Did anyone else see the ‘mysterious drone’ over Jerusalem yesterday night?
It was a very bright artificial light.
It hovered in the sky and started to move, and initially, I thought it was a helicopter or something, with a very bright, massive flash-light.
And then, it shot up 90 degrees into the clouds and disappeared.
All this happened around 9pm, in Jerusalem.
Did anyone else see it?
Meanwhile, in other news, a reader sent me this:
Israel365 is a source that comes with a huge, mostly hidden, agenda.
Compare the above, to the story below from 2019, about who bought 666 5th Avenue (yes, that’s the real number):
Compare and contrast these two stories.
Who is being talked about, and who is specifically NOT being talked about by Israel 365?
If you buy the argument that Trump’s administration was infiltrated by a ‘Qatari asset’ now, then why wouldn’t exactly the same argument apply back in 2019 – with a source who is so much closer to home, to the Trump admin?
And what are the implications of that, especially for the good Jews of Eretz Yisrael?
Also, take a look at this:
Good cop, bad cop, also informally called the Mutt and Jeff technique, is a psychological tactic used in interrogation and negotiation, in which a team of two people take opposing approaches to the subject.
One interrogator adopts a hostile or accusatory demeanor, emphasizing threats of punishment, while the other adopts a more sympathetic demeanor, emphasizing reward, in order to convince the subject to cooperate.
How do Biden and Trump fit into this paradigm?
Who is the ‘good cop’, who is the ‘bad cop’ – and what is the negotiation, or deal, that they are both trying to persuade the good Jews of Eretz Yisrael to agree to?
Answers on a postcard…..
in theory, ion engines could get really weirdly fast accelerations by being compact particle accelerators and pushing mercury, xenon, or some other kind of heavy positive charged ionized element out the back.
something like that could be as simple as an air-to-air missile with supercapacitors and LEDs, or a quadcopter drone.
some of the missiles can accelerate much faster than an off-the-shelf drone, of course.
Did it look like this?
Yes and no.
This bright light was moving much slower, and when it went up vertically, it didn’t shoot up fast like in this video. Although I still lost sight of it after 2 seconds, so maybe it went up faster than it appeared from my vantage point.
And also when it went up, it had a triangle of lights underneath it.
I found this, which seems closer to what I saw last week:
The US has I think perfected the Natsi vertical uplift acceleration to the supposed flying unowhat! that they invented. Plus Us has cloaking material to change the way these things appear in the sky. Didn’t you once feature this many moons ago.
Also Israel has a drone that surveys whatever they want to follow and watch. I’ve seen it many times. But not sure it does what you saw.