Shavua Tov!

So…. What happened yesterday, motzash, down on Ido HaNavi?

The short answer is: nothing much.

Me and my husband got into our glad rags, we got there an hour later than planned, at 9.30 ish, because my daughter was running late and that’s when she could take us….

And the Rav had already gone in for the night.


We drive down to Meah Shearim before Shabbat every week and leave our car there, and then we go back down motzash to do a few more Tikkun Haklalis with the Rav during seuda shlishit / melave malka (the Rav keeps Rabbenu Tam) – so that part of things was business as usual.

But when we got there this motzash, it was very quiet.

What, did it all get cancelled and we just didn’t know that? I asked my husband as we walked up Ido HaNavi.

Then, someone told us the Rav had gone in 10 minutes earlier….

So, that’s it for the night then?

Nobody knew.


It was not a ‘rocking’ atmosphere.

By 10pm, a few more people had come, including a coach of people that looked like they came from Rav Elmaliach’s shiur in Tel Aviv.

But I was mostly just sitting there, saying some Tikkun Haklalis, like I do every motzash.

On the men’s side, there was some dancing, and more ‘action’. They were singing Moshiach songs – and honestly, that made me a little uncomfortable.

It had that ‘chabad’ vibe, a little, that has now tainted every other revelation of Moshiach – even a real one. With a real Moshiach. That really happens.

Someone I knew came and sat next to me, and we both just kind of waited there, feeling a little deflated, until 11pm ish.


At that point, Rav Elmaliach appeared, did the brachas on greeting Moshiach publically, without the Shem Hashem, passed around some arak and water from the Beer Shel Miriam – and that was that.


Honestly, I was more than half-expecting it to be a super-flop.

As I’ve written about previously, we’ve been at the Rav on many previous occasions when there was said to be an imminent ‘revelation of Moshiach’.

And as I’ve written about previously, nothing happened obviously, at least that we could notice – but in some subtle way, our life seemed to start going in a better direction afterwards.

BH, that will happen again this time.

But in the meantime, we both came home feeling a tiny bit disappointed – and also worried that our kids were going to start laying into us for being freyerim, for continuing to believe, and for continuing to try to have emunat tzaddkim, and to just not take all this stuff too personally.


At the end of the day, what really happened here?

I spent three weeks making a ton of teshuva. And thinking seriously about what it would mean for ‘Moshiach to reveal himself openly’ right now.

And that whole process showed me that while a lot of me ‘wants Moshiach now’ – a significant part of me still really doesn’t.

I woke up Shabbat morning with a stomachache, and after I did some hitbodedut on it, I realised it’s because I was actually worried that Moshiach would openly reveal himself – and then I probably wouldn’t get those books on the healing properties of gemstones that I’d just ordered on Amazon.

I am still so stuck in ‘this world’, in all the gashmiut, all the stupid stuff that we all keep ourselves busy with, and running in circles around.

And even for me, the prospect of ‘Moshiach really coming’ is a very mixed bag.


That was kind of surprising to realise.

And I understand now, I still have a whole bunch of internal work to do, before I could really say I am 100% ready, prepared and happy for the open revelation of Moshiach.


Again, Moshiach is not going to show up and solve all our problems.

The people who want ‘Moshiach Now!!!!’ are usually in that state of mind because their own life is horrible, and they are suffering terribly.

I went through something like that myself, 10-15 years ago – and I had to learn the hard way, that nearly all of my suffering was self-inflicted, and was occurring because I was stubbornly refusing to work on my own bad middot.

With all my ‘frum efforts’, with skirts down to the floor, my no internet in the house, my giving shiurim to women every week, my Toyrah at the shabbos table – I was not serving Hashem happily, as the real me, and I was stuffed full to bursting with ga’ava and what I now call ‘fake emuna’.


Fake emuna is when you do six hours of hitbodedut, and then think God owes you something.

It’s when you tell yourself ‘think good and it will be good’ – instead of knuckling down to working out why things are getting so hard in the first place.

Really, ‘think good and it will be good’ sounds great – but it doesn’t work in practise. It just disconnects people from their true feelings, their true experience of what is happening, and makes them secretly bitter and angry on such a deep, deep level, spiritually.

A much better maxim is: ‘do some real teshuva, and it will be good’.

But that’s not as catchy, is it?


Point is: Moshiach is not coming to magic away all our problems, and buy us a house with a pool in Jerusalem; or let us win the lottery; or make that horrible person in our life that is making us suffer so much suddenly drop dead with a heart attack.

(If they took the shots, tho, the chances of that last thing happening are no longer in the realm of ‘miraculous’.)

Moshiach is coming to teach us how to purify ourselves from our bad middot, how to pray sincerely – and how to serve God with everything we have.

From a very ‘low’ place.

And that’s what Rav Berland and Shuvu Banim excel at.


So yesterday, I sat there in my new dress.

It was cold. I was still a little disappointed, even though I mostly knew it was going to be a ‘Rav Special’, where a person’s ego pipes up and starts questioning what’s going on here?! Why is the Rav doing this?! How could the Rav create such an awkward situation for me?!

Because now, I’ll look like an idiot again – to my kids, to my readers, and in some small, dark corner of my heart, also to myself.


But then, I did some hitbodedut, to try to figure out what really happened here, tonight?

  1. I got the chance to buy a new dress, and my husband bought a very nice new suit.
  2. I had the time to read 7 Tikkun Hakalis instead of the usual 3.
  3. My daughter’s formerly ‘chiloni’ husband danced for half an hour on the men’s side singing ‘Moshiach songs’ and enjoyed himself tremendously.
  4. I made a whole bunch of serious teshuva, before, during and after the run up to yesterday, including writing about all this in the first place, when I had a good inkling it was just going to lead to some public humiliation.
  5. I identified that in some ways, I am still not ‘ready for Moshiach to come’ – and there is still a lot of work today.
  6. And yes, I got another dose of bizayon, to scrub off at least some of my many sins.


I’ve been going to the Rav’s prayers for 6-7 years, very regularly – but I don’t dress ‘chareidi’, and I probably never will.

Yesterday, there were a few people looking at me funny, cocking their eyebrows as if to say, ah, so THIS is the tattooed chiloni drug addict from Tel Aviv that all this is for….

It was kind of insulting.


And then, there was the mild bizayon from my children, about belonging to a cult and doing dumb things like sitting outside in the cold for hours on a Saturday night before Jerusalem’s Purim, waiting for Moshiach to actually show up.

Yah, that’s REALLY arak from the Baba Sali….Yah, that’s REALLY water from the Beer Shel Miriam…. Whatever, Ima.

Thank God, the intensity has reduced greatly.

After one of my daughters met her husband literally three days after I finished praying the Rav’s prayers for her to be a bride…. And after they’ve seen with their own eyes how many ‘issues’ have disappeared after paying a pidyon to Shuvu….And now they can compare and contrast us to others, and see that in so many ways, we are sheltered from the madness engulfing the world….

The bizayon about being aboard the Shuvu Ark has got way, way less.

And in some subtle ways, my children are also starting to inch forward along the Ark’s gangplank, albeit very cautiously.

Because no-one wants to look like a frierite.



Did Moshiach openly reveal himself yesterday?

Not that I could see, or honestly, not that I could even feel.

It was pretty ‘flat’ in a whole bunch of ways.

Is that a test of emunat tzaddikim?


But really, it’s just another test of my own middot.


It’s another opportunity to ‘ditch’ the Rav, to break with Breslov, to ditch yiddishkeit, because where was God in the holocaust??!?!?!?

And where was God on October 7th?!?!?!?!?

And why isn’t God giving me exactly what I want, whenever I want it?!?!?!?

And all the other heretical kefira that people who really just want to totally ignore God and His laws use to justify why it’s OK to do that.


Ein Od Milvado.

It’s all just one big test – absolutely everything that is happening all the time, but especially around the Rav.

God doesn’t owe me anything.

Moshiach doesn’t owe me anything.

And the bottom line is, today, I just have to carry on working on my own lack of emuna, my own bad middot, and my own incredible arrogance.

And the Rav is simply the very best ‘route’ of doing that, for so many reasons.

