Every night, they are sending rockets here

Excerpt of a shiur given over on Friday night, at the Bar Mitzvah of Rav Berland’s great-grandson, Mordechai Meir ben R’ Shmuel Eizik Tzuker. January 10, 2025.

The Yemenite [Jews] got to Yemen after the destruction of the First Temple.

Then, people even got to Morocco, to Yemen. Ezra the Scribe went around requesting that everyone would make aliya to Jerusalem.

He got to Yemen and asked them to ascend [to Israel] because they were going to build the Second Temple – but they didn’t agree! They told him that they knew that it was going to be destroyed [again].

So, he [Ezra] cursed them that they would be poor, and they cursed him that he wouldn’t be buried in Eretz Yisrael.

And so, he really isn’t buried in the Aretz, he’s buried in Iraq, by the shores of the the Hidekel River. There’s a beautiful building there, a big building upon his grave, by the Hidekel River.

But then, he got as far as Morocco, to persuade the Jews to ascend to the Aretz. Jews got until Tunisia. Yoav ben Tzruya got to Tunisia, they found there in Djerba a stone that Yoav ben Tzruya signed on. They brought it up to Israel, to an archive in Israel.


So on Moharanat [R’ Natan of Breslov]’s yarhtzeit [the day before, on 10th of Tevet] we read the story of the lion in Tractate Chullin, 59, that the lion gave one roar, and everyone fell off their chairs. He gave another roar, and the walls fell down. Another roar, and their heads were turned around. Another roar, their teeth fell out. Another roar, all the fetuses miscarried.

So, the king said OK, I am giving up on seeing the lion.


We also told about Diocletian.

There was one person, called Diklot, he was a shepherd of pigs. And the children threw stones at him. Afterwards, he grew up and became the king of Rome. So he called the head of the cheder – today it’s Natan Chananya, then, it was R’ Yehuda Nasiya, he wanted to throw him into the fire, because they threw stones at him.

So, he said that he [R Nasiya] should come to him, to the Bania, on Motzae Shabbat. When he came, he said to him I know that you Jews will be saved, even if I throw you into the fire, you’ll be saved. But why did you throw stones at me?![1]


Now, Trump said that if the Hamas don’t free the hostages, he’s going to open the gates of hell for them.

In another 10 days, he’s going to be President, on the yarhtzeit of the Rambam, 20th Tevet. Every day there, more matanim (chargers) are exploding, and soldiers are being killed. ‘Matan’ is the letters MeT…

Eliyahu HaNavi is exploding the chargers, because they started to go along with ‘the strength and power of my own arm’. On Simchat Torah, all the commanders turned off their phones, and didn’t pay attention to notice that there were terrorists by the fence.

The Arabs came with enormous bulldozers, and broke down the fence.

And the commanders simply turned off their phones, and didn’t agree to send planes up into the air. If they had sent up even just one plane, it would have got close in a few seconds, and it would have blown up all the bulldozers by the fence.

They wouldn’t have been able to break through and enter Israel.


Now, there are also the Houthis.

Every night, they are sending rockets here. They did an agreement for us in the Vatican, and afterwards they are firing at 2am, so we’ll wake up for chatzot.

This [Yemen] is a distance of 2,000 km [from Israel], and [the rocket] gets here, to the Aretz, within 7 minutes, or from Iran to the Aretz, within 7 minutes.



Translated from Shivivei Or 392


[1] See Tractacte Trumot in the Jerusalem Talmud.


These comments are from last week – and I have a bunch more I want to translate, BH, as the Rav has been saying some very interesting things recently.

But sure enough this lunch time, there were more sirens in Jerusalem.

I just picked up a TK and started reading. We heard a bunch of muffled booms 10 seconds after the siren began, a long way off. Apparently, ‘the Houthis’ fired something that got exploded, and the shrapnel fell in Beitar Illit, to the south of Jerusalem.

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.


While we’re talking about dodgy things in space, apparently Elon Musk sent up another ‘starship’ a couple of days ago.

THIS is the story on Sky News, with a super-spiffy video that appears to be ALL CGI.

But that’s not even the bit that took my interest. Here’s a few snippets:

“The 400ft rocket – the biggest and most powerful in the world – soared from Boca Chica, south Texas, on Thursday around 4.40pm local time….

“It looks like we lost contact a little under eight and a half minutes into the flight.”…..

The last data received from Starship indicated an altitude of 90 miles and a velocity of 13,245 mph.”

