Compare and contrast

This is a video of the ‘comedian’ Zelensky, before he became president of Ukraine:


What do you notice?


Meanwhile, I thought it was kinda ridiculous that people were saying Musk gave a nazi salute at Trump’s inauguration:

But having now watched the video, I am no longer finding this funny.

At all.

The truth is always hidden in plain view, and often passed off as a ‘joke’, a nothing-burger.

But really, it’s all big hints about what is going on here – orchestrated by Hashem, so that people start to do some honest soul-searching.

People were laughing at ‘Zelensky the comedian’ all those years ago.

And now?


7 replies
      • Shimshon
        Shimshon says:

        Vox Day, of course. He’s a single author with a good track record. I’ve been following him for close to 25 years. He has no connection to

      • האיש
        האיש says:

        The website was founded in April 2014 by Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias, and Melissa Bell, and is noted for its concept of explanatory journalism. Vox’s media presence also includes a YouTube channel, several podcasts, and a show presented on Netflix. Vox has been described as left-leaning and progressive.

        “For the sixth straight year, Vox Media is pleased to announce that it has received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s (HRCF) 2025 Corporate Equality Index, the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. The Corporate Equality Index rates employers providing crucial protections to LGBTQ+ employees, and Vox Media joins the U.S. businesses being honored with HRCF’s Equality 100 Award as leaders in LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. The full HRCF-CEI report for 2025 is available here.”

  1. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    We can guess by just a look at the face’s person if it is a nice or not. Do you think his face looks in peace. He can torture monkey for science so… what the next step… idk. This world is like b.lack magic, medias turn a bad person to a good one, looks at the didactor propaganda. Basically all the puppet show on screens are just angry people with a serious shortened angry faces and when they show happiness and smiles, it is to do bad things afterwards for justice… sigh! Hashem protects us always Mamach and get off of Internet and new technologies!


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