(Which is also why so many of those ‘fake emuna’ people keep end up running away from him as fast as their legs can carry them…)



I got sent this from one of the Whatsapp Groups:

מוצ”ש זכור ליל יד’ אדר ב’ תשפ”ד
שאלו את הרב אלמליח לגבי מה שהיה היום בגילוי עד 12 בלילה בהתחזקות מיוחדת ממש כמו באומן בערב ראש השנה ואמר שיש 4 שלבים בהתגלות, שלב ראשון עשינו ,והיום רשמית הרב נחשב משיח בן דוד לאחר שנשמת המלך התעברה ברב בשלימות ולא כמו שהיה עד עכשיו רק בחלקים, שלב שני בשביעי של פסח, שלב שלישי ט’ באב שלב רביעי ואחרון כה’ באלול שיהיה אטומים והרבה דם ואז הרב יתגלה בגלוי בעזרת השם יתברך.
וכל זה לאחר מלחמות גדולות של הצדיקים בשמיים שהרב כבר ית והרב לא רצה עכשיו אלא עוד 6 שנים בשנת השמיטה הבאה בשביל להציל עוד ועוד נשמות שעדיין לא חזרו בתשובה וישנם עולמות שתלויים בהם אי אפשר לבנות אותם בליהן נשמות שהרב מחכה שיחזרו בתשובה ואז אחרי עקשנות. רבה של הרב הגיע עם הרב לפשרה בשמיים.
ובין היתר הרב מחכה לחולקים שלו שיחזרו בהם צריך להגיד 7 תיקון הכללי במצפה מקום שהשבטים הקדושים חלקו על יוסף הצדיק ומשם נמשך כל המחלוקות בעולם.


To very roughly paraphrase, Rav Elmaliach explained there are 4 stages of revelation.

Yesterday was ‘Phase 1’.

Phase 2 is scheduled for Shvi’i Shel Pesach.

Phase 3 is scheduled for Tisha B’Av.

Phase 4 – and concluding – is sometime in Elul, and will come with a lot of blood, God forbid.


Bottom line: there is a bit more time to make some real teshuva, before the world of lies totally disintegrates.

And a bit more time to get on the Shuvu Ark.

But in the meantime…. the world continues on it’s semi-normal, increasingly deranged, and often scary path.

First, one of my readers sent me this:

The Rav’s kav (02 5326 502) posted a message from the Rav yesterday, where he is asking people to say another 100.000 Tikkun Haklalis until 24:00 motzei Shushan Purim (if I understood correctly).

Say one, say three, say seven, say 10 – but a big part of how you get aboard the ‘Shuvu Banim’ ark that is going to carry us through the turbulent waters ahead is simply just by doing your bit when the Rav calls for prayers – and actually making an effort to do what he asks.

So, say one, say three, say seven, say 10 – but say something, because clearly we entering another ‘hot’ zone over the next few days for Am Yisrael.


Next, the update on the party from Rav Elmaliach:


Long story short, something is happening, at least in terms of organisation, on motzash.

While it’s Purim in most other places, in Jerusalem it will just be a regular ‘motzash’ gathering by the Rav, down on Ido HaNavi.

Except…. there will be apparently be quite a few secular people coming down to ‘party’ with the Rav….

And there will be some sort of revelation of Moshiach (or not…., or at least, not obviously….) around 10pm.

Rav Elmaliach says that people should bring some Arak, and that they will be distributing bottles of water from ‘Miriam’s Well’, that is hidden in the Kinneret.

If you listen to the video, Rav Elmaliach actually describes how he went up to the Kinneret again with the two hidden tzaddikim and the Rav, and this time filled up a bottle with the hidden waters of the Beer Miriam, to be distributed motzash.


Anyone who drinks from this water will merit to much greater understanding of the Torah, connected to the Or HaGanuz.

(I am just roughly paraphrasing what is being said in the video, I have no more idea than you do, what this actually means.)

BUT – that greater understanding will only occur people who take upon themselves, for men:

  • Shmirat Eynayim
  • Shmirat HaBrit
  • At least one Tikkun Haklali a day
  • To smash their smartphone

And for women:

  • Skirts down to the floor
  • No make-up or jewellery outside the home
  • To smash their smartphone.


No-one knows what the ‘revelation of Moshiach’ is going to look like, or whether it will be obvious to any of us small people.

I can tell you in the past when the Rav said there was going to be a ‘revelation of Moshiach’, and we all went down to Ido HaNavi – nothing obvious actually happened at the time. On multiple occasions.

But I started to notice that a ‘new ruach’ would come into the world each time the Rav announced stuff like this – like, a mass of new information, or understanding, would suddenly just kind of ‘come down’ to a whole bunch of people.

Or, I would start to have some massive insights and breakthroughs in my own life.

Or something would change for me in my dalet amot, even while it looked like business as usual in all other circumstances.

So, who knows what’s going to happen motzash, but things are for sure moving in a whole bunch of areas, in any case.


If appropriate, the following blessings should be recited at or around 10pm – but strictly without the Shem HaShem.

Rav Elmaliach explains that the halachas about when these blessings on seeing the Moshiach can be said with the full Shem HaShem are extremely complicated, and that the conditions have to be exactly as described.

So, no Shem HaShem!

(At least, not on motzash).

These are the transliterated blessings (minus the Shem HaShem) to say:


Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, hatov ve’hameitiv.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, ga’el Yisrael.



Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, hacam harazin.



Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chalak mi’kvodo l’yeerayav.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chalak me’chachmato l’yeerayav.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chehayinu, vey kayamnu le’zman hazeh.


Again, just to stress for the millionth time, I have no idea what’s going on, or if these blessings will be required motzash – halavai, we should all be able to say them with a full heart, and with very good reason!

In the meantime, we can all agree that the world is continuing to ‘go to hell in a handbasket’ (to quote my mother), so BH, the time for the evil to finally be uprooted and Hashem to be fully revealed in the world is very, very close.

Whatever happens next – just stay close to the Rav, and say as many Tikkun Haklalis as you can.

Even if motzash is an anti-climax, those prayers are still sweetening tons of stuff for Am Yisrael – and not least, for you.


Finally, another reader pointed this out about the ‘biblical language’ of the Rav’s navua, and I’m sharing it here:

Biblical Hebrew has a strange convention called the “vav hapuch”.

So I’d like to assume that every time you (or the translation team) translated a lot of the “והיה ביום ההוא” (or however it was actually written) literally, as “and it was on that day” instead of “and it will be on that day” that it was deliberate for some reason.

Is the Rav inviting the last blast of bizayon, perhaps?


We didn’t translate it in the future, because that kind of sounded a bit pretentious. We were just trying to stick as close as possible to what was being said, which was hard enough to try to translate, without giving too much of our own peirush.

But the reader is right, that this is probably referring to future and should have been translated like that.


I don’t know about you, but I’m finding it pretty hard to concentrate on ‘this world’ at the moment.

I guess, I’m waiting for motzash to arrive, so at least we can get that anticipation behind us, whatever else occurs.

And may we just hear good news.







A couple of days’ ago, Rav Elmaliach read out a ‘prophecy’ he recieved from the Rav.

You can hear that for yourself here:


My husband listened to it – and then couldn’t sleep the whole night.

He said his head was literally full of ‘light’ the whole night, or what Breslovers call orot.

He saved it on a stick and brought it home for me to listen to. I tried to listen to it in the car – and I initially understood about 10%. The language is extremely ‘high’ Tanach-Hebrew, and nothing how the Rav usually expresses himself. But the more I listened, the more I could make out bits – and I decided I have to try and translate this into English, at least the first part.


What you read below happened across two days, multiple hours – and with the help of three people – to try and make the first part of the Rav’s prophecy about geula accessible to as many English-speakers as possible.

We tried very hard to avoid any errors or mistakes, but as the language is so difficult, there may still be some – if you identify anything that needs amending, please let me know in the comments.

Also, there are another seven minutes of the prophecy that we just ran out of energy to translate, at least at this stage.


The last thing to say is that like you, I have no idea what is really going on.

BH, the party with the 250 chilonim is apparently back on again, for motzash, down on Ido HaNavi. It will be starting around 10pm and finishing by 11pm, to avoid disturbing the neighbors.

