The search for the authentic sources on MBY is taking me into some interesting neighborhoods I don’t usually visit.

This is a talk R TOVIA SINGER gave about MBY, a few years ago. Usually, he’s not my cup of tea, but in this talk, I picked up some very interesting information from this.

Read on.


Around the 3.30 minute mark, R Singer starts explaining how the term ‘moshiach’ in Biblical parlance actually refers to the act of limshuach, or anointing.

Kings were ‘anointed’ by pouring oil upon them, in biblical times. So, SR inger explains that the time ‘moshiach’ actually means that someone had a leadership position, and not necessarily that they are a ‘messiah’.

In the book of Yechezkel, R Singer says the prophet refers to Moshiach (the Redeemer of Israel) as the nasi, the prince


This one explanation for how the word ‘moshiach’ – the anointed one – doesn’t necessarily mean ‘the righteous Redeemer of the Jewish people’ was a huge chiddush for me.

By way of illustration, Singer points to Isaiah 45:1, which begins like this:

Koh amar Hashem le meshicho Koresh…

“Thus said Hashem to his anointed one, Cyrus…”

This appears to be the source brought down in ‘Kol HaTor’ and then further twisted by people like Joel David Bakst, about how a non-Jew can be ‘moshiach’.

Because the word doesn’t necessarily mean ‘Redeemer’ when found in the Tanach. It literally means someone who was ‘anointed’ to be a leader in some way, most usually, a king.


Later on, Singer quotes another verse from ISAIAH 59:20:, which clearly sets out the necessary spiritual prerequisite for the Jewish ‘Redeemer’ to show up:

“A redeemer will come to Zion, and to those of Jacob [i.e. The Jews] who repent from willful sin – the word of Hashem.”

I.E., if the Jews want Moshiach to show up, they first have to make some serious teshuva, and sincerely return to God.


Thank God, I’m not an expert in having to rebut missionary and NT cack, so I had no idea about this next thing I am going to share with you, until I got to minute 13 in Singer’s talk.

That’s where he says this:

“Jews must repent, and that repentance will trigger the coming of the Moshiach.”

(The language is awful, sorry! It’s so hard to discuss this stuff in English without getting a strong whiff of Sunday School.)

But here’s the kicker:

Paul, the founder of ‘xtianity’, reverses the order.


This is the screenshot Singer flashes up on screen, where you see how xtianity basically teaches people ‘you can’t do anything to get ‘saved’ by yourself, except just to get with yoshki’.


Singer explains that xtianity teaches people that they can’t ‘save’ themselves, no matter how many good deeds etc you do, and that people can only get ‘saved’ with yoshki.

In this xtian paradigm of ‘redemption’, there is no free will, there is no connection between a person’s deeds, and their ability to be ‘redeemed’.

Xtianity teaches ‘sit tight, yoshki is going to do everything’.


Personally, this sounds disturbingly similar to the concept of Jews needing to do nothing before Moshiach finally shows up except ‘polish buttons’.

And it’s the opposite of what the Rav says, like this for example:

Nowadays, it is incumbent on every Jew to dance and rejoice during these holy days, and to know that this happiness and dancing is a great and awesome rectification for the soul.

A person does not know which kind of harsh spiritual judgements are waiting for him in the coming year.

The Rebbe says (LM 206), A person sins and harms his soul, at first things continue to go well for him, Hashem then begins to send him slight hints, if he still doesn’t get it Hashem calls to him louder, until the person starts getting kicked and pounded with suffering.


You sinned? Do teshuva! The same Torah that told you it’s a sin tells you about teshuva!

But if you don’t do teshuva then maybe after some suffering something will start to sink in, you will begin to do teshuva, begin to sob over your spiritual blemishes, get shaken up a drop! If not, then G-d forbid, a spouse will get sick, if not a spouse then the children G-d forbid!


The Rebbe promised that he will fix everything, but the question is how will he fix?

Which suffering much a person prevail in order to receive his fixing. Sometimes it hurts to go to a doctor, and if someone is really sick the surgery can be painful.

We are Jews! Nothing is rectified for free!

By the Christians nothing is needed to be done, just go to the Priest and confess to him once a year and he says ‘forgiven forgiven’ afterwards everyone continues as before.

By Jews there is no such thing! For sins a person must pay! On every transgression he must pay!

If a person doesn’t do teshuva, and doesn’t wake up then he starts getting hit with suffering as it says “There is no suffering without sin”.


Later on, Singer starts talking about ‘MBY’, based on the reference in the Gemara Tractate Sukkah 52b, plus the verses talking about the ‘end times war’ in Zachariah, 12:1-8.

I’ll type up the passage from the Gemara below.

It’s apparently the only ‘explicit’ discussion of MBY in the Gemara.


Around the 20 minute mark, Singer starts equating ‘MBY’ with ‘either one, or many soldiers who are killed in battle’ defending Israel.

He bases this idea on R AVRAHAM KOOK’s written eulogy of Theodore Herzl.

Remember, R KOOK was the author of OROT, and the official English translator of his works apparently has no problem with either Shabtai Tzvi, nor yoshki. (And R Kook himself got his job as Chief Rabbi thanks to his connections with the ACHaVA secret society being run by members of the RIVLIN and SOLOVEITCHIK families….)


According to Singer, the shock of seeing this righteous soldier, or soldiers, dying in the middle of the ‘end times’ war is what finally gets people to make the teshuva required for Moshiach to show up.

But of course, the Jews don’t need what Singer calls ‘that extreme stimulant’ to make the necessary teshuva, because negative prophecies like massive wars don’t HAVE to happen.

They are just the fall-back mechanism for God to encourage us to  make teshuva.


The idea of ‘MBY’ being a soldier, or soldiers, who die defending Eretz Yisrael is interesting.

More than that, I don’t know what to think about it.

But for sure, seeing all these young people killed and mutilated over the course of this year has had an extremely sobering effect on so many of us, and it is leading to a lot of real ‘teshuva’, at least, within Israel.


OK, so now, what is that source in the Gemara Tractate Succah 52 b that speaks about ‘MBY’?

Here it is:

(The Gemara is having a discussion about the nature of the yetzer hara, or evil inclination, and how people will be ‘occupied with mournful eulogy’ in the future time, when the redemption occurs.)

What is the nature of this eulogy that the verse describes?

(The Gemara replies:)

R Dosa and the Rabbis disagreed about it. One said that the eulogy will be for the Moshiach ben Yosef who will have been killed in battle, while one said that it will be for the evil inclination that will have been ‘killed’ i.e. Eradicated, at that future time.


(The Gemara questions this second view):

It is understandable according to the one who said that the eulogy will be for the Moshiach ben Yosef who will have been killed – that is why the mourning will be so bitter, as it is written:

They will look towards me, the one they have stabbed; they will mourn over him as one mourns over a ‘yechid’ (unique one).[1]

The death of God’s anointed is certainly cause for great grief.

But according to the one who said that the eulogy will be for the evil inclination who will have been killed, does that warrant a eulogy?! It warrants a celebration! So why will they weep?!


[The Gemara answers:)

It is as R Yehuda expounded:

In the future time (atid lavo), the Holy One, Blessed is He, will bring the evil inclination and slaughter it in the presence of the righteous and in the presence of the wicked.

To the righteous, the evil inclination will appears like a high mountain that can hardly be scaled. And to the wicked, it will appear like a strand of hair that can easily be snapped.

These will weep and these too will weep.

The righteous will weep and say: “How were we able to overcome such a high mountain?” And the wicked will weep and say: “How were we not able to overcome this strand of hair?!”

And so too, the Holy One, Blessed is He, will wonder with them.


Ad kan, from the Gemara talking about the ‘MBY’.

And even in the Gemara, we see there is a machloket about whether what’s actually being discussed is the death of an ‘anointed one’ referred to as ‘MBY’, or the process of uinversal grieving once the evil inclination is finally slaughtered by Hashem, as part of the geula process.


I am not going to draw conclusions in this post, I’m just putting the raw info out there.

Continue to think for yourself, and may Hashem bless is all that we should draw close to the wellsprings of the True Tzaddikim, who can enter Pardes and leave again, without going crazy or turning into a heretic or xtian.


PS: I am taking a few days off from blogging again.

At least, that’s the plan.

I’ve stuck enough up today to keep you going for most of the week.

And we still didn’t pin down exactly who put together ‘Kol HaTor’, and why, and how it’s got ‘secret society’ written all over it.




[1] Zachariah 12:10.

AK wanted to know what the Rav has said about ‘MBY’.

At least as far as I know, the answer is ‘not a heck of a lot’ – but this is what I managed to find after a couple of hours of searching through the site, and also, the books of the Rav’s teachings that are translated into English.


In the process of doing that, I noticed the following:

In general, the Rav usually refers to ‘Moshiach’ without a qualifier, but when there is a qualifier, it’s nearly always ‘Moshiach ben DAVID’.

That said, there are a few occasions that I found on the site where Moshiach ben Yosef is mentioned.

The following is by no means exhaustive, but it gives a flavor of where MBY is mentioned by the Rav.



Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To See Moshiach Ben Yosef And Moshiach Ben David



Please Hashem, may I merit to see Moshiach (360) son (52) of Yosef (156) and Moshiach (358) son (52) of David (24) = 3696.



