Continuing with the second part of the translated comments from the Rav. You can read Part 1 HERE. There is a ton of hints here about real Jewish history, BH, I will put together a separate post trying to fill out more of the picture. I’m sure we’ll all learn a lot…. Enjoy! == R […]

Spiritual Protection
I am reposting this from a few days ago.
Baruch Hashem, more and more people are starting to wake up, and to realise that the scope of the evil being done here, the level of betrayal of the Jewish people by our 'leaders', the true danger we…

The Narcissist Motherland
Around seven years ago, I went through a big 'birur' process around the topic of dealing with narcissists.
I wrote a lot about my experiences on one of my old blogs, and this morning, seeing all the 'cognitive dissonance' occurring in Israel…

Deja Vu
Do you remember back in April, there was 'terrible chemical spill' in Ohio?
Do you remember, how I was arguing against a few of the readers here on the blog about how we shouldn't…

More comments from the Rav
The Rav has been speaking very strongly after davening, the last two nights.
The singing has been very loud, his voice has been very 'strong' - it's a good omen, because the Tzaddik HaDor reflects what's going on with the people, and for months…

Netanyahu in September: Here, you won’t get miracles
BH, I just translated some more of one of the Rav's shiurim.
Here it is:
Excerpt of a shiur from Wednesday night, Parshat Bereishit, 26th Tishrei 5784
Today, Eretz Yisrael is the most abominable place in the world.
Bibi gave a whole…

More stuff from the Rav
I would love to put more of the clues and hints of the Rav up, properly translated, but I just don't have the time to do that at the moment.
So, here is a paraphrased breakdown of the main points, from the Rav's shiurim from a week ago. My…