Not in a billion years did I ever think a major ‘revelation of Moshiach’ – if that is actually what is going to happen motzash – would occur like this – squeezed into an hour before the neighbors call the police because Shuvu Banim are making too much noise after 11pm.


The Rav has said repeatedly now that he is not Moshiach.

No-one knows what is actually going to happen, if anything ‘obvious’, motzash.

But I am planning on being there, with my new dress, to see first hand what is actually going on.

In the meantime… here is the first part of the nevua, translated directly from the video above.


[Rav Elmaliach begins by saying:]

The Rav requests that before they hear the prophecy, everyone should take upon themselves shmirat habrit and shmirat eynayim.

Iggeret of Or HaGanuz ve HaMoshiach yored

And God said to Eliezer, because, behold, the time has arrived to wipe out all sorcery, and every demon from off the aretz.

And I overturned the demons and the impure spirits on the face of midron, which is under the rakia (firmament).

And there was at this time, I will break apart every mishan and mishana, to overturn them to having emuna in Me, Hashem, HaElokim. And I have placed My signs in all the nations, and I will expand my Name amongst all the nations.

And they will know that I am Hashem, your Savior.

And all the tumah that is upon the land will be destroyed. And I have overturned all those who come within My gates, and I will purify them from all their sins. I am Hashem, your God.

And I have established a covenant with My servant, to demonstrate My signs and wonders before all flesh. And they will know and they will see in My servant, who I send before you, and My children I will raise up, from all the aretz, and I will return them to Gan Eden, with My Heavenly Court [pamallia].


And I will shine a great light upon you, I am Hashem, Your God, Who took you out of the land of Mitzrayim, to be unto Me a nation.

And I have cleansed the nation from all of its sins, says Hashem, Your God.

And I have taken you again, like the first time, and I have brought you to Jerusalem, and I will build you up with sapphire and with every charm. And I will raise you up in the eyes of everyone, and I will emplace you in security, and bring you to my House, says Hashem Your God.

And after I have emplaced my Shechina to me, in My chosen House, with an embrace and a kiss[1], and with the joining of letters.

And behold, the Cherubim stand in the place of the Holy of Holies, face-to-face. And I will gather you from all corners of the aretz to see My face, says Hashem Your God.

And My Shechina will be enjoined there, and it will be at that time that I will emplace peace within all the aretz, and they will call My Name ‘Shalom’, which I placed below, and I enjoined it with the ‘Shalom’ above, says Hashem.

And I wiped away tears and purified hearts to serve Me, says Hashem Your God.

And I healed you with My Servant, from all your sadness and your sufferings and all your brokenness. Shalom, Shalom.


And Hashem said to the servant of God, take the staff and gather to you all the impure spirits, and cover them with ashes, and I will burn them up and turn them into dust, and I will burn up all the impure chayot (animals) and impure sheratzim (insects).

And I will bring them before Me in judgement, and I will call the demons by their names. And I will bring them before Me, to wipe them out from off the face of the earth.

And it was at that time, Hashem will turn the Nachash into dust, and the beast which eats grass into a pure animal, that you will bring [as a sacrifice] before Me.

And on that day, I will rule over all the world, with a good hand, and the goodness will increase upon all the aretz.

And there will be at that time, that I will send shefa and bracha to the inhabitants of the aretz. And they will eat in happiness and with a good heart and I will bring the Torah down again, and I will establish My Covenant as at first, and your fields, your flocks and your children will be picked out for My blessing.

And the goodness will be expanded and I will send the sea to afar, to add the dry land on for you. And you will know no more suffering. And I will add My blessing to all your dwelling places, to be a comfort for you.


And Hashem said to the servant of God, gather together the people who remain, and draw them close to you, to return them to your house with anshei shlomim (my people).

And gather all those who reside on the aretz, who are broken-hearted, to comfort them.

Because with my consolations, I will comfort them. And give to all those who are defeated and broken, consolation from Hashem.

And I will raise up My children from all those who remain, to guide them to my Beit HaMikdash. And I will bring them close to Me, says Hashem, and I will gather for them peace in My House, all their days, until I will gather them to Me, says Hashem.


And it was in that time, I will raise up My servant to be the shepherd for My flock, and I will go before him to strengthen him, and I will bring down support through him, and grasp his hand and lead him to the house of My flock to fulfill My promise.

Therefore, don’t fear from before Me, from the blow which I will strike against all the inhabitants of the aretz, because those who are faithful to Me, I will not make from them to fall, and I will grasp their hands.

I am Hashem Who keeps His promise.


And Hashem said to the servant of God, gather together the people who remain and bring them close to you and save them in your house, with anshei shlomenu [our people].

And gather together all those who reside on the aretz, who are broken hearted and comfort them, with my consolations I will comfort them.

And call to the inhabitants of the aretz to cease their work, because they will Serve Me.

Because all flesh will only call out to Me and fear me, because I will sustain them and give them satiation.

Therefore, don’t fear My faithful ones, from the cessation of your bread, because it’s not your enemies who will give you, rather I will satiate you with bread and wine, and all delicacies for oneg (enjoyment) you will have.

And My goodness I will draw down for the poor and the destitute, because I will not give only to the wealthy, because I will enrich the destitute, to return him with the royalty of the aretz, says Hashem.


I didn’t forget you, in the merit of your Forefathers, as I promised.

I will fulfill it, that you will be secure on your land.

And it will that at that time, I will take you out from your suffering, I and My servant, who I have rested My hands upon.

And I will heal him from all his sicknesses and all illness I will remove from him, and I will pour My light upon him.

And all the people of the world will know that him I have anointed, to rule over the remaining people, and the distant ones. And I have given him a clear expression (language) and I will perfect him. I am Hashem.

And give him the malchut (kingship) to establish it, and to join it to Me, with a joining of love and happiness. Because no longer will My dove and My beloved suffer in my Beit HaMikdash.


And it was on that day, I will bring down My angel to the aretz to fight My war, with My servant, and all the people of the aretz will be afraid of him.

And his enemies will fall before him, because My fear and My dread I will pour upon him.

And his enemies will not stand up again.

And I will pour upon him a thread of kindness and My flock will come close to him to take refuge in his shade, to be secure in their land. And My servant will guide them with happiness to their chosen house [Beit HaMikdash].

What is the prophecy given to the mountains?

The voice which brings tidings [it] brings tidings and it gives over a salvation.


A great light I will place over Jerusalem, and I will widen it to place my Beit HaMikdash within it.

And I will endow it with charm and with beauty, and it’s light will shine in all the worlds. Because she is the city that I have chosen to establish peace and tranquility, and I will not forget Jerusalem in its resplendance and the resplendance of Yehudah, wonderous beauty.

And her palaces will be like towers of light to all who see them. And every precious stone I will set [there], and all the aretz will rejoice, and every house will rejoice in them, and I have expanded your borders to gather in My children.


And there I will place you for everlasting happiness, and I will build My Beit HaMikdash, and the precious light will shine in all the worlds.

And I will return Your children and your prophets to praise My name, and to bring sacrifices for a pleasant aroma to Hashem, it will be for Me.

And all the peoples will come to see the happiness of your Children.

And I will place a crown and writings upon their head. And they rise above all flesh to be for Me a kingdom of priests. To increase My name in all the worlds, I am Hashem your God.

To bring down blessing for you with no limit and I will lead you to the understanding of the Pardes of Torah and the light of the Torah and the path which is paved.

And when the man will walk inside the garden he will see the roses and the flowers and the leaves. And the song of the bushes will join with the song of the melodies that make the soul happy, and that calm the spirit to enable him to serve Hashem with happiness.



[1] This is reference to two types of spiritual unifications, or yichudim.

This is the second part of the Rav’s shiur in the week of Parshat Vayekhel 5784, to the Breslov community of Eilat.

Read the first part HERE.

BH, I am working on translating a ‘nevua’ the Rav gave over the last few days via Rav Elmaliach. It’s very hard Hebrew – mamash not at all how the Rav himself usually speaks – and it’s mind-blowing.

I will try to post that up on Thursday, BH.

In the meantime, here’s more of the Rav’s comments.


Now, we are regretting.

One person came from Holon to rescue [people on Simchat Torah]. People came, people arrived within an hour.

The whole distance is an hour’s journey from Metulla. From Jerusalem, it’s half an hour. People arrived within two hours. Already, all the [army] bases were full with 400,000 soldiers, who came.

