Finally: Prayer rally in Hevron, Sept 12th

I just got sent this:


The Rav has called for a prayer gathering in Hevron, on Thursday September 12th, 2024, beginning at 9pm.

BH, the Rav will be coming, too.

Strange to say, this is a very good sign.

All year, I’ve been waiting for one of these prayer gatherings to be called in Hevron – because I’ve seen so many times in the past, how they literally make ‘the problem’ disappear overnight – and all year, it just hasn’t happened.

I guess we hadn’t reached the part in this massive process of awakening and teshuva where the prayer gathering would be effective.

Now, BH, I’m hopeful that the end of the nightmare situation that has been 5784 is in sight.

If, enough people show up in Hebron on September 12th.


While I was browsing the site, looking for more stuff about the concept of ‘MBY’ from the Rav, I came across something I wrote five years ago now, in 2019:

It talks a lot about different prayer gatherings in Hevron that took place throughout the year of 5779 – just before the Evils unleashed the scamdemic on the world.

Perhaps more to the point, it reminded me of how many ‘tough times’ were going on in 5779 – and how these prayer gatherings literally turned everything around for Am Yisrael.


Five years ago, it was way harder to ‘get with the Rav’, in some ways.

You had to have already figured out that the masonic media lies about everything, collaborates with the corrupt State to frame innocent people for political ends – and that the State itself is rotten to the core, morally.

That was quite an ‘ask’ five years ago.

But now?

This should be obvious to any awake person (awake defined as, literally, not asleep, and with two functioning brain cells.)


So, if you can make it to Hevron on September 12th at 9pm, even with mesirut nefesh, please come and join the prayer gathering, with the Rav.

At the very least, these prayer gatherings ‘work’ to sweeten things for the people who make the effort to participate.

And if you only help yourself by coming – dayenu.

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