Chessed L’Avraham on how the Shechina protects Eretz Yisrael

I found a good English translation of some of the Chessed L’Avraham’s teachings on the YeshShem site.

***UPDATE: This YESHSHEM site is put together by xtians, so I am de-linking from them, but for now, keeping up these translations, until and unless I can find a better translation.***

You can see more of the translations HERE.

Before I bring it, I know there are a lot of sincere rabbis, and sincere lomdim, who give all this stuff a wide berth, because it’s grounded in kabbalah.

We all know how learning kabbalah improperly drove, and is still driving, a whole bunch of people totally nuts. The main problem is that people with bad middot really shouldn’t learn kabbalah….

But in the meantime, kabbalah still explains how God is actually running the world, spiritually. That’s why it’s so powerful. And that’s why a person can’t really hope to understand what is really going on in the world, unless they have some firm, holy, grounding in kabbalistic concepts and teachings.

I think it’s also part of the reason the Rav ‘cherry picks’ some of the teachings specifically from people who we know 100% to be spiritually dodgy…. He’s raising the holy sparks contained in these teachings back up to the Shechina.


So, with that introduction, here is what the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM teaches about how the Shechina protects Eretz Yisrael.

And also, I’m bringing another snippet where he describes the difference between a Jewish soul that resides within Eretz Yisrael, and a Jewish soul that lives in Chul.




To explain the difference between Divine Providence upon the Jewish people when they dwell in the land of Israel and when they do not.

The matter is this, when Israel is in possession of their land this [itself] becomes the defense of every single Jew.

For the essence of the Shekhina’s holiness is below with the Jewish people, as it is written (in Deut. 23:15), “for HaShem your G-d walks within the midst of your camp.”


The reason for this is that the air of the land of Israel is the holy domain of the Shekhina.

Surrounding the borders of Israel, lie the klipot (the unclean husks). They (the klipot) surround the Holy Land and actually protect it so that the outside forces of evil should not enter in. 

They surround the land like a stretched out tent so that no stranger shall violate the boundaries. The walls and boundaries of this spiritual tent spreads out over the entire air space of the land of Israel reaching up to the opening to the spiritual Palace of Livnat Sapir (i.e., the passageway between the physical and spiritual dimensions), which is always open.


We thus find that in the atmosphere of the land of Israel resides the gateway to Heaven wherein which the angels of God ascend and descend, from the spiritual palaces to the atmosphere and from the atmosphere to the land of Israel.

The Shekhina is also below (i.e., descends from Heaven) to watch over her children.

She descends and hovers over them all day long with a spiritual divider (masach) separating them. This spiritual divider (masach) is the secret of the [klipot, which are referred to in Ezekiel’s vision as the] storm wind, thick cloud and flashing fire.

This is the secret of the atmosphere that is outside the land of Israel.


However, one klipah (husk) is not unclean which safeguards everything so that the unclean [forces] will not be able to derive benefit from the holy Light.

It is recorded in Ezekiel 1:4, “and a Nogah (brilliance) surrounded it”. It [the Nogah] protected them (the children of Israel) on all sides, as has been explained.

Everything outside of the [holy] land [is under the dominion of] the storm wind, thick cloud and flashing fire. These are the “outside” (i.e., the dark) forces, the atmosphere of the lands of the “outside” nations.

This is the secret [why] the Shekhina guards over Israel all by Herself, [but] only in the land of Israel.


This is not the case outside the land, Heaven help us. 

When the klipot seek to dominate the land of Israel, to destroy it, then does the Shekhina depart from the land and ascends above to the [spiritual] palaces and then afterwards the entry to the palace is sealed and closed.

Then is permission given to breach the walls of Jerusalem, which are the “klipah Nogah” (the brilliant husk) which separates [the good from the evil].


Then enters the nations who contaminate [everything], who send forth their hands upon the children of Israel and destroys all the physical chariots and exiles them.

The Shekhina runs after her children to see what is to be with them outside of [their] land . . . For being that her children are cast away, it is impossible for Her to let go of them.

Therefore, [does the Shekhina] dwell in the lowest of chariots .


[And now] Her spark [of holiness that enlivens souls] and Her Divine guidance are cloaked within the angelic prince who is in charge of the land to which Israel has been exiled.

