Agudat ACHVA Part 1 – the xtian connection to Kol HaTor

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll already know that I’ve mentioned the AGUDAT ACHVA Brotherhood on a number of occasions on the blog.

Especially when I was researching R DISKIN, and all the strange stuff going on around his family and ‘story’, AGUDAT ACHVA came up as an elite secret society operating out of Jerusalem, that apparently no-one had ever heard of before.


Fast forward to 2024, and we now have more pieces of the puzzle that are starting to come into focus about who and what was really behind AGUDAT ACHVA.

In this post, we’re going to try to pull more of that info together in an organised fashion, so you can see what is staring us in the face.


Before we begin, I asked my husband to read this over first.

He has a very ‘logical’ approach to things, shared with a lot of my male readers, and it was very instructive for me to understand how stuff I grasp intuitively – and that so many of my female readers grasp immediately – seems to go totally over his head.

As a result of our discussion, I will try to flesh out more of the ‘leaps’ I make in this post, particularly in the footnotes.

Once I explained more of the context to him, he found it much easier to follow the thrust of the argument in this post, even though he is still naturally more sceptical and cautious, about what it all actually means.

I appreciate this is hard going, in some ways.

But with the Evils now circling the wagons trying to blame everything that is going wrong in our world on the Joooos, it’s so important we understand how our community, theology and leadership has been corrupted over the last 350 years – and especially, the last 200 years, with the rise of the xtianity-pushing Frankist-masons.


So, if you don’t understand how I get from A to B – leave a respectful question or comment, and I will do my best to flesh it out briefly.

Otherwise, I end up having to constantly regurgitate additional information as ‘context’ that swamps the new findings, and makes these posts 4,000 pages long, and very hard to read.

OK, now let’s get into it.


The first place to begin is the Hebrew Wiki page for AGUDAT ACHVA, which you can see HERE.[1]

There, we learn that the organisation was officially begun in 1895, with the HQ in Jerusalem.

It’s the usual whitewashed, Freemason-charidee propaganda, but still instructive, so let’s quote a bit of, machine translated:

At that time, when hatred and jealousy prevailed in the Jewish community among the various factions and their supporters, the first bureau of the AHAVA Society was established in Jerusalem with the aim of uniting the people of Israel, developing the enlightenment, improving the morality of the people and helping those in need.

Among other things, the association sought to help members, called “brothers,” who are financially weak. The help included assistance in finding a job and providing credit.


No secret society openly tells you what they really stand for, and what their principles really are.

I know this description above sounds totally rosy and moral – but secret societies are all about hiding what they are really up to.

So, ACHVA’s members were called ‘Brothers’ – like all good spin-off masonic organisations.

The snippet continues:

In order not to upset the yishuv businesses, which viewed each organization with suspicion, the association was established as a secret society.

However, after three months the existence of the association was leaked, and the practitioners contacted the Maharil Diskin claiming that it was a new cult in the style of Shabtai Zvi and Yaakov Frank.

The members of the association were quick to turn to Rabbi Shmuel Salant, who knew their families, and his response was: “My children, I know each of you and I also know your famous parents for Shlomi Ammonei Yisrael, I am sure that God will not go out of your hands…..”


R SHMUEL SALANT “knew the families” of the founding members of the ACHVA secret society so well because he was connected to those same families.[2]

So, SHMUEL SALANT ‘calms things down’ for his close mishpocha who are setting up the new secret society called AGUDAT ACHVA.

This new secret society is stuffed full of ‘RIVLINS’ who descend from BINYAMIN RIVLIN – the guy Athol Bloomer told us was the ‘secret Frankist tzaddik’, who stayed behind within the Jewish community, instead of openly converting to xtianity, in order to ‘subvert the Jewish community’ from within.

And BINYAMIN RIVLIN also happens to be the first cousin of the Vilna Gaon.

Hopefully, this background makes it easier to understand what happens next.


I also want to stress the part of the quote, above, that you may have missed or skipped over:

ACHVA is considered to be the continuation of SABBATEAN and FRANKIST ideological subversion in Jerusalem.


After SHMUEL SALANT and MAHARIL DISKIN step in to close down the attack against ACHVA, new branches of ACHVA start popping-up all over the country.

