Hebron: City of Sabbateans – Part 3

OK, we are finally up to learning more about ‘R ELIYAHU MANI of HEVRON’.

According to standard history, he is born in Baghdad in 1818, and was the student of one of some of the biggest Iraqi rabbis of the time, including Rav ABDULLAH SOMECH.

And he’s known as someone who has a real flair for fundraising.

Where does a rav with a talent for fundraising want to go, in the 19th century? To Eretz Yisrael, of course!

So in 1856, R MANI ups sticks, and together with his wife SAMARA and his three sons, SULIMAN, SHALOM and BARUCH, he makes it to Jerusalem.


The Rabbis in Jerusalem apparently invite him to join the prestigious kabbalistic Beit El yeshiva.

But – exactly the same as is said of R CHAIM HEZKIYAHU MEDINI – he leaves Jerusalem for Hebron, because of ‘health reasons’, after two years.

(To be fair, Jerusalem at this era is terribly overcrowded, and rife with cholera and other plagues.)

Not that cholera doesn’t happen in Hebron, too, of course. In 1860, that city is also hit by a terrible cholera outbreak.

R MANI immediately starts fundraising with the wealthy Jews in the diaspora, who respond by sending large quantities of food, medication and money.

R MANI shares this largesse out amongst the residents of Hevron – including the local Arabs.


Next, he launches another appeal for more families from Iraq and North Africa to move to Israel, and particularly, to Hevron.

Tens of families heed the call, and come to the city.

This snippet comes from the Hebron website in English, HERE:

His arrival has encouraged a dozen families from Mesopotamia (probably Baghdad) to follow his lead. It included twenty-three scholars, thirteen civil servants, six businessmen, four moneylenders, two bakers, two peddlers, a tailor, a carpenter, a vegetable vendor, and a butcher.

The Avraham Avinu synagogue alone employed a secretary, a beadle, a Torah reader, a prayer reader, a treasurer, a president, and a member of the Bet Din (religious court)….”


In the meantime, R MANI is busy with a load of other projects.

He builds a new library dedicated to the CHIDA’s memory, with the help of some rich Iraqi merchants located in the Indies.

(I am willing to bet at least some of this money comes from that same SASSOON family, we keep running in to in this series.)

He also builds a new Bet HaMidrash in Hevron.

And now, we hit one of the stranger threads of the story again. Here is how Attlan describes it, from page 153 of his ‘Book of Hevron’:


At this time, R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER arrived in Jerusalem….R SCHLESINGER is ahead of his time, and dreams of colonising the country.

His plan is split into two parts: the first part is to buy the maximum amount of land, and then get ready to start installing families on it, who are prepared to commit themselves to working the land.

Together with R MANI, he forms a secret organisation which is concerned with buying land. DAVID GUTMAN, one of the founders of the first Jewish colony (‘Petach Tikva’) soon comes to join them.


So….. Here we have yet another ‘secret society’, busy buying land in Eretz Yisrael.

We will return to Akiva Yosef Schlesinger (a close disciple of the KTAV SOFER and R MOSHE SHICK, the MAHRAM SHICK) and David Gutman another time, BH. But before we leave them alone in this post, let me quote something else from Attlan’s book:

In 1863, Akiva Schlesinger wrote: “When we got back to Jerusalem, we understood that our opponents new about our initiative [to buy land in Eretz Yisrael].

They assembled behind the Jaffa Gate in order to harass us by throwing stones. Because of this, we decided to split up. I entered the city by the Zion Gate; the son of the Rav of Hebron [i.e. Suleiman Mani] by the Damascus Gate; and Rabbi David Gutman ventured towards the Jaffa Gate.

He had to brandish his pistol and cry out: ‘The first person who tries to touch me will get a bullet in his head….’


The more we learn about real Jewish history in the Holy Land, the crazier it all becomes.

But long story short, violent sinat chinam didn’t start with Kaplan on a Saturday night.


Back to R ELIYAHU MANI of Hebron.

Like R MEDINI before him, he also suffers from blindness for a few years.

And like R MEDINI before him, he also is apparently ‘miraculously’ cured of it.

R MANI apparetly dies in the month of Tammuz 1899, aged 81.

Now, let’s quote another strange passage from Attlan’s book – and bear in mind what we know about Sabbateans, many of whom followed Shabtai’s Tzvi’s lead into externally ‘acting like Muslims’:

(From page 155:)

As it was also the case in the past, the Arabs in town started to spread a rumour that Rav Manni had been a Muslim saint (‘wali’) who, for reasons only known by a few initiates, chose to live his life with the appearance of being a Jew.