For the ten [holy letters of God’s Name] become enclosed within the ten unclean klipot, in order to reverse them [somewhat], so that they will not be completely evil to Israel and not contaminate Her children.


This can be compared to the [radiance] of the sun.

Only a small element of its light reaches the earth.

This is (symbolically speaking) how it is with the Shekhina. Her essence is in Heaven and only a small element of Her light goes outside the land of Israel along with the [children of] Israel, as it is written in Ezekiel 1:1, “I am among the exiles.”

It is not Her essence God forbid, but only the sparks of Her light, thus “did the Heavens open and I saw visions of G-d” (Ez. 1:1) . . .


Mind-blowing stuff!

What strengthens the Shechina is our Torah, mitzvot and especially tznius and kedusha.

And that’s why the Evils that are attacking us here (from within, especially….) are pulling all the stops out to get the bochurim out of yeshiva and into the moral cess-pit that is the IDF.

And also, why they’ve gone all-out to get a smartphone in every child’s hand, and internet in every Jewish home.

This is what weakens the Shechina – and then, God forbids, weakens our real defence in Eretz Yisrael.

We don’t need the army to protect us – we literally just need the Shechina.


You see what I mean, about how having more of the kabbalistic underpinnings helps to clarify what is really going on here?

The Evils, sadly, know this stuff way, way better than we do.

Here’s the next snippet from the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM:



Explaining the difference between those Jewish souls that dwell in the land of Israel and those who dwell outside of the Holy Land.

Know then that the Jewish (Neshamot) souls that dwell in the Land of Israel come forth from the ten sefirot of [the realm of] Yetzirah.

[Thus, these souls] are called the “House of Israel”. They are also called “children”.


For when a Jewish person dwells outside the Holy Land then [all he/she] has is a (nefesh) soul from the [level of] the Ofanim (angels).

When one merits to enter the Land of Israel there comes upon him/her a new (nefesh level) soul from Yetzirah and cloaks itself within his older (nefesh) soul.

The first night that one sleeps in the Land of Israel both souls leave [the body] and ascend above [to visit the Heavenly realms during the allotted sleep time].

Upon returning only the new soul returns.

Therefore, such a person is not fit to receive any punishments [for any sins committed outside of the Holy Land], for this, the new soul [which now inhabits the body] is not the one who sinned.


Thus, our blessed Rabbis have taught (Ketubot 111A) that such a one (i.e., one that lives in the holy Land) is forgiven all his sins.

[Thus] every Jewish person who lives in the Land of Israel is called a tzaddik (righteous person), even if to all appearances one is not such.

For if the person was not a tzaddik the Land [itself] would vomit out such a person, as it is written, “And the land shall vomit out those who dwell upon her” (Lev. 18:25).

Being that the Land does not vomit out such a person, we must accept that he/she is a tzaddik (righteous person) even if the person is considered a rasha (criminal person).


Also, know that for one to live in the Land of Israel and then go to live outside the land is considered a sin.

In addition, this sin causes the angelic prince [of whatever land one goes to] to have dominance over him/her.

The one who takes upon him/herself to live all their days in the Land of Israel and not to leave to go outside the land is considered to have proclaimed the unity of the Holy One, blessed be He, all of one’s days.


In addition, know that the Land of Israel only atones for those sins that were performed by accident (without knowledge or intent).

Yet, those sins performed intentionally (where one knows that what is being done is in violation of Torah law), these are not forgiven other than by personal sufferings.

For those [in the Holy Land] who perform intentional sins in a spirit of arrogance, these have no forgiveness other than through repentance and the study of Torah.


Powerful stuff!

And lots and lots to think about.


PS: So far, I still haven’t heard anything from the Rav about ‘Iran’.

I wasn’t at the prayers yesterday, it’s true, but I was there the two nights previously, and while the Rav spoke a long time on each occasion (relatively)…. I didn’t hear anything specific about ‘Iran’.

Could be I missed it….

What he WAS saying, again, was the importance of girls and women wearing skirts down to the ankles, and either sewing up any slits in the skirt or dress – or throwing it away, if it can’t be sown-up.