Back in Jerusalem, ‘the Brothers’ – apparently being led by YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN, the so-called ‘Preacher of Righteousness’ and probable author, or at least, editor, of the KOL HATOR – start organising to get their own neighborhood built, called (what else?) the ACHVA quarter.

If you go HERE, you can see a map of where it was, and how it looked.

It was built on part of the land that belonged to the SCHNELLER CHRISTIAN ORPHANAGE in Jerusalem, that only closed in WW2.



This is a snippet about the SCHNELLER ORPHANAGE, so you can see how ‘Jew-friendly’ the management was:

In April 1934, a choir from the children of the orphanage performed at a celebration to mark Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

Between 1936 and 1939, the orphanage tried to import weapons and ammunition from Germany to train its trainees for a future war against the Jews.


So, why exactly did these Jew-hating, nazi-loving missionaries decide to give a large part of their land to the ‘ACHVA Brotherhood’, to build their new neighborhood on?


Back on the Hebrew WIki page HERE, we’re told that:

[T]he First World War interrupted the development of the [ACHVA] neighborhood and association.

The authorities did not approve of the existence of a secret society.

So the lodge was closed, the Association’s books and protocols burned, many of the ‘brothers’ abandoned the neighborhood and moved elsewhere, and most of the association’s activities moved to branches in Australia, England, Argentina, the United States, Brazil, South Africa, France and Canada.


In other words, ACHVA goes international – and goes underground.

Just like all good masonic ‘secret societies’.

This doesn’t spell the end of ACHVA.

It re-establishes lodges openly in Eretz Yisrael after the British apparently leave in 1947.


OK, so to quote my husband, what does all this have to do with the KOL HATOR?!

Let’s go step by step.

Step 1: All the RIVLINS associated with the publication of KOL HATOR are active and leading members of the ACHVA Brotherhood.

ACHVA ‘Bro’ SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN is the person who first publishes KOL HATOR, claiming it was written by his ancestor HILLEL RIVLIN, in 1947.

SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN also writes a number of books detailing his family history at the same time, that historians consider to be works of ‘creative fiction’.

(To give one example: HILLEL RIVLIN didn’t get to Eretz Yisrael until 1832 at the earliest. Yet SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLN claims he landed here 1809, and started rebuilding Jerusalem….)


The Rav of the ACHVA neighborhood – which you’ll recall, consisted exclusively of ACHVA BROS, as no-one else could live there  – is YITZHAK ZVI RIVLIN, pictured below.

This is Eli Eshed’s candidate for who actually wrote the KOL HATOR, or at the very least, edited it into the work that was published in 1947.


Twenty years later, in 1968, more fragments of Kol HaTor apparently show up in the possession of SHMUEL RIVLIN, another ACHVA leading Bro, and SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN’s son.


If you are feeling lost, let’s spell it out again:

The ACHVA Brotherhood is the continuation of the Sabbatean – Frankist twisted kabbalah tradition, trying to root itself in Jerusalem – and is described in these terms to SHMUEL SALANT and MAHARAL DISKIN.

BINYAMIN RIVLIN of Shklov is described as the ‘Frankist Tzaddik’ who stays behind in the Jewish community to subvert it from within.

All of the people involved in the publication of KOL HATOR are i) descendants of this same BINYAMIN RIVLIN and ii) members of the ACHVA Brotherhood that is described as ‘Sabbatean-Frankist’.


OK, let’s continue.

On the Hebrew Wiki page, there is a lot more info about just how organised, and big, ‘WORLD ACHVA’ becomes.

The Brotherhood’s stated goals are as follows:


A) The resurrection of the people of Israel in its land according to the written and traditional Torah, in the way of truth and peace.

B) Educating boys and girls in the spirit of the Torah and the idea of the Brotherhood.


To spell this out in plain English, ACHVA’s stated goal is to push the ‘idea of the Brotherhood’ via the education system.

Where do you think ‘KOL HATOR’ might fit into this stated goal?

And if ACHVA’s ‘idea’ is rooted in Sabbatean-Frankist twisted kabbalah, can you accept this might be a problem?