A rumour like this obliged [the Arabs] to disintere the deceased in order to give him a Muslim burial.

Shocked by the idea of such a terrible sacrilege, the Jews of Hebron mobilised themselves around the MANI family. For long months afterwards, they organised day and night vigils around the last resting place of the Rav.

(This is the reason why the Jews of Hebron didn’t write anything on the tombstones, which were also exceptionally heavy, to try and discourage every attempt at violation.).

That same year, Rav Rahamim Franco was given the responsibility of succeeding Rav Mani.


Long story short: no-one really knows who is buried where in the Hebron graveyard, because no names are on the tombstones.

We just have ‘official history’ to go on, and we know how reliable that’s been, especially when trying to track down any facts involving Chabad personalities and Sabbateans….

And personally, I’m starting to wonder what are the chances, that two chief rabbis of Hebron in a row would both be rumoured to be ‘secret Muslim saints’ at risk of being disinterred…. If the story is how we’ve been told the ‘story’ actually is?


Here’s another interesting snippet:

The 1906 Jewish Encylopedia has a entry for his listed under MANI, ELIJAH. 

Turkish rabbi; died in Hebron, Palestine, in the summer of 1899. He was a native of Bagdad, where he was held in great esteem for his piety and his knowledge of the Cabala.

About 1856 he went to Jerusalem, and two years later settled in Hebron. When R. Moses Pereire of that city died, Mani succeeded him as rabbi of the Sephardim.

For fourteen years he accepted no remuneration, but later was forced by poverty to overcome his scruples. He was very active in charitable and communal affairs, and his simple and noble life won for him the respect and admiration of all the inhabitants of that ancient city; Mohammedans as well as Jews thronged to his funeral.

He is said to have written eleven works, which he refused to publish.


Now, who is this ‘MOSHE PEREIRE’ who precedes him as Rav of Hevron?

We’ll answer this question towards the bottom of this post. Read on.


In a book called Hebron Jews: Memory and Conflict in the Land of Israel, by Jerold S Auerbach, we learn some more interesting details:

Rabbi Mani’s primary source of financial support, according to an annotation from the census[1], was a wealthy benefactor.


That same page also explains that R MANI was using money from the known Sabbatean-Mason, MOSES MONTEFIORE, to try and buy up land in Eretz Yisrael.

And that the Hebron community at this stage was 60% Sephardi, and 40% Chabad chassidic, with all the ‘unmarried adult males in the Ashkenazi community’ being Chabad students who were supported financially from abroad.


Back on the Hebron site for R MANI, HERE, we learn this:

Rabbi Mani was known for his generosity and humility, founding synagogues, study centers and guest houses. He went on numerous fundraising trips to Jewish communities abroad in places such as India, Egypt and England.

His grandson, the journalist Menashe Mani published a biography about him entitled Rabbi Eliyahu Mani of Hebron in 1936.


That link is now dead, and I can’t seem to find this biography by Menashe Mani anywhere.

There was even an English translation of it (see HERE) in 1997. But what’s weirder, is that while the National Library in Israel is listing the book in Hebrew – it’s not letting anyone see it or order it up to the reading room.

All the other links this article refers the reader to, to get more information about R MANI, including the ‘My Tzaddik’ links – they are all gone, too.

And the My Tzaddik site is still there….

It’s the ‘cover up’ vibe that encourages me to start doing more digging – because for sure, they are covering something interesting up, with R ELIYAHU MANI of Hebron.


HERE is his Hebrew Wiki page.

This is the first place that I read that apparently, none other than the BEN ISH CHAI is meant to have been R MANI’s ‘good friend’ in Baghdad, who insists he needs to go to Israel…

Machine translated snippet:

In 1856, he decided to go to the Land of Israel, Jerusalem…. But his community objected. Next to him stood his new friend…Rabbi Joseph Haim the Ben Ish Chai, who explained to the congregation that Rabbi Mani must immigrate to Israel if he wants to advance in the study of the kabbalah.

After his ascension, Rabbi Yosef Chaim used to correspond with Rabbi Mani about the customs of the Land of Israel and the Kabbalists of the Beth El yeshiva in the Holy City, and this is expressed in his book Ben Ish Hai.


Is this even true?