Look what the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM is saying above, about the need for our Camp to be holy – look at Rivka HaTzaddika’s comments, about tzniut, Torah learning and guarding the eyes being the things that most strengthen the Shechina.

And then, decide for yourself what ’emergency action’ you want to take, to up your protection against ‘Iran’.

This is how the world really works.

And we don’t know it, because so many of the rabbis and influencers we listen to also have no understanding of it.

But the Rav does.

So, just do what he’s saying, and work on tznius, getting rid of the smartphones, and upping the prayers, Torah and TKs.

And then let the Shechina do it’s thing….

8 replies
  1. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    Careful with this website YeshShem, if Inremember well it is non-jew I think. He says bad things, I don’t remember where/on which hilula I saw it, but it is like a kind of not good for Jewish people even if there lots of good stuffs on there.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Thanks for the warning about the site, Nahman.

      I read this link – and it’s underlining, again, what a fine line there seems to be between ‘kosher’ kabbalah, and heretical, traif kabbalah.

      From what is written here, it sounds like David Moshe Valle had crossed it – if these quotations of his are accurate, and not ‘twisted’ by the site owner.

      As I don’t have the original writings, I don’t know. If any readers out there can help shed more light on this, I would welcome the input.

      But as things stand…. I think I need to go and look up more about David Moshe Valle now.

  2. Miriam
    Miriam says:

    I have felt the connection to the Chessed L’Avraham for many years now for a few reasons but one of the main ones is because there was this feeling I started to have that I felt I hardly shared with anyone or anyone I knew and that was that I just could not bear to even think about leaving EY even for a moment. I took it upon myself as a forever thing and I just felt it was guarding my soul against being torn in two and THEN I read the Chessed L’Avraham’s writings.

    When I got to this part which you included in this post I froze :

    The one who takes upon him/herself to live all their days in the Land of Israel and not to leave to go outside the land is considered to have proclaimed the unity of the Holy One, blessed be He, all of one’s days.

    That was the reason I couldn’t leave! Finally, I see a source for it, for the feeling that I thought I maybe made up and had no justification for.

    So, I myself could not leave EY even for Uman at this point. I know the Rav says it has the holiness of EY but I don’t see how someone who says they won’t leave and as you’re traveling you for sure can’t keep the same nefesh level soul, how the justification of leaving EY works based on the Chessed L’Avraham’s strict interpretation? Did the Rav or anyone else address this exactly other than saying it’s a yeridah for the sake of aliyah or you’re not really leaving EY (which doesn’t make sense as you can get stuck outside of Uman trying to get there and then what or even the travel part itself?)

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I haven’t seen it addressed directly, but what I’ve read of the Rav’s teachings is literally a drop in the bucket, of what’s available. I suggest you get in touch with the Rav’s English speaking gabbay.

      It’s a good question, ask him for clarification.

      • Miriam
        Miriam says:

        I asked him. The last three lines are his answer as are every other person’s answers when I’ve asked. They sound canned. Like no one really understands what an answer can be but there just has to be emunah pshuta which I understand but my soul isn’t really feeling naturally.

  3. Hoshea Allen
    Hoshea Allen says:

    For what it’s worth, Rav Elmaliach quoted from the Ramad Valli in a recent meser regarding the meaning of some of the pesukim in Yeshayahu 53. The Ramad Valli was a very prolific writer, so finding specific source material may be difficult. This is the problem since this fellow at YeshShem has claimed many things in the name of the Ramad but without citing sources, or giving original. Problematic. Maybe he wrote those things; maybe he didn’t. I don’t know. And maybe he wrote them, but they were taken out of context. At this point, like Rivky says, no one can really say.

    Regarding the Chesed l’Avraham, an amazing work, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in it is 100% correct. It should be studied and considered and then tied together with other valid authorities. In this case, we have a comment from the Chesed L’Avraham and then we have many, many, many comments as well as the personal example of the Tzaddik ha-Dor. I don’t need to understand, but if there’s any conflict or apparent conflict, I will try not to get involved in arguments between tzaddikim (because they do have them, and it’s for the sake of Heaven). Rather, perhaps we ought to just go with the pashut example of the Tzaddik ha-Dor.


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