Armilus and the Masons – comments from the Rav

These are not new comments from Rav Berland.

The Rav is currently keeping pretty quiet about what is going on, at least, I’m not hearing or reading very much ‘new stuff’ to share at the moment.

But when I was re-reading Conversations II, which bring together a bunch of what the Rav said at the end of 2023, a couple of those passages really jumped out at me.

One of them is about Armilus the Rasha:


It’s written that Armilus the Rasha will come with ‘one eye’.

Armilus the Rasha, who will make the war of Gog and Magog, he will come with just one eye. He will have just one eye in his forehead.

You should know, that this is Armilus. Know how to recognise him! Identify him!

But only the great-grandchildren of the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren will see him, Armilus the Rasha.

Then, no trace of the Jewish people will remain, just 7,000 men. From all Am Yisrael, just 7,000! And then Armilus the Rasha will come with his one eye, and he’s meant to conquer Eretz Yisrael – but he won’t succeed.


At this stage, hopefully most of us can make the connection between the ‘one eye’  of Armilus the Rasha and the ‘illuminated eye’ of the satanic secret societies that took over the world 2-300 years ago.


Then, the Rav also said this, in a totally different shiur:

(I am skipping the first part, where the Rav is talking about the importance of conducting relations in a state of kedusha, even between a married couple.)



Excerpt from Shiur given on Motzae Shabbat, 23rd December, 2023 at the Beit HaRav


All the masons, the bonim chofshim (freemasons), their ‘symbol’ is the Beit HaMikdash (Temple).

They want to make a new religion, that the Beit HaMikdash will be in Jerusalem, and each person will do whatever he wants.

Everyone will come to ‘pray’, and everyone will just do whatever they want. And their whole goal is to make a new religion, and the Beit HaMikdash will be at its centre – but each person will do whatever they want to do.

Everyone can come to their Beit HaMikdash to pray – an Arab, a notzri, it doesn’t matter. An Indian, someone from India, from China, Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, everyone – all the nations united under a single ‘Beit HaMikdash’.

And this is the symbol, the Beit HaMikdash.


And even, even Bibi is a member there.

Everyone is a haver (member, but can also mean ‘friend’). Biden is a member.

They have protection.

Whoever is a member, so they work with the courts so that nothing should be done to them.

He can steal, kill – whatever he wants.

(So now, everyone should go and become a member of the bonim chofshim…. Everyone.)



So now, we are asking everyone, that on the night of Nital (xmas eve), not to hang around on the streets, and to be careful….

Because now, the Hamas, in another little while, will already get to Jerusalem.

Because the plan was for the Hamas to get to Ashdod. This was the plan of the medina.

That by way of this, they would pull the ‘right’ down. Everything was planned.

They went through all the security teams, from all the kibbutzim, and took their weapons away from them.

They sent them [the army units usually stationed on the border] to Huwara, they sent them to here, they emptied out the whole army.[3]


And those that came, they didn’t give them guns.

They told them, we don’t have the key to the armoury…. We need to do a list – to give out [the guns] according to the list.

And like this, they dragged it out for two days, three. They only got to Kissufim on the fourth day, in the morning. And the earliest they got there was 10pm at night (i.e. Motzae Simchat Torah), after they’d already slaughtered a thousand young men and a thousand young women.

All this was planned.


Now, they publicised that everything was planned, down to the smallest exact details, which day, and everything.

Everything was exact. Everything was exact. It wasn’t ‘stam’ (happenstance). Everything was exact, with the greatest degree of precision.

Mamash, like it was by the [….], where everything was also done precisely.

That’s how they managed to get six million to ‘ascend’ on the fire.

And now, 1,500 went up on the fire, and 400 soldiers, just to reconquer the kibbutzim from the Hamas.


Here on the blog, we’ve been ‘fleshing out’ the Rav’s copious hints about what is really going on, and who is really behind it.

You can draw your own conclusions.

But one thing I will say, is please, please, please, encourage the soldiers in your dalet amot – especially the reservists, especially the reservists who are fathers and husbands – to STAY OUT OF THE FIGHTING.

All the ‘fighting’ is simply another death trap, designed to kill as many good Jews as possible.

There is no option of ‘winning’ on the table – this is not, and never was about ‘winning’.


The good news is, more and more regular people are starting to speak out, and are starting to turn the tide on the brainwashing that has sent so many good Jews to their deaths.


Yesterday, I was talking to someone up North whose husband has just been called back into the reserves AGAIN, after months serving in Gaza. Now, he’s been sent up North.

And she’s had enough.

There are tens of thousands of women like her – they just need encouragement, that it’s not ‘selfish’ to want their husbands home, and not dead…..


And even some of the Hesder Rabbis are starting to write publically, about the terrible, wanton destruction of Jewish soldiers occurring – for NO GAIN, and at the orders of ‘Bro. Biden’.

Read this: (it’s the Srugim website)

Here is a machine translated snippet of some of Rabbi Dr Eliyahu Zini, head of the Hesder Yeshiva in Haifa:

Not only are the complaints coming to me increasing in intensity, but we are witnessing the fall of so many soldiers, fathers of families, wonderful intellectuals and values full of supreme soul devotion, and our concern for prayer can no longer be reduced, and it is a sacred duty of each of us to examine every possible way to end this terrible carnage.

