Enough with the speculation, already

Part of the reason I’m ‘slow-blogging’ at the mo is because I am totally sick of speculation.

I know people with ‘Histrionic Personality Disorder’ – or caught up in its traits – love all this pointless, energy-sucking ‘speculation’ about what’s happening right now, but personally, I’m totally sick of it, and I’m trying very hard not to keep giving in to the impulse to add more pointless speculation to the enormous, towering pile of ‘pointless speculation’ already online.

If the Rav says something, I will share that.

But otherwise…. I’m just trying to continue with simple emuna, that whatever God wants to do, He’ll do it, and it will be for the best.


Our job down here is to recognise God is behind everything, whilst working on developing our own emuna and humility, and doing our best to acknowledge and rectify our bad middot.

That’s it.

That’s not a popular message, I know, which is why the so-called frum Jewish world is full of endless, pointless, speculation, and ‘pseudo-Torah’, and worse, ‘pseudo-cabbalah’ – but woe betide the person who actually starts to talk in detail about actually working on our bad middot and lack of emuna.

Woe betide the Rav that keeps telling people to up their tznius and praying, and to ‘down’ their internet and smartphone use.

Funny, how you just don’t see that stuff being widely shared online….


Instead – speculation.

Endless, pointless speculation, with every Tom, Dick and Harry throwing their hat in the ring based on something they saw on Youtube or found in their social media feed.

I’m so, so sick of it.

But if you like wasting your time with all this stuff, going round in circles following ‘influencers’ who have been wrong about just about everything so far (remember all the fear prn from just last shabat?)- go right ahead.

Free choice is the whole reason God created the world, after all.

But personally?

I have about 15 trillion better things to do with my time (including…. cleaning my toilets….)

Shabbat shalom.


3 replies
  1. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    Shabbat Shalom umevorach.
    May Hashem yit” bless you together with every one good Jew here, there and everywhere ,
    with all needed to reach at least the minimum required , to work for and to see ,
    the coming Geoulah, quickly in our days and berachamim.


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