לִזְכּוֹת לִרְאוֹת אֶת מָשִׁיחַ בֶּן יוֹסֵף וּבֶן דָּוִד וְלִזְכּוֹת לְאַבְנֵי הַחֹשֶׁן וְלִהְיוֹת חָקוּק בְּאַהֲבַת ה’

רִבּוֹנוֹ שֶׁל עוֹלָם כֹּל יָכוֹל, אֲשֶׁר לֹא יִבָּצֵר מִמְּךָ מְזִימָה, אָנָּא ה’, בִּזְכוּת שִׁמְשׁוֹן 696 הַגִּבּוֹרתִּשְׁפֹּךְ אֵשׁ 301 וְגָפְרִית 699 עַל רָאשֵׁי הָרְשָׁעִים, וְעַל סִיחוֹן

134 מֶלֶךְ 90 הָאֱמֹרִי 256, וְעֹג 73 מֶלֶךְ 90 הַבָּשָׁן,  אָנָּא ה’ זַכֵּנִי לִרְאוֹת בְּמָשִׁיחַ 360 בֶּן 52 יוֹסֵף 156 וּ–מָשִׁיחַ 358 בֶּן 52 דָּוִיד 24 = 3696, ה’ אֶחָד 1 “שִׂימֵנִי כַחוֹתָם עַל לִבֶּךָ, כַּחוֹתָם עַל זְרוֹעֶךָ, כִּי עַזָּה כַמָּוֶת אַהֲבָה, קָשָׁה כִשְׁאוֹל קִנְאָה“, וּבִזְכוּת זֶה אֶזְכֶּה לְאַבְנֵי הַחֹשֶׁןאֹדֶם 45, פִּטְדָה 98, בָּרֶקֶת 702, נֹפֶךְ 150, סַפִּיר 350, יַהֲלֹם 85, תַּרְשִׁישׁ 1210, שֹׁהַם 345, יָשְׁפֶה 395 = 2280.


What you notice in this prayer is that the two moshiachs are kind of ‘run together’.

This hints to the idea that they are describing one person, perhaps ‘in potential’ and after the potential has been actualised.

Next, take a look at this, from five years ago:

Snippet of the translated Zohar referring specifically to ‘MBY’:


And on that same day, the Ten Tribes will be awakened, to arrange wars in the four directions of the earth, together with the Moshiach who will be anointed over them as king, and who will receive the anointing of the Malchut (government) by way of one Kohen Tzedek, who is Eliyahu HaNavi, and the seven faithful shepherds will be with him.

And this Moshiach is from the tribe of Ephraim and will be Moshiach ben Yosef, from the seed of Yerovam ben Nevat, the son of Aviah, who died in his youth, and on the same day he died a son was born to him.

And [this son] was taken from the house of Yerovam to the wilderness and 170 warriors travelled there with him, each one a tzaddik from the tribe of Ephraim, who weren’t caught up in the sin of Yerovam.

And from this son of Aviah will come this Moshiach, and about this, about Aviah ben Yerovam, it’s said: seal up this prophecy until that hour, and that this is a prophecy also about the future, because in the future all of Israel will eulogize Moshiach ben Ephraim, who will be killed…


And then the Shechina will go and be returned on Moshe for 70 days. At the end of 70 days, the cries of the Children of Israel that there will be from all the suffering [they are experiencing] from the four directions of the world, will ascend before the Holy King. And a group on the South side will be lost and destroyed, and five true Tzaddikim will be killed amongst them.

And then at the end of 32 days after this same group is killed, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will dress Himself in jealousy for this same small shofar, which is the Shechina. And this same Moshiach ben Ephraim will spread out spreadings out, and will fight the wars of Hashem, and will gore the nations like an ox whose horns are raised up like the horns of a re’im.


And this same small shofar, which is the Shechina, will blow teruah, tekiah, teruah three times on the top of the mountain, as at the start, and then the flags of this Moshiach will go forth, and an awful noise will fall upon the land, by way of the sound of the shofar. And all the children of the nations will hear and will be afeared, as it says: all the dwellers of the earth and residents of the glorious land will see the miracle of the mountains, and will hear the sound of the shofar.

Commentary: all the dwellers of the earth will see Israel’s return to their land with their own eyes, when they see the miracle borne atop the mountains, and will hear this thing with their own ears, when they hear the blast of the shofar.


The idols will be [destroyed/removed/burned] from the holy land and three wars will be made by the children of Yishmael with this Moshiach.

And they will come and bow down to the Master of the World on the holy mountain in Jerusalem. These wars will take place in the six thousandth, on the 16th day of the seventh month of the 59th year of the six thousandth – will be all these wars.


In the month of Cheshvan the haters of Israel will fall and all those idols that remain in the holy land there will be [destroyed/removed/burned] and nullified. And from there will go out and awaken wars in the world, and whilst they are making wars in the world, the people of Edom will gather against the holy land and seize it and will rule over it for 12 months.

At the end of the 12 months, the entire world will shake and will be filled with noise, and between these times the Shechina will go and return to the cave of Moshe. The king Moshiach will be hidden for 9 months, like the months of childbirth, and in these 9 months how much suffering and [destruction] he will take upon himself to atone for Am Yisrael.


Translated from the Shivivei Or Newsletter, #97


Next up, this shiur from 2020:

Snippet of what the Rav says:


The whole inyan is to nullify the sin of the spies, and to ascend to Eretz Yisrael.

They [the spies] said, what are you talking about, to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael! What are you saying?! We are going to wait for the Moshiach. For they didn’t know that by way of their coming to the aretz (land of Israel), they would bring the Moshiach.


The whole inyan is that today, Moshiach will come. At this moment, Moshiach will come, in this second, Moshiach will come. On Seder Night, it’s possible to bring the Moshiach.


If everyone would have made aliya to Eretz Yisrael, then immediately the Moshiach would have come.

Everyone needs to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael, we need to return everyone to here, great and small, as one. Rabbanim, Admorim and Chassidim – everyone needs to ascend to Eretz Yisrael.


In the future, when Heftziba will go up Har Nevo, and go up on the summit, and will blow teruah, tekiah for 10 hours, without stopping, until everyone brings back their belongings. It’s required to bring back the things, to close the businesses.

70,000 ships will come, each ship with 1,000 people, and then the whole world will come, 100 million will come. They will all come to stop the Jews. The Jews are coming to conquer Eretz Yisrael! The Jews are coming to Eretz Yisrael to take Jerusalem. It will be the head [city] of all the goyim.


Moshiach ben Yosef will come.

He will be revealed in Eretz HaGalil (the Galilee), and then he will go to the graves of Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov. And then they will have four shofars. Moshiach ben Yosef will have one shofar, and then another three shofars for each of the Patriarchs, Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov.

They will blow teruah, tekiah, teruah and then they will go to the Kever of Rachel Imenu, and they will awaken her, and a fifth shofar will fall from shemayim and all of them will then arrive to the Sea of Yaffo, to the port. And there will be there 100 million ships, and on each ship 1,000 men.

And then, the whole world will come.


All the Jews will come to inherit the land, and on each ship of the goyim that arrives [to Israel] there will be a 1,000 rockets.

And they will come to take everyone as slaves and ‘maidservants’. And then the sea will split, and it will open into two, like the kiryat yam suf (the splitting of the Sea of Reeds).

And then everyone will say: “By the life of Hashem, who took the Children of Israel up from the land of Egypt.” (Yirmiyahu 23:7).


Now is the moment of the revelation.

Moshe says to everyone to make aliya to Eretz Yisrael. Now, everyone gathers together their belongings and makes aliya to Eretz Yisrael. They will go up to Meron on L’ag B’omer, and that is when the geula will be, on L’ag B’omer exactly when Hitler committed suicide. 

Because L’ag B’omer is the day that Hashem will cut off the nations of the world. Armilus the Rasha will come with 100 million goyim and crystal stones surrounded by fire will fall on the 100 million goyim.


In this post from 2015, Rav Berland says that R Ovadia Yosef was ‘MBY’ of his generation:

On the anniversary of Rav Ovadia Yosef’s passing, z’tl, four years’ ago, on the 3rd of Cheshvan, Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, gave over the following awesome eulogy about Rav Yosef:

(Click HERE to hear his words for yourself, in the original Hebrew)



Apart from these brief mentions of ‘MBY’, pretty much any other mention of ‘MBY’ on the site are coming from people who are not quoting Rav Berland.

For example, this post is about a Torah code from R Glazerson:



Rav Berland is connected to Moshiach Ben Yosef

In his latest video, Rav Glazerson explains how he’s found more connections between Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, and the words ‘Moshiach ben Yosef’, all of which is directly connected to the subject of the imminent geula. Here’s a little of how he explained his findings.