They didn’t give them weapons.

They wanted everyone to be slaughtered, and like this, they would topple Bibi. That everyone would be slaughtered, and they slaughtered 1,500 bochurim (young men).

They slaughtered them with all the tortures in the world.

They slaughtered them, gouged out their eyes, all sorts of things. People saw it all, they recounted what happened there.

In the most cruel way, they killed them.


And the point of all this was to topple the government.

Everyone was a partner in this, because they said that [the terrorists] were breaking the fence.

Within a second, a plane could come – what’s the problem?!

There were a couple of bulldozers there, and they broke down the fence.

I was also there, and I saw how they destroyed the fence. I contacted the generals, and they said [to everyone who called them]:

No, you are dreaming a dream. It’s impossible, this is an impregnable fence, it’s impassable, it’s impossible to blow it up, it’s impossible to break it.

But they are breaking it! I see that they are breaking it down!!!

You aren’t seeing anything, you are hallucinating. You drank a lot of champagne, you are day-dreaming….


They called all the commanders, [told them] that they are breaking down the fence.

They told them:

You are going to jail! If you call us one more time, you are going to prison, because you are harassing us! You are bothering us for nothing!

This is a true story, how many people told this over, it just doesn’t end. And they didn’t give them weapons.

For two days, they didn’t give them weapons.

The people in charge of the guns said that they didn’t have the keys to the armouries, and then when they opened the armoury, it was empty. And they said do a list! It’s impossible to give out guns, stam! We need to know who we are giving them to! We haven’t done a list!

And this is how they held on to them for two days, until they [the Hamas] had slaughtered everyone.


In Kissufim, they only got there on Wednesday morning – in Kissufim.

Kissufim is the most south. And the [kibbutz’s security] co-ordinator had one hand gund and 15 bullets.

And it’s illegal to keep your own bullets in the State. Either it’s illegal to have a handgun, or it’s illegal to have a handgun with bullets.

At the [Nova] party, no-one had a single bullet in the whole party. It didn’t exist. There were a few security guards, but without bullets.

Everything, the Left arranged, so they would slaughter everyone.


I’ve been listening to Rav Elmaliach’s shiurim, to try and fill out more of the picture of what is really going on, spiritually.

You can do that yourself HERE – apparently the automatically generated English subtitles do a good enough job of going you a reasonable idea of what he’s saying.

This is a very basic round-up of the main ideas.

  1. There is a huge battle raging in shemayim about whether the geula is going to happen this Purim, 5784 – or not.

  2. If it doesn’t happen this Purim, it will be pushed off another six years.
  3. Those six years will not be ‘simple’ at all: wars, more technological poison, divorces, suffering etc.
  4. The party that was meant to be held on motzash, Purim night, at the Beit HaRav on Ido Hanavi with the tattooed chiloni drug users, etc, invoked an enormous backlash within Shuvu Banim, mostly on the grounds of tznius.
  5. This is even though all invitees were being told to dress tznius,
  6. That seems to have lead, at least indirectly, to the ‘decree’ of the pogrom that would have entered Meah Shearim via the Homer HaShlishit road where most of the Shuvu Banim community in Meah Shearim live.
  7. That decree was apparently cancelled by the Rav having a clinical death on motzash – and the awful accident that killed three Shuvu Banim bochurim who were coming back from praying at Kever Yosef in Shechem.
  8. Either the geula comes with bizayon – lots and lots and lots of bizayon, in order to ‘sweeten the decrees’, as set out clearly in Likutey Moharan – or it comes with bloodshed and terrible suffering, God forbid.
  9. The main teshuva to be made, as the Rav is clearly saying himself over and over again, is to smash the smartphones, get off the internet as much as possible, and for the women to take it upon themselves to wear long skirts down to the floor.
  10. As things currently stand, and without a huge wave of real teshuva, 65% of the men in this generation won’t make it, and there will be a lot of widows, God forbid.
  11. The ‘war’ in shemayim about whether the geula is going to happen this Purim, or be pushed off another six years, is swinging backwards and forwards from day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. That’s part of why so much is so confusing, so ‘fast-moving’ and so hard to pin down, logically.
  12. In order to increase the ‘bizayon‘, particularly on himself, and on the Shuvu Banim community, the Rav is ‘arranging’ more weird stuff on a daily basis – and there will probably be more ‘weird announcements’ coming out soon.

  13. There are some very big tikkunim happening now.
  14. Rav Elmaliach said that at least 60+ ‘false meshichim’ have unveiled themselves since the announcement that the Rav was Moshiach – including a husband and wife who called him to say that he was wrong, because the husband was MBY and the wife is MBD. [Ed. note: She probably learned at Nishmat….]
  15. The ‘Or HaGanuz’ started coming down to the world on Purim Katan, and it will increase up until Purim itself.
  16. Everyone is invited to come and pray with the Rav down in Ido HaNavi, before Purim, at the ‘ma’ariv prayers’. (Starts around 8-8.30 pm) Rav Berland has said that whoever does this will merit to greet the Moshiach.
  17. Rav Elmaliach is receiving the information he is sharing via the head of the ‘Lamed Vav’ Tzaddikim that he first met at the Baba Sali’s hiloula, in Netivot. In turn, that ‘Lamed Vav’ Tzaddik is receiving the information directly from Rav Berland.
  18. There are a few reasons all this is being done in such a ’roundabout’ and confusing way. The first, as mentioned above, is to fan the bizayon against the Rav as much as possible, in order to ‘sweeten’ the very harsh decrees hanging over our nation.
  19. The second reason it’s being done like this is to avoid machloket over ‘who is Moshiach’. By confusing the whole subject like this, the Rav is taking the emphasis off the whole loaded subject of ‘who is Moshiach’ – and placing it firmly on the teshuva required by us all to actually get through to the next stage of this geula process.


As always, this is a very basic round-up, just to give busy people the main ideas, and to keep the focus firmly on making teshuva, not speculating pointlessly about ‘who is Moshiach’ or ‘what is the US up to’.

The media, in all its incarnations, is just wasting your time, washing your brain, and sucking your soul and vitality out of you.

Turn off the internet, and go and do some serious hitbodedut!

Purim is less than a week away.

And this year, there is everything, EVERYTHING, to pray for.


I am now offline until Thursday, BH, so any comments will be approved then.

Separately, they are still trying to raise the money required to get the Rav’s Sefer Torah completed, and to end this ‘war’ that has no other purpose except to kill as many Jews as possible, and break the spirit of the people so we accept Esav’s ‘Two State Solution’.

If you want the war to stop, go HERE and donate for the Sefer Torah.

And may we just hear good news.

More very interesting comments from the Rav.

Excerpt of a shiur given on Monday, the week of Parshat Vayekhel 5784, to the Breslov community of Eilat.


In Zikim [on Simchat Torah], people travelled to Zikim to feel the ‘oneg Yom Tov’.

500 people came, boys and girls, all of them tzaddikim amiti’im (true saints).

In Gaza, there is no beach. In Gaza, it’s impossible, if you want to go to the beach in Gaza, you can’t do it, until Rafiach [the crossing by the Egyptian border] it’s impossible.

But Zikim, is exactly in […]

So, it’s possible to go exactly to the North [of the Gaza Strip]. But everyone said that the terrorists, they are ‘ha-bubbie’ (the most beloved), that Hamas is our bubbie.

Hamas is our best friend, [that’s what was said] in all the kibbutzim.


Now, people were in Zikim , and they saw there in the matnas (community hall) that [they wrote to Hamas] you are our friends, we love you!

They saw a whole inscription. People went in there, to Zikim, a few of the people from Shuvu Banim went in.

(Someone in the audience then says to the Rav: You can see a Palestinian flag in every house! The Rav then continues:)

What are you saying?! So also here, we will do a Palestinian flag, underneath the clock. Immediately after the shiur.


Because [the kibbutzim] invited them in [i.e. Hamas]. They invited them!

They said to them, you are our bubbie, Hamas is a bubbie, Hamas are our friends, you are our friends, that’s what you are….

They teach them [in the kibbutzim] to hate chareidim and to love the Hamas, because thanks to the chareidim, it’s impossible to drive to the beach [on Shabbat].

