Disengaging from the world of lies
Are you sick of all the speculation yet?
Are you sick of all the psychological manipulation yet?
All the news stories and social media posts, and ‘influencers’ that encouraged all our men to rush back into their IDF uniforms and sacrifice themselves, on every level – and their families, and their businesses, and their mental and physical health – and all for what, exactly?
America decided last week that it was time to start releasing the hostages, and so, some of the hostages are now being released.
And not because almost 900 Jewish men died fighting.
And not because almost 6,000 Jewish men lost an arm or a leg (with another 6,000+ seriously injured in other ways).
Not because Jewish husbands were away from their wives and kids for the best part of a year and a half, undergoing difficult experiences day after day that have left most of them with PTSD, even if that’s not being admitted honestly.
The hostages got released just because America said so.
And just like that, ‘Hamas’ and ‘the Israel government’ agreed the deal.
Just like that – because both sides are really just puppets of the Evils who are orchestrating all this, from behind the scenes.
My suggestion for the next few weeks is that you totally turn off ‘the news’.
And you totally disengage from the morons who view all this as just more grist for their ‘prophecies and signs’ guesses, which really all just boils down to creating another forum where they can extract their ‘narcissistic supply’ from other people.
You don’t know what ‘narcissistic supply’ is?
Have a look at THIS basic intro on Wiki.
In psychoanalytic theory, narcissistic supply is attention or admiration that is pathologically or excessively needed from codependents…that does not take into account the feelings, opinions or preferences of other people.
The concept was introduced by Otto Fenichel in 1938, to describe a type of admiration, interpersonal support or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem.
Sadly, ‘narcissistic supply’ is probably what is driving 99% of what passes for ‘social interaction’ online, especially from the ‘influencers’ side.
Me personally, I can tell the posts that have the most impact dafka by the lack of comments I get.
Because when something really goes deep, really affects you on a spiritual level, really gets you to think – there are no easy words available to describe that experience to others.
Point is:
We are governed by a bunch of traitors.
They head up every institution, every organisation, with any serious clout or power.
And the ‘religious world’ is no different, just their traitors are serving the Samech Mem in their own particular fashion.
But it seems to me, that this horrible klipah that has hold of our Jewish community, our souls, for so long really is starting to disintegrate.
The process if painful, searingly painful.
I think there are probably 2 million people here in Israel who are feeling sick to their stomach right now, as they start to internalise just how badly we’ve all been played, and betrayed.
Now, take a look at this 2 minute explainer video about what ‘the vagus nerve’ actually is, and what it does:
The vagus nerve basically pulls in info from the surroundings.
You could call it the main player in what’s termed our ‘gut feeling’ about things, or our body- based intuition. (This is different from soul-based intuition. More on that another time.)
That ‘gut feeling’ is then used to inform the rest of the body about whether there is danger in the environment, that might require FIGHT / FLIGHT / FREEZE / FLATTER.
And this is very closely tied-up with the digestive system, too, because when the vagus nerve is dinged off, there are a whole bunch of felt, ‘body’ sensations that go along with it.
What happens with two-faced narcs, and other ‘Cluster B’ people is that your vagus nerve literally picks up the signal that:
This person is dangerous….
This person is lying…
This person is threatening…
There is something very ‘wrong’ with this person, get the heck away….
But because narcs are SO two-faced, deceitful and manipulative, they overcome the vagus nerve’s correct assessment by explaining everything away, by using lots of words, and manipulations, and gas-lighting, to tell you how you are wrong about everything you are experiencing, and they are the only ones who know what’s really going on, and what the correct response should be to the situation….
If this sounds familiar, it’s because 99% of what passes for social interaction today is shaped by this paradigm.
Or to put it in other words, it’s all those people and experts who tell you:
Trust ME, bro, and totally ignore what you yourself think or feel about things.
OK, so now how is this connected to the ‘sick to the stomach’ sensation, above?
This happens when the vagus nerve is mamash screaming it’s head off that you should run for the hills – but you just ignore it.
You just keep telling yourself bubbe meises that Josef Stalin is ‘MBY’ because he got a bracha from the Rebbe, that doctors are only there to help you, that shots are totally safe, that the State of Israel is ‘holy’, it’s politicians are kedoshim – all ‘MBY’ in disguise….
When the brain is over-riding the vagus nerve’s intuition and gut-feeling – you get serious digestive issues going on.
You literally feel sick to your stomach.
When you’re around a bad narc, you literally get ‘taken out’ on the physical level, you can’t think straight, you feel ill, there’s a weird kind of unpleasant ‘flutter’ around the stomach area – which are all signs that your vagus nerve is telling you to run for the hills.
This happens with ‘cluster B’ individuals.
And it’s also happening with our narcissist motherland right now, as the brainwashing finally starts to fall away, the manipulations and lies are finally overcome – and the true picture is being revealed.
The motherland is dangerous.
The motherland is totally corrupt.
The motherland has been sucking us all dry, chewing us up, and spitting us out – for its own ends – since it was created.
And really?
We could feel that all along.
Just ‘the news’, the ‘commentators’, the ‘influencers’, all told us to stop listening to our own gut instincts, and to trust them, instead.
BH, it seems this is finally starting to crumble.
Hence, all the ‘feeling sick to the stomach’, as the truth finally bubbles up to the surface.
And for the first time in our lives, we don’t push it away or deny it.
Great post! Thanks Rivka! [& sorry for not contributing to the “lack of comments” this time around].
Right on the nose…..
Well said….
Thank you Rivka!
I believe I (and everyone too, if they engaged with this part of themselves) have a kind of sense when I hear falsehoods, that falsehood itself and/or the liars who speak it gives off a certain eerie, disturbing feeling, that something is not right.
For example, when I hear on the news on T.V., covid-19 is starting again and you should all mask up and get your boosters, I feel sick to my stomach to hear such crooked words; like the words themselves are evil, or said with evil will (after all, news-casters are trained hypnotists, and another word for “news” is “spell” as in “gospel = good-spell” (the fake “good spell” that Jesus is come); so newscasters are really spellcasters).
And at school whenever they say something that I can’t exactly reckon how it’s wrong but I feel that inner feeling, I know to withhold my belief and that something is very fishy.
You explained it so well, thanks.
The older we get, the more that ‘sixth sense’ that lets us know we are dealing with something ‘evil’ gets repressed. And the more we get trapped into lying to ourselves, just to keep the evil version of reality we got trained to accept intact.
I think this is probably the nub of the ‘real teshuva’ we all need to do.
To stop lying to ourselves about what is so wrong – and how we ourselves are propping up the evil and supporting it, by refusing to live truthfully in our own lives.
That’s why I appreciate all your historical content. You are bringing out the real truth to help us break out of the evil spells……
Rivka! You are on target! How often you have written that our surroundings, however flawed, mirror our own 4 amot!!! So true! My emotions were fuzzy, i could not quite get a hold of myself of why I was feeling so flaky,moody, and shaking within…… from all the lies being imposed on us! B”H my senses are much more heightened and I am grateful to you for posting (i imagine what many of us feel) with such pure, clarity…THANK YOU 💖 P.S. the narcissists are truely evil knowingly & unknowingly…maybe prior reincarnation that still need fixing…