Firstly, Rav Glazerson explained how the words “ניצוץ משיח” – the ‘spark of Moshiach’ comes to 604, in gematria. Next, he shows how the words “אליעזר ברלנד” – Eliezer Berland – also comes to 604, in gematria. The following phrases also add up to the same gematria of 604:

(This is he, Moshiach Ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David): ‘זהו משיח בן יוסף ודוד’ – 604

(Rabbi Yehudah the Prince): ”רבי יהודה הנשיא” – 604


Rav Glazerson explained:

The spark of Moshiach returns in every generation

“The Ben Hayehoda, speaking about the gematrias found in Tractate Sanhedrin (98), said that it was accepted by them that in every generation, the spark of the Moshiach ben Yosef would be reincarnated into one of the Tzaddikim of the generation. This is the same sort of thing that Chazal said about Moshe Rabbenu, that in every generation, a spark of Moshe would come back inside the Tzaddik of that generation.

“It’s also written in the Sefer HaLikutim of the holy Arizal, on the passage 3:26 in the book of Devarim, that Rabbenu the Arizal was actually a spark of Moshiach ben Yosef.”


Rav Glazerson continues:

Berland = spark = Ben Yosef

“In truth, we found the name ברלנד – ‘Berland’, next to the words ‘Ben Yosef’ and nitzotz (spark). And all this only appears one time, next to the word ‘Ephraim’. It’s known that the Moshiach ben Yosef comes from the tribe of Ephraim. We also found the words, ben shmonim shana – ‘he was 80 years old’, which is Rav Berland’s age…

“And this is the verse where it is found (Bereishit 49:1):


It’s a common feature of gematria than an additional ‘one’ can be added to the final number. This additional one is known as the ‘kollel’.


Meanwhile, when the autistics stated that the Rav was ‘Moshiach’, also back in 2019, they didn’t make any mention of ‘MBY’ at all, and just referred to the Rav as ‘Ben David’.


When a person is a tzaddik, when he’s with the Tzaddik, there is no difference between living and dying.

There is nothing to be afraid of. It’s not going to be Auschwitz, or some place like it, where the majority of the Jews there were Shabbat desecrators who cried out Shema Yisrael in their last moment.


Those Jews who are going against the Rav are simply going to disappear.

They are going against the truth. When I talk about the people who are going against the Rav, I’m not talking about a Jew who starts off ‘anti’ the Rav, but who afterwards wakes up to the truth, or something like that. I’m talking about those who are opposing the Rav until the bitter end, in a very hard and cruel way, without wanting to hear the truth under any circumstances.

It’s obvious, that someone like this is either Amalek or Erev Rav, or I don’t know what. Something not pure. But it will be very hard.


But it’s forbidden to be afraid!

All of us need to unite around the Rav, and to not abandon him, come what may. Day and night – this is the war! Not to be scared of anyone, and not to be scared of anything.


Anyone who knows him, knows that there is no other Rav in the whole world today who is like him, at his level, both in terms of Torah learning and also in terms of his neshama and kedusha (holiness).


In the next post, I will bring some sources about ‘MBY’ from the Tanach and the Gemara – there is very little mentioned explicitly.

It seems ‘MBY’ is almost totally kabbalah, not pshat Torah.

Which is why so many people have stumbled with the concept of ‘MBY’ – and continue to stumble today.


But bottom line: The Rav’s own teachings nearly always refer to just ‘Moshiach’, with no qualifier.

When there is a qualifier, it’s nearly always just ‘ben David’.

And occasionally, the Rav mentions MBD and MBY together, seemingly as one unit.


This is not exhaustive by any means, so feel free to post up links to other places where the Rav talks about ‘MBY’ that I might have missed.

BH, in the next post we’ll start to really drill down to some really interesting sources on MBY that start to change the whole picture. Look out for that.

In part one, we started to unpack some of the teachings found in Kol HaTor, especially about ‘Moshiach ben Yosef’.

(Read that HERE).

And we also started to explore just how easily those teachings can be ‘twisted’, to make a MBY out of pretty much anyone in the world.

Even if they’re evil.

Even in if they aren’t Jewish.

But, where did these teachings really come from? And how much of what is found in ‘Kol HaTor’ – if anything – can be found in the GRA’s other teachings?

In this post, we’re going to make an attempt at pinning more of this stuff down.


Let’s dive in.


The original idea is that KOL HATOR was written by HILLEL RIVLIN of Shklov, son of BINYAMIN RIVLIN – author of the Gabia HaKesef, and a guy I’ve written a ton about.


Because as well as hanging out in YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN’s mansion in Kherson doing ‘science experiments’ with the Freemason, maskil (and grandchild of the Alter Rebbe….) BARUCH SHICK; and (apparently….) leading the attack against chassidut, BINYAMIN RIVLIN was also (apparently…) the ‘secret Frankist Rebbe’ who stayed behind in the Jewish community, to corrupt it from within.

And it’s his son, HILLEL RIVLIN of SHKLOV[1], who is meant to have composed the KOL HATOR.


This is OPTION 1, for who wrote it down.


Now, let’s head over to the Hebrew Wiki page for KOL HATOR to pick up some more clues and suggestions.

There we learn the following:

The book was first published in 1947, and then again in 1968 by one SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN.

When it was republished in 1968 – with some key parts missing – R MOSHE STERNBUCH wrote a ten page pamphlet denouncing it, and claiming it could only have been written by a speaker of modern Hebrew.

I.e. Rav Sternbuch claimed that the author was trying to ‘twist’ some of the GRA’s Torah many years after the fact, to make is seem as though the GRA had provided the spiritual basis and impetus for secular ‘zionism’ and what became the State of Israel.

R Sternbuch wrote more against the KOL HATOR in his work, Teshuvos VeHanhagos Part 4, Chapter 328. Pp. 411-419.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the argument, there appears to be people like R PINCHAS WINSTON, who is quoted on the English Wiki for Kol HaTor as saying:

“In 1947, Rabbi Shlomo Rivlin, with the advice of the great Kabbalists of Jerusalem, decided to publish an abridged version of this lengthy and difficult treatise keeping the Kabbalistic terminology as simple as possible so that it could also be studied by non-Kabbalists.

Therefore, the printed Kol HaTor is not the original text.


In 1968 it was reprinted again by two different editors (unknown to each other), Rabbi Menachem Kasher and Rabbi Chaim Friedlander (Committee For The Dissemination of Kol HaTor). Rabbi Kasher omitted the chapter on the confluences of Kabbalah and science called Sha’ar Be’er Sheva (Gate of The Seven Fields of Wisdom).

The B’nei Brak edition, which did contain this chapter, was out of print for over twenty years, thus making this “lost doctrine” of the GR”A [the Vilna Gaon] totally unnoticed by scholars and the public. Only recently a new print has appeared in Jerusalem with the Sha’ar Be’er Sheva.”[3]


The so-called ‘Religious Zionists’, or ‘Dati Leumi’ world lapped up the KOL HATOR, and are very happy to believe that it is a genuine reflection of the GRA’s teachings.

Of course, getting the religious population to believe anyone engaged in the State of Israel project is an ‘aspect of MBY’ is clearly appealing to the corrupt people who are running the show here.


Back on the Hebrew Wiki page – which I highly recommend you machine translate and read –  we get more info on who is ‘for’ the book being authentic, and who claims it’s either a modern fake, or an adulterated version of what the GRA may have originally taught.

In the PRO-KOL HATOR camp, we notably have:

R YEHUDA ZVI KOOK – Rav Kook’s son, and the ‘rebbe’ of BETZALEL NAOR, English translator of R Kook’s work ‘OROT’, who publically claims Yoshki and Shabtai Tzvi are also sparks of ‘MBY’.


And in the ANTI- KOL HATOR camp, we have:






THIS is the English Wiki page for him, and here is a snippet:

Yitzchok Shlomo Zilberman (1929 – 2001) was an Israeli Haredi rabbi and educator, pioneer of the Zilberman Method of Torah study. He founded Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu, part of a community that follows the path of the Vilna Gaon.

As I’m clicking around his tree, I see that he has extended family members who were imprisoned accused of helping out with the ritual murder of a 14 year old xtian girl in Hungary…

I think we will come back to the ZILBERMAN family another time.


So, what are the other options being discussed for who actually could have put this book together, if it wasn’t HILLEL RIVLIN?

Interestingly, the Hebrew Wiki contains a ton of info that is curiously missing or ‘scrubbed’ from the English Wiki.

Let’s list the people in the frame for putting together KOL HATOR, for their own reasons:


CANDIDATE 1 for authoring / editing Kol HaTor: SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN – the guy who first published it in 1947.

This is the suggestion of Prof IMMANUEL ETKES who just wrote a book about who wrote the Kol HaTor called ‘The Invention of a Tradition.”

I went to the National Library and read that book, and I have to say I was very under-whelmed by the scholarship and the critical thinking displayed.


On Eli Eshel’s archived blog, there is a very detailed post about the authorship of Kol HaTor, in Hebrew, HERE.

I highly recommend you take a look, as Eshel brings a much greater level of detail to this discussion, while I’m basically hitting the top notes in this post, to avoid reader overwhelm.

Here’s a snippet:

What are the historical family sources that attribute “The voice of the turtle dove” to Hillel Rivlin ?

These are books called “Hazon Zion – Shklov and Jerusalem[2]“; “Mossad Yesod[3]” and “HaMaggid Doresh Zion”.