There are no buses, there are no trains.


[The previous government] Said that the first thing, is that the train is going to run on Shabbat.

Before they fell, before that woman, she voted [against them] because of the chametz on Pesach, so she exploded the government. It was someone from the Likud, what is she called?

That woman from the Likud, who broke up the government two years ago? Silman? Yes, she said what is this, chametz on Pesach?! Chametz?!

She was chilonit (secular).

Chametz on Pesach, have you gone crazy?! I’m a Jew, what is this? Chilonit or not chilonit, who cares about that.

So, she broke up the government. They had 61 seats, so she left and they had 60.

So, exactly 10 days before Pesach at that time, [Nitzan Horowitz’ was the Minister of Health. He stayed being the Minister of Health, Nitzan.

He has a beard down to his belly button and peyot down to the floor. So he, ten days before Purim, he put out the Chametz Law, that from now, chametz can be taken into every hospital [during Pesach].

Because there are a lot of chilonim  there, and Arabs, and they want to bring chametz in. They want to eat pitas, and to eat shwarma, and to eat pizzas, so now they can.


So they said to him, tov, give us ten days.

All the managers of the hospitals – none of the managers agreed, even the most chiloni. So they said this to him. It wasn’t possible to tell him ‘we don’t agree’ – this is the Minister of Health! And he remained the Minister of Health. The government was brought down, but the ministers remained.


[In the previous government] Lapid was the Prime Minister.

He gave the Arabs 900 square kilometres, 840 square kilometres. He gave Hezbollah Lebanon as a present.

Biden said what a man, with such a broad mind. What broad-minded people, with vision! A man with ‘vision’!

This is exactly what Biden said.


So, this ‘Left Wing’ wants to give the whole of Eretz Yisrael to the Arabs.

Now, the Arabs want to kick out the Jews. There are a million displaced people, where are they going to put them all?!

So, there is a piece of advice to evacuate Jerusalem. Beitar [where the people attending the shiur are from] no. Beitar won’t be evacuated, but Jerusalem will be evacuated.

Beitar – it’s only Jews. Here, [in Jerusalem], it already ‘belongs’ to the Arabs. Here, Mohammed tied-up his horse.


Now, I read ‘The Man on the Walls’, who was here, that there was a committee here, the Peel Commission, they called this ‘the Kotel Commission’.

So, they came after the English conquered Eretz Yisrael.

So, there was a question: who does the Kotel belong to?

Does the Kotel belong to the Jews, or to the Arabs?

So, they called this the ‘Kotel Commission’. The Foreign Ministers came, and the Interior Ministers, from England.

The conquering of Eretz Yisrael was roughly in Cheshvan. They conquered it on the eve of Chanukah, so in Cheshvan they came, the year after, to decide who the Kotel belonged to.

So, they fixed things, and it transpired that Mohammed tied his horse to the Kotel. He was called Baruch. And there are films about this, it was filmed.

So, this is what transpired, and the Arabs claimed that he tied his horse to the Kotel – so the Kotel belongs to the Arabs and Mohammed.


Mohammed was never in Jerusalem his whole life.

In the Qu’ran, the word ‘Jerusalem’ isn’t mentioned – it’s not even mentioned! You need to know that by us, this is 641 times.

“This is what you will say to Beit Yaakov”. ‘Ta’amar’ (what you will say) = 641. Jerusalem is mentioned 641 times and more – and ‘Yerushalima’ in Aramaic. But in the chumash, ‘Jerusalem’ isn’t written.

It was only written ‘Melech Shalem’ (the King of Shalem), it wasn’t written ‘Jerusalem’. It only began with Shmuel I, Chapter 13 – there is the first time [it’s written] ‘Jerusalem’. Before that, the word ‘Jerusalem’ wasn’t mentioned, because it wasn’t in our hands. It was only David who conquered it.

It was ‘Jebus’, the city ‘Jebus’.


The young women [from the story of the Concubine of Geva] said:

Come, let’s stay with the Arabs. The Arabs are sweet, the Arabs are cute! The Hamasnikim are the cutest!

He said: No, no, we aren’t staying by the Hamas!

He was from the extreme right-wing. He was the husband of this woman. I don’t stay by Arabs!

She, dafka, was a little left-wing – the young woman.

Come, let’s sleep, it’s already nighttime, there is no electricity, nothing, everything [is dark], we can’t continue. Come, let’s go [to Jebus], we’ll give them $100 and we’ll sleep by them.

He said, no, no, I only stay by Jews!


So, all of this is to get us to understand that now, so now, the Hamas is….

They have a plan to evacuate the whole of Jerusalem.

You live in Beitar, you don’t have to be afraid. Do you live in Jerusalem? [The Rav asks someone else in the audience]. So, this is going to be a bit of a problem.

I think that in the end, you will resist this, so they want to evacuate Jerusalem – to empty out all the Jews, and bring in all the refugees from Gaza.

Gaza has two million refugees. Here, there are 150,000[1].

By them, there are two million refugees.


Now, Biden isn’t letting them empty out Rafiach.

Only after Ramadan, that’s what he says. And after Ramadan, he’ll say after Pesach. Now it’s Pesach, we need to do Seder Night.

After that, he’ll say it’s L’ag B’omer.

The question is, if there will be L’ag B’omer [in Meron], because they launched 30 rockets at Meron on Shabbat.


To be continued…


[1] Probably referring to the Jewish refugees who came to Jerusalem from the North and from the South of Israel.

The Rav gave this shiur over two weeks’ ago, before the whole warning about the ‘pogrom’ planned to happen in the Meah Shearim neighborhood last Sunday, March 10th, that BH was sweetened, when the Rav was rushed to hospital.

These are translated comments from the Rav, from the end of last week.

I have a couple more things to type up and post here tomorrow (Sunday) – and then Mon- Wed, I am going offline again, BH.

There’s still a lot going on…. And I also want to translate more things from Rav Elmaliach, to fill out the picture more.

In the meantime, this is what the Rav said last week, shortly before being rushed to hospital in a very serious condition.

BH, he was back at the prayers on Shabbat – and even jumping to ‘sweeten the judgements’ yesterday…. It’s just incredible.


Shiur given Wednesday evening, after the ma’ariv prayers (March 6th, 2024)

We’ve come to announce that the Rav, he is not Moshiach, and not a spark of Moshiach, and not a shred of Moshiach.

And all those who say that he is Moshiach, he’s doing such a chilul Hashem, that there hasn’t been a chilul Hashem like this since the creation of the world. He need to be given 60 pulsa dinora.

It’s like it’s written in Torah alef:

“When one strikes it with a club, on which is engraved ‘Ehyeh asher Ehyey’ (I will be what I will be)[1]“.

Kick him out of the yeshiva, send him away from the whole area, because he’s doing a terrible chillul Hashem.


None of the children will be accepted into [educational] institutions after this.

This will now cause all the children to be thrown out of all the schools. The children will be left without Talmud Torahs, and without seminaries, because the situation now…

Because each girl needs to be the head of a seminary. Each girl needs to get to seminary by 8.30am. There are another 30 days of studies until the 1st of Nissan, so each girl needs to get there by 8.30am.

And to break her Xiomi, and her smartphone, which [shows] such things that they didn’t even have at the time of the Flood, and that they didn’t have at the time of the Dispersion. Even the people of Sdom didn’t have these things!

They are things that the Samech Mem – the Satan – is inventing every second, to trip up the generation before the geula.


We are the generation that is before the geula, and each each person needs to know that this is the test.

Instead of talking about nonsense, about ‘Moshiach’, we need to only be talking about the fact that we need to break the Xiomis and to break the smartphones.


And every girl needs to go with a skirt down to the floor, and then they won’t continue to add-on more murdered soldiers.

Every day, soldiers are being killed.

Every second, they are killing soldiers and citizens, in all sorts of places in the country, they are killing more and more.


Now, it’s going to be Ramadan.

They are going to do a terrible pogrom. They already announced that they will do a pogrom that will kill at least 100,000 Jews in a single day.

Bibi already agreed to this, Ben Gvir didn’t so much agree.

But Biden said this is legitimate, it’s OK, it’s a normal thing to kill Jews, it’s legitimate.

