First ever ‘mega quake’ warning issued for Japan
Shavua tov!
I have some stuff to translate for the Rav, so watch out for that next.
In the meantime…. I am getting the small but growing feeling we are finally inching closer to the ‘turn around’ point in all this.
Not based on anything other than a sense of inner peace in hitbodedut this shabbat morning, at least for 10 minutes, that I don’t remember having all year long….
And the Rav came out beaming Friday night…. and then proceeded to jump for literally half an hour, before the prayers began.
He’s 86, had fluid on the lungs barely three weeks ago and almost had a leg amputated 2-3 years ago.
It’s not normal.
I was feeling pretty tired, I have to say, so much going on.
I thought to myself this week, I’m just going to sit at the davening and clap a bit, before I walk back home….
But then, the Rav started jumping.
And what, I’m going to sit there ‘tired’, when an 86 year old man with fluid on the lungs etc etc jumps for half an hour?!
So, of course, I did some jumping too.
Big things are being sweetened…..
And on that note, here’s what Dutchsinse posted up on his site – although his own ‘forecasting of earthquakes’ has been almost entirely closed down.
It’s an ‘official’ warning that Japan could be hit with a mega quake within 7 days of August 8, 2024, from the Japanese earthquake agency.
And the other side of the ocean (and the plate boundary) from Japan is…. the US West Coast.
Israel is the safest place in the world for a God-fearing Jew, no matter how it seems ‘on the news’.
So, take heart!
We are approaching the turning point.
I also have had an inner peace and no fear, Hashem is guiding things every step of the way.