They are all the work of a cantor and a very well-known composer and preacher in Jerusalem named Shlomo Zalman Rivlin…

Shlomo Zalman Rivlin (1884-1962) became famous, among other things, for creating the “Shirat Yisrael” choir, which was housed in a girls ‘ school called “Ruhama”, and as a teacher of thousands of chazans over the years.

He also founded a school of interpretation called “Midrash Shlomo “.


SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN is meant to be a direct descendant of HILLEL RIVLIN of SHKLOV.

But many people, including academic ARYEH MORGENSTERN, who wrote THE GAON OF VILNA AND HIS MESSIANIC VISION, state that SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN didn’t have the ability to put something like KOL HATOR together.

This statement rings true to me.


CANDIDATE 2 for authoring / editing Kol HaTor::

“Kabbalist RABBI YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN, “the preacher of the Redemption,” who may have been assisted in the writing by RABBI ELIYAHU LANDA[4], the grandchild of the Gra.”

This suggestion comes from the writer I mentioned above, ELI ESHED, who put together a ton of information about his own family tree, as a descendant of the GRA – which has now been mostly ‘disappeared’.


This is a picture of YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN:

What vibe are you picking up?

YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN was the uncle of SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN the cantor, and the son of this guy, YOSEF YUSHYA RIVLIN:


This is how SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN himself explains how he came to acquire, and then print, the KOL HATOR mss, (excerpted from Eli Eshel’s blog post):

How exactly did the manuscript reach Yitzhak Zvi Rivlin ?

According to a note in the book “Midrash Shlomo,” written with the help of Yitzhak Zvi, the book existed for many decades in handwriting only, and its part was preserved in the city of Shklov by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Rivlin, son of Hillel Rivlin and author of the book “DIVREI SHLOMO”… and is accompanied by light and chidushim from his son-in-law Asher Luria….

According to the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Zvi Rivlin, it was from the aforementioned Shlomo Zalman Rivlin that he received”a large portion “of the” Kol Tor “letters ( in the book Midrash Shlomo, 143 note 51) from where he received the rest was not specified.


According to ESHED’s research, there were two versions of KOL HATOR in handwritten mss:

  1. An original text written in the handwriting of HILLEL RIVLIN OF SHKLOV (this original, if it exists, has never been found)
  2. An edited version based on the original text, written by YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN and passed to his cantor nephew to publish, in 1947.


We’ll come back to YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN in a moment.

He’s another interesting person.

Meanwhile, here is your third and final candidate for an alternative author / editor of KOL HATOR:



This is SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN’s father, mentioned above..

This snippet is from the Hebrew Wiki:

Research on the book by Dr. Raphael Schuchat and Rabbi Avraham Kosman leads to the conclusion that the Kol Tor book contains authentic elements that appear in the Kabbalah books of the GRA and expands them…

It appears that the original manuscript of the book was not in the hands of the compiler R YUSHA RIVLIN, but only adaptations or abstracts, and he edited them.


So, to sum this part up, here are your choices:

  1. KOL HATOR is an accurate reflection of the GRA’s teachings, and was kept ‘secret’ for 100 years + before being published in an edited form in 1947, by SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN.
  2. KOL HATOR was based on some ideas found in the GRA’s writings, but then these ideas were edited / expanded / adulterated by a bunch of Rivlins, including BINYAMIN RIVLIN, and his son HILLEL RIVLIN, and / or YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN, and / or YUSHA RIVLIN and his son, SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN.


Whichever option you pick, it doesn’t change the notion that the concept of ‘MBY’ as typically represented as deriving from the KOL HATOR is meaningless, at best, or more accurately, spiritually misleading and very damaging.

The information about ‘MBY’ presented in Kol HaTor seems to open the door to all these horrible, heretical ideas that people like Yoshki and Shabtai Tzvi were somehow ‘good people’ who just ‘failed’ in their mission as ‘MBY’.

And all this stuff about ‘MBY’ as presented in Kol HaTor is also distracting so many people away from focussing on the ‘real’ Moshiach in the picture, here, which is the person who ends up being ‘MOSHIACH BEN DAVID’ – a son-after-son descendant of King David, who does all the things that the MBD actually has to do.

[I am in the middle of researching more about where these ideas about ‘MBY’ are actually coming from. More on this soon, BH, with some other sources.]


Let’s end this particular post by taking a closer look at YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN, the so-called ‘PREACHER OF REDEMPTION’.

HERE is the Hebrew WIKI  page for him, where we learn the following:

He is the great-great grandson of that same HILLEL RIVLIN of Shklov, like this:


Me being me, I went to check out his siblings, and I hit a rich vein of people I’ve already written about here, including LOEWY’s, SHAIDIKERS and ORENSTEINs.


Wiki says:

He was born in the town of Tulchin, near Sheklov ,to Rabbi Binyamin and Reizel, both grandchildren of Rabbi Moshe Rivlin Meshklov, who was the ABD of the Ashkenazim in Jerusalem and son of Rabbi Hillel Rivlin Meshklov, author of Kol Tor and a student of the GRA.


BTW – there is no firm evidence that HILLEL RIVLIN OF SHKLOV was ever a student of the GRA.

And the evidence that his father BINYAMIN RIVLIN OF SHKLOV was a student of the GRA is also apparently pretty shaky.

Also, while the Rivlin family claim that HILLEL RIVLIN OF SHKLOV headed up the aliyah of the GRA’s students to Eretz Yisrael in 1809, the documentation shows that he didn’t get to Israel until 1832, at the earliest.

As usual with these people, we are dealing with a bunch of lies.



This guy divorces the mother of his five children when she doesn’t want to move to Israel with him.

And when he gets to Israel, he promptly becomes one of the founders of the pro-zionist MIZRACHI organisation in Jerusalem.

That’s not all.


YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN is also the rabbi of the ACHaVA neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Read more about that neighborhood HERE.

That would be the same ‘ACHaVA’ as the secret society that was operating in Eretz Yisrael at that time, that maneuvered R ABRAHAM KOOK into his position as (zionist-loving….) ‘Chief Rabbi’.

You can read a whole bunch more about ACHaVA in my collection of blog posts HERE.

This is the relevant snippet, for now:

Let’s end with the secret society of Rabbis in Jerusalem.

It was called AGUDAT AHAVA, and it was set up up in the late 1800s as a secret society. When word of this new organisation leaked out to Maharil Diskin, it was apparently described as: “[A] new cult in the style of Shabtai Zvi and Yaakov Frank.”

Apparently, SHMUEL SALANT then went to bat for the AGUDAT AHAVA – and we will take a closer look at him in another post, BH.


You can read more about this secret society on Hebrew Wiki HERE.

Bottom line, they built ‘lodges’ all over Israel, and also in other places in the Jewish world, and lots of people you’ve heard of apparently belonged to this ‘secret society ‘ of rabbis, based on the Freemasons, that reminded at least some people of the ‘cults’ of Shabtai Tzi and Jacob Frank….


Let’s end with another snippet about KOL HATOR from Eli Eshel’s extremely well-researched post on the subject:

In this fake preface [to the Kol HaTor]…

It is said that Yitzhak Zvi Rivlin obtained the material with hard work in Shklov and in Jerusalem, many of the writings were kept under the command of Rabbi Yaakov Liv Lawi and by Chaim Zalman Rivlin, director of the ‘ETZ CHAIM’ Talmud Torah.

The other part of the writings was in the city of Shklov, where Yitzhak Zvi found the relevant documents in Rabbi Yehoshua Zeitlin’s large book depository, where the documents were deposited by Hillel Rivlin’s sons, Rabbi Moshe Magid and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Rivlin.

It is noted that with Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Rivlin the first, as with Shmaryahu Zuckerman, many Gra manuscripts were preserved.


I just tripped over a whole bunch of new stuff about how these individuals link up to the ‘secret societies’ that overran our community, beginning 350 years ago – but still going in our days, albeit with different branding.

But we’ll keep that for the next post, BH.



[1] According to the ‘scrubbed’ information in Neil Rosenstein’s original genealogies, BINYAMIN RIVLN of Shklov seems to have married DREIZA ZEITLIN, the daughter of BARON YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN – the big funder of the Russian maskilim and court agent for the Russian Tzars. This makes HILLEL RIVLIN of Shklov the maternal grandchild of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN.

BINYAMIN RIVLIN’s sister, MINDEL, marries CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK, the ABD of Shklov and father of PINCHAS (ELIYAHU) ROSANES SHICK, who marries the Alter Rebbe’s daughter, Frieda, and has the freemason BARUCH SHICK of SHKLOV as a son.

And this family also links us directly to ELKA JOSS, the wife of the leading Frankist MOSES DOBRUSHKA (fake name… the guy played a leading role in the French Revolution, and apparently got guillotined.)


[2] Which details the students of the GRA of Vilna, according to the Rivlin family.

[3] Which details how the students of the GRA rebuit Jerusalem.

[4] ELIYAHU LANDA is someone I’ve been circling around for a very long time. He’s said to be a descendant of both the Vilna Gaon, and the Nodeh B’Yehuda.  BH, we will take a closer look at him soon.


I just got sent this:


The Rav has called for a prayer gathering in Hevron, on Thursday September 12th, 2024, beginning at 9pm.

BH, the Rav will be coming, too.

Strange to say, this is a very good sign.

