Beyond ‘superficial’

Do you remember 20 years ago, when there were all those ‘scamming’ emails being sent around?

Always some Nigerian prince, or other minor royalty from Asia or Africa, who apparently had $50 million he was trying to smuggle out of his country, and he just needed your bank account details to help him do that?

And then he’d pay you $1 million for the privilege of helping him out?


Those emails ALWAYS contained a lot of rudimentary spelling errors, that made them seem sloppy and unprofessional.

Clearly, these were very slick ‘scamming’ operations, and clearly, a lot of people were instantly turned off and had their suspicions raised, by these bad spelling errors.

Organised crime may be evil, but it ain’t dumb….

What, they couldn’t spell check a few times, before pressing send? Or pay an editor to proofread?


That would be missing the point.

The point, was to find those ‘stupid’ people who weren’t put off by the spelling errors, and so easy to keep fooling, until they’d turned over their bank account details (and everything in it….) to Prince Mwenga from Nairobi.

THAT was the point.


I’m watching the whole circus continuing to play out around St Trump – from a distance.

Really, just via the small things people are sending me over email – like this, from my husband yesterday:

Trump – look no scars!

First photos of Trump without ear bandage has everyone saying the same thing (

Let me ask you something: do you really think that the Evils are soooooo stupid, that they wouldn’t even take care of small details like this, that are so obvious?

Or is something else going on?


First, let’s deal with the obvious.

My husband scratched his hand in the supermarket last year, a small cut, but deep enough to draw blood.

He showed it to me yesterday – there is a tiny scar there.

Meanwhile, I cut my finger on a sharp bit of my kitchen sieve three weeks ago. Even with ‘healing clay’ on it, you could still see a visible mark there, until a couple of days ago.

But St Trump apparently got the top half of his ear ‘grazed’ by a bullet two weeks ago…. and there is absolutely nothing to show for it.


Here’s your choice:

  1. Trump’s ear was never grazed by a bullet, and the ‘shooting of Trump’ part of this whole production was 100% staged, to get the stoopids back in his corner.
  2. Trump is drinking baby’s blood, or something, to miraculously ‘speed’ the healing process in a way that defies logic.


But really?

There is something much deeper going on.

The Evils can install whoever they want as President – or PM here, or anywhere else.

They just need enough ‘credibility’ for their candidate, however far-fetched, so that enough people stay fast asleep and still believing in ‘democracy’.

All this is not about getting Trump re-elected as President.

It’s about the Evils checking to see how many people out there are stoopid enough to keep mindlessly following ‘the circus’, wherever it wants to lead them.


That’s also why St Trump is still blathering on about ‘how great’ his Operation Warp Speed was – even though a huge part of his base is clearly ‘anti’ or confused by what happened.

They are using Trump to gauge public sentiment, to see how much further they can push their agenda, how much they can really get away with, without sparking huge public outcry, and even revolutions.

Trump is really just the bait on the hook – the ‘Prince Mwenga of Nairobi’, on a global scale.


One more thought, about ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’.

It looks like it’s now mutated, into ‘TDS 24’.

That’s where you throw up a million and one reasonable, obvious ‘issues’ with Trump, and particularly the staged ‘assassination attempt’ – but people with TDS 24 are so bought into St Trump, they can’t even engage with basic information that would have a preschooler raising a suspicious eyebrow.

I don’t know what the antidote to TDS 24 is.

But if you know someone who has it, just warn them that ‘Prince Mwenga from Nairobi’ will be in touch soon.


3 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    I remember the Prince Mwenga emails, although in my case it was always a Nigerian general who had more O’s and U’s in his name then a consonant.

    I agree with you about ST. Trump. I saw this video on one of these Dr’s who was one of the awake ones during the scamdemic. They are explaining how the evil ones are using the same PCR test to test for the Bird Flu and destroying millions of chickens in the process, and people just keep buying it. Like here in Israel with the West Nile Virus. They are even so open about it, they don’t care because they know majority of the public will still buy it.

    • adelle
      adelle says:

      oh bird flu is a fun one. it only affects chickens but never pigeons or eagles or ducks or turkeys or doves or crows. yet it can jump to humans. fancy that. anyhoooo

  2. Simon
    Simon says:

    I’m currently in the process of corresponding with such scammers, to waste their time. How apropos, this post.
    And yes, some of my family members have “TDS,” because they’re under hypnosis.


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