ACHVA is going to do this by ensuring all its ‘Bros’ help each other, both ‘materially and spiritually’.

I.e. it’s operating on the masonic principle of ‘Bros’ helping each other out.

Going forward, it’s reasonable to assume that anyone who is going ‘above and beyond’ to help out ACHVA may very well be a member of the secret society themselves.

And it’s also reasonable to assume that anyone who ACHVA is helping out may very well be a member of the secret society themselves.


Another one of ACHVA’s stated goals is:

“Spreading the idea of brotherhood by establishing lodges wherever possible.”


In the next post, I will take a much closer look at the financial side of this story, including who was actually funding the ACHVA neighborhood in Jerusalem.

My husband got ‘lost’ after reading this par, and the info that comes after it, so if you are sharing that reaction, skip this par and we’ll pick up the financial side of the ACHVA story another time.


Here’s the relevant snippet about how the ACHVA Brotherhood quarter got built, from Wikipedia:

[T]wo members of the association with Ottoman nationality purchased a plot for the purpose of building a ACHVA neighborhood.

Since most of the brothers had no means, the ANGLO PALESTINE Bank – later Leumi Bank of Israel – came to their aid, headed by Zalman David Libontin, and lent them money from the KEREN KAYEMET L’YISRAEL for a period of 10 years at an interest rate of 6%.

The construction work of the neighborhood was assigned to the members of the contractors Association Avraham Hamburger and his father-in-law Yaakov Moshe Man, and two years later the neighborhood was established.


The point is:

Leading ‘zionists’ help to pay for the construction of the ACHVA Brotherhood’s new neighborhood in Jerusalem, on very easy terms (relatively…).

And this is occurring at a time when bloody war is being waged between the ‘zionists’ and the Old Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael.


Here are some of the other ‘BROS’ listed for AGUDAT ACHVA on the Hebrew Wiki page.

Many of the most influential ‘BROS’ are not listed. You have to infer the connection from knowing that only ‘BROS’ got put in influential positions by AGUDAT ACHVA.

When I conclude these series of posts, if I have time and koach, I will try to ‘cross-check’ between these people and posts I already wrote, here on the blog.


OK, to quote my husband again: how is all this connected to the xtianity and Kol HaTor?

The answer, so far:

  1. We’ve established that all the authors of the Kol HaTor mss belong to the ACHVA secret society.
  2. We’ve established that the ACHVA secret society is accused of being a continuation of Sabbatean-Frankist heresy in the Holy Land.
  3. We’ve established that the ACHVA secret society seems to enjoy some strange protekzia with Nazi-supporting xtian missionaries, who let them build a new neighborhood on their land.
  4. We’ve established that ACHVA is being financially supported by leading ‘zionists’, at a time when the war between the zionists and the ‘Old Yishuv’ is reaching its climax.
  5. We’ve established that ACHVA arranges for Rav AVRAHAM KOOK to become the first ‘Chief Rabbi’ of Eretz Yisrael.


So now, let’s turn to the overt ‘xtian’ angle.

Another leading personality in the ACHVA BROTHERHOOD is a man called ZALMAN YOSEF HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK (1874-1942).

This guy:


ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK was the President of the ‘WORLD ACHVA’ secret society from at least 1920, until he passed away.

His Hebrew Wiki page is HERE.

He is the grandson of someone called ELIYAHU ZVI [4], who wrote a book openly promoting the xtian gospels (read on…)

In the next post, we’ll take a closer look at the role ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK and his ACHVA Bros may have played in helping ‘divert’ money away from the Old Yishuv and into the hands of the zionists, during WW1.

And as a result, literally tens of thousands of religious Jews in Eretz Yisrael starved to death during and after WWI.[5]


So, what is the ‘xtian angle’ that involves ZALMAN YOSEF HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK?

As mentioned above, his paternal grand-dad is R ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK, who was an enthusiastic promoter of the xtian gospels.

This guy:

HERE is his Hebrew wiki page, and this is how that begins:

Rabbi Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik Rabbi from Kaunas and the author of books that claim that The New Testament is a Jewish book and that Christians misunderstood [what yoshki was all about.]


ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK devoted much of his life to ‘uniting’ the Torah with the New Testament.



Between 1863 and 1868, Rabbi Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik wrote a book called Kol Kore, which is intended to unite the Bible, the Talmud and the New Testament, the first edition of which was a translation into English from 1868.

The book was translated by Christian priests.

At the beginning of the book clarifies the tenets of faith with a certain bias towards the Christian faith, and then it explains [the xtian Gospel of] Matthew according to the Bible….

The publishers of this book were missionaries as well as various Christian associations, the book was printed in Jerusalem by a converted Jew named Joseph Atzmon, and in 1985 by C. Eckroot.


My husband got lost here, so again, let’s set it out step-by-step.

  1. We’ve established that AGUDAT ACHVA is accused of being the continuation of SABBATEAN-FRANKIST twisted ideology in the Holy Land.
  2. We’ve established that the President of ‘WORLD ACHVA’ shortly before KOL HATOR is first published by ACHVA Bro SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN in 1947 is ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK.
  3. We’ve established that ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK has a paternal grandfather called ELIYAHU ZVI, who writes a book promoting the xtian gospels.
  4. That book is called KOL KORE.
  5. It is published by xtian missionaries in 1868 – almost 80 years before KOL HATOR is published.
  6. KOL KORE contains themes and motifs about ‘joining MBY to MBD’, aka joining ‘Ephraim to Yehuda’, aka, joining Judaism to xtianity.


If you’re like my husband, you probably want some ‘hard information’ demonstrating point 6, above.

So, take a look at this frontispiece for this ‘KOL KORE’ book by ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK:


If you’re reading this on your phone, and it’s hard to make out, the left hand image is called ‘THE LAW’, the middle image is called ‘TALMUD’, and the right hand image says ‘THE GOSPELS’.

And in case you are missing the point, here, it also has that quote from Ezekiel 37:17about the wood of ‘Judah’ being joined with the wood of ‘Yosef’, pace:

“And join them one to another and they shall become one in Thine hand.”


Let’s now bring that whole passage from Ezekiel 37:17-19, so you get the context:

“The word of Hashem came to me, saying, “Now you, Son of Man, take for yourself one piece of wood and write upon it, ‘For Judah and for the Children of Israel, his comrades’; and take one piece of wood and write upon it, ‘For Joseph, the wood of Ephraim and all the House of Israel, his comrades’.

Then bring them close to yourself, one to the other, like one piece of wood, and they will become united in your hand. Now, when the children of your people say to you, saying, ‘Will you not tell us what these things are to you,’ say to them:

Thus said the Lord Hashem / Elokim: Behold I am taking the wood of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his comrades, and I am placing them and him together with the wood of Judah; and I will make them into one piece of wood, and they will become one in my hand.”


I know that most of the people commenting on KOL HATOR here on the blog haven’t actually bothered to read it through.

If they would read it through, they would understand for themselves how that frontispiece for the KOL KORE book basically sums up so much of the discussion going on in Kol HaTor about ‘MBY’.


Let me give you one pertinent example.

In the English translation of KOL HATOR, in Chapter 2, point 101, we read this:

(Ezekiel 37:19) The wood of Yosef – this refers to Moshiach ben Yosef, for the entire Redemption depends on the unification of the two pieces of wood:

The wood of Yosef and the wood of Judah.

They are the two meshichim, Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David, who at first, i.e. when the Redemption starts naturally from below, will be separate individuals in “your hand” [Ez. 37:17].

Afterwards, they will become one in ‘My hand’ [Ez. 37:19], the hand of God, that is!

Miraculously, with the help of the clouds from Heaven.


Remember, that ‘KOL HATOR’ is the book that starts off the public discussion about ‘MBY’, and sets out criteria that state that any one, religious or not, Torah-observant or not, Jewish or not, can be acclaimed as being part of the ‘MBY’ zeitgeist, as long as they are ‘settling the land’.

Not only does this open the door for the zionist-friendly dati leumi outlook to explode across the Jewish world – it also does the heavy lifting for xtian zionists to start arguing that their guy, their religion, their ‘xtian zionism’ – it’s also all part of that same ‘Moshiach Ben Yosef’ vibe.