All year, I’ve been waiting for one of these prayer gatherings to be called in Hevron – because I’ve seen so many times in the past, how they literally make ‘the problem’ disappear overnight – and all year, it just hasn’t happened.

I guess we hadn’t reached the part in this massive process of awakening and teshuva where the prayer gathering would be effective.

Now, BH, I’m hopeful that the end of the nightmare situation that has been 5784 is in sight.

If, enough people show up in Hebron on September 12th.


While I was browsing the site, looking for more stuff about the concept of ‘MBY’ from the Rav, I came across something I wrote five years ago now, in 2019:

It talks a lot about different prayer gatherings in Hevron that took place throughout the year of 5779 – just before the Evils unleashed the scamdemic on the world.

Perhaps more to the point, it reminded me of how many ‘tough times’ were going on in 5779 – and how these prayer gatherings literally turned everything around for Am Yisrael.


Five years ago, it was way harder to ‘get with the Rav’, in some ways.

You had to have already figured out that the masonic media lies about everything, collaborates with the corrupt State to frame innocent people for political ends – and that the State itself is rotten to the core, morally.

That was quite an ‘ask’ five years ago.

But now?

This should be obvious to any awake person (awake defined as, literally, not asleep, and with two functioning brain cells.)


So, if you can make it to Hevron on September 12th at 9pm, even with mesirut nefesh, please come and join the prayer gathering, with the Rav.

At the very least, these prayer gatherings ‘work’ to sweeten things for the people who make the effort to participate.

And if you only help yourself by coming – dayenu.

The Controversy over Kol HaTor

Well, I learnt a lot of things about ‘Kol HaTor’ over Shabbat.

To keep things as simple as possible, I’m going to divide the huge post I’ve written up in Word into sections.

Section One (this post) is going to bring the main ideas found in ‘Kol HaTor’ that are being used for all the pseudo-kabbalah about ‘Moshiach ben Yosef’ being a woman, or a non-Jew.

(Or even, a person who is totally evil, but somehow engaged in the process of ‘ingathering the exiles’.)


Then, Section II is going to look at more of the massive controversy over whether these ideas are actually from the GRA, or from ‘Hillel Rivlin of Shklov’, or from someone else entirely.

And if not, then who might have come up with them.

By the end of these posts, I hope, with God’s help to do have done 2 things:

  1. To finally debunk all the crud being amplified online, and particularly, by non-Jews, concerning the speculation about ‘MBY’.
  2. To give you, the reader, the basic information to come to your own conclusions about whether Kol HaTor was really written based on the GRA’s ideas, or not.

If I manage both these things, BH, it will be a lot.


As always, in order to make this stuff accessible and understandable, I have to simplify and focus-in on very specific areas.

I have included footnotes to whatever I’m referring to in Kol HaTor, so if you have the capacity and inclination to engage with the material more, then please do that and draw more of your own conclusions.

Let’s begin.


First, you can see the text of Kol HaTor, side-by-side English and Hebrew, on Sefaria HERE.

Chapter 7, which is talking about the money and charity being raised for Eretz Yisrael is missing…. Apparently, it’s been missing from the Hebrew text right from the beginning. That’s a real shame, because when you follow the money, that’s always when you start to get more clarity about what is really going on.

But here’s the main breakdown of what Kol HaTor sets out, supposedly in the name of the Vilna Gaon, R Eliyahu of Vilna.:


There are two spiritual forces known as ‘MOSHIACH BEN YOSEF’ (MBY)  and ‘MOSHIACH BEN DAVID’ (MBD).

And each of these ‘moshiachs’ has both an ‘upper’ version (corresponding to the angels Me-tat and San-dal), and a ‘lower’ version, apparently corresponding to ‘real people’.

The author of Kol HaTor states[1]:

“The general mission of Moshiach ben Yosef is three fold:




“The INGATHERING OF EXILES encompasses three tasks:





These are the exact words, but I set them out with different syntax to make it easier for us all to read online, and grasp.

In that same paragraph, the author of Kol HaTor also states:

“These three tasks were given to Cyrus…”

This is the basis for the claim that a non-Jew like Trump could be ‘MBY’.


What’s incredible is that Kol HaTor really does describe anyone who is engaged in anything to do with ‘ingathering the exiles’, etc, as being from the ‘line of MBY’.

So according to this idea, if you made aliya yourself, or encouraged someone else to do that – you are from the line of MBY.

If you fly the plane that brings the new olah to Israel – or stamp their passport enabling them to leave their country of origin – you are from the line of MBY.

If you are the Hamas-nik Abdullah, who has a day job on one of the building sites putting up the new apartments across Israel – you are from the line of MBY.

If you are the guy who stabbed the Chabadnik in the middle of Crown Heights last week, or beat up a Jew in the middle of Stamford Hill whilst yelling ‘Allahu Ahkbar!!! – which got a few other Jews to start thinking about making aliya – congratulations! You are also from the line of MBY – according to the Kol HaTor.

Women, non-Jews – anyone who is doing anything to do with any of these goals set out above – Kol HaTor says these people are all aspects of ‘MBY’.


What we learn from this, is that half the world apparently fits into this category of being an aspect of ‘MBY’ – according to Kol HaTor.

Which effectively renders any discussion of a specific individual being ‘MBY’ pointless.

At best.


Take a moment to really digest what’s being said here.

The criteria for ‘MBY’ as set out by the Kol HaTor are so ridiculously wide they encompass literally milllions upon millions of people, including the Arabs who are doing more to physically, literally, ‘rebuild Jerusalem’ than anyone else.

According to these criteria, ‘MBY’-ness has been totally divorced from being a righteous, God-fearing Jew.

Is this really something you think the ‘Vilna Gaon’ was teaching his students? Does this sound ‘kosher’ to you? Is this ‘real kabbalah’, or ‘pseudo-kabbalah’?


Remember this comment from the Shirat Devorah blog, which kick-started this whole discussion?

Now you can see how what’s written in the ‘Kol HaTor’ can be twisted to big-up pretty much anyone in the world, as the ‘MBY’.

(And it’s supremely ironic that according to the Kol HaTor’s own criteria, Abdullah the Hamas-nik handyman who is replacing your floor tiles in Jerusalem still has way more of a claim to the title than Trump or Pollard….)


Other claims made by the Kol HaTor is that the GRA was the MBY of his generation.

“[I]n the last generation, it was the Gaon, our Rabbi, Rabbi Eliyahu, light of Moshiach ben Yosef whose light goes before us, and whose light increases until the day it will be established.

A few of his students, who fulfilled his commandment regarding the vision of Zion to accept and be inspired with his spirit and his great light, are also in the line of Moshiach ben Yosef.”[2]

Of the Kol HaTor’s criteria set out above, the GRA himself was apparently was only engaged in:


Otherwise, the Kol HaTor is seems to be suggesting that the teachings of a dead person, which inspires someone to do something connected to the mission of ‘MBY’ can make someone ‘MBY’ retro-actively.

Personally, this idea is troubling, and has a strong ‘xtian’ whiff.

Moshiach has to be alive, and from our generation, that’s clearly set out in the Gemara.

So how can someone can be the ‘MBY’ of their generation when the actions they are claimed to have inspired only occurred long after they are dead….?


Here’s another very strong quote about the GRA ‘being moshiach’:[3]

“The Gaon became the light of the Moshiach when he was 20 years old in the year 5500, the first hour of the dawn in the 6th millenium. Then the last generation began.”

I’m quoting this stuff, because even the fact that the GRA considered himself to be MBY, and possibly also MBD, has been almost totally obscured today.


In that same par, the author continues:

“Since the Gaon then considered himself to be….from the aspect of MBY, he travelled to the Holy Land. However, on the way, he rose to the level of of the sefira Tiferet, the level of Moshe Rabbenu….

Then the Gaon saw his name hinted at in a verse that refers to Moshe Rabbenu…”With abundant mercy I will gather you” (Isaiah 54:7) and realised that the gematria of the verse equals that of his name [606]…

“Therefore, the Gaon thought that he did not have permission to enter Eretz Yisrael: he could only transmit to his students, as Moshe did to Joshua, that they…. Should begin gathering in the exiles.”


You come to your own conclusions about the authorship of Kol HaTor, but this is one of the extracts that seem to me to be from the authentic teachings of the GRA.



The Kol HaTor continues:

“[T]he entire Redemption depends on the unification of the two pieces of wood [see Ezekiel 37:19]; the wood of Yosef and the wood of Judah…

They are the two meshichim, MBY and MBD, who at first, i.e. When the Redemption starts naturally, from below, will be seperate individuals….Afterwards, they will become one in ‘My hand’ (Ez. 37:19.)”[4]


How does this go together with ‘MBY’ being anyone engaged in the ‘tasks’ of MBY to rebuild Jerusalem, expand its boundaries and ingathering the exiles?

The Kol HaTor doesn’t explain.

So, on the one hand, it’s saying that even evil people, even non-Jews, even apartment-building Hamasnikim are all ‘MBY’ – but then, it reverts back to saying ‘MBY’ is actually just one guy after all.

And that one guy is ultimately one and the same as MOSHIACH BEN DAVID.