There’s no specific reference for where R Mani is mentioned in the BEN ISH CHAI’s works.

It’s time to turn to GENI, to see what other clues are available.


First, we have an extra name – he was called ELIYAHU AVRAHAM MANI.

Next, we learn that his wife SAMARA was actually the daughter of R Avraham Yosef Yehezkel Somekh – aka ABDULLAH SOMEKH of Baghdad.

And now already, my ears are perking up because I know this family tree.


That’s exactly the same family tree of the ELKEBIR / SASSOON / HASKELL family we read about here:



Here’s some pertinent snippets:

[T]he ‘Haskells’ are actually the SASSOONS – the same Sassoons who helped dope up the whole of China with opium for the British….

The infamous SASSOON family of Iraqi Jews acted as ‘the agents of the Rothschilds’ in the Middle East, and these HESKELLS were also closely related to them.

These same Sassoon Heskells were also directly involved in developing British colonial control of ‘Palestine’ and the Middle East – with the devastating consequences we are still experiencing here today….

So now, we have to ask the question how the grand-daughter of JONAH ZAITSOFF from Kiev (brother of MORDECHAI ZAITSOFF, aka MENACHEM NACHUM SCHNEERSON) come to marry into this family of Sassoon-Haskells from Iraq who were carving up the Middle East on behalf of the British and the Rothschilds?


It looks like we’ve uncovered another key connection between the Iraqi SASSOONs and the Chabad Rebbes here, going through the heart of Hevron’s Jewish community.


Back with ELIYAHU MANI, if you check out his descendants, you quickly find yourself amongst ‘zionist royalty’ in the Holy Land.

But before we get to that, take a look at who R MANI’s son, CHACHAM BASHI, SULEIMAN MENACHEM MANI, marries:


Her father is the R MOSHE PEREIRA (1820-1864) who was Chief Rabbi of Hebron before R MANI takes over (the guy we mentioned above).

And if you look who R MOSHE PEREIRA descends from…. You get back to that same family of Sabbatean Pereiras who had been funding Hebron’s (Sabbatean….) sephardi kabbalists for approaching 200 years, already.

(See Part I of this series, for more details.)


The family tree is a deliberate mess.

But in the middle of it, they still like to leave some ‘breadcrumbs’.

So it is, we learn that the PEREIRA family are actually one-and-the-same as the D’AGUILAR family of tobacco barons and royal favorites, hanging out with Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (the mum of Marie Antoinette of France….)


We’ll cover them off in a seperate post – there’s a lot more to learn.

For now, it’s enough to know that they are also married to the Sabbatean Fonseca family of Amsterdam….

And super, super wealthy.

And overlap with all the people I write about here a lot, including the Frankists, the masons, the Sabbateans….

And now, introducing the ‘catholic / Jesuit’ angle to all this, too.


This post could continue forever…. Go to the Wiki page for R MANI, and take a look at his famous descendents yourself, if this interests you.

They include many Israeli Supreme Court Judges, many leading zionists and ‘supporters of Herzl’ – and probably, many other secrets that will have to wait for another time to be unearthed.


OK, let’s stop here for now.

We’ll go back and take a look at the PEREIRA family of Dutch Sabbateans in the next post…. who were literally catholic bishops in Portugal.

I think we’ll learn a lot.




Back on the Hevron website HERE, R MANI’s great-grandson says that the Arabs of Hebron succeeded in taken R MANI’s body for burial in the muslim cemetery – and it was only returned almost 70 years later!


Prof. Moshe Many, The well-known urologist who served as president of Tel Aviv University was a great-grandson of Rabbi Mani. …. In a 2013 interview with Haaretz, Prof. Many related the following:

Rabbi Mani was considered such a highly respected medical authority that, when he died, the Muslims stole his body and buried it in the Muslim cemetery in Hebron. His body was returned to the Jewish cemetery only after the Six-Day War.

So… that means the picture being identified as R MANI’s ‘ancient’ tomb in the Hebron cemetery…. is fake:


If R MANI’s body was only returned after the Six Day War – his grave just wouldn’t look like this.

So, where is he actually buried?

And who does this grave, above, really belong to?

And why are they lying about this?



Prof MOSHE MANI is an interesting person. HERE is his Wiki page, and here are some of the snippets that caught my eye:

After the 1929 riots, his family fled Hebron, he studied at the Hebrew Gymnasium “Herzliya” and in 1941 moved to a English Protestant boarding school in Jerusalem.

