put that up here for everyone to see.


In the meantime – I am continuing to ignore the news.

I am carrying on with my own research and writing, and translating the Rav, and working on my own copious bad middot.

But also – on enjoying life as much as possible!

And moving forward in my own dalet amot as much as possible!

And not wasting my precious time and energy on ‘fear’ and endless speculation about what will be.


God is doing everything.

And everything God does, is ultimately for our good.

We aren’t in control of anything, except our yirat shemayim, and working on transforming all our ‘fallen fears’ into fear of Hashem.

And boy, do we still have our work cut our for us.

2 replies
  1. asd
    asd says:

    Thanks Rivka for all that you post!
    Just commenting with my personal feeling, – it really nauseates me to read the word “we” when referring to the state’s actions, although I understand that you’re being sarcastic since you put the word in apostrophes, it’s still bothersome, I’d love you can write ‘they’ instead of ‘we’ but of course I’m not telling you what to do, – it’s your space.
    Thanks again

  2. Simcha Vsasson
    Simcha Vsasson says:

    I love this piece you wrote on many many levels. With you completely about what approach we need now in these times. Hashem bless you!


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