Tachlis, this is telling us that the only ‘Moshiach’ that really counts, and who can really be THE Moshiach is Moshiach ben David.

(Who has to be a son-after-son descendant of the House of David).

Or in other words – all this talk about ‘MBY’ is a total red-herring, and even if it’s a ‘kosher’ idea, it’s pointless claiming a specific ploni is ‘MBY’ – because so is half the world.



Here are a few more pertinent snippets I picked up about the general ideas set out in Kol HaTor:

[1] It’s promoting communism / socialism:

“Equality means that each person must equate himself to the other members of his community. He must not regard himself as superior or greater than others, neither materially or spiritually….

The individual has only what the community has.…Nothing in Israel is seperate and personal in all aspects.”[5]


[2] It’s stating that a secret society of ‘People of Truth’ needs to be established and maintained in Jerusalem.

“All the work involved in gathering in the exiles is in preparation of setting up and ‘maintaining people of truth’, in order to reach the level of redemption of the truth….For without the existence of people of truth, there is no hope, God forbid, for all the work involved in the beginning of the Redemption….”[6]


[3] It openly talks about using ‘secret names’ of God:

“A secret name should not be used except at a critical time, in order to save the community and settle the HolyLand, or even more so, to prevent dishonoring God.”[7]


[4] It says the GRA was adept at ‘practical kabbalah’, that he learnt in Shklov, and created a golem:

“When he was only about 14 years old, he also learned a lot about the concealed teachings from great men in our community in Shklov, relatives of his father, his great grandfather R SHLOMO ZALMAN[8], son of R ZVI, as well as from R ELI ZEITLIS.

He especially engaged much in the study of combining letters related to the wisdom of creation.

As we heard directly from his holiness, he did so in order to achieve and now how to create raw power with the help of God – to use it to subdue Samael in the gates of Jerusalem.

That is why he began as far back as his childhood an awesome attempt to create a Golem, as is known.”[9]


Did you know the GRA was engaged in this sort of kabbalistic ‘black magic’ from his childhood?

I for sure didn’t.


Why does all this matter?

Why should anyone care what the Kol HaTor says, and whether or not it was written by the GRA’s real students, or not, based on GRA’s own principles, or not?

There are two main reasons:

  1. Kol HaTor is being used to justify, whitewash, and ‘promote’ evil people, and evil ideas, under the cover of them being ‘MBY’.

I’ve given you a few concrete examples of where we have seen this in action, including Betzalel Naor ‘whitewashing’ yoshki and Shabtai Tzvi, and commentators on the Shirat Devorah blog stating that Trump can by MBY.

There are many more instances of where this has happened in the past, and is still happening today.


2) Kol HaTor is being used to distract sincere Jews away from what the authentic concept of what‘Moshiach’ actually means, and what it entails, which makes it so much harder to identify and accept real candidates for ‘MBD’.

This quote from Eli Eshed’s defunct website basically sums up the problem:

The GRA determined that there are several types of Messiah ben Yosef, and in fact he can be found in any house in Israel, since every person who acts on the plan of redemption has in his soul a spark from the soul of Messiah Ben Yosef.

(This is reminiscent of the classical Zionist view that the Messiah is collectively the people of Israel.)


In other words, we are right back in Korach’s rebellion against Moshe Rabbenu, the one, unique, ‘Tzaddik HaDor’.

Korach is claiming the whole tallit should be tekhelet, not just the strings, and that a room full of Torah scrolls doesn’t need a mezuzah on the wall.

We’re all equal!!! We’re all just as good as you, Moshe Rabbenu, why do we need to be following you when we’re all just as holy?!?

Of course, Korach was rebelling against the Tzaddik HaDor because he wanted the power and the authority for himself – exactly as our failed, anti-Torah State does.

There is literally nothing new under the sun.


In the next post, we’ll take a much closer look at some possible authors of Kol HaTor, BH.

See you there.



[1] Chapter 1, bullet point 6, page in the English rendition of Kol HaTor HERE.

[2] Chapter 1, par 23, on page 15 of the English version.

[3] Chapter 3, par 8, on page 66 of the English version.

[4] Chapter 2, par 101, on page 38 of the English version.

[5] Chapter 5, par B, pages 80-81 of the English version.

[6] Chapter 5, par B, page 79 of the English version.

[7] Chapter 3, par 8, page 69 of the English version.

[8] SHLOMO ZALMAN the son of ZVI is actually the Vilna Gaon’s father, not his great-grandfather. There is a lot of ‘creative genealogy’ at work here.

[9] Chapter 3, par 12, pages 70-71 in the English version.

I wrote this is an update, but it’s important that people see it, so I’m posting it up as a post, too.

The original discussion is here:

After discussing this with my husband, I changed the wording above about the Vilna Gaon, and his students, to make it clear that:

  1. The KOL HATOR was not written by the Vilna Gaon. There is a huge amount of controversy about who really wrote it, and when, and this is something I am now trying to clarify more.
  2. People who claim they were the Vilna Gaon’s students – like HILLEL RIVLIN of Shklov, may, or may not have been the Vilna Gaon’s students. There are so many lies around these people, it’s very possible they appropriated the Vilna Gaon’s reputation after his death, to push their own twisted version of Kabbalah. In fact, this would be ‘par for the course’ for Sabbateans.
  3. No-one really know who ‘the Vilna Gaon’ is / was. Strange as this sounds. Or at least, the people who really do know are covering up a whole bunch of stuff, for reasons that are not at all obvious.
  4. Lastly, I apologise for sometimes writing in a sloppy fashion, where it seems I’m ‘having a go at the Vilna Gaon’.

I’m actually having a go at writings attributed to him, very possibly falsely, that are distinctly ‘Sabbatean’, and which have formed the spiritual basis of the failed z-ist project, and are still being quoted all over the place as ridiculous, misleading reasons for why ‘Trump is MBY’. Etc.

I am trying to feel this stuff out, and I don’t always write or act appropriately.

BH, my husband and my readers are giving me the feedback required to try and keep this on track, and truthful. And I’m grateful to everyone who takes their time to try and help figure this out, I appreciate it’s not an easy process for anyone engaged in it.

I will post this up update as a seperate post to make sure people see it.

In the meantime, I have now printed off the English translation of the Kol HaTor, and I will be reading it over Shabbat, BH.

So at least we can move the discussion on to seeing what the Kol HaTor itself is apparently saying, in trying to figure out where things are getting so twisted.

With Hashem’s help.

If you want to join me, HERE is the PDF of the English translation, archived on the Wayback machine.


In the meantime, I also just got sent this message and prayer about the importance of Rav Berland getting to Uman for Rosh Hashana 5784:

The Rav just said that 10/7 happened because we didn’t get to Uman.

So we must go this year.

So that there shouldn’t be a holocaust, so that there shouldn’t be an earthquake…

It would be beneficial if everyone can say this prayer regularly, a prayer that the Rav should make it to Uman this Rosh Hashana.


English translation:

Prayer that the Rav should get to the Tzion for Rosh Hashana

Ribono shel Olam, who can do anything, and from Whom nothing is withheld:

Give our Rav the merit of getting to the holy, awesome Tzion on Rosh Hashana.

And close up all the mouths of the accusers and the prosecutors, and they should all fall and be swallowed up in the nukhba de tehoma rabba.

And they will no longer be able to get up again, from now, and forever.


Hebrew transliteration:

Ribono shel Olam, kol yachol, asher lo yibatzer mim’cha me-zima.

Zacher et HaRav shelanu la’vo la Tzion HaKadosh v’hanorah be Rosh Hashana.

Ve tistom et kol pi-yot ha mastinim, ve ha mekatragim.

Ve kulam yiplu v’yivalu, b’ nukhba de tehoma raba.

Ve lo tihiyeh la hem yoter tekuma mey ata ve ad olam.


May we just hear good news, amen.


I am taking a few days off blogging, to get on with some other stuff.

BH, I am really hoping that the ‘illusions’ are starting to shatter for more people – especially, the ‘illusions’ woven by the masonic media and all the ‘useful idiots’ with social media who act as amplifiers for the media’s lies and manufactured fear.

On that score, here’s a couple more things to ponder, this time about the Iron Dome – and where all those rockets that keep ‘hitting Israel’ without setting off any cross-border sirens are actually coming from.

Exhibit 1:

(From Chananya Weissman’s Rumble):


What ‘incoming missiles’ do you see being exploded in this video?

(And btw, this type of footage is standard for ‘Iron Dome’. No incoming missiles in the frame, at all, but plenty of Iron Dome pyrotechnics.)


Exhibit 2:

(From HERE)


Are you starting to see how all this works, yet?

There is no ‘Iranian threat’ – there is a bunch of masonic Bros in Iran, put there by the CIA many decades ago, who are working with their masonic Bros in the US and Israel to try and get ‘WW3 going’, so they can move forward with their agendas to imprison humanity and impose a ‘one world’ order, all happily serving the devil.

This ‘war’ is 100% spiritual.


That’s why what is really making the difference is our prayers, teshuva, Tikkun HaKlalis – and getting behind the Rav, the Tzaddik HaDor, who is doing some amazing things with all this stuff to really wage the battle where it counts, in Shemayim.