Hitler killed six million, so here, they will kill 100,000 – nothing is going to happen! You don’t need to get upset about this, you aren’t small kids. You’re already grown up, accept everything with love.


So, each person needs to know that now is the miracle of Purim.

Before Purim, the miracle that was seen, that within three days, they hung the enemy of the Jews.

Hitler ruled from the 30th of January, 1933 until 1945 – until the evening of L’ag B’omer, until Rabbi Shimon subdued him. Erev L’ag B’omer, he was finally subdued.

But this was 12 years and three months – February, March and April – that he ruled the world.


Hundreds of thousands of Jews were sent to their death every day. Hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of thousands!

The world was silent, the world was happy.

Roosevelt didn’t agree to accept a single Jew. A few ships came to America, he threw them back out into exile, to the Nazis.

They ruled over the world, they ruled the world for 12 years, between 1933-1945.

And now, we are waiting for the complete geula.

Speedily in our days, amen!


Excerpt of a shiur given on Thursday night, 28th of Adar Alef, 5784 (March 7th, 2024)

The war is going to continue a few more months.

They progress a meter a day, a house a day, and on Ramadan they are are not going to fight.

Instead, they will bring 100.000 Arabs here, so they will destroy the whole Chareidi neigborhood here.

For a kilometer around Sha’ar Shechem, they need to evacuate all the Chareidim, to clear out all the apartments, to make space for the refugees from Gaza.

The poor, unfortunate people – they need to arrange apartments for them. Two million people who don’t have apartments.

So now, there is an order from the prosecutors to clear out all the houses in this area, up until Kikar HaShabbat. Everything is to be vacated, each person needs to be evacuated. Before there is going to be a terrible pogrom here on Sunday morning, at 8.30am. (March 10th, 2024).[2]


They decided there is going to be a pogrom here, and that they will destroy all the Jews who life here, and then give it to the Hamasnikim.

“Hamas is a bubbie, they are our friends.”

This is what they teach in the kibbutzim, by the chilonim. The chilonim have gone totally crazy, they have gone out of their minds. They have lost their brains.

They say: “Our friends are the Hamas, and our enemies are the Chareidim. They won’t let us drive to the beach on Shabbat. Why do we need to go by foot?!”


So, a person needs to know that there won’t be any revelation on the night of Purim, which is motzae Shabbat – there won’t be any revelation!

The Rav is not Moshiach, and is not a spark of Moshiach. Nobody should buy tickets, not for the coaches, and not for the party, and not for the show.

We should merit to the complete geula speedily in our days, amen!



[1] Tractate Bava Batra 73a.

[2] The notes from the editors of the Shivivei Or Newsletter says this: “On Sunday at 8am precisely, Moranu HaRav went to the hospital. And on Wednesday, three bochurim from Shuvu Banim were killed, and two more injured. Who knows what tikkunim were happening, and how things were sweetened.”

First, there was ‘Big Mike’ Obama.

And now…. it’s happening again in France.

Watch this:


If you can be bothered to do a bit of digging, New Zealand’s former PM Jacinda Arden also seems to be part of this club.

The world of lies is literally starting to implode around us.

And the only place to take cover is under Hashem’s wing, staying close to the True Tzaddikim.



Excerpt of a shiur given on 14th Adar 1, 5784, at a gathering to wake people up about the terrible harm being caused by technology

The following is translated comments from Rav Berland.


King David broke the internet.

And Devorah HaNaviah smashed her Xiomi, and also broke her smartphone. And so, they flew in the air.


After Haman distributed bottles of whiskey – it was Purim, he gave out bottles of whiskey to a million soldiers.

So then, he came to Mordechai, that he should lend him [Haman] three billion.

A million soldiers, each one with a bottle, this is thirty million a day. Over 100 days [this equals three billion]. So, all his money ran out, poor thing. So he came to Mordechai, that he should bring him three billion.

He was in the ‘War Cabinet’, in the ‘reduced Cabinet’.

He didn’t let them enter Khan Younis, and also not Rafiach. So, he wanted three billion.


He [Mordechai] said to him, what are you going to give me?

I’ll give you a plane that blows everything up, blows up all the tunnels! Three billiion.

He said, I don’t need three billion – I broke my Xiomi! I broke my internet, so [now] I can fly in the air!

Everyone who breaks their internet, they can fly in the air!


[skipping some]

Once upon a time, every woman broke the internet.

They didn’t let their children see the internet. When a boy sees the internet, he comes out chiloni (secular). Simply, he becomes chiloni. Everything you invest in him, it’s all for nothing.

The mother says: I invested in him! I learned with him! I educated him!

[But] he saw the internet – so what do you want?!

So then, he saw things that even in the Generation of the Flood they weren’t seeing such things, and also not in the Generation of the Dispersion, and not in Enoch’s generation.


Now, we are in the worst generation.

Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk said that in this generation, a generation would come that would be the worst of all. No-one will manage to hold on in this generation.

It’s written in the Chesed L’Avraham that only 7,000 will managed to hold on, from all the 10 million Jews – 7,000.

That’s what is written in Verse 22, ma’ayan 3 – that only 7,000 people will be left, who aren’t seeing the internet.


And every mother needs to smash the internet to pieces – to shatter their son’s Xiomi and their smartphone.

Don’t take him into consideration! Don’t have mercy on him! He wants to see things…

There are all sorts of different options. There are the films of God-fearing [Jews], [films about the] Shoah – the moment that he uses a computer, on the internet, this is a total issur d’oraita (prohibition from Torah).

There is absolutely no heter (leniency) for this.

All those that permit this, this is even worse than desecrating the Shabbat! Because when someone breaks Shabbat, they still don’t become chiloni. But here [with the internet] – everyone will become chiloni!

All those who are watching the internet, they will become chiloni.


So, Devorah HaNaviah broke her internet, and then she flew in the air.

She got to the highest mountain, Mount Tabor. Yael also broke her internet, so she merited to ‘stab’ Sisera. Sisera should have woken up [when Yael tried to kill him with a tent peg]. The fact that Sisera didn’t wake up, this is the greatest miracle!

Because it’s impossible to stab a person [with a tent peg] without him waking up. But, she took a tent peg.


“From heaven they fought, the very stars from their orbits did battle with Sisera.”[1]

This is two times ‘Haman’. Sisera was twice Haman. Today, on Purim Haman was hung[2]. Today, Haman is the internet!

Today, there is no ‘Haman’, there is no ‘Amalek’ – we don’t have their DNA. If we had a single Amalekite who was left over from 3,000 years ago, 3,300 – that’s when there was the war [against the Amalekites].

So then, we would do the DNA, and clarify if someone was maybe from the seed of Amalek. Today, there is no DNA, so today, Amalek is the internet.

It is simply this: “[Y]ou shall wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heaven – you shall not forget!”[3]

This is the internet.


Whoever exploded the Twin Towers pushed off the matter by another five years.

Everything was already ready, all the Xiomis, and all the smartphones – everything was prepared from 5761 (2000 – 2001) – everything was ready!

In [a shiur from] 5759 (1998-1999), I already said [this], Itamar Raphael brought it – that we were talking to the wall.

The boy is under the covers, and he’s got the Xiomi there, he’s holding the smartphone, the iPhone, under the covers.

And the mother doesn’t see! And the father doesn’t see! And he’s watching the biggest tumah (spiritual impurity). He won’t get out of gehinnom forever! Not even when it’s techiyat hameitim, he won’t get out of gehinnom!


Under the covers, or in his pocket – he goes to the bathroom, and he stays in the bathroom for two hours, instead of for five minutes.

Because in the meantime, he’s watching forbidden things, impure things.

In the end, he cuts off his peyot, and he’ll become chiloni. He’ll go to the army, they’ll kidnap him to Gaza. Because he went to the party on Simchat Torah.

He also wanted simchah, ‘v’samachta be’hagecha[4] (rejoice on your festivals).

He travelled to Zikim Beach, in the ‘honor’ of Simchat Torah, v’samachta be’hagecha’, the oneg (pleasure) of yom tov. He wanted the oneg yom tov by the beach.

Ten boats came, and each boat there were 20 terrorists. 500 people were killed in a second.[5]

They went to perform v’samachta be’hagecha, ‘oneg yom tov’, they intended it for the sake of Heaven. A person intends things for the sake of Heaven – and he is killed at the party.

