God loves us – miracles in the Gush

Shavua Tov!

There were some massive miracles in Gush Etzion over shabbat.

Apparently, there were three seperate cars driving around, all designed to be used in car bomb attacks.

For some inexplicable reason, they stopped before they got to Efrat, and went back to get petrol.

In the process of that – one car exploded.

The other two took off – and were also, miraculously, stopped before they could explode, one in Carmei Tzur, and one near Alon Shvut.


God loves us so much!

The same thing happened in Tel Aviv a couple of weeks ago.

In the middle of all the difficulty, God is showing us all that He is still watching over us, and that all the prayers and teshuva is really getting somewhere.


Don’t get confused:

Humanity is being attacked by the Satanic-masons, who have their Bros running things on all sides of every equation, every ‘war’, every conflict.

Including this one.

They want Jews and Arabs to hate each other.

They want ‘leftists’ and ‘rightists’ to hate each other.

They want ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ to hate each other.

Because all these difficult, bad middot is what gives them their power, spiritually, and what enables them to keep the world in a state of perpetual conflict and ‘war’.

That’s what the Satanic-Masons want, that’s the end game.

To get WW3 kicked off in Eretz Yisrael, God forbid.


But God isn’t letting that happen!

Baruch Hashem!

Things are getting sweetened all the time, and the prayers are working.

So keep going!

And may we just hear good news, soon.

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