Hey, we’re all just brothers, man!!!! We’re all just ‘bros’…


Let’s set out again, where we’ve got to.

  1. AGUDAT ACHVA is accused of being the continuation of SABBATEAN-FRANKIST twisted ideology in the Holy Land.
  2. The President of ‘WORLD ACHVA’ shortly before KOL HATOR is first published by ACHVA Bro SHLOMO ZALMAN RIVLIN in 1947 is ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK.
  3. ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK has a paternal grandfather called ELIYAHU ZVI, who writes a book called KOL KORE, which is published by xtian missionaries in 1868 – almost 80 years before KOL HATOR is published.
  4. KOL KORE contains explicit themes and motifs about ‘joining MBY to MBD’, aka joining ‘Ephraim to Yehuda’, aka, joining Judaism to xtianity.
  5. Then in 1947, Kol HaTor appears, and begins a discussion of ‘MBY’ that xtians use to start a whole ‘Ephraimite’ movement, including claiming ‘MBY’ is Jesus.
  6. While zionists then use ‘Kol HaTor’ to build on the work began by ACHVA acolyte Rav Kook, describing the secular State as being a manifestation of ‘MBY’ – and therefore, something holy which cannot be questioned, and which must be served unconditionally.


Is this clear?

My husband wanted more evidence that Rav Kook was probably placed in position by ACHVA, so here it is.

This another snippet from the ACHVA Hebrew wiki page:

The association worked to promote its members in rabbinical and administrative positions.

This, for example, influenced the appointment of Rabbi Kook as Chief Rabbi.

Among the signatories to his appointment were the institutions Tree of Life, Shaare Zedek and Bikur Holim Hospital, which were run by Brotherhood members.


This is the same Rav Kook who did so very much to boost the secular zionists, and undermine the Old Yishuv.

This is the same Rav Kook who started up the MERCAZ HARAV yeshiva, where people like ACHVA Bro SHMUEL RIVLIN studied, and got their smicha.

This is the same Rav Kook whose son, TZVI YEHUDA KOOK[5], was one of the most enthusiastic ‘promoters’ of KOL HATOR.

And of course, it’s the same Rav Kook who helped to craft a new ‘dati-leumi’ hybrid religion, which watered down the Torah enough for it to be an easy ‘fit’ with the principles and aims of the commie-satanic, ‘anti-Torah’ zionists.


Here’s a last machine-translated snippet, so you understand just how widespread ACHVA’s influence really was, in the nascent State:

In 1920, the president of the World Ahva Association, Zalman Yosef Soloveitchik, was appointed General Director of the Knesset of Israel, the general organization of the Jews of Palestine during the British Mandate, which included:

  • the Assembly of Representatives,

  • the National Committee,

  • the Committees of Communities and

  • the Chief Rabbinate.


ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK was an incredibly powerful figure, in the nascent state.

He was also heading up a Frankist-masonic-xtian-zionist secret society, that had a stated goal of spreading it’s ‘idea of brotherhood’ via the education system in Israel.

And then, CO-IN-CID-ENTLY, three ACHVA Bros whose great-great grandfather was said to be the ‘Frankist Tzaddik’ left behind in the Jewish community to subvert it from within, are the ones responsible for publishing KOL HATOR.


Kol HaTor’s ‘theology’ is the main reason why so many dati leumi young men were raised believing the secular State of Israel is holy, and why it’s assur to question anything the State does.

And that’s why they are still running, unquestioningly, to get themselves blown up, mutilated and killed for the State in places like Gaza.

It’s actually heartbreaking, how awful the spiritual betrayal really is.


We’ll stop here for Part I.

In Part II, we’ll start unpicking the ‘ACHVA’ connection to the charidee in Eretz Yisrael, and to the money, the banks, and the z-ist takeover and destruction of the Old Yishuv.

See you then.



[1] There seems to be a ‘warning’ attached to this link for the AGUDAT ACHaVA Wiki page…. It’s interesting that this is how they are trying to censor the information.