And he’s murdered on the beach.


And everything is because he has some Xiomi.

How did he get to the party? Because he had a Xiomi, he had internet, a smartphone, so he got to the party.

A lot came before shkeia (halachic sunset), but they didn’t drink. This was the miracle – so they understood what was happening.


Today, Hamas is the ‘bubby’ (i.e. The most loved one).

The bubby of Yoav Gallant, the bubby of Bibi – so, he’s called ‘Bibi’. This is their ‘bubby’ – the Hamas.

[The heads of the army and the government] said: Hamas will never attack!

They told them the Hamas is going to attack!!!

Now, they had everything, you can see all the plans, all the drills. A bulldozer appeared – it took it quarter of an hour to break the fence.

[And during this time] they didn’t send even one plane, because they said Hamas is a bubby! It just wants to go out for a walk, it just wants to come and look around the kibbutzim. To tour the kibbutzim, a bit.

[So] Why are they breaking the fence?!?

Because they are a bubby…


A person’s brain is turned over.

Who are those people, who watch the internet? These same chilonim, these same generals, the heads of the army, the commander of Kheil Avir.

They want to do a trial against him, he says no, no! Wait until the war is finished!

The war will never finish.

Hamas is always going to be here.


Because ‘Hamas’ is the internet.

It’s the Xiomi. It kidnaps children, it kidnaps babies before they are even a year old. And it kidnaps girls aged 12, because they have a Xiomi in their pocket, they have internet at home. They have a smartphone.

So, they are kidnapped to Gaza. And it’s impossible to free them.

They are making deals, every day they say there is progress, a breakthrough. Every day, they make another announcement to us about a ‘breakthrough’. In another day, they’ll be freed! Every day, there is a ‘breakthrough’.


Even Dinah was kidnapped.

Dinah was also kidnapped, but she didn’t have the internet. She didn’t have a Xiomi. She was kidnapped [but they managed to rescue her immediately].

Because Yaakov had 100 Turkish passports. Yaakov lived in Haran, he didn’t live in Jerusalem. He lived in Haran for twenty years, he had 20 passports. Every year, he did another passport for Reuven, for Shimon, for Levi, for Yehudah, for Dinah – he did a passport.

Suddenly, she was kidnapped to Gaza, she was kidnapped to Rafiach, to the tunnels.


So, Shimon and Levi didn’t have patience – they were young boys, aged 13.

They said, come, let’s go and give them a speech, a speech in honor of the barmitzvah.

Go and open up the Rambam, Hilchot Malachim, Verse 9, Halacha 14, see what the Rambam writes.

The Chiddushei HaRim says that this was a barmitzvah drasha, the Rambam.


The first thing the Rambam says is to chuck out the internet.

The second thing, is to chuck out the Xiomi. The third thing is to chuck out the Smartphone.

And then, the whole of Shechem will be won! And then, the whole of Gaza will be won!


It’s impossible to conquer Gaza.

They’ve already been fighting for four months, 140 days. Exactly today, it’s 140 days. And they haven’t progressed by even a millimeter. They are just going backwards.

Because every soldier, he has a Xiomi in his pocket. He has a smartphone in his pocket.

So, how is he going to win?

He’s keeping the Hamas in his own pocket!

The smartphone is the Hamas.

A person has the internet in his home, so then he has the Hamas in his home!

Tomorrow, they’ll come and kidnap his children, and he won’t understand why.


[On Simchat Torah, the Hamas] Almost conquered the whole of Ashdod.

They found their plans in their pockets, that they were meant to have conquered Ashdod.

Except, they got confused on the way, and instead of travelling to Ashdod, they travelled to Ofakim. Now they are explaining, every day, they are explaining exactly [what happened], all the mistakes.

How Ashdod was saved, because they were on the way to conquer Ashdod. They’d already conquered Sderot. There was not a single Jew in Sderot, they blew up all the buildings.

In Ofakim, they entered all the houses.


There was one person, Rachel [in Ofakim].

She gave them food – kneidlach, and blintzes and kreplach – every woman needs to prepare kreplach in honor of Purim.

And to also throw away the Xiomi, and also to make kreplach.


So, they simply got confused on the way, they found all the plans, that they were on the way to Ashdod.

And then at one of the intersections, instead of turning left to Ashdod, they turned right to Ofakim. And they went into Ofakim.

And all the houses in Ofakim were full of terrorists – all the houses. And people came outside, they thought it was a couple of terrorists. No-one believed that 30,000 terrorists [entered Israel].

Even today, they don’t know the number, how many [terrorists].

At the beginning, they said a thousand. After that, they said 2,000, three, five – it was 30,000.

It was the whole South, tens of kibbutzim were burnt down to the ground. It will never be possible to rebuild them. It will take another 20 years.

They say tomorrow, you’ll return. Tomorrow, you’ll go back.


So, every person has a Xiomi, and he doesn’t understand.

He has internet in the house – so why shouldn’t they burn his house down?

The internet is the ‘burning’, it’s the fire!

When a person holds on to the internet, he burns the brain of his son.

In the end, he’ll surf into forbidden things.

At the beginning, he just watches the news. At the end, he gets to the programs. Abba and Ima go to a wedding, and the child is left alone. He opens whatever he wants, wherever the yetzer hara [wants].

The boy doesn’t have control over his yetzer hara. Until the age of 20, he doesn’t have control over his yetzer hara. The boy is in the hands of his yetzer hara. And his yetzer hara pushes him to see forbidden things.

He still doesn’t have a brain. Until he gets to 20, there is no da’at.


So, a person can’t wait until the age of 20 [to get married].

Because he doesn’t have any intelligence, he doesn’t have any da’at. Until the age of 20, the boys just want ta’avot (their lusts).

They just want forbidden things, they just want to see the things that it’s forbidden to watch.


[And they tell the groom before the wedding] things [that are backwards].

So instead of bringing children to the world in kedusha (holiness) and tahara (purity), so they tell you that everything is allowed. That the more that you impurify yourselves, the more you’ll have, so do a bigger mitzvah!

‘According to the size of the tumah, that’s the size of the mitzvah’.

This is what all the counsellors [that explain the taharat hamishpacha laws etc] teach. They ‘counsel’ the bridegrooms today, that the busier you get with tumah, so the holier you’ll be.

The tumah will sanctify you – this is what every counsellor teaches his pupils.

Impurify yourself with as much tumah as possible!

He pushes him into the tumah, so then the bridegroom also takes a Xiomi. And he takes a smartphone.

The counsellor doesn’t understand that the moment that he teaches the bridegroom all the tumah in the whole world, and you tell him that the tumah is a mitzvah, and all the tumah is a mitzvah d’oraita. But really, it’s an issur d’oraita.


[skipping some]

The bride wants kedusha (holiness), and wants tahara.

A lot of women write me letters before their chuppah. They want the peak of kedusha, the peak of tahara. But all the counsellors just educate them for tumah.

And then, they have a Xiomi, and they have a smartphone, and they have internet. And this is an issur d’oraita, mamash.

There is no heter for this, not in the home and not in the office. Not in any location!


Look, now, Israel Porush (mayor of Elad) showed us.

He’s already been managing a community for 10 years – he’s been governing Elad , and he doesn’t have any non-kosher devices. It’s possible to run the whole world, to manage the whole planet.

Already in a little while it’s 6,000 years. Everything will be governed without a Xiomi, without internet.

The Second World War was run without internet, we don’t need internet.

[Internet is] To make people spiritually impure. So, everything starts with this, that they educate the bridegrooms and the brides to impurify themselves as much as possible, and to act as much as possible in the manner of tumah.

In other words, this is already a Xiomi in the home, and a smartphone in the house.


[skipping some]

Haman is the internet.

Haman is the Xiomi. Hamas is the smartphone. Everything should be shattered into fragments and shards!

Anyone who once saw a smartphone, he’s lost for the rest of his life. And also his children are lost, and his grandchildren are lost. Nothing is going to help.

No chinuch (education), no investment in the boy. This child will turn out all backwards. He will remove his peyot. In the end, the girl will wear trousers, or a skirt that’s above the knee, so the body can be seen. And she won’t get out of gehinnom forever!

