Albert Pike, Mazzini – and David Levi

Yes, there is a solid line of transmission between Pike and ‘political zionism’ after all.

Read on.


The last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out how ‘Albert Pike’, 33rd degree mason of the Scottish rite, and open satanist, links up with all the Jewish masons that were fronting the ‘political Zionism’ project in Eretz Yisrael.

People like to say ‘the devil is in the details’, but I usually find that ‘the truth is in the details’ – and the truth is God’s seal.

We can argue until we’re blue in the face about whether Albert Pike and the masons were really planning to create three world wars as long ago as 1870.

Bottom line: if I couldn’t find a ‘line of transmission’ between Pike and the Jewish masons fronting the ‘political zionism’ project, then this whole discussion was never going to move forward in any meaningful way.


As usual, I have a massive dose of siyatta di’shmeya to thank for what I’m about to share with you in this post.

God is sending me all this information, in a pretty amazing fashion, and I’m just typing it up and trying to present it in a way that makes it more accessible.

With all the propaganda about a ‘3rd Lebanon War’, with the ominous date of Elul 25th coming up this Shabbat – it’s never been more important to understand how the masons are using manipulation of Jewish souls to fuel pure evil in the world.

What it boils down to, is if you are ‘cheerleading’ war in Israel at this point in time, spiritually, you are supporting the satanic agenda of the masons.

Full stop.


So, let’s remind ourselves what Pike is said to have written about the satanic masons trying to start three world wars to basically ‘uproot’ all Torah-based morality and religion from the world, so they can get people worshipping ‘Lucifer’ as part of their ‘one world religion’, back in 1871:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.


People usually put all the emphasis on Pike, and kind of overlook MAZZINI, the Italian mason Pike was actually writing to.

So, what happened next is this.

I typed in ‘Freemasons’ and ‘Jews’ into the website of the National Library here in Jerusalem, and it brought up a few interesting sounding books and publications.

One of them in particular caught my eye, a biography of a Jewish-Italian-Freemason-Revolutionary-Poet, by the name of DAVID LEVI, called ‘Prophet of Renewal’.

(It was written by Italian researcher Alessandro Grazi).

So, I ordered it, and when I could find a couple of hours away from all the wedding preparations, I escaped to the National Library to read it.


Dear reader: I hit the ‘masonic’ jackpot.

At least, in terms of linking PIKE, via MAZZINI, via DAVID LEVY, to a whole bunch of masons you probably heard of, including MOSES MONTEFIORE, the B-I-L of NATHAN ROTHSCHILD, the close family member of EDUARD de ROTHSCHILD, ‘HaNADIV’.

Read on.


The story begins with Napoleon’s conquest of Italy, in 1796.

I’ll flesh the French bit of this Jewish Freemason story out more in a seperate post – it links up directly with ABRAHAM GRADIS, the ‘converso’ King of Bordeaux who was basically the French King’s placeman to fund the American revolution against England.


ABRAHAM GRADIS was tight buddies with a lot of leading French masons.

And the French Revolution was essentially a FREEMASON REVOLUTION, trying to overturn the world and introduce satanism as a ‘one world religion’.

(The French even abolished the 7 day week, just so they could do away with ‘the Sabbath’. It’s really crazy stuff, that most people have no idea about.)

We’ll get to that another time, BH.


For the purposes of this post, it’s enough to know that Italy’s Jews welcomed the freemason Napoleon, hoping to benefit from all the ‘equality, liberty and brotherhood’.

Let’s quote a bit from the book, from page 37:

“[T]he ghetto’s gates were torn down and the Jews under Napoleonic rule temporarily enjoyed full civil rights….

“At that time in Italy, nine Jews occupied important local administrative positions. Amongst them was David Levi’s grandfather, David Levi senior, who was deputy mayor in their family’s hometown, Chieri….

“For Italian Jews, an important institutional measure taken by Napoleon was… The establishment of two assemblies: The Assembly of the Notable Israelites of France, Italy and Alsace in 1806, and the Grand Sanhedrin in 1807.”