This next bit is particularly interesting:

During his career as a doctor, he secretly treated leaders of Arab and Iranian countries and their families.

Among his patients are Saudi Arabia’s King FahdMohammed Reza Shah PahlaviJafar Numairi and Adnan Khashoggi.


Hel-lo, another ‘back door’ between the Arab puppet-elites and the masonic-puppets in our own failed State.



[1] This was the Montefiore Census of 1875.

12 replies
    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      This comment is from the Kipaadu telegram channel, machine translated.

      She sums it up very well:


      “I’m sorry, but given that the regime lies incessantly and rarely gets a single word of truth out of its mouth to believe that it really killed Haniyeh, I’d like to see proof of that. But what is clear is that Haniyeh’s public image has been wiped out. And the public is definitely dead. So why now and what is the purpose of it?

      If the regime really wanted to eliminate terrorism, it would stop funneling money to the terrorist organizations and to “Iran,” for without money, there is no terrorism. If the regime really wanted to eliminate terrorism, it would make quick trials for the Nokhba killers and hang them on pillars in the streets of a city – for the sake of seeing, and being seen. If the regime really wanted to eliminate terrorism, it would also declare the PLO dead, since the PLO also participated in the massacre in the south. If the regime really wanted to eliminate terrorism, it would not only have carried out a brainwashing operation in recent days to present IDF soldiers as “comfort killers” and the murderers as ” victims.”
      If the regime really wanted to eliminate terrorism, it would not lie that it did not know about the organization for the massacre in the south, and would not have kept the IDF in its pocket for 8 hours on the day of the massacre to enable it.

      So what’s the real purpose of all this?

      The regime must maintain the trust of the people in it, otherwise the people will revolt, surround the houses of the heads of the regime and throw them straight into prison, will not agree to enlist, will not agree to inject poison, and more and more.

      In order to maintain the trust of the people, especially after it was broken over the past week with the spectacle arrests of IDF fighters, he needs to make a show operation that will restore that trust.

      Like… Take out, in real or pretend, his alleged agent Ismael Haniyeh.

      And if the regime wants to prod the Arabs on the other side to rage and go on pogroms against the “Jew,” without them realizing that the regime imposed on them and the “Jew” are both secretly controlled by the same masters, such an act of spectacle can certainly spur and provoke rage and rage, or justify acts of terror that the regime will secretly initiate and be presented as ” acts of revenge on Elimination of Haniyeh.”

      Do you understand how much the regime can gain from such a “hit”?

      It is also possible that the mercenary Haniyeh stopped doing what he was told, and if he was truly eliminated, it could be an internal account closure, or simply the human sacrifice of a regime agent who finished his job in the eyes of the regime and has no problem destroying it.
      With the profit on his side.

      The Jews will come back to believe in the regime. It is possible to organize more murderous massacres against them and tell them that this is in response to the assassination of Haniyeh, and the Arabs can be spurred into further attacks on the Jews.


      Why in Iran?
      In the picture in front of you are two murderers:
      Ismail Haniyeh and Abu Mazen.

      This image will not be seen in the coming days on brainwashing devices mistakenly called “televisions,” the broadcasters will be careful to show pictures of Haniyeh in Iran, in order to create in the consciousness the lie that Haniyeh was only related to Iran and to hide the following facts, as well as Haniyeh’s alleged secret contacts and orders he secretly received from the American-Israeli regime.

      The one who founded Hamas is the Israeli regime. And those who fund Hamas to this day are the American-Israeli regime. America is also financing Iran and the coup d’etat done by the CIA, which according to all these facts is the one that secretly controls Iran.

      The Iranian regime is an American puppet regime.

      So are you still excited about the elimination of Haniyeh? From the fact that once again it is proven that the regime, when it wants to, knows exactly where everyone is and what they are doing and is therefore clearly lying that it did not know about the massacre in the south? Do you think that now our lives will become better and there will be peace on earth? Or is this just another act of showmanship by criminals who are greasing the terrorist organizations and have no intention of stopping hurting us, and we, the peoples of all, are their true enemy?”

      • AK
        AK says:

        I don’t expect piece on earth at all or that our lives will be completely better. He still had a huge amount of Jewish blood on his hands so as far as I am concerned, his death is still a good thing.