All the ‘useful idiots’ who are still blathering on about ‘Iran, Iran, Iran’ are just wasting your time, stressing you out for nothing, and basing their information on media lies.

‘Iran’ is controlled by the satanic masonic Bros.

And so is Israel.

And so is America, and Russia – and Trump.


Last thing for now, to underline the point about how ‘useful idiots’ on social media can corrupt even our holiest concepts, and paint black as white:


‘Pseudo Kabbalah’ at its finest, and most destructive.

According to these parameters, then also Haman was ‘MBY’ – look at all the teshuva he got Am Yisrael to make!

And for sure, Stalin was ‘MBY’ – because look at all the help he provided the Jewish commies with, to get their commie State in the Middle East set up at the UN!


If this is the ‘standard’ we are expecting from ‘MBY’, then maybe, Trump IS this generation’s MBY after all.

Or maybe, Nasrallah is.

Or Kim Il Jong, who also apparently has a nuke and an itchy trigger finger.



Joel Bakst is an interesting person.

He is a descendant of the ‘Vilna Gaon’ – and his books are some of the most disturbing works I’ve ever read, in terms of how they blend together ‘truth’ with lies, spiritually.

Just what you’d expect from the tradition of the ‘Vilna Gaon’ – when you start to understand the ‘Kol HaTor’ actually seems to be the continuation of Sabbatean twisted kabbalah.

That’s not just me saying it – if you didn’t already, head over to the Kotzk blog, and check out these posts:






Apparently, the Kotzk blog has taken this last article down, without an explanation as to why.

You can still read it on the wayback machine here:

It seems we must be over the target, tracking down how the Sabbatean leanings of the Vilna Gaon’s self-styled students have been shaping what’s been going on in Israel for 200 years…


One of the most interesting points from this discussion on the Kotzk Blog pertains to the ‘Kol HaTor’.

He’s bringing sources that suggest it’s at least possible that the ‘Kol HaTor’ was never written by the Vilna Gaon at all, and was kind of ‘introduced’ as part of an attempt at ‘revising history’ by Benjamin Rivlin’s grandson, Shlomo Zalman Rivlin.

According to Athol Bloomer, a Frankist descendent and ‘Hebrew-Catholic’, Benjamin Rivlin, the Gabia Ha’Kesef, is the ‘Frankist Tzaddik’ who stayed behind in the Jewish community to carry on corrupting from within.


And judging by all this stuff floating around about ‘MBY’ – all based on the Sabbatean doctrines set out in Kol HaTor – they did, and are still doing, a fantastic job of that.


As always, continue to think for yourselves.

(Or maybe, just start thinking for yourself, wherever you are actually holding in this process of birur….)

Because the truth is always hidden clearly in plain sight.

We just need to take off the blinkers.



After discussing this with my husband, I changed the wording above about the Vilna Gaon, and his students, to make it clear that:

  1. The KOL HATOR was not written by the Vilna Gaon. There is a huge amount of controversy about who really wrote it, and when, and this is something I am now trying to clarify more.
  2. People who claim they were the Vilna Gaon’s students – like HILLEL RIVLIN of Shklov, may, or may not have been the Vilna Gaon’s students. There are so many lies around these people, it’s very possible they appropriated the Vilna Gaon’s reputation after his death, to push their own twisted version of Kabbalah. In fact, this would be ‘par for the course’ for Sabbateans.
  3. No-one really know who ‘the Vilna Gaon’ is / was. Strange as this sounds. Or at least, the people who really do know are covering up a whole bunch of stuff, for reasons that are not at all obvious.
  4. Lastly, I apologise for sometimes writing in a sloppy fashion, where it seems I’m ‘having a go at the Vilna Gaon’, when I’m actually having a go at writings attributed to him, very possibly falsely, that are distinctly ‘Sabbatean’, and which have formed the spiritual basis of the failed z-ist project, and are still being quoted all over the place as ridiculous, misleading reasons for why ‘Trump is MBY’. Etc.

I am trying to feel this stuff out, and I don’t always write or act appropriately.

BH, my husband and my readers are giving me the feedback required to try and keep this on track, and truthful. And I’m grateful to everyone who takes their time to try and help figure this out, I appreciate it’s not an easy process for anyone engaged in it.

I will post this up update as a seperate post to make sure people see it.

In the meantime, I have now printed off the English translation of the Kol HaTor, and I will be reading it over Shabbat, BH.

So at least we can move the discussion on to seeing what the Kol HaTor itself is apparently saying, in trying to figure out where things are getting so twisted.

With Hashem’s help.

If you want to join me, HERE is the PDF of the English translation, archived on the Wayback machine.

So much for the break.


BH, in less than a month, we’ll be celebrating another wedding.

Another beit ne’eman being built in Israel.

Another new Jewish family being created, here in the holy land.

B’ezrat Hashem, with Hashem’s help.

Here’s the wedding invite the bride painted herself:


In this current, very difficult time for Am Yisrael, when we are all feeling the ‘destruction’ perhaps more than ever before, I wanted to post the invite up to remind us where all this is really heading.

And how we ‘rebuild the Temple’ in our dalet amot.


We rebuild the Temple by seeing God behind every single thing that is happening.

By continuing to call out to Him to come and rescue us – and walking away from all the nonsense being spouted about politics, armies or ‘good Americans’ saving us.

We rebuild the Temple by replacing any foundation that’s been rotted and corrupted by things like hatred, jealousy, arrogance and fallen fears.

And replacing it with real emuna, real compassion for others – and especially, for ourselves – and things like humility, patience, perseverance and hope.

And we fill that ‘rebuilt Temple’ with our prayers, for ourselves and for others, that all this suffering will end soon, all the evil will be swept away in the blink of an eye.

And we can spend most of our time concentrating on serving God happily, to the best of our ability.


The masonic-controlled news won’t tell you this, but there have been more weddings happening in Israel this terrible year of 5784, than ever before.

There are so many young people here who are being spurred on dafka to begin a new life, dafka to build a new home, dafka, to not give in to all the ‘predictions of disaster’, doom and gloom, ‘war with Iran’, whatever….

Who is like your people, Am Yisrael, Hashem?!



Today we sit on the floor, and we weep for the churban, and the death and the destruction, and the terrible suffering.

But after the weeping ends, in a few more hours.

I’m going back to planning a wedding, BH.

Me, and thousands other parents like me, all over Israel.

Whose kids are teaching us the most powerful, real, lesson of all, about how we really rebuild the Temple.

Ken yiyeh haratzon. Amen.


There’s a kind of ‘heavy’ vibe in Israel today.

Of course there is… you can’t have the masonic media running scare stories for two weeks about how ‘Iran’ is going to bomb us back to the stoneage without causing kind of a national ‘downer’.

There is definitely a fair dose of anxiety and worry in the air, even when you’re doing your best to ignore all the ‘panic inducement’ and ‘predictions’.


This AM, I was doing my hitbodedut when I fell asleep in the middle of it.

That’s when I started dreaming about Shwekey (no, it wasn’t a waking nightmare….) singing this over and over again:



The basic translation of the chorus is this:

Am Yisrael!

Don’t be scared!

Hashem our God is going before us!

Am Yisrael!

Don’t be scared!

Hashem Elokeynu, Hashem Echad!


I woke up with this above song, and these words (below) in my head:


The Jewish people are 100% above nature.

Our teshuva, our prayers, our Torah learning, our good deeds, our tzedekah  – this is what changes EVERYTHING around.

At least, for the people who believe that we are ABOVE NATURE, and who put their effort into dealing with God direct, instead of acting and believing like fate-bound non-Jews.


A word about the term “ARMAGGEDDON.”

It’s totally xtian, taken from the xtian ‘prophetic’ book called REVELATIONS.

In our days, it’s come to mean death and destruction on a world-wide scale for anyone who is not a xtian.

When xtians talk about ‘Armageddon’, they do it with breathless excitement, and zero words about returning to God and making some real teshuva.

Partially, it’s because they are not ‘above nature’, as the Jewish people are, so the idea that our teshuva etc can turn everything around – even so-called ‘Armageddon’ – is just not on the table.

And partially, it’s because their theology teaches that the only ‘teshuva’ a person needs to make is just to get with Yoshki…. and that’s it.

It’s upsetting me, that this thoroughly ‘xtian’ idea of what happens next is so permeating what is meant to be the sincerely observant ‘Jewish’ blogosphere.


Ah, the bitter fruits of this long exile….

So, in the few hours before Tisha B’Av begins, instead of focussing on more non-Jewish rubbish about ‘Armageddon’ (and btw, interesting that ‘Iran’s nuke’ has disappeared out of the conversation now, for the first time in 25+ years….) – I sincerely suggest you spend some time talking to God about how to internalise the idea that the Jewish people are ABOVE NATURE.


I don’t know what happens next.

In many ways, I don’t really care.

Whatever happens next, it’s in God’s hands.

And my job is to carry on doing my daily hour of hitbodedut, carry on doing the 7 Tikkun HaKlalis a day, that give our real Tzaddikim like Rav Berland the ‘spiritual ammo’ required to fight the real wars for us – in shemayim!

And, to carry on living life as a believing Jew, and encouraging my children and others to know that we are ABOVE NATURE, and that God doesn’t want people to die – He really just wants people to make some real teshuva.