And the Italian Jews participated in relatively large numbers in Napoleon’s ‘Reform-Masonic’ Sanhedrin.

But then, Napoleon started to lose on the battlefield, and by 1815, he’d lost all the territories he’s conquered as part of the ‘masonic empire’ – and the Jews in these locales found all their ‘equality, liberty and brotherhood’ taken away from them overnight.

In historical terms, this is called ‘The Restoration Period’, when all the royals and rules that Napoleon tried to overturn came roaring back.

Another quote from page 39:

“[T]he Jews’ lives were legally restricted again; many of the ‘privileges’ they had gained with the French conquest were removed by the newly-restored old regimes, and some of the old anti-Jewish laws were re-enacted.”


It’s important to grasp this point, so you understand why so very many ‘enlightened Jews’ rushed to join the masons over the next few decades.

They were literally willing to sell their souls, and their fellow Jews, in order to partake of ‘equality, liberty and brotherhood’, as the willing puppets of the masonic orders they were joining.


OK, so DAVID LEVI junior is willingly caught in the Mason’s net.

He meets his first Jewish mason in Leghorn / Livorno – where the MONTEFIORE family hailed from.

And remember, MOSES MONTEFIORE was both a mason under the aegis of the UNITED GRAND LODGE of ENGLAND; and descended from ‘blue blood’ wealthy Sabbatean-conversos; and also, another one of the Masons’ leading ‘point men’ to get the ‘political zionism’ project well and truly operating.


Back in 1774, none other than the CHIDA had been asked a shaila about what to do about all the Italian Jewish masons popping up in LEGHORN / LIVORNO, and whether it was permissible to kill them (!)

Sadly for us, he replied:

“[I]t is absolutely forbidden to kill them, even under ‘the laws of duress’ because we are not aware of any sin in the matter.”[1]


Remember, the truth is in the details, and when we drill down to see exactly which masonic ‘secret societies’ DAVID LEVI was part of, that’s when the picture starts to come more into focus.

Amongst a few others, LEVI was a leading member of the spin-off masonic secret society called GIOVINE ITALIA.

This was founded by GIUSEPPE MASSINI – Albert Pike’s fellow satanist, and the correspondent of that famous letter I keep quoting above.

Levi was also part of the SAINT SIMONISM secret society (aka ‘NEW CHRISTIANITY’), that requires its own post, and which we’ll take a closer look at when we dive back into the French Jewish Masonic network, that includes the descendants of ABRAHAM GRADIS, the ‘King of Bordeaus’, amongst others.


It’s useful to quote something from page 79 of Grazi’s book, to understand more about how ‘FREEMASONRY’ was structured in such a way, it could spin-off innumerable ‘masonic-affiliated’ secret societies, to achieve it’s aims.

“[T]he network of Freemasonry associations was hierarchically subdivided into Masonic lodges, who activities and rites ideally had to be approved by a so-called ‘mother lodge’, which was the most important lodge in each country.

All mother lodges, again ideally, had to be accepted by the founding mother lodge in Great Britain, the Grand Lodge of London.

Theoretically, this was the way Freemasonry was supposed to be structured globally.”


Notice this: the mother of all ‘mother lodges’ for modern Freemasonry is:


Notable Jews who were freemasons in London at this time, at this particular ‘mother lodge’ include:


NATHAN ROTHSCHILD – brother of CARL WILHELM ROTHSCHILD (more on him another time)

And one person you have already read a lot about on this blog, the putative grandson of the Alter Rebbe of Chabad, one:

JACOB BARUCH SHICK – our very own ‘BARUCH SHICK of SHKLOV’, whose descendants went on to make all those lucrative economic deals with pre-holocaust Nazi Germany, here in Israel.


Now, we can continue to pretend that all this is just one big CO-IN-CID-ENCE, or we can start to understand this:

The French masons started off the ‘political zionism’ project under Napoleon.

And the English masons picked up the baton, and finally made it happen 100 years later.