My maths sucks.
So I asked AI for some help to calculate a few things. Like this:
Q: How fast is Elon Musk’s rocket travelling if it takes it 8.5 minutes to fly up to 90 miles?

A: The rocket is traveling at approximately 635.1 miles per hour.

Q: If it was travelling at 13,245 mph, how long would it take Elon Musk’s rocket to get up to 90 miles?

A: 24.6 seconds


You are hopefully already starting to notice that this just doesn’t sound right….

Apparently, we’re told that when rockets leave earth’s atmosphere, the wind drag ends, and then they can go super-duper-uper fast.

According to AI, earth’s atmosphere is some 62 miles, or 100 km up, with the most dense part of it extending 10 miles (16 km) upwards from the earth’s surface.

So then, I asked this:


Q: What’s the fastest speed that could be achieved within the atmosphere – both the first 10 miles, and then the whole 62 miles?

A: World Record: The North American X-15, a rocket-powered aircraft, holds the record for the fastest speed achieved in the atmosphere, reaching 4,520 mph (7,274 km/h) at an altitude of about 66 miles (106 km). 


Q: So what about ballistic missiles?

A: Minuteman III
Altitude: Can reach altitudes of over 700 miles (1,100 km) during its trajectory.
Speed: Achieves speeds of approximately 15,000 mph (24,140 km/h) during the terminal phase of flight.


I asked AI to break down the speeds and heights of a ballistic missile, using the Minuteman III info as the example.

It came back with this:

The flight profile of a Minuteman III ballistic missile can be divided into several phases, each lasting a few minutes. Here’s a simplified breakdown of its trajectory, including approximate speeds and altitudes at key intervals:

Flight Profile Breakdown

1. Launch Phase (0-1 Minute)
Time: 0 to 60 seconds
Altitude: From ground level to approximately 10 miles (16 km)
Speed: Accelerating rapidly to about 3,600 mph (5,800 km/h)

2. Boost Phase (1-3 Minutes)
Time: 1 to 3 minutes
Altitude: Reaching around 100 miles (160 km)
Speed: Continuing to accelerate, reaching speeds of approximately 10,000 mph (16,093 km/h)

3. Midcourse Phase (3-5 Minutes)
Time: 3 to 5 minutes
Altitude: Peaking around 700 miles (1,100 km) during the coast phase
Speed: Coasting at speeds of about 14,000 mph (22,530 km/h) as it travels through the upper atmosphere and into space

4. Terminal Phase (5-10 Minutes)
Time: 5 to 10 minutes
Altitude: Descending from peak altitude, typically re-entering the atmosphere at around 30-40 miles (48-64 km)
Speed: Accelerating back up to 15,000 mph (24,140 km/h) as it approaches the target during re-entry


When you compare and contrast the above with what is meant to have happened with Musk’s Star Ship, you’ll quickly figure out that the equations don’t add up.

I asked AI one more question:

Q: How long would it take a MinuteMan III ballistic missile to leave the atmosphere 62 miles up, after launch?

A: It will take approximately 32 seconds for the Minuteman III to exit the atmosphere when launched at a 45-degree angle, considering its boost phase dynamics.

Here’s the equation:


According to AI, it would take that same missile a little over 22 seconds to get to 100km if launched at a 90 degree angle.

All this is great theoretical  maths.

Trouble is – you don’t see this happening, at all, with any of the stuff that’s been ‘launched’.

Instead of missiles going higher and higher and higher, you see within five seconds, typically, they are ALREADY starting to arc down towards the earth again.

They hit their peak height, and already start to drop.

Feel free to send me some non-CGI footage of rockets going higher and higher and higher.

I really am curious to see it, if it actually exists.

5 replies
    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I’m also now wondering about how these ‘iron dome’ missiles are meant to be keeping pace with in-coming rockets travelling ‘24,140 km/h’ as they re-enter the atmosphere (ho ho ho).

      There is so much footage from the last 16 months here in Israel that show none of this is happening ‘in reality’.

      And I’m also wondering how something travelling ‘24,140 km/h’ wouldn’t just burn up, or explode, immediately when hitting the dense atmosphere.

      The more I look into this, the more ‘theoretical’ it all seems.

  1. doo wop rebbe
    doo wop rebbe says:

    trump “gates of hell” didnt specipy whom will be the recipiant/we read yesterday in shemot of the melech chadash. we assumume he meant only hamas but you know the pun re assumptions(they make an ass of u and me.we need to pray for the best


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