  1. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    The Iranian regime is an American puppet regime……… Wrong ! Are Russia and China American puppet regimes also ? The analysis about Hamas and PLO is wrong also. Nobody understands the dynamics, if he is not versed well in the limud and understanding of the Divine rules , how Hashem yit” manhig et ha olam culo. One fundamental rule is that when an evil power (who received all it’s power because Hashem wants to be given to this kingdom, regime) ,when this evil power becomes very strong ,proud, anti-God , then Hashem intoxicates them with the yain ha mesaker, and He sends one other evil power to wage war against them ,to destroy them . The evil power HAS TWO POLES. and both of them try to destroy Israel (the people) differently . Bilam – Balak…. Luciferians (Illuminati) — Amalek (Nazis-Muslim brotherhood , Stalinism etc,). The secret societies are divided according to this principle . They try to control and hijack each other . The secret intelligence “services” and the conflicting policies and wars , follow to materialize their conspiracies , one against the other and both against God and His people.

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        Yes, the clipah of the erev rav collaborates definitely with Esav (the Illuminati-Luciferian camp). But the clipah of Ismael is one other story. Esav tried to absorb Ismael, even from the begining of last century when they destroyed the Ottoman empire and reshaped the dominance of Middle East and North Africa with straight borders on the map. They create the first Muslim brotherhood (the British). Till now , they try to control the muslim world through them (Avraamic records, Emirates etc)…… But Hashem laughs ……. The occult secret societies (Amalek, Nazism) emerged and separated from the Illuminati lodges, and the Muslim brotherhood mainly was absorbed in the clipah of Amalek. This war is a continuation of the Illuminati efforts to siege control in the region. They don’t have it yet. Hashem divided the globalists leaders , China turned to help Russia against Edom. A big part of Ismael ( Nazi -Muslim broth., Iranians etc..) are in the Amalekite camp and they take sides with the China-Russia alliance.

    • Shimshon
      Shimshon says:

      At that level, puppet is the wrong word. There is a club, and they are in it. All of them are. There are factions. Some more powerful, some less. Some are client states, and some are mere puppets. There are also rules, even if we are not aware of them. There are members in good standing and bad standing. But they are all members of the same club.

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        There is not one club. Hashem separated them from the times of dor haaflagah( Bavel and the Tower) and His Order stands. They try to reverse this order, but Hashem laughs….. Hashem will give them to be united one more time, only at the very end , during Gog uMagog .

  2. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    Is written in this article : ” if he was truly eliminated, it could be an internal account closure, or simply the human sacrifice of a regime agent who finished his job in the eyes of the regime and has no problem destroying it………….. So are you still excited about the elimination of Haniyeh?…….” ……….If Haniyeh was an Israeli agent , or an Islamo-Nazi leader, or a double agent , doesn’t matter . In any case , he was an archenemy of our people , and his elimination from this world of course should be celebrated. Even the sedim consider this beast unfitted to be used as a HUMAN sacrifice to them. No christian style mercies for the haters of the Jewish people.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      IF he was even really killed…. how do you know that’s really what happened?

      All of a sudden, you’re going to start believing the failed State when it tells you it could wipe out this guy in Iran…. but couldn’t ‘notice’ 5,000 terrorists coming over the fence from Gaza?

      For eight hours?

      No-one is arguing that it’s great that evil people get removed from the picture, in whichever way God arranges that.

      The problem is, when we keep buying into the false narrative.

      And then get all ‘indignant’ that other people don’t believe the (fake, lying) news as much as we do.

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        I don’t bye their narratives at all. All information coming from the media should be checked and pray to Hashem to give us clarity. In the particular case, Hamas also confirmed his death , so makes sense. As for the propaganda to manipulate us so we will put our trust on the erev rav regine one more time…. This is obvious and they use this weapon every day. I made it very clear. The erev rav regime is controlled by the Illuminati Luciferians. They want to destroy Israel , but they need an apostate state called in our name, to achieve their goals….. Hashem laughs….. Of course they staged this war here, BUT HaKadosh Baruch Hu , gave to them a big blow -not according to their plans- and more is coming…..till they will be dismantled ….. To be clear and summarize. We have two enemies. The Luciferians and the Amalikites. We have to fight both of them. Each one differently. HOW ? Ask your rav. Baruch Hashem, He arranges wars between them. Pray for their total destruction, even if we have to pass through very hard times. That means, be strong in hope emuna and bitachon, lift your eyes to heaven -letsapot, and be strong to wait for His comming Geula -lechakot- even if seems that delays.


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