[2] R SHMUEL SALANT was married to TOIBE, apparently the daughter of R ZUNDEL of SALANT. TOIBE’s sister TZVI was married to NATAN NETA NOTKIN – grandson of the famous Russian Shtadlan who had the same name, whose business partner ABRAHAM PERETZ (a son-in-law of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN) famously converted to xtianity.

BINYAMIN RIVLIN of SHKLOV – the ancestor of all these Rivlins connected to Kol HaTor – was also a son-in-law of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN.

[3] HOVEVEI ZION is very high on my ‘to do’ list. BH, we’ll get to a deep dive on that organisation soon.

[4] ZALMAN SOLOVEICHIK was born in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1874, to Hannah Baylah and Simcha ‘Londoner’ Soloveichik, so called because he spent a long time in London.

ZALMAN’s paternal grandfather, ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEICHIK, was the grandson of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, founder of the Volozhin Yeshiva. ELIYAHU ZVI is also the uncle of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveichik, the BEIT HALEVI, patriarch of the famous Brisker rabbonim.

ZALMAN’s son, CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK, is one of the heads of the Anglo-Palestine Bank that will play a prominent role in the next post.

Despite apparently being ‘religious’, ZALMAN YOSEF HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK also worked very closely with leading (anti-Torah…) Zionists, including Pinchas Rotenberg (Chairman of the National Committee) and Menachem Ussishkin (President of the Jewish National Fund).

[5] The Old Yishuv was almost totally reliant on charity funds, aka the Haluka Payment. That dried up and was ‘diverted’ into zionist hands during WWI, and the zionist leadership gave almost none of the money over to support the Old Yishuv.

This quote is from HERE, and describes how bad the starvation became:

“All of the disease, the cholera, typhus fever, dysentery, malaria and the other angels of destruction have been forgotten due to the starvation … The synagogues have removed the silver crowns and ornaments from the Torah scrolls to sell them by weight – from their silver they have made whip handles … The Arabs wore our prayer shawls on their heads; the shopkeepers used our sacred books to package their goods … Mothers sold themselves to save their children from death … Thousand upon thousands have died of starvation.”

During those war years, a mortal blow struck the [Old] Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine.

More Jews died during the Great War than in all the wars of the State of Israel combined. In four years beginning at the start of the World War I, this community shrank from 85,000 to approximately 45,000 or 50,000, at its end.

Half the Jews who died were residents of Jerusalem – a third of the city’s Jewish population.

[6] You’ll recall from THIS post that Betzalel Naor, whitewasher of Shabtai Tzvi and Yoshki, and big promoter of ‘MBY’ twisted ideas, calls Tzvi Yehuda Kook his ‘rebbe’. It’s getting harder and harder to make the argument that he’s misrepresenting the ideas he learned from the Kook family.

5 replies
  1. Elisheva
    Elisheva says:

    I read somewhere a long time ago that the Haluka ended up being supervised by Baron Rothschild who in effect put in conditions on it’s receipt (something about forcing workers to desecrate Shabbat) which meant that the members of the Old Yishuv couldn’t work in his vineyards and consequently they starved. Meanwhile the non observant/secular workers were able to prosper & basically made EY secular. Have you heard of this?

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      The post I am currently working on sorts out more of the facts about what actually happened with all this. It’s the usual mess. But take a look at ‘Rebels in the Holy Land’, that detailed the struggle with the Baron’s men and the workers who wanted to keep the shmitta in Mazkeret Batya.

  2. anonymous
    anonymous says:

    one of the problems with some of the implementations of ‘the hands are the hands of eisav’ is that ‘one in your hands’ means that eisav has completed bitul yesh, including his hands.
    only when eisav is no longer eisav, can he be yaakov’s brother.
    lines like ‘xtians might be familiar with some of these ideas’ give away that a website is being run by kofrim and/or xtians.
    relying on weapons is obviously a symptom of mental disability.
    at the same time, the ‘evils’ have a habit of telegraphing their moves with wikipedia edits in advance of operations, and ‘gun safety’ measures in advance of massacres.
    moreinu harav shlit”a personally spoke about the gun control before the massacres.
    relying on weapons is stupid beyond credibility.

  3. AK
    AK says:

    I actually did read the English version of the Kol Hator. The question now is what to do with it after learning all of this information.


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