Also not when it’s techiyat hametim.


And everything is because a person starts to see some Xiomi, some smartphone.

At the beginning, he says only the news! After this, he sinks and sinks and sinks down, to sheoul hatachtiot.

To the deepest depths, he sinks! To the deepest, deepest depths – the very deepest depths!

And there is no-one who will take him out.

Nobody can take him out.

And so, it’s an issur de’oraita.


[Skipping some].

All the chilonim want Shabbat.

All the chilonim want kedusha. They see the religious themselves, that the dati’im are stuck in all the tumah. So they say, what, we’re better than the dati’im?

Today, every one of the religious are holding a Xiomi today. Today, each one has a smartphone. Each one has the internet today.

And so at that same moment – the chilonim don’t want to make teshuva.



[1] Judges 5:20.

[2] The Rav was speaking on the day of Purim Katan, Adar Alef, 5784.

[3] Devarim, 25:19.

[4] Devarim 17:14.

[5] To this day, the State hasn’t released any information about what really happened on Zikim Beach the morning of October 7th, 2024, nor how many people were actually killed there.

Long story short: I haven’t missed the internet at all the last four days.

But…. I can see that I can’t stay off permanently at this stage, much as I’d love to.

So I’m planning to have at least three full days off every week now, BH, because it’s truly amazing just how much stuff I’ve managed to get done the last few days, without ‘surfing’ constantly interrupting me.

And I don’t even ‘surf’ so much, really, compared to 99.9999% of the rest of the world.


But there is a lot of stuff going on, especially around Shuvu Banim and the Rav, and I feel responsible to keep the information going for English speakers who otherwise can’t follow the Hebrew.

So, here is the update.


Last Thursday night (March 7th, 2024) after the evening prayers, the same time when the Rav said on three different occasions that he is not Moshiach, he also said something very frightening:

He said that at 8am on Sunday morning (March 10th) there was going to be a terrible pogrom taking place, and I thought I heard him mention ‘Sha’ar Shechem’, but I wasn’t 100% sure I heard right.

The following day, I double-checked with a gabbai, and sure enough, he said that the Rav had said something awful was going to happen at 8am March 10th – unless a way was found to sweeten it.


This is only the second time I’ve heard the Rav say something so specific, with a date and a time like this.

The first time was when he said Moshiach was going to be revealed at 8.30pm on the motzae Shabbat of Purim 5784….


I honestly didn’t know what to think, and last week I was in my own world of pain, and doing a ton of teshuva to try and get better again.

So I sent the message to 3 people I know, who I thought would do some extra praying for Am Yisrael without freaking out too much – and I decided to do a long hitbodedut for Am Yisrael’s hatzlacha on that Shabbat, too.


I only found this out yesterday (Tues March 12th) but after the ma’ariv prayers on motzae Shabbat, the Rav collapsed and was rushed to hospital.

This is how the Rav ‘sweetens’ these horrible decrees hanging over all of us, by taking the suffering on himself and usually getting rushed to hospital in a very serious state.

If you read through the OIAGs 1, 2 and 3, (click each number to download the PDF) you will find many documented examples of when the Jewish people were apparently on the cusp of something awful, especially ‘another war’ – and then it all disappears again, as the Rav became terribly sick and got rushed to hospital.

And that happened this time, too.


In the meantime, before he collapsed, the Rav gave more details of the pogrom that was being planned for 8.30 am Sunday morning.

He said that masses of Arabs armed with knives, axes and any other weapon they could find, were going to stream into the Meah Shearim neighborhood from Sha’ar Shechem, just across the road – and slaughter anyone they could find.

And the Rav said that they were going to come down Ha Homa Shlishit Street, where he himself and so many Shuvu Banim families live.


We were not at all up to date last week.

My husband –who had no idea about what the Rav had said – was praying with Shuvu on Sunday morning, and then walked into the Old City to go and learn at the English yeshiva.

But apparently, loads of Shuvu Banim families who’d heard these messages ran away from Ha Homa Shlishit, and went to stay with family out of the area. The whole kehilla was gripped with tremendous fear.

Baruch Hashem, it got sweetened.


You can hear a lot more details from R Elmaliach’s latest shiur, here – and if you speak Hebrew, I highly recommend you take a listen.

He’s describing a great deal of the ‘behind the scenes’ cheshbonot going on here, and is making it clear that none of what is currently going on with the Rav and Shuvu Banim can be understood on the simple level.

And if you’ve been following the Rav for a while, you’ll understand that this is part of his modus operandi.

No-one can keep up with the Rav.



In THIS shiur from two weeks ago, Rav Elmaliach explained that there is / was a massive disagreement going on between the Rav, and the Baba Sali in shemayim.

The very long story short is that the Rav wanted to keep pushing off the geula for another six years, because if it happens now, and there isn’t some serious, serious teshuva being made, then only 35% of Jewish men will survive the geula process.

The main problem is pgam habrit, literally ‘defiling the covenant.’


That doesn’t just mean rape, adultery or having relations with someone you aren’t married to.

And it also doesn’t mean totally ignoring the laws of taharat mishpacha.

It includes every instance of ‘spilling seed in vain’.

Every time a man does this, it’s literally creating millions upon millions of ‘demons’ that are powered by the spiritual force of this potential ‘life creation’ that is then captured by the side of evil.

It’s not a coincidence that all the black magick rituals of the masons and other satanic ‘secret societies’ contain a heavy dose of ‘auto eroticism’ and then doing weird things with the resultant zera levatala, including smearing it all over themselves.

This isn’t my words, btw – this was written about by Rav Fleckeles of Prague, when describing the black magick rituals of the Frankists in his community – all of whom were attending shul and pretending to be good ‘orthodox Jews’.

At least, at that point.


I will BH do another post explaining zera levatala more clearly – Rav Elmaliach is meant to be putting something up soon that explains this in detail, and I will try to translate and precis his information.


In the meantime…. Back to those percentages.

According to the hidden tzaddikim, if geula comes right now, only 35% of Jewish men will make it, with the main problem being pgam habrit.

But, even if the geula got pushed off for another six years, there is apparently 20% of the remaining 65% that will never make teshuva, no matter what.

(Take a look from minute 15 on THIS shiur from Rav Elmaliach, he literally describes what is going on with these ‘percentages’ on a white board, and the machloket between the Baba Sali and the Rav. Rav Elmaliach describes the Baba Sali saying most of the men of this generation are going after their ta’avot 24/7…. and the smartphone is the main delivery system.)


This is not made up rubbish, this  is real.


So, that leaves 45% of people to pray for.

And the Baba Sali is apparently saying that geula can not be pushed off anymore, for anyone.

So, this group has until Purim, and possibly until Pesach the latest, to make some serious teshuva.


That means shmirat eynayim, that means to stop looking at films and other things online (including the hardcore stuff, but honestly? Most of what’s on Instagram and Youtube also falls in the category of pure smut….)

And also, to stop ogling women ‘in person’ too.

Of course, rapists, abusers, serial one-night-standers, ‘rainbow lifestyle’ people – the gap between where these people are with their pgam habrit, and where they need to get to by Pesach is so enormous, it’s almost impossible for people in these groups to get onto the train before it leaves the station.

But for everyone else – there is everything to pray for!


First, though, we have to start taking this stuff seriously.

The media and the fake rabbis aren’t going to be telling you anything like this.

But the Rav has been underlining again and again and again that women need to walk with skirts down to the floor, and that EVERYONE needs to smash their smartphones.

He gave a very charif shiur about that last week, and BH I will try to translate most of it, and stick it up here.

That’s what encouraged me to take another step to minimising my internet use.

Whatever we can do to show God that I may be stuck online, but it’s not what I really want – it counts for so much.


Lastly, the Rav is asking for people to now say seven tikkun haklalis a day.

There are still so many serious decrees hanging over us.

And also, anyone who can, should privately arrange to go to Kever Rachel, say 7 tikkun haklalis there, and then go to Hevron and say another 7 tikkun haklalis there, too.

Rav Elmaliach has a lot more of the details, and the simply mind-blowing stories about what is really going on now, spiritually.

If you can, get the information from the source, because I am only paraphrasing the main bits into English.

And I can’t keep up with the flow, even when I’m back more online.

And may we just hear good news.