This is the present, one of them, that you get from following Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s path.

Acceptance of God’s total control of the world, while still feeling that God is so close to you, and so interested in what is going on with you, you can literally talk to Him like a good friend, for an hour a day.

(Or more…. if you want.)



I wish all my readers a meaningful Tisha B’av.

And an easy fast.

And that we should see this next ‘revelation’ of the soul of Moshiach (that was set to occur on Tisha B’av, as described by R Elmaliach many, many months ago….) from the perspective of understanding we are ABOVE NATURE.


Lastly, here is what the Rav has been saying, about rockets:

The ikker (main thing) is the Tikkun Haklali.

Rabbenu revealed the Tikkun Haklali, but we still haven’t begun to know what the Tikkun Haklali really is. The Tikkun Haklali can sweeten everything.

Every Tikkun HaKlali – this sweetens a million rockets.


Picture of the Tzaddik protecting Eretz Yisrael from rocket attack by artist Yehoshua Wiseman.


Our prayers and teshuva is what turns everything around, for the good, miraculously.

At least, for the people who believe it.

The Rav at Kever Yosef, the week of  Parshat Devarim, Rosh Chodesh Av

Account from one of the people who accompanied him. Translated from Shivivei Or Newsletter 371.


The Rav got to the Tziyon at 1.48am and left Shechem at 3.18am.

At the beginning of the journey, the Rav was mamash happy. He said that now, the greatest thing is Rosh Chodesh Av, it’s the time when it’s possible to bring down a Beit HaMikdash of fire, it’s the preparation for Rosh Hashanah.

When we were waiting to enter [Shechem], the Rav asked when we were going in, already. Once, I used to go in here by foot, every night, with all the Arabs. I’d get out of the taxi from Kalkilya, and then go on foot. Afterwards, I’d rest a bit in the Kasbah, and drink something there.


On the way [into Shechem], we saw the Arabs had made all sorts of fires, as part of their riots, and they’d burned down some sort of factory, and there was a massive fire. The Rav said this was the ‘fire’ of Yosef HaTzaddik.

And the house of Yaakov will be fire, and the house of Yosef a burning flame, and the house of Esav – as straw’ (Ovadia 1:18)

This is the fire of Yosef HaTzaddik. We have nothing else in life other than the Tzion of Yosef HaTzaddik, and the Tzion of Rabbenu. In the merit of this, we are alive, and in the merit of this, we continue to exist.


The ikker (main thing) is the Tikkun Haklali.

Rabbenu revealed the Tikkun Haklali, but we still haven’t begun to know what the Tikkun Haklali really is. The Tikkun Haklali can sweeten everything.

Every Tikkun HaKlali – this sweetens a million rockets.


Now, until Rosh Hashana, we need to say as many Tikkun HaKlalis as possible, every single day.

It’s the only thing that can sweeten everything.


We got to the Tzion, and we said four Tikkun Haklalis together with the Rav.

At the end of the first Tikkun Haklali, when the Rav was alone in the Tzion, a group of soldiers came to the Rav to get a bracha, and the Rav blessed them.

Immediately afterwards, at 2:12 am, the Rav said in another little while, it’s the molad (new moon). During the recitation of the second and third Tikkun Haklalis, it was the molad, and at their completion, the Rav danced with one of the mafakdim (army officers) ‘in the merit of Yosef HaTzaddik’.


The Rav then talked about Shushan, his neighbor in Beitar, who had his car crushed by boulders in Halhul [when he drove with the Rav to visit the grave of the Prophet Gad, in the local mosque]. And the insurance didn’t want to pay up because he’d gone into a ‘restricted area’.


The Rav spoke about all the court cases and the persecution he’d been subjected to by the zionists. The Rav said that everything they do themselves all the time, they blame it on the Rav.


The Rav spoke about all the persecution of the media and the leftists against Bibi, and about the defamation of the leftists, who are mamash sonei Israel (haters of the Jewish people).

And all the time incite [people] by suggesting that Bibi doesn’t want to make an agreement [to get the hostages returned]. After all, there is no Jew who doesn’t want the hostages to be freed, so what is this, ‘doesn’t want an agreement’?

There is no Jew who doesn’t want the hostages to be brought home, so how can you say all day long that Bibi is causing the negotiations to fail? All the news, every single hour, all the time they just try to whip up more sinat chinam.

If not for the media, all of Am Yisrael would be together, in friendship.

The media are against the religious, and against Am Yisrael, all the time.


The Rav said that all the nations are rising up against Am Yisrael.

Biden said that there needs to be a simple reckoning. They killed 1,500 of yours, kill 1,500 of them in return. But, how did you get to 40,000?!

This is simple math, one plus one. Why did you kill so many of them?!

All the world is outraged – where it the proportionality?! Where is the humanity?! You don’t know simple math!


The Rav said that each soldier who is protecting Am Yisrael will enter Gan Eden with their body.

That if he is using his own body to ‘protect’ Am Yisrael, he will enter Gan Eden with his body. But, the question is, what is he going to do after the army? He has a test. If he’s going to start talking against the chareidim, and becomes a leftist, he’ll lose everything.


The Rav said it’s totally assur (forbidden) to enlist in the army today, even for someone who is not learning Torah.

Because the whole purpose of the army is to make everyone secular.

On purpose, they are putting female soldiers in every place, and there is no kosher food. Because there is no kosher food, and all this tumah, soldiers are dying.

There shouldn’t be this reality, where Jewish soldiers are dying. After all, in the war against Midian, Hashem said go and take vengeance against the Midianites, for what they did to Am Yisrael.

Moshe said, Hashem’s vengeance – we only want ‘Hashem’s vengeance’.

Everyone returned home whole, no Jew was killed.


It’s forbidden to become ‘used’ to this.

We hear every single day another notice, that another soldier died.

There shouldn’t be any such thing!

The moment that we hear something like this, that another soldier was killed, we should fast! We should sit on the floor, and weep, and tear our clothes.

But they aren’t fighting l’shem shemayim (for the sake of heaven). If they were fighting l’shem shemayim, and eating kosher, and guarding the modesty – no soldier would have been killed.

It’s forbidden, for any other Jew to be killed.


Benny Gantz was in yeshiva until the age of 20.

So today, he’s the greatest sonei Israel, because he understands that only like this, he can advance. Because whoever fights against the Torah, and who is in favor of the Arabs, gets promoted.


The Rav said that every [Arab] house where there is shooting from that house, it should be blown up {i.e. Instead of sending soldiers in on foot to search it].


The leftists say that whoever comes to Shechem is provoking the Arabs.

The Rav spoke at great length about all the history of the Arabs wanting to run away from here, and the Etzel and the Haganah caught them against their will, and wouldn’t let them leave.

And that Ben Gurion made a deal with the Arabs that they would give him Tsfat and Haifa, and the Arabs would take Jerusalem.

The Haganah were already at the entrance to Jerusalem, and they told the Arabs take the Kotel! We don’t need the Old City!

This was the agreement Ben Gurion made.


I used to go to the Kotel when I was 5, 6, 7, 8, before you were even born.

The Arabs don’t have any connection to the Kotel. Mohammed never even visited the Kotel. They say that he tied his horse up there.


Truman [former US President] said that immediately after they make the announcement about the State of Israel, a single Jew won’t remain [alive]. He cried.

But really?

All the Arabs really just want to run away.

They opened up the gates for them in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, now they suddenly want to return, but they by themselves wanted to run away.

Hashem is always guarding over Israel.


The Rav spoke some more about the incitement / sedition of the leftists, that everything is because ‘the Arabs are oppressed’.

So what was [1929], when they killed 69 Jews in Hevron?! They chopped them into pieces! What was the ‘provocation’ there? Who was ‘oppressing’ them?


These same Nukhba terrorists now, someone ‘stroked’ them

They’ve already sent [Jewish] soldiers to court.[1]


The Rav spoke about the ‘failures’ on Simchat Torah, and how they occurred.

They said that the soldiers should come here [close to Shechem] to Huwara, to guard against the ‘settlers’, and prevent them from ‘hurting’ the Arabs.

But how can it be, that it takes a plane just 15 seconds to get to the area [i.e. The Gaza fence]?

How can it be, that a bulldozer destroys the fence for a few hours, and no-one comes?!

Where was the army?

They went to enjoy themselves in hotels in Eilat.[2]


The Rav said the whole time that the most important thing, is that the Jewish people will go in to Kever Yosef.

We have no interest in making a balagan with the army, or with endangering soldiers, or making a balagan with the Arabs.

Just to go and pray at Yosef HaTzaddik.

This is the ikker.

We are staying alive in his merit.


Hebrew reads: “The Rav says the most important thing is to pray for me to get to Uman.”



[1] The Rav is referring to the awful ‘Sde Teiman’ libel against innocent Jewish soldiers. The media in Israel has been complicit in splicing videos together, etc, to present a false story that has demonised Israeli soldiers across the world. If you follow Hebrew, the Kipaadu Telegram channel has a lot of background about what really happened.

If you don’t have Hebrew, this is the key fact to understand:

[2] Sadly, this is true. The Shin Bet was mostly ‘on holiday’ in Eilat, during Simchat Torah.