Lest we be told that this is the price that every war demands, this is not true, because the testimonies of so many soldiers suggest [the manner in which] this war is being waged is unforgivably criminal.


Already in Sivan, the day after the Sabbath in which ten soldiers lost their lives, I published an article in which I accused the military and political leadership of actual murder. 

It is hard to know who is to blame for this terrible, never-to-be-forgiven bloodshed, whether the entire cabinet is made up of U.S. slaves, or the High Command. (And maybe both?)


Responsibility for this terrible bloodshed should have brought any man with the minimum of morality to put down the keys and go – and even be behind bars – but no. 

Not only have they not been held accountable – except for a few words of language and pressure – they still dare to continue to lead the military’s moves. It is doubtful that such a thing will ever be seen in any country in the world.

The cry of these soldiers has been deafening for a long time, and it is growing louder – for they have already seen enough of their comrades fall in vain in the occupation for the fourth and fifth time of what they have conquered at a terrible price of blood. Since the beginning of this war.


On Thursday, they are beginning a big PR push, to include the yeshiva students in the carnage, too.

Don’t fall for it.

This is not a holy war, it’s not a war being run by people who are trying to ‘save Jewish lives’.

It’s exactly the opposite.

It’s a ‘war’ that is being planned and conducted by the one-eyed ‘Armilus the Rasha’ – on all sides of it.


As well as praying for all the soldiers to come back whole, in soul, mind and body, the other thing you can do is start to make an ‘atmosphere’ where it’s OK, even good, for the reservists to stay home, and to stay alive, and to stick around to see their kids grow up.

That shift happens one person at a time, one conversation at a time.


No ‘army’ is going to save us from Armilus the Rasha – especially, not our own.

Chaval, that it should be your son, your husband, your brother, your dad, who gets killed or maimed for absolutely no gain.

We only have God to rely on.


The last thing, is that there are still people out there saying ‘it’s a good idea’ for shababnikim – the guys who are falling out of chareidi society, and not learning Torah full time etc – to be shoved in the army.

I totally disagree.

The whole premise is flawed.

The failed State should have switched away from forced conscription to having a standing army of professionals a long, long time ago.

One of the big reasons they didn’t, is because ‘the army’ is a big part of the brainwashing and control apparatus that’s been installed here, to break the Jewish connection to Hashem and His Torah.


Even in the Hesder units, even in Nahal Chareidi, even assuming everything is 100% kosher, 100% of the time (which it isn’t….)

There are factors here, concerning how taking another human life profoundly affects the person forced to do that – even when the killing is justified, halachically.

It’s not a simple thing, to destroy another human being.

It has profound spiritual consequences.

It’s not something I would want anyone in my family to ever be in the situation of having to do – not even when it’s 100% mandated by the Torah.


I am all for ‘self defense’.

But, prevention is worth so much more than ‘cure’.

‘Prevention’ is prayer, teshuva, charity. Really turning back to God, really asking Him to save us from the terrible situation we are dealing with, here in the failed State.

Killing other people with our own hands has to be the last resort, when we have to save our own lives.

That’s not what is going on here.


Tov, that’s enough for one post.

I wasn’t intending to write a big creed today, but on one of the 2 telegram channels I still check, because I can’t help it, there was a story of a man from Karnei Shomron with 10 kids, who just fell in Lebanon.

The heart bleeds for that man, and his wife.

And his 10 orphans.

What was he doing out on the ‘front lines’ in Lebanon?

R Akiva taught us very clearly, your own life takes precedence.


May Hashem avenge his blood.

And the blood of all the other Jewish korbanot, being sacrificed on the altar of Armilus.

And you?

Keep your guys out of it, however you can.

Your own life takes precedence.

That’s not ‘selfish’.

It’s Torah.



[1] Of Likutey Halachot, Orach Chaim, Part 3 – written by Rabbi Natan Sternhartz.

[2] See Pele Yoetz, letter zayin, ‘Zugot’ (couples).

[3] In a footnote to this comment in the Shivivei Or Newsletter, the editor explains that in a separate shiur, the Rav spoke about how shlichim from Chabad went around to army bases in the South during Sukkot with arbeh minot to have soldiers shake the lulav, etc, and they found that there were hardly any soldiers on the bases.

5 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    Thank you for this post. Again here on our yishuv, another reservist killed on Sunday, A Rabbi, Teacher and father of 10 kids.

    I haven’t heard anyone in our circle speak out about the reservists going back again to fight. I keep seeing more of them returning home for Shabbat etc…. Then again, it was the same Anglo Dati community that ran to take the jab.

    I do hear from many how as usual the Charedim must do more, serve, work, things are so bad we can’t have so many people not working. It is a shame that so many are still brainwashed. Armilus stil has his claws in so many Jews.

      • AK
        AK says:

        No I don’t try because it wouldn’t go well. Many of them have seen our change to Breslov and wonder what happened to us (if you know what I mean). There is such a blindness it is truly a shame. They are good people and much chesed is done here, but they are not capable of seeing being there own reality,

        • asd
          asd says:

          just a suggestion:
          sometimes, if you want to help someone see the truth, it works better if you take their side of the argument, and you go even more extreme than themselves, that can make it easier for them to see that their claims aren’t really so rational. but if you think there’s no chance of success it’s usually better not to engage, it only causes negative outcomes.


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