Let’s get back to DAVID LEVI, because we are going to keep tightly focussed on him, as a clear point of ‘connection’ between ALBERT PIKE and his ‘3 world wars’ letter, requiring political zionism to pull off WW3.

And the Jewish puppets on the other side of the equation that really made it happen.

According to Grazi, on page 87:

“Perhaps more than in other European countries, in the Italian peninsula Masonic lodges became the place for the Jews’ first entrance into general civil society.”


This was just beginning at the time of the CHIDA, 1774, when ABRAHAM GRADIS was busy financing the American Revolution and hanging out with the French masons.

By the time MOSES MONTEFIORE of LEGHORN came on the scene, Jewish masons in Leghorn had been a strong presence for 50 years, already.


This is a snippet from page 88 of the book about Italian-Jewish mason and leading revolutionary, DAVID LEVI:

“Levi himself…informed us that the number of Jews in Italian Freemasonry was already high in the 1830s, when he was initiated in Livorno [aka LEGHORN – home to the MONTEFIORE family of masons]….Levi….pointed out that among fellow Jews there were many members in both Freemasonry and La Giovine Italia.”


And who was the leader of LA GIOVINE ITALIA, that all these Italian Jewish masons belonged to?



And who did Albert Pike write his infamous letter to, about using ‘political zionism’ as the match to ignite WW3 and usher in the satanic ‘new world order’ of the masons?

Why, that would be GIUSEPPE MAZZINI.


And then CO-IN-CID-ENTALLY, an Italian Jewish mason by the name of MOSES MONTEFIORE starts visiting Eretz Yisrael a few years’ later, and gets the whole ‘return to Eretz Yisrael’ project really cooking again.

Meantime, his brother-in-law is another Jewish mason called NATHAN ROTHSCHILD, who thanks to his advance knowledge of Napoleon’s totally unexpected defeat at Waterloo ends up owning most of the debt of the British Government.

And then, a few decades later, who does ALFRED BALFOUR write his letter to, declaring the British Government’s support for ‘zionism’ and creating a state for the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, under British protection and patronage?

Why, that would be one LORD WALTER ROTHSCHILD – Nathan-the-freemason’s great-grandson.


There is always way more to say, of course.

But let me end with this quote from Grazi’s book on DAVID LEVI, because it shines some light on to how and why Eretz Yisrael was literally crawling with ‘secret societies’ like ACHaVA, amongst many, many others.

That were all really just ‘spin-offs’ from Freemasonry, one way or another.


This is from page 91:

Freemasonry, claims Levi,….”was at all times the origin of the different secret fraternities.”


ACHaVA, BNEI BRITH, the ANCIENT ORDER of MACCABEANS – all of them were ‘subcontractors’ for Freemasonry, however it may have appeared externally.

These secret societies were formed specifically for Jews, and given a specific goal, or ‘task’ to perform, as we see with the Carboneria secret society Levi also belonged to.

Levi writes (pg 94):

“Carboneria…stemmed from Freemasonry, but the latter is a humanitarian association, which also aimed at founding a new human religion, in opposition to the ancient ones, while the former had a more limited political purpose, [Italian] national independence….


Let’s recap what we just learnt:

Freemasonry’s goal is to found ‘a new human religion, in opposition to ancient ones’.

Freemasonry is ‘the origin of different secret societies’.

The ‘State of Israel’ project was run, right from the start, by prominent Jewish masons MOSES MONTEFIORE and the ROTHSCHILDs.

DAVID LEVI was part of the LEGHORN / LIVORNO masonic lodge, where MOSES MONTEFIORE family’s also lived.

DAVID LEVI (and many other unnamed Italian Jewish masons] was part of the secret society LA GIOVINE ITALIA.

La GIOVINE ITALIA was founded and run by GIUSEPPE MAZZINI.

MAZZINI is the Italian revolutionary the leading satanic mason ALBERT PIKE wrote his famous lettter to, about how ‘political zionism’ was required to spark off the third, and last, world war.

After WW3 – the masons believed they would finally be in a position of unveiling their ‘new human religion, in opposition to the ancient ones’ upon the world.


Tell me, which part of this recap contains an error, or false statement?

And then tell me, do you still think that letter from Pike to Mazzini is some sort of hoax or joke?


The one thing to take away from this, is that the satanic masons WANT war in the Middle East very, very badly.

If you also want that war – you are playing directly into the spiritual trap the satanic masons have spent the best part of two centuries setting up for the Jews, and the so-called ‘Jewish State’.

Our best, and really only, hope of breaking their plans is sincere prayer and teshuva – and to stop cheerleading ‘more war’ as a good thing.

Right now, what’s going on in Eretz Yisrael with this masonic-created ‘war’ is a terrible, awful, literally satanic thing.


Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught that Moshiach will conquer the world without firing a shot – by way of all our sincere teshuva and prayers, which is what gives Moshiach the spiritual ammunition to win this war where it’s really being fought.

I.e. In shemayim.


It’s hard to break old habits and decades of brainwashing, I know.

But remember that we were warned that anyone who can’t break away from the Erev Rav, and their masonic programming about violence being the only ‘solution’ here in Eretz Yisrael, and their control of the Jewish community all over the world– it would be better for him if he had never been born.

It’s a very hard test to pass.

May God give us all the strength and clarity to know that ‘Moshiach will conquer the world without firing a shot’, and to focus our energy and efforts on giving Moshiach the spiritual ammo he needs to win.



[1] See pg 41, The Diaries of Rabbi Haim Yosef David Azulai, by Benjamin Cymerman.

7 replies
  1. stingray
    stingray says:

    Excellent Rivka. The irony of it all. That these Jews, if they are indeed genetically Jewish, whether intentionally or not, established the modern state of Israel to implement the “final solution’ to the Jewish problem, i.e., their very existence. The final solution is much easier to accomplish when world Jewry is concentrated in a small strip of land in the Middle East than scattered in the diaspora. Now to expose the role of the jesuits in this tangled web of evil. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in it’s original form is actually a working document of the jesuits. Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion. After the original document was found, a little creative editing in the translations, hey presto, Sion becomes Zion and here you have your convenient scapegoat….. the Jews of course. I don’t think that you will find any yeshiva bocurim learning the protocols in a priory in gay Paree. 🙂

    Kol hakavod! Great post.

  2. יוסף
    יוסף says:

    it might be relevant that there is a difference between war and rescue, that many of those rescues the larger audience never heard about, or happened by means which may be explicable without ‘supernatural phenomena’, but are just too weird to be published normally. the tanks are just one example. gan eden – this is one, and also gan eden without dying.

  3. doowop rebbe
    doowop rebbe says:

    both america and china(together with respective allies)fear a big war since it will muck up world trade ( to put it politely) so it doesnt seem likely at this time. maybe in 5972?

  4. Alizah
    Alizah says:

    About LIGORNO, this is where the Sophisticate in Rabbi Nachman’s story, THE SOPHISTICATE AND THE SIMPLETON, escalated his sophisticated ways (which eventually ruined him).

  5. Hava
    Hava says:

    Here’s something else we need to take notice of: The concept of “freedom as the ultimate goal” in life, and democracy as the one way to keep it, also came from the Freemasons.

    We were caught up in it because we were trapped in galut and kept down and low for a very long time, both in the Xian and the Muslim worlds. The first taste of freedom was heady and we never forgot it; we were upset when it was reversed and we were forced to keep our heads down again (that sums up what you said above, Rivka, about the Italian Jews and others “freed” by the Freemasons.).

    But, let me finish with this: The “freedom” we “enjoy” now has become, over time, license. And, indeed, it started out as hidden license, but now it’s quite out in the open. The democracies get away with this because people don’t know the difference between good and evil any more; and, because law is not based on derech eretz, it literally has no basis to protect people from the harms it can cause when evil becomes law.

    And where do we get the common decency that should underlie all law? I think readers of this blog should know this off the top of their heads. We’ll be reading the parsha of Noach soon enough; most of it will be found there.

    May our Hezkath Mashiach enter where he will be of most assistance, be”H!


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